
Son of Ajuka(DxD fanfic)

Reborn as the son of Ajuka Beelzebub Basically this is a story of a normal human male reincarnated into the world of DxD Harem? Of course it's a DxD fic That's pretty much it, nothing fancy. I'm bored, so I write It not great as you can see please don't bite

Sawfly_Varte · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs


For a week, except for the little date we had nothing much happened, I'm working on upgrading our neclaces, while Rias and Sona are busy training Akeno and Tsubaki respectively.

Tsubaki's training hard to find a way to fully utilize and control her sacred gear, while Akeno is training herself in what would later define her the most, holy lighting.

It was a bit awkward between us for the first two or three days since she wasn't comfortable with someone she barely knows, knowing about the fact that she's a fallen.

Fortunately it didn't last long, as she's starting to get more comfortable with me in little to no time, which was a bit surprising but in the end it's ultimately a good thing so I'm not complaining.

She and Tsubaki became good friends as well and they have developed a small rivalry, which didn't surprised anyone who knew their origin.

Both being future queens, former members of the five principal clans and were treated harshly due to circumstances not of their control. Their new found rivalry further fueled the rivalry between Sona and Rias.

Which again, is a great thing as further incentives to push themselves to greater levels.


It was the first day of the second week when the news of a particular event broke out.

The news concerned a certain devil cat that killed her king and fellow peerage members. It took the underworld by storm and the culprit, Kuroka was immediately marked as a SS-class stray devil. It was said that she was driven mad by her powers and went on to kill her master and fellow peerage members.


I'll have to talk to mom and dad and think of a way to find her and take her in before she end up joining the Khaos Brigade.

Plus, this will help in developing Koneko a lot faster both physically and emotionally.


I probably wouldn't be making a request like this if I didn't know they knew something isn't right. Why would Sirzechs went out of his way to save Koneko when she has the potential to become a danger like her sister.

So the answer is simple, they knew or at least suspect something wasn't right with the devil that kuroka killed.

Which could also mean that the great king faction knew about the experiment that was taking place.

It kinda make sense actually, keeping all the attention to Kuroka by branding her as an SS class criminal, and a bit to Koneko when they tried to execute her just for being her sister. And with all the attention on the two Neko everything else could be easily covered up.

Why would I suspect the great king faction? Well, because they have already done something like this before, to a devil named Cleria Belial, the cousin of the current emperor of the rating games Diehauser Belial.

In canon it was mentioned that she somehow discovered the existence of the king piece and how the king faction were using it to manipulate the rating games.

They were able to learn of her discovery of the King Piece as well as her ongoing relationship with an exorcist. Secretly allying with the Church under the pretext of trying to break up the relationship between her and the exorcist, the Great King Faction had her killed in order to preserve the King Piece's existence as a secret.

It really wouldn't surprise me if they secretly funded some of the experiments that were done.

They are going to be a pain to deal with later on in the future, with all the influence they have over the underworld. I'm going to need to prepare myself to deal with them and their meddling in the future.


It seems like my thoughts were correct about mom and dad suspecting that something isn't right.

I was expecting to be denied of my request to find Kuroka, but very surprisingly they agreed. It seems even dad was curious about the incident which I can't blame him for.

Now with dad along with his influence secretly joining in on the search it shouldn't be long before Kuroka is captured.


Three days after the incident, Sirzechs got a hold of Koneko, who at this time was still known as Shirone. As much as I would love to meet her, now wasn't the time. Especially with her trauma. Rias manage to get her out of it in canon, so I leave it to her.

Maybe after we get Kuroka I should bring the two to Magari-san. I'm pretty sure she knew about their mother as well, yea I should bring them to her.


It was after another week that dad came home with an unconscious black cat in his arms.

"So you've found her?" mom who was beside me asked.

"Yes, this is her." he said before passing her to me. I gingerly took her into my arms, laid her in my lap and start to stroke the back of her ears.

"The fact that you brought her home means our suspicions were correct?" mom asked.

"Indeed, I manage to get her to confess the truth to me before I put her to sleep and it seems there was Indeed an illegal experimentation done."

Mom just sigh in frustration.

"We should get her to tell the whole story when she wake up." she continued.

I just sat there listening to their conversations while stroking the cat in my arms who was currently purring in contentment. Hard to imagine that it's the same cat that just committed mass murder just a few weeks ago.

"Should I wake her up?" I asked

"Go for it" Dad replied.

'Sorry Kuroka' I apologize in my mind as I suddenly tug on her tail.

She immediately sprang up and immediately turn herself into her nekomata form and getting into battle stance.

"Calm down little girl, I brought you to my home" Dad immediately spoke up.

She look wearily at dad before dropping her stance but it was clear she was still weary.

"Like I said to you before, you'll be safe here. You've already told me the gist of what happened, so I won't hand you over to anyone" dad reassure her.

"Indeed. Us, as well as Sirzechs have already been quite suspicious, so if you could please tell us exactly what led you to do what you did, we might be able to give you protection" mom joined in.

Kuroka visible relaxed at that.

"So why don't you sit down, introduce yourself and tell your tale" mom continued.

She did just that, she introduced herself and began telling the reason why she resort to killing and having to abandon her sister.

"I'll tell the maids we're having a guest" mom spoke up after a few seconds of silence and left.

"I'll contact Sirzechs, I'll leave her to you Savion, you're the one that asked me to bring her here after all" dad said before walking away as well

I was confused as to why he mentioned that specific information until I saw his small smirk and the way Kuroka was looking at me curiously.


'Well this is awkward' I thought as I was left alone with her


"So, umm I guess I should start my apologizing for pulling on your tail"

She nodded but still didn't say anything and just continued staring.

*Sigh* "I guess you want to know why I asked dad to find you?" I asked and she nodded.

Instead of immediately answering I raise my hand and use senjutsu.

She stood up and look at me in shock.

"I know how senjutsu worked, so does how the madness works. So if you were Indeed driven mad by it, you wouldn't even spare your sister." I told her the best explanation I can came up with.

She seem to accept the explanation and slump back to her seat.

After a few seconds she stood back up and took a bow "Thank you nya~" she said softly but clearly.

"You're welcome, I've lived with an old Nekomata for a while and it seems I've developed a soft spot for your kind ever since" I told her a bit of Magari.

"So my sister is with the Gremory?"

"Yes, she's currently under their care, I believe you've heard about the Gremory and their compassion. Don't worry too much she'll be fine, you'll be able to explain yourself soon enough" I said further reassuring her.

She sank back into her seat but this time she was visibly more relaxed.


"Why are you staring at me nya?" she suddenly asked "Captivated by my beauty perhaps nya~" she teased, folding her hand under her voluptuous breasts, and pushing them up.

'Hm~ that level of teasing ain't gonna work on me' I thought.

"Oh I'm sorry, you are indeed beautiful but I wasn't staring I was just thinking about how content you look while you were sleeping on my lap and how cute you were when you purr" I said smirking internally as her face morph into shock then to embarrassment.

I stood up and made my way out of the room

"Pspspsps come on let's get you to your room" I said teasingly.

She just stared dumbfounded at me for a bit before pouting, she clearly didn't expect her to be the one getting teased.

'It seems she's getting a bit more comfortable with me' I thought with a small smile as we made our way towards the guest room.





A/N : As always since tomorrow is a Sunday there won't be a chapter.