
Chapter 5

Toy Bonnie's P.O.V.

Her screams filled my ears. All I could think was, 'Not her.' I jumped forward at Chica before she could reach (Y/N). I grabbed Chica and slammed her against the wall. " Don't fucking touch her", I growled. She recoiled. I saw myself in her eyes and mine were pitch black.

"Why did you do that, huh Chica? Jealousy? Unneeded anger? Well it doesn't matter. I don't care what you think is 'right'. Never try that again.", I said, menacingly. I threw her aside, grabbed (Y/N)'s hand and stormed off. "Where are we going Toy Bonnie?!" I reached a door and flung it open. "My room".

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

Your mouth fell open. It was a really nice room. It had blue and white striped walls, a light blue shag carpet, and a blue crystal chandelier. There was a huge book shelf covering one wall, a queen size bed with a red and blue bedspread, and a large cabinet full of various string instruments. There was a desk near the door with multiple notebooks and pencils on it. Next to his bed was a metal cabinet full of electronics, the door wide open. "This..... This is your room?! How on earth?", you exclaimed. He nodded and shrugged. "Don't ask me. I don't know."

"It's nicer than my house", you said. He laughed. "Well, it's all I got so I guess it's pretty nice." He paused for a moment. "I'm sorry about back there. Chica can be...well, Chica. She's..... to say the least, a bitch. She doesn't like humans." He sighed and sat on his bed. You sat next to him.

"Why did you save me? Not that I'm not ungrateful or anything, but I just want to know why.", you asked akwardly. He looked at you, amused and raised an eyebrow.

"You have to ask? I believe you're special. More so than any other nightguard I have ever met, male or female. I told you earlier, I know we just met but theres this odd connection between us. I'm not sure what it is but it pulls me towards you. It's attraction, if not love itself."

Then, he put his hands on your shoulders and kissed you. You froze, unsure of what to do. Before you could think of something, he pulled away and checked his watch.

"You have to go back to the office. It's 5:50." You nodded, dazed and he took you back to the office. It was empty. He left the office and went back to the show stage. You sat there a moment, thinking about what had happened. Your first kiss and you froze. You shook your head. 'You have a job, (Y/N)', you thought to yourself. 'But it was a nice kiss.' You checked the cameras one more time and the end-of-shift bell rang. You left and went home, anticipation a good, long sleep.