
Son Of Light

Nikole gestured for Michelle and Kelvin to sit up and pay close attention. "Listen carefully," she said, her tone serious. "What I'm about to tell you would change your reality right now, and you might never hear anything like it again." Taking a deep breath, Nikole began her tale: "Two hundred years ago, there were two brothers who ruled different lands. They found a special cup called the Nightshade Chalice, rumored to give whoever owned it incredible power and eternal life, jealousy tore the brothers apart, leading to a fierce battle over the chalice”. "The Nightshade Chalice was made from ancient gods' bones and filled with blood from many sacrifices," Nikole continued, making sure they understood . "Their father gave the chalice to Alaric, which made his brother Leopold very jealous. Leopold wanted the chalice for himself, so he attacked Alaric's kingdom during a lunar eclipse." As Nikole kept talking, Kelvin and Michelle started to feel a bit bored. They yawned a few times, and their eyes looked droopy, like they were struggling to stay awake. But Nikole noticed and stopped for a moment. She knew she had to make the story more interesting to keep their attention. "Wait," she said, sounding urgent, "this part is really important. You need to hear it." "The chalice can only be used by someone special, called the son of light, who guards a hidden realm with a secret seer. For two hundred years, the chalice has been dormant, its dark power sealed away by the seer's magic."

Elijah_Peters_5112 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


Nikole dabbed at her face with her sleeve, attempting to conceal the bloodstains from Kelvin and Michelle. "It's just a scratch," she assured them, her voice strained with effort.

Michelle's eyes widened with concern. "Mom, you're bleeding! We need to get help," she urged, her tone tinged with fear.

Nikole nodded weakly in agreement. "Yes, let's find somewhere safe to rest," she acquiesced, each word a struggle against her labored breathing.

They stumbled upon a secluded alley and sank to the ground, seeking refuge from the chaos. Nikole leaned heavily on Kelvin, her head swimming with dizziness.

"We need water," Kelvin rasped, his voice hoarse from exhaustion. "And we should tend to Mom's wound."

Nikole nodded in acknowledgment, her voice barely audible above their ragged breaths. "We'll find water and take care of this," she promised, determination flickering in her eyes despite the overwhelming odds.

Nikole was getting worse by the minute. The blood kept flowing from her head, and she was getting weaker. Kelvin knew they needed help, and they needed it fast.

"We have to get you to a hospital, Mom," Kelvin said, his voice filled with concern.

Nikole nodded weakly. "Yes, Kelvin, I think you're right," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper.

Determined to find help, Kelvin decided to take Nikole to the nearest government hospital. He hoped they could get some urgent medical attention there, even if they couldn't pay for it.

As they walked towards the hospital, Kelvin couldn't help but notice how rundown it looked. The walls were cracked, and the paint was peeling off. The flickering neon sign outside made the place look even more eerie.

Entering the hospital, they were greeted by chaos. Patients filled the waiting area, some crying out in pain. The air was heavy with the smell of antiseptic.

Approaching the reception desk, Kelvin explained Nikole's condition to the nurse. "Please, my mom needs help. She's bleeding, and we don't know what to do," he pleaded.

But the nurse shook her head. "I'm sorry, sir, but we need proper documentation," she said firmly.

Kelvin's heart sank. "But she's sick. Can't you see that?" he asked, desperation creeping into his voice.

"I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do," the nurse replied, gesturing for them to leave.

Feeling defeated, Kelvin helped Nikole to her feet. "Come on, Mom, let's go," he said softly, his voice trembling with emotion.

Nikole leaned heavily on Kelvin as they walked away from the hospital. The weight of her body pressed against him, and he could feel her pain with each step they took. 

As they made their way down the road, Kelvin noticed the blood still trickling down Nikole's face from the wound on her head. He quickly took off his shirt and tore a piece of cloth from it, using it to tie around her head to stop the bleeding as best as he could.

The midday sun beat down on them mercilessly, intensifying the pain of Nikole's wound. She winced with each step, trying to keep moving despite the agony.

Kelvin swallowed his pride and began to approach passersby, begging for help. "Please, can you spare some change? My mom needs medical help," he pleaded, his voice shaky with emotion.

But one after another, people turned him away, ignoring his pleas. Kelvin felt the sting of rejection with each rejection, but he refused to give up.

Finally, a kind-hearted woman stopped in front of them, her eyes filled with compassion. "Here, take this," she said, handing Kelvin a few coins. "I hope it helps."

Tears welled up in Kelvin's eyes as he thanked the woman profusely. "Thank you so much," he said, his voice choked with gratitude. "God bless you."

With the meager amount of money in hand, Kelvin hurried to the nearest food stall, determined to get something for Nikole to eat.

Kelvin decided to search around if he could find any bush nearby where he could get some herbs to Help stop the blood flow from Nikole's wound, but he searched earnestly, and found nothing, as the bushes were dry, the land being a desert area. 

Disappointed, Kelvin searched harder for any signs of bushes nearby. As evening approached and the sun began to set, he was taken aback to find a thick forest in such a barren area. Curious, he decided to venture into the forest.

Entering the forest, Kelvin was surprised to find that it was still bright inside, despite the setting sun outside, but it was still hot and humid, making him sweat profusely as he searched for the herb.

Suddenly, he heard someone calling his name. Kelvin looked around, but there was no one in sight. He shook his head, thinking it was just his imagination, and continued his search.

But then he heard his name again, this time the voice sounded urgent. Kelvin's suspicions grew, and he began to move cautiously, unsure of who or what was calling out to him.

For the third time, he heard the voice, but this time it was harsh and impatient. "Right in front of you, you moron," it said bluntly.

Startled, Kelvin looked up to see a beautiful white bird perched on a branch nearby. He had never seen anything like it before, except in fantasy books. The bird, had soft, pristine feathers that glowed in the light, and deep, soulful eyes filled with wisdom and kindness. Kelvin couldn't help but be amazed by the bird's appearance.

Kelvin reached out to touch the bird, but Whisper fluttered away, squawking, "Don't touch! I don't want my feathers messed up."

Surprised, Kelvin lowered his hand and listened as Whisper asked him what he wanted in the magical forest of Everwood. Kelvin explained how his mom was sick and needed urgent attention.

Whisper appeared to ponder for a moment, his black eyes glinting with thought. Then, with a decisive nod, he said, "Follow me!"

With each flap of his wings, Whisper chirped amusing words, trying to act like he was a seasoned flier. "Hold on tight, Kelvi

n! We're off to save the day!" he exclaimed, dashing through the forest with Kelvin trailing behind.