
Something is strange

In the bustling city of Kyoto, Chizuki, a diligent high school student on a scholarship, seems to lead an unremarkable life, consumed by the demands of her rigorous studies. Yet, beneath the surface of her mundane routine lies a profound secret that has haunted her since childhood. Every morning, Chizuki awakens to discover inexplicable injuries on her body, wounds that seemingly materialize out of thin air. Desperate for answers, she has sought the help of therapists and doctors, but their efforts have been in vain. As the years pass, Chizuki resigns herself to this baffling mystery, and the unexplained injuries gradually fade away. However, just when she begins to believe that her life might return to normal, an ominous twist occurs. One fateful morning, Chizuki awakens to find herself injured once more. To make matters worse, this time, a series of events that defy all reason and logic, far more bewildering and sinister than any before start to unfold. Is Chizuki experiencing delusions, or could there be a genuine issue affecting her? [Haitus]

silk_bee · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


"Took you long enough. Are you planning to torture me further by keeping me waiting?" Eito remarked with a hint of impatience.

"I'm really sorry, Akiyama-kun. It wasn't my intention to keep you waiting. I couldn't find my shoes," I apologized, explaining the delay.

Eito examined my face closely and asked, "Why do you have two bandaids on your face?"

I took a step back and instinctively covered the cut on my face with my hand, feeling a bit self-conscious about it.

"It's just a cut," I replied, trying to downplay the significance of the injury on my face.

Eito backed away and resumed walking, leaving me to follow along as we headed to school.

"You got that in your sleep too?"

Should I reveal the truth to him? I fear he might think I'm just as crazy as everyone thought before.

"Considering how quiet you are, it does seem like you got that in your sleep. Are you fighting your demons in your sleep?" Eito chuckled.

I had never seen him laugh before. He looked so pretty when he did, and I couldn't help but feel glad that this moment was just between the two of us.

"The shoes you're wearing are limited edition. How did you get them, and they look brand new?" Eito asked, curious about my footwear.

He certainly notices every little thing.

"I received them as a gift," I replied, keeping my response simple and straightforward.

I'm definitely not telling him they spawned in my room on their own.

"They must have looked everywhere for them. Even I couldn't buy them," Eito stated, implying that he had searched for the same shoes.

Are they really that difficult to obtain?

"Who gave them to you? I'm curious how they managed to get their hands on such a pair," Eito inquired, his interest piqued by the story behind the shoes.

It appeared that Eito had a genuine interest in these shoes.

"Sure, I'll ask them. What's your shoe size?"

"Why? Are you going to get them for me?" Eito questioned, surprised by my offer.


"They're quite expensive, so just tell me the price, and I'll buy them from you," Eito offered, eager to get his hands on those limited edition shoes.


His shoe size is larger than mine; otherwise, I would have gladly given these shoes to him. As I looked at my shoes, I couldn't help but wonder who had gotten them for me. It made me contemplate whether someone genuinely cared about me.

"I forgot to carry your bag! Does your arm still hurt?" Eito exclaimed, realizing he had overlooked my injury.

"It's better now, so it's fine," I reassured Eito, not wanting to make a big deal out of it.

I couldn't help but notice Eito's caring nature, and it made me wonder just how much more perfect he could be.

"It's 28, that's my shoe size."

"Okay, I'll remember that."

Eito lifted the right strap of my bag, offering to help carry it.

"I'll carry the right side of your bag," Eito offered, taking hold of the strap.

"It's fine; we're almost there."

Eito didn't let go of the strap until we reached the school.

"See you later, Akiyama-kun," I said as I turned to bid farewell, but when I looked back, he had already disappeared.

"Who are you searching for?" Ayumi inquired, noticing my gaze.

"Eito, he was just here," I replied, slightly surprised by his sudden disappearance.

"He left as soon as I saw him, though," Ayumi replied, indicating that Eito had left rather abruptly.

I couldn't help but wonder if Eito was somehow intimidated by Ayumi, given his quick departure when she appeared.

"What's that on your face now?" Ayumi asked, noticing the bandages on my cheek.

"It's just a cut. Let's go," I said, wanting to avoid further discussion about it.


"They didn't have strawberry milk?" I asked, a tad disappointed but still appreciating the gesture.

"You like chocolate milk too, right?" Ayumi asked, handing me the chocolate milk.

"I was in the mood for strawberry today," I replied, acknowledging my preference.

"Just drink it, or I'll drink that too," Ayumi teased, threatening to take the chocolate milk if I didn't start drinking it.

"Thank you so much, Ayumi!" I expressed my gratitude for her thoughtfulness.

"As you should."

"Do you want to come sleep over at my place?" Ayumi asked out of the blue.

"I told you, I'm fine."

"You do know it's getting worse with each passing day. What if you wake up tomorrow with a broken bone?" Ayumi expressed her concern.

She wasn't wrong about the worsening situation, but I couldn't help but feel hesitant about dragging her into my problems.

"We'll see then," I replied.

"Are you sure you don't mind the risk of being handicapped for the rest of your life?"

"You don't mind being single, so what's the difference?"

"That's totally different!" Ayumi retorted, not convinced by my comparison.

"You want these shoes? They're quite expensive. Plus, we have the same shoe size," I pointed out, trying to change the topic.

"No way, they're yours. Why would I take them from you?"

"I'm not even sure if they're meant for me."

"Yeah, as if the ghost possessing you would pick out the right size shoes that you like for someone else."

"You don't find it strange? I mean, if someone told me this, I wouldn't believe them. I'd think they've gone insane or something's seriously wrong with them."

"I don't know, but I believe you."

"Thank you, Ayumi."

