
Son Of The Grand Duke

When Alaric first awoke after a long slumber, longer than he could remember, he was no longer in his own body but in the body of a fifteen-year-old. What was worse was that he couldn't remember anything about his old life, but the mysteries didn't end there. What he could remember was a book he once read, his name, Alaric, and that he shared it with the body he had awoken in. How did he know that? Well... it belonged to a character in that book of course, Alaric Astraeus son of Duke Astraeus. *New cover Page* Updates will be any time between [1800]hrs to [2100]hrs (UTC).

Croppedtrolley · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Personal Tidings

After the intense training session with his father, Alaric retreated to his study, a realm of quiet contemplation and strategic planning. Seated at his meticulously organized desk, he found solace amid the familiar surroundings. Elara, the ever-efficient maid, entered with a deferential nod, bearing an assortment of updates.

"Your documents for the commercial property acquisition have been swiftly processed by the city administration," Elara reported, her tone conveying a sense of efficient triumph. "The approval was prompt, considering it came directly from the duchy. The city officials seem eager to facilitate your endeavors."

A satisfied smile played on Alaric's lips. The efficiency of the bureaucratic machinery, when greased by the duchy's influence, was proving advantageous. "Good news indeed. What about the property I had my eye on?"

Elara's eyes sparkled with the thrill of successful negotiation. "The seller has agreed to a negotiated price of 780,000 crowns. I will oversee the finalization of the deal, ensuring all the necessary details are attended to until it's officially closed."

Alaric nodded in approval. The anticipation of expanding his ventures added a new layer of excitement to his already eventful awakening. Turning his attention to the next matter, he inquired about the appraisal of his watches.

"The professional appraiser estimated the total value of your watch collection to be around 7 million crowns," Elara informed him, a note of accomplishment in her voice. "Some of the rarer pieces were suggested to be sent to auction, where they might fetch a higher price. What would be your preference?"

Considering the options, Alaric weighed the potential benefits of both selling directly and utilizing the competitive environment of an auction. "Let's send a few of the rarer ones to auction; it seems like a strategic move. Keep me updated on their progress. As for the rest, find potential buyers immediately. We don't want to leave any valuable assets idle."

Elara jotted down his instructions, her efficient demeanour was undeterred by the intricate nature of the tasks at hand. "Noted, my lord. I will ensure the process proceeds smoothly."

As Elara made her way to carry out the assigned duties, Alaric's gaze lingered on the evolving landscape of opportunities before him. The wheels of his plans were in motion, and with each successful step, the foundation of his envisioned enterprise grew firmer. The synergy of commerce and mystic arts held the promise of a marvellous legacy, one that Alaric was determined to shape with meticulous precision. In a world such as this power meant two things, one was wealth beyond a merchant lord's dreams, and the other was the capability to be a walking calamity capable of untold violence... and those that were truly powerful held both in either hand.


In the quiet corridors of the Astreaus estate, Elara's swift footsteps echoed the changes she observed in her lord. The transformation in Alaric was palpable, a metamorphosis that extended beyond the physical realm into the very fabric of his being. Her perceptive eyes caught the subtle nuances that painted a portrait of a man reborn, shedding the remnants of lethargy and embracing the mantle of responsibility.

Gone were the days of idle musings and trivial pursuits. Elara noticed that Alaric no longer dedicated his time to the ritualistic exchange of letters with the young lady of the House of Corraw. The inquiries about her well-being and the subtle expressions of interest seemed to have faded into the background. It was as if a chapter had concluded, making way for the unwritten pages of a new narrative.

What impressed Elara most was Alaric's newfound determination to build his financial foundation independently. The shift from reliance on the duchy's resources to a proactive pursuit of personal ventures spoke volumes. The once-indifferent young lord now displayed a focused resolve, intricately weaving the threads of mystic arts and commerce into a tapestry of ambition.

Alaric's attitude mirrored this transformation. He carried himself with a refined politeness that added a touch of nobility to every interaction. Elara couldn't help but feel a surge of pride as if she were serving a lord deserving of the honour bestowed upon the title. The change in her daily routine was not lost on her – the once tedious and sometimes insulting orders had given way to meaningful directives that echoed purpose and ambition.

As Elara briskly navigated the estate, executing each order with precision, she felt a renewed sense of excitement coursing through her. The anticipation of being part of something more significant, a venture that transcended the mundane, fueled her dedication. For the first time in a while, her duties were not just chores but contributions to a vision that promised to reshape the destiny of the Astreaus legacy.



In the sanctuary of his study, Alaric found himself immersed in contemplation, traversing the labyrinth of his evolving identity. The age of sixteen marked a transitional period for most, a juncture characterized by the subtle metamorphosis of the human form. However, Alaric's narrative was laced with threads of extraordinary distinction—his physical prowess transcended the customary boundaries of mere adolescence.

As he traced the contours of his being, the gift of the lesser ascended physique loomed large, a silent force propelling him beyond the realm of typical human capabilities. A mysterious asterisk attached to his race further fueled the intrigue, hinting at an origin entwined with the arcane. The recent spar with the duke, though a restrained dance of combat, revealed the latent reservoirs of power hidden beneath the surface of Alaric's being.

In the echoes of the duel, Alaric sensed the unexplored depths of his own potential. His movements, though already defying the norms of human limits, held glimpses of further prowess waiting to be unleashed. The juxtaposition of inhuman speed and strength against the backdrop of a typical sixteen-year-old's struggles with adolescence underscored the duality that defined him.The heavens, in their peculiar fairness, had bestowed upon him unparalleled physical abilities in exchange for a singular elemental affinity.

An internal dialogue unfurled within the recesses of Alaric's thoughts—a nuanced reflection on the nature of his abilities and the symbiotic relationship with his elemental affinity. The lightning coursing through his veins seemed attuned to the rhythm of his desires, responding to the cadence of his will. The questions that lingered about the mysterious asterisk on his race became whispers in the corridors of his mind, seeking answers in the cosmic energies that enveloped him.

Delving into the intricacies of his lightning element, Alaric discovered a spectrum of possibilities. Beyond its conventional role as a conduit for destructive power, he found that he could manipulate it to heighten his reflexes and sharpen his senses. In this introspective exploration, the potential for ingenious applications unfolded—a narrative yet to be written with the crackling energy at his fingertips. Manipulating cosmic energy was a very simple matter for him due to his eyes. Consequently, his introductory lessons to cosmic energy helped him remedy the issue of his eyes, although not entirely nullified, he could reduce the strain by manipulating the flow of his soul's essence somewhat to reduce the potency of the celestial gaze.

However, amidst these revelations, an enigma remained—the uncharted territory of his Principality Nexus. The nexus beckoned, a realm where his essence harmonized with the cosmic energies of the universe. Alaric, standing at the precipice of self-discovery, felt a surge of anticipation. The Principality Nexus awaited his exploration, promising revelations that transcended the boundaries of mortal understanding

'Abyssal Antireality huh?'