
Son Of Light

Nikole gestured for Michelle and Kelvin to sit up and pay close attention. "Listen carefully," she said, her tone serious. "What I'm about to tell you would change your reality right now, and you might never hear anything like it again." Taking a deep breath, Nikole began her tale: "Two hundred years ago, there were two brothers who ruled different lands. They found a special cup called the Nightshade Chalice, rumored to give whoever owned it incredible power and eternal life, jealousy tore the brothers apart, leading to a fierce battle over the chalice”. "The Nightshade Chalice was made from ancient gods' bones and filled with blood from many sacrifices," Nikole continued, making sure they understood . "Their father gave the chalice to Alaric, which made his brother Leopold very jealous. Leopold wanted the chalice for himself, so he attacked Alaric's kingdom during a lunar eclipse." As Nikole kept talking, Kelvin and Michelle started to feel a bit bored. They yawned a few times, and their eyes looked droopy, like they were struggling to stay awake. But Nikole noticed and stopped for a moment. She knew she had to make the story more interesting to keep their attention. "Wait," she said, sounding urgent, "this part is really important. You need to hear it." "The chalice can only be used by someone special, called the son of light, who guards a hidden realm with a secret seer. For two hundred years, the chalice has been dormant, its dark power sealed away by the seer's magic."

Elijah_Peters_5112 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


Michelle looked up at her mother, eyes filled with a mix of fear and sadness. "But mom...I don't want to leave yet. I'll miss my friends," she confessed, her voice shaking.

Nikole gently brushed Michelle's hair back and held her daughter's hands with a comforting grip. "I know, sweetheart," she reassured, her voice soft and mixed with understanding. "But sometimes, life compels us to make difficult decisions for the greater good."

"We have to leave, Michelle. The overnight gang will come looking for us, especially after they took your father. It's not safe here anymore," Nikole explained, her tone firm yet gentle, trying to set a sense of urgency in her young daughter.

Kelvin flung his bag on his shoulder, feeling a big change coming. He went to his mom, Nikole, who always seemed so strong. Now, she looked a bit worried, thinking about what's best for them.

"Mom," Kelvin began, looking confused and worried. "Why do we have to leave our country? It's hard because we don't know anyone in the new place. It's like starting from nothing, in a place where we are strangers."

Nikole faced him, her face softer now. "Kelvin, I know you're worried, and this wasn't an easy choice. We need to be safe and make sure you and Michelle can live without being scared all the time. The Evernight gang can reach us here, and it's dangerous to stay."

"But can't we stay somewhere else in our country? A place they won't find us?" Kelvin asked, really wanting to find another way.

"Kelvin, the Evernight gang is tough. They find people easily. Going to a new country is our best chance. Yes, we'll be new there, and it will be hard. But we have each other, and that's what matters."

Kelvin felt heavy inside. "It feels like we're giving up, running away. Dad wouldn't have liked that."

Nikole took Kelvin's hand, trying to make him feel better. "Your dad fought for us, for our safety. Now, we have to make sure we keep safe. We're not running away. We're starting fresh where the Evernight gang can't hurt us. It's hard, but it's the right thing to do."

As Nikole finished talking, she reached for the Seraph Veil, the cloth could stretch as far as needed. "Kelvin, hold this end," she instructed, handing him one side of the veil. "And Michelle, you take the other end."

Kelvin and Michelle obeyed, their eyes wide with curiosity and a hint of fear. Nikole carefully cut the veil into three pieces with the scissors she held in her other hand.

"Here, Kelvin, Michelle," Nikole said, handing each of them a piece of the veil. "This is important. You must always keep this with you, no matter where you go. It's your protection against the dangers out there. Promise me you'll never let it leave your body."

Kelvin and Michelle nodded solemnly, understanding the seriousness of Nikole's words. "We promise Mom," they chorused, squeezing their pieces of the veil tightly.

As they wrapped themselves in the Seraph's Veil, they hurried out of the building, making sure to lock the door securely behind them. Nikole tucked the key safely into her bag.

Moving further away from the house, Michelle couldn't help but glance back, her heart heavy with the weight of leaving behind everything she knew. Tears welled up in her eyes as she waved goodbye to the house.

Nikole noticed Michelle was worried and she pulled her close, cuddling her in her arms. "It's okay, sweetheart," she whispered, her voice soothing and gentle.


As cars zoomed past the dusty road, thick clouds of dust surrounded Nikole, Kelvin, and Michelle. Only their heads, covered by the Seraph's Veil, were left out from the swirling dust.

They ended up in a big place called Aridolia. A country with lots of dry land and rocky mountains. With not much greenery around, just a few plants trying to grow in the tough conditions.

People there wore long robes and turbans to keep the sun and sand away. They were tough and used to living in such a tough place.

Despite the hot weather, they went about their business in the markets and streets, trading goods and enjoying their culture. It was a hard place to live, but the people there were strong and stuck together, facing the challenges of desert life with determination.

Tired and hungry from their journey, they searched for a place to rest. They spotted a dimly lit corner filled with makeshift beds and cardboard shelters where other travelers sought refuge.

Approaching carefully, they were hit by the smell of sweat and pee. The ground was rough and scattered with trash like wrappers and bottles. Flies buzzed around, attracted to the leftover food.

"Are we staying here?" Michelle's voice trembled as she looked around, clearly disgusted. Nikole nodded sadly, acknowledging the harsh reality. "Yes, for now. It's not great, but it's a shelter for tonight.

"Kelvin surveyed the area, his face showing both acceptance and determination. "We'll manage," he said confidently. "We always find a way."

After finishing their simple meal in the dim light of the street lamps, Nikole looked around their makeshift shelter and sighed. "Let's clean up a bit, so we can sleep better," she suggested, grabbing a rag to wipe the dirty surfaces.

Kelvin agreed, picking up some trash lying around. "Yeah, this place stinks," he said, wrinkling his nose.

Michelle joined in, sweeping the floor with a broom she found nearby. "I hope we'll sleep better after this," she said, sounding hopeful.

Once they finished cleaning, they settled down for the night, feeling exhausted. Nikole made sure to tuck Michelle in beside her, ensuring they were both covered by the Seraph's Veil. Kelvin lay down nearby, rubbing his eyes sleepily.

Their rest didn't last long, though.

In the middle of the night, shouts and chants broke the silence, startling Nikole awake. Fear gripped her stomach as she listened to the chaotic sounds getting closer.

"Wake up, we have to go!" she whispered urgently, shaking Kelvin and Michelle awake.

Confusion clouded their sleepy faces as they tried to understand what was happening. But when they heard the gunshots, panic took over.

"We need to run!" Kelvin exclaimed, his voice trembling with fear.

Without thinking twice, they ran into the darkness, their hearts pounding in their chests. But their escape was interrupted by a voice calling out, freezing them in their tracks.

"Who's there?" the voice demanded, sending a shiver down Nikole's spine.

"We've been spotted!" she gasped, grabbing Kelvin and Michelle's hands as they ran through the narrow streets.

Gunshots echoed behind them, pushing them to run faster. But disaster struck when Nikole tripped, hitting her head hard on a parked trailer.

"I'm okay, keep going!" she urged, blood dripping from the wound as she struggled to her feet.