
Something is strange

In the bustling city of Kyoto, Chizuki, a diligent high school student on a scholarship, seems to lead an unremarkable life, consumed by the demands of her rigorous studies. Yet, beneath the surface of her mundane routine lies a profound secret that has haunted her since childhood. Every morning, Chizuki awakens to discover inexplicable injuries on her body, wounds that seemingly materialize out of thin air. Desperate for answers, she has sought the help of therapists and doctors, but their efforts have been in vain. As the years pass, Chizuki resigns herself to this baffling mystery, and the unexplained injuries gradually fade away. However, just when she begins to believe that her life might return to normal, an ominous twist occurs. One fateful morning, Chizuki awakens to find herself injured once more. To make matters worse, this time, a series of events that defy all reason and logic, far more bewildering and sinister than any before start to unfold. Is Chizuki experiencing delusions, or could there be a genuine issue affecting her? [Haitus]

silk_bee · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Revealing everything

"Chizuki!" Ayumi bursts into the room, calling my name.

"Could you lower your voice? She's right here." Eito complains.

"Chizuki, I was really concerned about you, and you're just sitting here casually sipping juice?"

"What did you imagine was going on here?" Eito asks Ayumi.

"Eito, how could you leave me all alone at school?" Jun arrives at the scene as well?

"I apologize if things escalated more than intended Akiyama-kun." It wasn't meant to be this serious.

"No need to apologize, Chizuki."

Was Eito always this kind? I'm not hallucinating right?

"Yeah, why are you apologizing?" Ayumi asks, squeezing me on the couch.

"Are you just going to ignore me now? I had to sneak out of school because of you," Jun says as they take a seat on Eito's bed.

"You weren't much help; I had to do everything," Ayumi complains to Jun.

"Sorry, I've never skipped school before, so I didn't know what to do," Jun admits.

"Let's put that aside for now; Chizuki has something important to share with us," Eito puts me on the spot.

"It's not that crucial, guys," I try to downplay the situation.

"Yeah, right. Waking up with injuries and not remembering things is definitely not something to ignore," Eito responds.

"Are you going to tell us now?" Ayumi asks, her worry evident in her tone.

I don't think I can get out of this situation now, I decide to spill the beans.

"Did you honestly believe this wasn't serious?" Jun asks, clearly shocked after learning about my situation.

"Of course not, Jun. Don't ask silly questions," Ayumi responds, her concern and frustration evident.

"It does seem like there might be a ghost involved, as only spirits can possess a body," Eito adds, speculating on the situation.

"I thought that at first too, but what kind of ghost can buy things for you?" I reply, highlighting the peculiarity of the situation.

"Did you notice anything unusual about Chizuki last night, Akiyama?" Ayumi inquires, seeking insights into the mysterious situation.

"Nothing in particular, but she was acting a bit strange. She was talking as if Chizuki was a completely different person, and she was searching for a girl with violet eyes," Eito recalls, sharing the unusual behavior from the previous night.

"Shouldn't we try to find this girl with violet eyes? She might know what's going on," Jun suggests, considering a potential lead in the situation.

"But we don't know anything about her besides her age and the fact that she has violet eyes. There could be many girls like that," Ayumi adds, expressing her reservations about the plan.

"Oh, I just remembered, Chizuki was wearing a wig last night!" Eito adds, providing another piece of the puzzle.

"A wig? I don't own any wigs," I remark, surprised by the revelation.

"It looked like your hair, but just longer," Eito describes the wig, further emphasizing its resemblance to my natural hair.

"Why would she wear a wig?" Ayumi questions, puzzled by this unexpected detail.

"I have no clue either, but what about the other times? Was I wearing a wig on the rooftop as well?" I ask, seeking more information about the mysterious occurrences.

"You were hiding your hair, especially that time with your hood," Ayumi adds, connecting the dots between my actions and the wig.

"It might not be a wig," Eito suggests, considering the possibility that there's more to the situation than initially thought.

"Are you suggesting that my hair just grew that long overnight?" I inquire, incredulous at the idea.

"Maybe it could be anything at this point; nothing seems to make sense anyway," Eito adds, reflecting the confusion surrounding the situation.

"Alright, so the things we need to focus on are Chizuki's hair changing and finding the girl with violet eyes," Jun summarizes, outlining the next steps in solving the mystery.

"If whatever it is comes out at night, should we consider patrolling or keeping an eye on Chizuki?" Eito suggests as a precautionary measure.

"Are you guys sure about this? You don't have to go to this extent to help me," I express my concern.

"I don't think I'll be able to sleep after hearing all this, so why not?" Jun adds, willing to join the effort to solve the mystery.

"Maybe we should start by trying to find the girl with violet eyes," Eito suggests, considering it a starting point for their investigation.

"How do we even begin to find a girl with violet eyes?" Ayumi inquires, realizing the challenge ahead.

"I'm going to hire a detective for it, of course! Did you think we were going to become amateur detectives?" Eito adds suggesting a more practical approach to the search.

