
Somewhere , Someday

"Alexa?" " Or Lina? What should I call you?" Yang suddenly asked grabbing her wrist. Lina remain frozen on the spot. Her hands were trembling. Her heart sank. She was scared to death. Yang walked in front of her and made her look look straight into his eyes. "Wha... what are you talking about??" Lina fumbled and looked down couldn't keeping up with his cold stare. He chuckled. Without breaking the eye-contact he held up her chin. His thumb was caressing her cheeks. Suddenly he removed her glasses ignoring her struggle to break free her hand from his. Without the glasses her ocean blue eyes were throwing daggers to him. "It seems that you forgot something today Miss Ray." " What.. what are you talking about? And It's Miss Park or Lina Park, for your kind information Mr. Lu. Not me, but You seem to be forgetful nowadays." She slapped away his hands. "Now give me back my glasses. Would you please Mr. Lu? I still have cases to take care of." How far can you go for love? How far can you go for friendship? How far can you go to keep the deepest pain in your heart only to yourself? Love? That was never the cup of tea for Lina. But she fell hard for someone. Someone who never look back. Someone who didn't keep his promise to her. Someone whom she couldn't forget no matter how hard she tried. A broken promise forced her to close heart forever. She changed herself, left the place she grew up, let go of her innocence just to forget him. Now a changed Lina is ready to lead a new life where the happiness of her close-ones mattered the most. She can do everything just to see her family happy who did the same for her. But luck happened. Lina met Yang. The only person who can made waves in her broken heart without even trying. Just seeing him from afar could stirr up something in her which she couldn't figure out. Can he mend her broken heart? Here comes Lu Yang. The talented, mischievous, handsome sporty topper of the college. Love? That never came in his way or did it already?. After waking up from near-year long coma he realised that he had already lost 'her.' 'Her'. The 'first love'... no! the 'only love' of his life. He searched for her everywhere but in the end the news of her death came to him like a blow crashing his every little will of living. But he survived. He had to live. He had to fulfill the promises he made to her. So, he made himself alive. Living in a soulless body. A stoned heart that none was able to move. Life goes on. It never stops for anyone. But, One day he heard a voice. A voice that shook his entire world. A voice that haunted him in his sleep every night. A voice so familiar yet so distant. A voice that belonged to 'love of his life.' Will he be able to reach to his beloved? Will love come across their way? Or will they cross each other? Let's find out.... A story of two star-crossed lovers and more. The world of 'Someday, somewhere' is now open. Connect: Instagram - @anaya_t9

AnayaT · Teen
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53 Chs


Lina felt happy spending the whole day with the Shin family. She was rather amused to find a new side of Prof. Shin i.e. a lovesick person. It was new to her.

The two kids made her missing childhood days where She would sit on their living foom with bowl full of popcorn. On one side there would be Rini, her younger sister and on the other side their little brother would be lying on the bed comfortably. They would spend the whole day having movie marathon and debating about the next movie to be played. Or sometimes Lina and Rini would play pranks on the little brother untill he agreed to do the homework before playing video games.

Lina thought of making a dinner date with the family as soon as possible. It's been long she returned home. Rini was in the states completing her studies. She would rarely come home while it was first year of their brother's high school. Father was getting busier with his works and mother was also busy with her responsibilities at the University. Though Lina talked to them everyday, she still missed their embrace, their warmth and her two dearest siblings.

On her way back, Lina bought chocolates and sketch books for Mr. Xu's kid, Rony.

"Good evening Uncle Xu !! "

"Good evening child. How are you? " The man asked opening the gate.

"I'm fine uncle." Lina smiled back to him "Please hand it over to Rony. Ask him to come over there on Sundays."

" Lina!.... why again??...You have done enough already... don't you think you are spoiling him too much?." He stared at her with uttermost respect in his voice.

"Don't worry. He is a lovely kid and children need to be spoiled. Don't you think so uncle? " She made him laugh with her reply.

"As you say child. Ha.. ha... I can't ever win against you..!! " Uncle Xu blessed her.

"Yah! " She bounced her hands in the air. "And uncle don't you dare to think of having a share of those chocolates. Those are only for Rony. And You need to maintain your sugar level. Remember that!!" Lina warned him.

"Aye Aye Captain Lina. As you say..! " He gave her a salute and both laughed out loud together.

"Bye un-..." Lina was about to bid him goodbye while a car from local movers and Packers company came through the gate.

"What's with all these..? " Lina asked him curiously.

"Ah.. right...I forgot to inform you... a new tenant is shifting here today..." Mr. Xu explained the situation to her.

"Oh.. That's good... Finally some new people.... Okay uncle... I'll take my leave then....bye... And don't forget to ask Rony to come over." Lina started walking towards the elevator.

She was humming a new song. That girl, Professor Shin's daughter Kia had good taste in music too. Lina previously had added few songs from her suggestions. It was time to listen Up to them.

Upon reaching her floor Lina noticed the next door to her room was opened and the whole floor was filled with all the packages and furnitures and baggages.

"Finally someone moved in ! " Lina muttered and entered her room.

A certain someone came out of the car in the parking lot while she was stepping in the elevator.

The man had been following the whole interaction between the security guard and Lina from his car.

" You never fail to surprise me Lina." The person commented at her retracting figure.

He stepped down from the passenger seat of the SUV and greeted the security guard Lina previously was talking with.

"Hi Uncle. I'm the new tenant here. Just shifted today." He tried to get to know him better.

" Hello, sir. welcome to the apartment. I'm Mr Xu. The necessary phone numbers written here. If you found any problem just contact us with them." Mr. Xu handed him over a few cards.

" Thank you uncle Xu. Can you please watch over these packages?This is the last batch of goods. I'll just come back informing the movers to bring them upstairs." the man approached him politely.

" Of course. No problem young man. You can leave those behind." uncle Xu went back to his work.

The man ran upwards locking his car in the parking lot. He had lots of works to do today. The day was tiring. He regretted saying 'no' to the awesome lunch session.

The man reached the floor at where Lina was staying and started giving orders for improvisation. He himself began to clean the passages. The passage was dimly lighted. He thought of completing the cleaning process as soon as possible. His friends would be coming soon for the homewarming party.

The man was clueless about the shifting process. He didn't think it would take lots of time. If he knew he wouldn't have invited his friends over to his new place.

In reality, he didn't even thought of inviting them over. But one of his friends found him talking with the broker about finalising the lease agreement and told the others about it. As usual the boys invited themselves over to his place.

Clearing the passage and the lobby the man instructed the workers to arrange the furnitures soon. He began to give orders for take-outs and drinks. It's going to be a long night again.

The man sighed and called someone to bring his clothes over.

It was a mess all over. The interior designer team had just began decorating the rooms. His closest was yet to be filled.

The man tried searching for water but there was nothing. He forgot to bring water. He suddenly remembered the security guard giving him numbers of essential services. He tried calling them ordered foods and drinks for the workers and himself.

Noises from the instruments filled the floor. He felt of having a headache again.

" It's really hard man." He muttered pressing his hands over the forehead. The man settled himself in the sofa. He couldn't take it anymore.