
Something Im-mortal

Maxine Toussaint is a 22-year girl in her last year at university. Her daily life includes apart from studies, a job and dealing with an alcoholic aunt since the loss of her parents on early age. Rey comes into her life on a snowy night in December, the Alpha of one of the last packs remained in the area. Things entangle when Vincent, a vampire lord finds out about Maxine and wants to win her heart, in pursuit of power, to destroy Rey and his pack. Soon she finds herself in an ancient war. Will a mere human be able to put an end to it? Or she's more than that?

EvinaR · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 17 - Locked in

I blink several times to adjust my eyes to the strong light entering the examination room. I spent the night here, watching Rey. Lila is in the reception room. She was exhausted, so I let her get some sleep.

I make move to get up but then I notice the firm hold of Rey's hand in mine. Memories of last night resurface, getting me in deep thoughts. Many questions to be answered.

How did the vampires got passed the fence? Who let them in? Can Lila, Luke or even Rey be trusted? Julia is a no for sure. And the most absurd. Why did Rey call my name? That was the oddest thing that could happen, and it troubles me.

Since the first time we met, he's been cold and ironic towards me. And now he calls my name? Lila is the physician, why he didn't call her? He's been annoyed by my presence; he doesn't hide it at all.

His attitude confuses me, and I know I most probably won't take an answer when he wakes up. I look at him, he seems so peaceful now, so I presume the medicine worked. My eyes fall to his hand, still attached to mine. I'm amazed how he calmed down when I took his hand in mine.

Watching him sleeping like this makes me realize he might not be as frightening as I thought. Well, things may change once his eyes are open.

I try to disengage my hand from his grasp. Damn, he's still strong even in his sleep. If I pull a bit more I might make it.

"Going away so fast?" his husky voice makes me freeze in place.

"Um… good morning." I manage to say. My mouth turned dry instantly as I expect him to open his eyes and look at me with his familiar angry look.

His eyes open slowly, revealing two crystal blue orbs that shine brightly in the morning sun. I stay still, mesmerized by them, not being able to take my eyes away from him.

I don't know to whom he might think he was speaking, because when he turns and sees me, he instantly lets go of my hand and his body stiffens. His expression turns to the signature angry look he's used to giving me.

"I…I'll call Lila," I whisper in fear, drifting away from his gaze. I turn and walk with trembling legs towards the reception room, where Lila is resting. Shortly after, we both get back, though I'm reluctant to go in there again with him. If his purpose was to scare me, then he succeeded.

Lila checks him and all seem normal. I walk closer in case she needs assistance. My mouth falls open when Lila lowers the sheet covering his torso and I witness he's fully recovered. Where yesterday there was blood, clear-cut muscles and stitches, now only the long lines of the scars remain.

Without his shirt on, I get a better idea of him. Hard, defined muscles cover his torso, like a map. He's like a Greek god statue with a broad form and pure muscles. There are some more scars on him but that makes him look hotter than he already is. I take a glimpse of his hands and imagine how it must be to hug me. Wait, why did I think he's hot? And why hug me? I straighten my back and slightly shake my head to get rid of these thoughts.

"You see, werewolves heal much faster than humans." Lila points to the scars. "Now, get some rest and I'll check the rest later." She turns to Rey. "Today, you're relieved from your duties."

She gets away from him and walks to the other side of the room, where another examination bed is.

"Come on." She pats on the bed for me to sit. "I want to check you as well. You're not fully recovered."

My face flushes red. I didn't feel comfortable being almost naked amongst other people, especially when other people include Rey. Lila notices my unease.

"Don't worry. Rey is a gentleman. He won't look at you." She says loud enough for him to hear.

Rey rolls his eyes and turns his head to the side. It doesn't make me feel any better but what choice do I have?

I lift my T-shirt on up to the point I can lift my hand. I groan as pain strikes my ribs, and Lila assists me. From the look on her face, I get that I'm still in bad condition.

"You need rest as well. Your sides are still bruised and getting a lot done, would not get you any better soon."

She reaches for her bag and after some searching, she takes out a cream bottle. I welcome the cool feeling when the cream contacts my skin. When she finishes, I make move to get out of bed, but she stops me and gently pushes me down.

"You're not going anywhere today. You'll stay here and get some rest." She sterns at me. She goes on with changing the bandages on my feet. When she's done, she gives both of us a look and then she exits.

I lay back and immediately find Rey's eyes on me. Fantastic, I've been avoiding him for so many days and now I have to stay in the same room with him for the rest of the day.

So, how do you find the story so far? Any particular moment that you liked more? Any favourite character?

Of course, comments are very welcome! I'm waiting for your recommendations, ideas or any mistakes you might have spotted. Feedback would help me a lot to improve and it's much appreciated.

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