
Chapter 4

Toy Bonnie's P.O.V.

I took a deep breath and looked at Freddy. He shrugged. I took that as a 'go ahead, tell her, it's not like it's a bad thing.'Chica, on the other hand, was telling me with her eyes, 'I WILL KILL YOU IN YOUR SLEEP IF YOU TELL HER, I SWEAR BONNIE.' Mangle said "Just tell her, Bonnie." Best 2 out of 3 I guess.

I looked at (Y/N). "Well, i guess it all started the day William Afton came to work here". (Y/N) looked confused. She asked, "Who's that?" I replied, "I'll get there just listen. So he was OK at first. (Aside)  to be honest, he was still not completely sane... Then, he started bringing knives to work. (Aside, again) I'm pretty sure he brought them there before, not quite open about that fact.....Then, children started going missing. He was killing them. No one knew it was him but us." I paused, deliberating on how to put the next part.

"Here's what happened; I remember a young girls 6th birthday party a month or two ago. During that party, one of the girl's friends went missing. We animatronics were panicking because this had never happened before.

That night, while Mr. Afton watched over us, I felt someone grab me and bring me to the Parts and Services room. The old animatronics were already out and somewhere in the pizzeria. It was him. Mr. Afton was examining my suit, looking for something. I couldn't do anything. I was stuck. He then pressed a button somewhere and the back of my suit popped open."

He then went over to the corner and grabbed something. It was the body of that little girl's friend. He proceeded to shove the body into me. The whole process made me jerk around, thus crushing the body. Mr. Afton then let me go off back to the stage. I was dazed and soon, the whole experience felt like a dream. Then, other children went missing and well, I guess the same thing happened to everyone else. They still don't know what happened and he dissapeared not too long after the whole incident." I gritted my teeth.

(Y/N) just stared at me, dumbfounded and saddened. "So how can you turn human?", she asked. Freddy answered her, "We don't know. Magic? Fate? Possesion?We may never know". (Y/N) was thinking, her eyebrows furrowed. She asked "But, why did you show me?" I looked down.

"Ummmmmm... That's... um..... a good question", I stammered, awkwardly. Chica said "That is a good question. Why did you Bonnie? Huh? She shouldn't be alive right now" and jumped at her. "NO! CHICA!!!!", rang around the room. (Y/N) screamed and closed her eyes in terror.