
Something is strange

In the bustling city of Kyoto, Chizuki, a diligent high school student on a scholarship, seems to lead an unremarkable life, consumed by the demands of her rigorous studies. Yet, beneath the surface of her mundane routine lies a profound secret that has haunted her since childhood. Every morning, Chizuki awakens to discover inexplicable injuries on her body, wounds that seemingly materialize out of thin air. Desperate for answers, she has sought the help of therapists and doctors, but their efforts have been in vain. As the years pass, Chizuki resigns herself to this baffling mystery, and the unexplained injuries gradually fade away. However, just when she begins to believe that her life might return to normal, an ominous twist occurs. One fateful morning, Chizuki awakens to find herself injured once more. To make matters worse, this time, a series of events that defy all reason and logic, far more bewildering and sinister than any before start to unfold. Is Chizuki experiencing delusions, or could there be a genuine issue affecting her? [Haitus]

silk_bee · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Shimizu Jun

"I'm not apologizing to anyone. I didn't do anything," Eito maintains his stance, refusing to apologize despite the mounting tension.

"You wanna see how this ends? Yeah, let's go!" Ayumi full-on attacks Eito, grabbing his hair in a heated confrontation. The situation takes an aggressive turn.

Jun and I quickly grab Ayumi's arm, but her grip on his hair is way too strong, and the struggle intensifies.

"Let go of my hair, Ayumi! You're taking advantage of this situation," Eito pleads, looking about to cry.

"For God's sake, Ayumi, let it go already! He's going to go bald at this rate," I plead.

Ayumi finally lets go of his hair.

"You're lucky, Akiyama," Ayumi blurts out.

Eito grabs his head, likely in pain, and says, "You're crazy. Stay away from me." The confrontation has taken a toll on him, and he tries to distance himself.

"Hey, apologize before I actually snatch out all of your hair," Ayumi warns, still visibly angry but trying to assert control over the situation.

I'm not even here anymore, I have decided to forget I'm alive.

"You should be the one apologizing to me! It hurts so much," Eito responds, clearly still in pain from the hair-pulling incident.

"You decided to be a jerk first; it was coming for you," Ayumi retorts, not backing down from her stance.

"Chizuki, what did I do so wrong to you?" Eito asks, genuinely perplexed and hurt by the situation.

Nooo, don't talk to me. I can't take sides here.

"Why are you asking her when you already know, you jerk!" Ayumi exclaims, her frustration resurfacing.

There is only one thing I can do in this situation and that is to pass out.

I fall down with my eyes closed, pretending to pass out, but the fall actually hurts,'Ouch.'

"Chizuki," Ayumi's voice calls out, growing increasingly concerned for my well-being.

"This is all your fault, Akiyama," Ayumi blames him, her anger directed squarely at him.

"What did I do now?" Eito responds, sounding genuinely confused and concerned.

"Jun, you saw I didn't do anything," Eito appeals to his friend for support.

Why are they still fighting? does no one care about me still passed out on the floor?

"Eito, let's get her to the nurse's office first," Jun suggests, finally acknowledging my well-being and the need for medical attention.

"Why do I have to do that?" Eito complains, seemingly reluctant to take responsibility for helping me to the nurse's office.

"You're still being a heartless jerk. Maybe I should just pull more of that hair out and call an ambulance for you and Chizuki after," Ayumi retorts, her frustration with Eito evident.

"I'll carry her to the nurse's office. You both can fight to your hearts content here," Jun offers.

"Move, I'm taking her," Eito interrupts, seeming determined to handle the situation himself.

"Shimizu, you carry her. I can't trust Akiyama anymore," Ayumi insists, seemingly unwilling to leave me in Eito's care after the earlier confrontation.

"I'll be taking her," Eito suddenly takes charge and carries me in his arms.

My heart was beating abnormally, and I hoped that Eito won't hear my rapid heartbeat as he carried me to the nurse's office.

"I'll go with him, Ayumi-chan. Don't worry," Jun decides to accompany Eito as he carries me to the nurse's office, trying to reassure Ayumi.

"I'm coming with you guys, wait for me!" Ayumi rushes behind.

The situation seems to have calmed down.

I remained in Eito's arms for a good 10 minutes as he carried me to the nurse's office.

Eito gently places me on the bed in the nurse's office.

The bell rings.

"We are going back now," Eito announces, likely referring to the fact that he and Jun are returning to the class as we all have wasted our lunch break on fighting.

"No, I'm going back to class. You stay with her until the nurse comes back since it's your fault, and Shimizu-kun, you also stay with him, making sure he doesn't do anything," Ayumi instructs, assigning responsibilities before leaving the nurse's office.

"Jun, I know you like her, but couldn't you take my side? We are best friends, and she's just your crush," Eito complains to Jun, feeling somewhat betrayed.

But that's not the important part. Jun likes someone, between me and Ayumi, I really didn't mean to hear all this.

"It wasn't because of that. I just didn't know what happened between you and Chizuki, so how could I take your side?" Jun explains his perspective, attempting to clarify his actions.

"It was nothing. I just decided to walk with her when I saw her this morning, walking alone to the school, and we chatted for a bit."

"What did you say to her, then?" Jun inquires, wanting to understand the details.

"I told her off when she sneezed in front of me..." Eito admits, revealing half of the source of the initial conflict.

"See, you were the one starting it. You should have just apologized, and we wouldn't be here missing class," Jun points out, expressing his frustration over the situation.

"Everyone was looking at us. How could I apologize there? They would all think I did something to her," Eito defends his actions, revealing his concern about public image.

