
Son Of Destiny

Reincarnation always seemed like a silly theory to me. I never bought into gods and rebirth and rolled my eyes at webnovels with such plots. But now, here I am, living it. Instead of being stuck as a slime or an orc in some forgettable fantasy world, I’m in a Xianxia realm as the Son of Murderous Destiny. Just when I thought life would be smooth sailing, my child turns out to be a great villain, hunting the protagonists around the world. "Seriously? Do I really have to deal with the idea of killing my own son?" At that moment, a proud young man who looked just like me knelt before me. He was my son, with great enthusiasm he proudly declared, "Dad, I’ve kidnapped 3,000 maidens from the Extreme Dao Sect. Aren’t you stuck at the cultivation realm?" "Use them as your furnace." I Sighed....Forget it. I can’t bring myself to kill such a sweet and considerate son. “Come here, let Daddy give you a spank.”

Cruel_Death · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Divine Monks

A while ago,

Eastern Outskirts of Glory Mountain Range.

Beneath a large oak tree, three enthusiastic bald men wearing yellow and saffron robes sat in a mess.

Their hands were stained with the blood of demonic wolves, and other beasts, while half-broken bones lay scattered around.

Though their attire mimicked that of serene monks, their actions were anything but righteous.

They quarreled fiercely over a pile of beast cores and a delicate red flower, the Vitality Rose, glowing faintly with life force nearby.

It seemed that if they were given a chance, they would kill each other to gain all the benefits for themselves.

"Elder Pun Zi, these cores were clearly dug out by me. To be honest, I was planning to offer them to Tathagata himself ."

"So...How about giving me some face and stepping back?"

Huang Fa, a fat monk with a shrill voice, sneered, clutching the beast cores tightly in his hand. He felt a deep sense of injustice at the thought of sharing his precious treasures.

The monk he addressed, Elder Pun Zi, was a burly, bald man with a scarred face and eyes larger than an owl's. A sinister grin spread across his lips as he barked back instantly...

"What face do you think you have, Junior Huang Fa? When I look at it, it resembles a pig's ass. Even street whores would refuse to lick it!"

Pun Zi spat on the ground, leaning forward aggressively.

"And among the three of us, I was the one who fought the hardest. Since I'm the strongest here, it's only natural that I take it all. Do you have any objections?"

The third monk, taller and leaner with beady eyes, named Lao Gu, burst into a raucous laugh.

"Haha! Fellow devotees! You two fools seem to have forgotten about me! It was I who discovered the Vitality Rose that we're planning to present as a gift."

He then narrowed his eyes at the two, and said in sharp tone...

"And since it'll be me saving your lives from the Master of Malice, you should be grateful. Show some humanity in the name of tathahgata and stop bickering over these trivial things."

"Because, Amitabha! It's naturally impossible for me to give you anything!...not even dirt"

Just like humans, beasts follow their own path of cultivation. But for them, it's much more brutal and savage.

They hunt and devour each other, using their prey like living elixirs to boost their strength.

Obviously there's no rule saying they can't eat humans if it helps them grow stronger.

But Unlike humans, who gather the energy of heaven and earth into their dantian, beasts condense it into a core within their bodies.

These cores are valuable treasures for human cultivators. Refining them can greatly increase one's cultivation level, though the outcome always depends on the core's quality and the beast's strength.

But extracting a beast's core is no simple task. A beast won't truly die until its core is destroyed.

And if you destroy the core, then what would be left to refine?

So, the only way is to remove the core intact while completely anhilate the beast's physical body.

Then, a Soul Lock must be placed on the core to prevent the beast's demonic energy from corrupting the cultivator's mind. In a way, it was more of a soul refining than core refining.

Because of this, many righteous monks despised such  practice.

On the other hand, it was also a tricky and delicate procedure that demanded time and effort, as one had to kill without truly killing.

And that was the reason these three monks were battling fiercely, each wanting to claim the greatest share of the spoils.


Their squabbling continued until the sudden sound of something crashing through the trees made them freeze.

"Did you hear that, brothers?"

Pun Zi's voice turned sharp.

"Yes... Could it be a heavenly treasure descending?"

"No, but isn't this area barren in spiritual qi? How could it give birth to a treasure... unless..."

Lao Gu rubbed his hands together greedily.

"There's no need to speculate. Someone must be injured, or perhaps something fell from the sky. I can hear a resentful voice cursing! Amitabha!"

"Then isn't this a good chance to ask for donations?"

"Fellow devotee Zi, I believe this donor is not simple. A moment ago, I sensed something monstrous, but then it disappeared."

"Are you scared? When have our devotees ever been afraid of death?"

"The sky is as clear as Tathagata's divine soul...what are you even afraid of. Now, hurry!"

Without another word, the three shot to their feet and rushed toward the source of the crash, their quarrel forgotten as minutes ticked by.

At present...

After renaming himself, Yu Shangrong felt a wave of satisfaction wash over him.

It was almost ritualistic.

He wondered whether he had truly been born into this world or if it was really a form of soul transmigration.

For now, he would set those questions aside.

When the time came, he would honor the name given to him by his parents, even though he truly disliked the name... <Ye Chen>

Shaking off these thoughts, he began to walk, though the uncertainty of his destination deepened.

He felt equally confused. As a former spy, determining which direction was east should have been simple, but it wasn't---there were two suns.

