
Chapter 28: Homesick

I: Zane

Although I had very little doubt that our drama would work, I was still very surprised by how effective it was. Miles rose red in the face, and dashed from the salon. Miss Rhode Island turned from him and our eyes briefly met before I was enclosed by Walter Gates and Miss Lauren, hopping like victorious baseball players, and our embrace nearly caused us to tumble back onto the stage in a laughing heap. In a moment, the embrace did not include me at all, but only Walter Gates and Miss Lauren, and then only their lips. I saw only the back of Faith as she stomped after Miles. Walter Gates and Miss Lauren finally emerged for a breath of air.

“Oh, he’s going to get told,” I said.

“He’s going to get it bad,” said Miss Lauren.

“That was amazing, you’re a genius!” said Walter Gates.

“Please,” I said. “It was all your playwriting skills, and the marvelous performance of Miss Lauren.”

“Yes,” said Walter Gates, “Miss Lauren.” He turned to her and took her hands.