Serves him right. He was the one saying no one would believe me. The news is definitely spread out in school right now.

Jun sighs, and they both go quiet.

Due to the quietness in the nurse's office, I fell asleep unknowingly.

"Chizuki, Chizuki," someone shakes me awake, pulling me out of my slumber. I open your eyes to see who it is.

"Ayumi? Is class over?" I get up and rub my eyes, still groggy from my nap.

"It was over ages ago. I told the teachers that you were sick, so don't worry," Ayumi reassures me.

"Where did Eito and Jun go?"

"They left, obviously. It's 4 pm, school is over. But I can't believe you fell asleep in that situation and just woke up now. Have you been pulling all-nighters?" Ayumi asks, expressing concern about my sleep patterns.

"I've been going to bed the same as usual," I explain as I get out of the bed, ready to leave the nurse's office.

"Here's your bag. I kept it safe with me. Also, let's get something to eat. We both skipped lunch, and I'm starving," Ayumi suggests, concerned about my well-being.

"Okay, let's go," I agree, ready to leave the nurse's office and grab a meal with Ayumi.


"I'm back," I inform the walls of my dorm room, returning after my eventful day.

I can't wait to write about today, I decide to wash up quickly before putting my thoughts down in my diary.

[Dear diary,

Today, I walked to school with Eito! Even though he was a bit rude, I still loved walking with him. I even wanted to hold hands with him. I've never liked someone this much before. I must be in love because crushes usually last for about 6 months, according to the internet. They also say that love is blind, but I think it's also deaf.

During lunchtime, Ayumi pulled out quite an absurd amount of hairs from Eito's precious silver hair. But since she was mad for me, I've decided to forgive her. I'm sorry, Eito and Jun, an innocent bystander who got dragged into our mess. I hope I'm not the one you have a crush on.

Maybe I should have told Ayumi about that, but what if Jun likes her? I don't want to be the one breaking that news to her. Jun, you better confess to her already, I'll give you my full support!

04-10-2022 ]

I wrote a lot today, considering how the page is completely full. I had a lot to reflect on and express in my diary.


It seems like I had a tiring day, considering I slept the whole day, and I'm still feeling sleepy.

Chizuki falls asleep on her desk.


Chizuki gets up from her desk and stretchs her body.

She gets up from her desk and stretches her body, which is probably cramped from sleeping in such an uncomfortable position.

She puts her diary back in the drawer and locks it, then checks the desk for something she might be searching for.

After finding what she was looking for, she leaves the dorm room.


*Alarm vibrates and beeps*

I check my phone and see that it's 7 am, signaling that it's time to start getting ready for school.

I get up to see I'm in my bed?

"Didn't I fall asleep at the desk?"

This scenario feels oddly familiar, reminiscent of the times when I used to doze off while studying for exams, only to awaken later comfortably tucked in my bed.

"Ouch!" I exclaim as I attempt to get out of bed, but my arm starts to hurt out of nowhere, causing discomfort.

"What is it now?" I mutter, feeling a bit concerned about the sudden pain in my arm. It seems like a strange discomfort for someone who's not even in their 50s yet.


"What took you so long? I'm going to be late because of you," Eito complained.

"And may I ask, what are you doing here, waiting for me?"

"As I said before, I'll walk with you to school for a month as an apology," he mentions, but I can't help but notice that he doesn't seem very apologetic at all.

Well, it's good for me, I suppose, since I get to walk with Eito for a month, I think to myself, finding some silver lining in the situation despite his lack of a sincere apology.

"Let's go already. You're going to bore a hole in me staring like that," Eito complains again, clearly impatient to start walking to school.

"Okay, let's go," I reply with excitement, ready to begin my walk to school with Eito.

"Why are you wearing your bag like that? You had it on both shoulders yesterday," Eito observes, surprising me with his attention to small details about me.

"My right arm and shoulder hurt for some reason."

"You poor, fragile thing. Want me to carry your bag for you?" Eito teases me, although it's clear he's not offering any genuine help.

"Actually, yes, you carry it," I respond, surprising Eito you didn't expect this did you now.

"Here, take it," I say, shoving my bag into Eito's hands as he looks at me in surprise but still takes it.


As we approach the school gate, I notice that Eito is still carrying my bag for me, but he remained silent, perhaps regretting his earlier teasing words. The walk continued in a somewhat awkward silence.

I spot Ayumi waiting for me at the school gate as usual, but she appears to be mad for some reason. Her expression suggests that something might have happened or is bothering her.

"Why are you with him again? Did he bother you again?" Ayumi questions, and I realize that she's concerned about Eito's presence and how he might have treated me. It seems that I am the problem.

Eito offers me my bag, but Ayumi pulls me back, preventing me from taking it. It appears that Ayumi isn't too pleased with Eito's involvement.

"Ouch, Ayumi, let go, it hurts," I exclaim as she continues to hold my right arm, which is already causing discomfort due to the pain.

"What are you trying to do?" Eito intervenes, pulling me away from Ayumi.

She still didn't release my arm, and now Eito is pulling me from my left arm. The combined force is causing me more pain.

"Let go of her while I'm being nice enough not to throw hands, Akiyama," Ayumi warns.

"Why are you always looking for a fight? I'm actually helping her here," Eito retorts, his frustration apparent in his response.

"LET GO OF ME, AYUMI, IT SERIOUSLY HURTS!" I shout in pain, unable to endure the pain any longer.

My shouting has drawn the attention of everyone around us, making the situation even more embarrassing and uncomfortable.

when I'm sleep deprived I end up writing my best chapters.

silk_beecreators' thoughts