"You've been saying that a lot these days, you know. You don't need to keep thanking me," Ayumi remarked, indicating the strong bond of friendship between us.

"I'm just really glad to have you as my best friend."

"Me too."


"You shouldn't wait for him; it's better to go ahead."

"I'll wait for a few minutes; you should head home now."

"Sure, feel free to call me anytime, even at 3 am, okay?" Ayumi says before leaving.

"Yes, remember to look ahead while walking."

Eito was waiting for me at the gate yesterday, but he's nowhere to be seen now. I'll wait for him since he waited for me too yesterday.

5:00 PM.

In the end, he didn't come, so I ended up walking back alone.

"He should have atleast let me know if he wasn't going to come," I mumbled to myself as I untied my shoes.

I don't feel like doing anything today. Maybe I should just go to sleep. It's funny how I'm even scared to sleep now.

I can't remember how long I sat on the floor, lost in thought about what to do. Eventually, I must have drifted off to sleep, even though I didn't wanted to.

7:00 AM.

"I'm in my bed again?"

I searched for any new injuries, but there was nothing new. Why is this more strange?

I don't know how I managed to sleep for 12 hours, or maybe even more. I don't really remember.

"What are these now? More shoe boxes?"

No way, there is just no way.

I open the box, and there they are, the same shoes that Eito wanted, in his shoe size.

"There is one more?"

These are different, and they're my size? Or are they for Ayumi? She's the one who likes this brand more.

"This is crazy. How expensive were they? How?"

There are so many questions, but there's no one here who can answer them.

"Should I give them to Eito and Ayumi?"

I took them with me in the end.

"Chizuki, did you wait for me yesterday?"

"No, and why are you here?"

"To walk with you?" Eito looks at me, confused.

"You know, you can just forget about this. You don't have to walk with me or do anything."

"You did wait for me, didn't you? I'm sorry I forgot to tell you I was going to Jun's place."

"I didn't wait. I just guessed it since you were the one who asked me first."

"Then why are you being like this?"

"What do you mean? I'm just saying if you're not up to it, then forget about it."

"So I don't have to walk with you anymore, right?"

Eito should have said something else.

"Yeah, sure. Also, here you go," I hand him the shoe box.

"What is this? Shoes? You got them? In just a day!?" Eito looks at me in shock.

"Yeah, they had your size," I response unaffected.

"How much was it? I'll transfer the money to your account."

"Don't worry about it; it's a gift. No need to transfer any money."

"Are you secretly really rich but hiding it?"

"Think whatever you want."

I walk past him and get ahead so I don't have to walk with him anymore.


"Did he not come yesterday? Don't tell me you waited for him for a long time!" Ayumi asks.

"Keep your voice down."

"That jerk didn't even tell you, even when he knew you would wait for him."

"Forget about him. I told him he didn't have to walk with me anymore."

"Is that why you came alone this morning too?"


"I can't believe him. He took the shoes but didn't even keep his word."

I don't want to talk about Eito anymore.

"Do you like your new shoes?"

"Yeah, they're the ones I wanted! Maybe your ghost remembered me showing them to you."

"Why are you so quiet today? Are you worried? Do you not feel well?" Ayumi asks, concerned.

"No, I'm fine. I was just thinking about something." I wonder if it was showing on my face.

"If you're scared, you can stay over at my house for as long as you want to."

"I'm not, and I don't have any new injuries either. It's fine."

"You keep saying that, but I'm still worried."

"I mean, if it's getting things for me, it can't be something bad, right?"

"True, if they wanted to hurt you, they had enough chances, but you never know."

"I'm thinking of recording myself at night."

"That's a good idea, and make sure you record everything."

"What if it already knows it's recording and won't do anything?" I pondered, considering the possibility.

"You have to try it out at least," Ayumi urged, curious to see what might happen.

"Yeah, I will record until I catch whatever it is."

I should have done this earlier.

"Maybe ask for something, and whatever it is will get it for you."

"I would but what if it really does appear in my room like the shoes?"

"That's good. If something does appear in your room, at least you'll have it on camera."

"But how do I ask?"

"That is kind of tricky, do you need something right now?"

"A new coat for the winter?"

"Ask for something more. I want to see just how much it can give to you," Ayumi suggested with curiosity.

"You want me to ask for a mansion?"

"Who knows? Maybe it will give you a mansion," Ayumi said with a playful grin.

"So how do I ask?"

"You've already said it, so let's wait and see," Ayumi replied with anticipation.

"I wish it is that easy."

"Want me to get a coat for you?"

"I can get it on my own."

"You gave me these expensive shoes, so don't feel bad. It's just in return for them."

"I wasn't the one who got those for you, though."

"The ghost gave it to you, so of course, they're from you."

"Sure." I chuckled.


"Tomorrow is Saturday, which means school is off for the next two days, so I have plenty of time to catch the ghost or whatever it is," I noted, looking forward to the weekend ahead for my investigation.

I know I was the one who said it, but Eito is really not walking with me anymore. It's not like we walked together for long, but it feels pretty lonely to walk back alone.

It's better to not get attached.

"There, all set."

I hid the camera behind the books on my bookshelf, ready to capture whatever might happen during the night.

The camera has a clear view of my bed.

'Here goes nothing,' I thought as I got into bed to sleep.

After a while, I drifted off into slumber, the camera ready to capture the night's events.


[ Dear diary,

Today was quite fun. Eito wanted the same shoes, and Ayumi also liked them. They definitely looked good. But Eito shouldn't have done that. I'm almost not sure if I want to anymore, and I'll make sure to protect my face. Let's go to sleep in the bed now. Good night.

6-10-22 ]

I have the story in my head but writing it down is bothersome indeed.

silk_beecreators' thoughts