The real issue was whether the sun still rose in the east in this world. If it did, which one of them was rising from that direction?

If it didn't, and the sun rose from the north or south, wouldn't all his efforts be meaningless?

"Forget it. All those masterminds and survival guides from my previous life always bragged about their wisdom.

'Follow the stars, follow the sun; if not, just follow the river!' But where the hell am I supposed to find a river in the middle of a forest?"

But just as he regained his footing and took three steps, three bald figures emerged and landed in front of him from the sky.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

"Amitabha! Fellow Daoist!"—X3

From their aura, he could tell they were above the middle stage of the Qi Refining Realm, and one of them was even more powerful, to the point where he couldn't sense him at all.

Their yellow and red robes fluttered in the wind, but the sight of the skull necklaces hanging loosely around their necks betrayed their true nature.

Yu Shangrong's eyes narrowed. 'Evil monks…'

He was no stranger to such things, the original owner had killed a few of their kind.

But his current situation was quite dire, so he decided to test the waters first.

Even if he had to die, he must use all his means.

"I have always believed in the teachings of Buddha,"

"But just a moment ago, it felt as if the Boundless Light had forgotten me, leaving me alone and lost in this forest. I even resented Him until I met you, kind Daoists."

"This must be His way of reminding me that He loves all souls. I'm fortunate to meet fellow donors on such an isolated road."

Yu Shangrong spoke with a calmly, even though his heart was racing violently.

The monks exchanged glances. They were slightly dismissive, this person didn't look rich, nor did he exude the aura of a strong cultivator.

However, the ring and pendant around his neck seemed spiritual, so they decided to take what they could.

The elder monk, Pun Zi, stepped forward, adopting a compassionate and pure smile, like a cheerful middle-aged man.

"Fellow donor, it seems the heavens are smiling on us today. But it's unfortunate that someone like you has lost his way in this dangerous forest."

"Yes, yes," Lao Gu nodded eagerly.

"You must be scared, fellow donor. This place is full of dangers. Our Buddhist hearts cannot bear to see a kind soul suffer."

Yu Shangrong's brows furrowed. 'Are these bastards seriously playing the compassionate monk card?'

Regardless, Yu Shangrong endured, smiling and nodding before asking cheerfully,

"I wonder if the divine monks can point me to the path westward?"

He maintained his polite tone, pretending not to notice their greedy stares.

"Of course! But fellow donor, before we guide you, it's customary to show a little respect… Perhaps you might consider making a small donation?"

Huang Fa suggested.

"A donation?"

"Yes, yes, a donation,"

"Our Buddhist temple is quite poor, and as fellow devotees, we should help each other."

"How about your spiritual stones, that pendant, and… that ring on your finger?"

"Indeed, indeed!"

Lao Gu's smile stretched unnaturally wide.

"Tathagata is bare-necked for decades, so how about adding your necklace as an offering?"

The words were barely out of their mouths before Yu Shangrong's expression turned frosty. 'Am I getting mugged in the wilderness… by monks?'

He folded his hands into a semblance of a prayer and sighed.

"Ah, fellow donors, you must forgive this poor boy. Back home, I have a starving grandfather, an unmarried sister, and a drunkard father who beats me every day."

The monks stared at him, stunned by the sudden sob story.

"On top of that, my mother ran away with a village chief, and I still have debts to pay. I was planning to marry my sister off to some wealthy lord and finally settle down."

Yu Shangrong's mood grew even more pitiful.

"I truly have nothing left. To tell you the truth, other than two blazing silver ingots and a thick stick tucked inside my pants, I really have nothing. Now then, I'll be on my way. It was nice meeting you."

The three monks fell silent for a moment. Then, Huang Fa's face twisted in rage.

"Enough nonsense, you little rat! Since you have no donations to offer, leave your life behind!"

"Haha, yes! A life donation is just as good!"

Pun Zi's robes flared as his aura shifted. The Buddhist beads around his neck transformed into a string of tiny red skulls, each grinning menacingly. The atmosphere grew darker, and the monks' robes turned from yellow to black.

The grass beneath their feet blackened, and the trees around them began to wither. Birds that flew too close dropped dead from the sky, and even the corrupted demonic beasts of the forest fled in terror.

"Since the donor has no wealth, we'll offer his flesh and soul to Tathagata!"

Yu Shangrong's heart sank as he faced their malevolent auras.

'Damn it, these are no ordinary monks… They're from the Evil Dharma Lineage! Demonic Cultivators!!'

But there was no turning back now. He drew his sword, the blade gleaming with a faint, dull light, and took a deep breath.

"If you think you can take my life, then come and try!"

Yu Shangrong wasn't scared---well, maybe a flicker of fear---but it wasn't enough to make him offer his neck without a fight.

On most days, he avoided trouble, brushing off whispers that called him a coward.

But if there was truly no way out, he'd rather face death with dignity than live as a coward.

As the monks rushed at him, a deep, resonant voice suddenly echoed in his mind.

"Boy, don't be afraid. Though they follow the Evil Dharma and serve the Asura Tathagata, I possess the power to save you…"

"But on one condition you must accept to become my disciple."

And then...

A slow smile spread across Yu Shangrong's face as he felt the familiar golden ring on his finger darkening, the light draining from it.

"Finally… This, cheap old man speaks,"

Cruel Death says hi to you-- "..."

Cruel_Deathcreators' thoughts