"While we wait for the detective to find her, what should we do in the meantime?" Jun adds, seeking to make the best use of their time.

"Let's take a leave from school for a few days, and I'll book some hotel rooms for us since we have to work together at night," Eito suggests, planning for their upcoming investigations.

"Is this just an elaborate plan to skip school, Eito?" Jun asks, half-jokingly, but curious about Eito's intentions.

"Well, I do think this is more exciting than spending the day studying in school," Eito adds, clearly motivated by the mystery they're about to unravel.

"Um, who's covering the expenses for all of this?" I ask, concerned about the financial aspect of our plans.

"Eito is covering the expenses, of course. He's the wealthiest among us," Ayumi adds, explaining the funding source for their activities.

"How do you know that? The ghost might be the richest among us all," Eito adds.

"I'm just as well-off, so I'll cover the costs too," Jun offers, ensuring there's enough financial support for the efforts.

"Jun, you're too pure for this world," Ayumi remarks.

"So, can I go home now?" Chizuki asks.

"What? no! Go pack your stuff, Jun and I will come to pick you guys up later. We're not going to waste a potential night where the ghost might show up," Eito insists, emphasizing the urgency of their situation.


And that's how I found myself in the back seat of Eito's car, with Ayumi and Jun alongside.

"I didn't think you already had your driver's license, Akiyama-kun," I comment, surprised by Eito's ability to drive.

"I actually got it just last week," Eito adds, explaining his recent acquisition of a driver's license.

"I'll be praying for our safety until we reach our destination," Ayumi adds with a touch of humor, voicing her trust in Eito's driving skills.

"You always have something to say, don't you, Ayumi?" Eito adds.

"No fighting, or I'm jumping out of this car," Jun warns, trying to keep the mood light despite the tense situation.

"Go on, that would surely be fun to watch," Ayumi adds with a grin.


"Um Akiyama-kun, where's the hotel?" I ask.

We arrived at a modern house away from the city that appeared to be suitable for a family of four.

"This is way more comfortable than a hotel room," Eito observes, pleased with their choice of accommodation.

"Sweet, I'm claiming the master bedroom," Ayumi declares, wasting no time in securing her choice of sleeping quarters.

"I had a feeling this would happen, which is why I booked a house with two master bedrooms," Eito adds, revealing his foresight in planning their stay.

"I'm taking the other one, then," Jun chimes in, following Ayumi's example and securing a comfortable spot for the night.

"Jun, we can share the master bedroom," Eito suggests, showing flexibility and consideration for their sleeping arrangements.

Umm, Where do I go now?


In the living room,

"Go to sleep on the sofa," Eito adds.

"So, while you guys take the master bedrooms, I get the living room?" I ask, seeking clarification on the sleeping arrangements.

"We need to keep an eye on you, so you'll have to sleep here. There's not much we can do about it," Eito shrugs.

"I'll watch over her for tonight," Ayumi offers, volunteering for the first shift of vigilance to ensure everyone's safety.

"No, that's risky. I'll watch over with you," Jun adds, expressing concern for Ayumi's safety and wanting to share the responsibility.

"How am I supposed to sleep when you both are doing this?" Eito says, realizing that their protective measures might make it difficult for anyone to rest peacefully.

"No one is going to ask me how I'm going to sleep through all of this?" I humorously point out, highlighting the irony of the situation.

"Wanna play some games to pass the time?" Eito suggests, offering a way to keep themselves entertained during their night of vigilance.

"Yeah, let's play!" Ayumi agrees, ready to engage in some games to make the night more enjoyable.

"Can I join in the games too?" I ask, wanting to be part of the fun despite the unusual circumstances.

"We're pulling an all-nighter for you, and you're going to spend it playing games with us?" Eito asks.

"No, sir, I'm going to sleep now," I respond, deciding to catch some rest despite their plans.



"I can't believe she's actually sleeping so peacefully through all of this," Ayumi remarks, noting Chizuki's ability to rest amidst the activity and chaos.

"Yeah, that's some serious talent," Eito agrees, impressed by Chizuki's ability to sleep soundly in the midst of their activities.

"It's because she's not sleeping, you dumbasses," Chizuki chimes in, revealing her awareness of the situation despite appearing to sleep.

Everyone turns to look at Chizuki in shock, surprised by her sudden revelation.

Chizuki sits up, glaring at them with an intense expression, leaving everyone in the room taken aback by her sudden change.

"Her hair..." Jun speaks in fear, drawing everyone's attention to what they notice about Chizuki's hair.

"Yeah, take a good look; it's not a wig," Chizuki admits, confirming the suspicion that her hair has indeed changed.

"She just did a complete 180 with her personality," Ayumi adds, noting the drastic shift in Chizuki's demeanor and the revelation about her hair.

"Yeah, it's because I am not Chizuki," Chizuki admits, dropping a bombshell that leaves everyone in the room stunned.

I sometimes get scared of myself.

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