
Son of Origin

This novel has: SYSTEM, Protagonists, Powers, God's, Action, Fantasy, Fate ________________________________________ Born with an unusual fate, Alex endured a life of misery. However, his fortunes changed when he was given a chance to be reincarnated. In his new life on NEXUS, Alex embraced a peaceful existence. But everything shifted when a mysterious stranger he met in a park triggered the awakening of his dormant powers, threatening the tranquillity he had finally found. Follow Alex as he navigates his journey to maintain peace in a world now fraught with danger.

Dealer8923 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 1: The Battlefield’s Curse

In a bloody battlefield.

A sea was formed, but this sea was not filled with water but blood and instead of fish, dead bodies were floating in it; it looked like the worst nightmare someone could have. The cruelty in this bloody battlefield couldn't be described, or you could say should never be described.

This was something that would even make the devils vomit, it was a level of cruelty that no one imagined could ever be achieved.

No one could have thought that someone could have taken cruelty to such a level.

And in the centre of this cursed place was standing a young figure; he had black hair and black eyes with a little Gold in them; He was wearing a black hoody.

This young child-like figure was the reason for this bloody battlefield, or you could say he was the one who created it. Even though his surroundings were filled with blood, not a single drop of blood could be seen on him.

While seeing this young figure's innocent face, no one could imagine he was a person who had taken cruelty to such a level.

In front of this young child was standing a man, but all anyone could see of this figure was only the white jacket that the man had worn. His face couldn't be seen, or you could say he didn't have one.

The young child-like figure looked at the man in front of him and said, "You call me your child, yet you force me to do this". While saying this his face was filled with anger, pain and a feeling that couldn't be described.

His fist was clenched; his nails had torn his skin and blood was flowing out of them. His eyes had a look that told everyone he didn't want to do this; he was forced, and his lips had become dry. He didn't remember when he had taken the last sip of water.

He had been fighting here, in this land filled with blood, for years, nonstop.

He was the creator of this sea filled with blood, but he never wanted it; he just wanted to live a peaceful life. But the person in front of him who calls him a child and the whole world didn't allow him and forced him to create this cursed place.

The faceless man could feel the young child's emotions; he also didn't want to do this.

He looked at the child and said, "You are my child. That's why you only need to do this; otherwise, with the fate you had, you have to******* ".

The faceless man tried to tell the secret to the child, but he couldn't; a force that no one could see stopped him. Seeing this he looked at the child and said in a sad voice, "Looks like I still can't tell you".

Hearing his words, the young one looked at him; his fist that was already clenched became tighter, and he said in an angry tone, "Stop acting already; who can stop you from doing anything?".

Hearing his words, the faceless man smiled, although he didn't have a face but if anyone saw him now, they would automatically know he was smiling.

While smiling, he said, "Child, the world you see is only a small part of the real world; it's only a small fragment and you might think I am the most powerful, the omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient".

"Yes, I am all of that but who told you that there are no other powerful existences like me in this world, Universes, cosmic, reality, multiverse, omnivores and high above ".

Hearing his words, the child was stunned for a few seconds. His eyes widened, and he said, "But you are Origin, the creator. Who can be above you or have powers like you?".

Hearing the child's doubt, he understood that by always showing his omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient powers instead of bordering the child's horizon and imagination, he had limited it.

He looked at the child and said, "Well, I am the creator, but who said I am alone. There are also other creators. It's just that I am a little special, different from them".

Hearing the faceless man's words the child asked quickly, "Special, in which way".

The faceless man replied, "Well, it's simple there are other creators but they are not me,

'I am Origin, the first and original Creator' ".

"Other creators are just beings that have achieved my level of power through different means, nothing else. They have powers like me, but they are not me, the Origin, the real creator".

Saying this, he looked at the child and said, "Now don't ask anything more. As I can't tell you more than this, I have already crossed the boundaries by telling a mortal about us, The Creators".

Hearing his words the child became lost in deep thoughts. Then he looked at Origin and said in an uncertain voice, "I have already done what you had asked me. Now, can I live the peaceful life I wanted? ".

Hearing his words, the faceless man smiled and said, "Yes, now I will reincarnate you to a world known as NEXUS; you can live your life there without my interference".

Saying this, the faceless man raised his right hand, and a small, shiny white ball formed in it; he threw it toward the young child in front of him.

The white ball flew towards the child and devoured him, and then it destroyed the child's body and converted him to his soul form.

While his body was being destroyed he felt pain, but his emotions and thoughts about his new peaceful life suppressed it. The white ball light slowly faded, and with it the child also desperad for this cursed land.

Origin was left alone in this cursed battlefield; he slowly muttered, "May you live the life you wanted, my child". While saying this, he had a sad face as he realised that with the fate that his unfortunate child had, he couldn't live the peaceful life he wanted.

Suddenly, another person who looked just like him appeared beside him.

He looked at him and said, "Origin, are you really doing this. You know he is not your real child; we creators can only have creations, not children. You have already been fighting with all the other creators to protect him".

Origin looked at the person who appeared beside him and said, "You are right. He is not my real child, but you forgot whose child he is. Don't forget just to spend time with her. I had stopped the time and destroyed multiple creators. You are all alive because she stopped me; otherwise, today, there would be no creators other than me, the Origin".

Hearing origin words reminded the person who he was standing in front of. the person powerful enough to kill all other creators, a being that had forced all the creators to unite.

He was ORIGIN, The first Creator, the person who created all of them. The one who fought with faith for a mortal and won. He was a broken existence who no one could have killed if not for him, Giving his original powers to a child.

Even now when he had lost his original powers, they still couldn't defeat him.

1 year later...


In orphanages, a small kid's eyes opened. He looked around him and found himself surrounded by many other children.

He got up and went to the bathroom, he looked at himself in the mirror. He had black hair and black eyes with a little Gold in them.

He was Son of Origin, Alex.

Just now he remembered about his past life, but not everything, just the last part where Origin reincarnated him.

He got near the sink and washed his face. When he looked in the mirror, his face had a big smile, he was excited and happy. He was finally going to live the life he wanted.

A peaceful life, he wanted to experience the life of a normal person.

He thought about his future for a few minutes before he came out of the bathroom. When he exited the bathroom, he saw a lady standing in front of him.

She was the caretaker of the children in the Orphanage; seeing her face, he tried to remember her name, well he was a child, he had a weak memory.

After trying to emember her name for a few seconds a name poped up in his mind.

'Rim wood'

Ya, her name was Rim white.

He looked at her face and tried to say, "hewwo, Rim".

Well looks like he can speak properly, hearing his words rim laughed and took him in her hands.

She gave a kiss on his cheeks and said,

" what are you doing here, Alex".

Then she didn't gave him any chance to reply and continued, " Don't roam around, you might hurt yourself". Saying this she took him to his bad and started telling him story.

Listening to her story's he fall a sleep.

[Still a little child]

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