
Someone Who Loves Me

Amber lives a life of a reporter for a magazine and finds herself quite troubled when she is pursued by one of her target. The very famous and sinfully handsome Royce Sy. The very alluring Royce Sy whisks her off to a life of temptation and love. And she must seize him or lose him.

ydren_ylgu · History
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I sat with my laptop and scrolled through his pictures on Google. A picture caught my eye, in which he was posing with a very tall man almost as tall as Royce himself. The man had blue eyes and brown hair. Hmm he looked familiar.

I read the caption and gasped. It was Orland Ashbourne! He was Royce's cousin.

I scrolled down for more of Royce's pictures and my heart stopped beating as I saw a close up of him.

He looked magnificient. With a black shirt unbottoned just beneath his collarbone revealing golden skin slightly tanned.

His dark black hair resting on his forehead like they couldn't be tamed. His mesmerizing night blur eyes staring right at me through the laptop screen and his beautiful lips curled in a smirk.

Something caught my eyes and I zoomed to the left to see what it was. Oh! He had a single diamond twinkling at his left ear. He looked sinful. Sinful and tempting.

Get a grip Amber! I scolded myself. Stop acting like a silly girl.

My mobile chimes signaling a new email.

I typed in my password and opened the email.

It was from boss. I opened it and stared at the list of questions. Hmm. Something to think about other than Mr. Sy.

There was also a file attached about him. I opened it and started reading about this amazing man and his accomplishments. He reached in business was impressive.

He also funded an organization which helped poor people all around the undevelop parts of the world.

I heard a knock and looked up to find Anna standing in the doorway wearing her night dress.

"Amber!" She walked towards the bed and sat down beside me. "What are you doing?"

"Oh! I was just researching about, uh-about." I trailed off as I spotted Anna drooling over Royce's picture.

"Hey! I am talking to you." I patted her on her head playfully.

"Oh my god! You are really going to meet him." She said, dreamily.

"Yes. I am and it's only two days." I whispered.

"God I am so nervous." I dropped my face in my hands and groaned. I hated this nervousness, it was new to me. I never felt like this even on some of more graver and important of my missions. What was about this guy that made me act like this?

"Come on, you don't get to feel nervous, you pretty, pretty lady." Anna said, her dark brown eyes meeting my green ones.

"With your looks you can make even the devil nervous." She took my hand and squeeze it. "Don't worry. You are going to do just fine."

I nodded at her and smiled.

"Oh Anna." She hugged me. I pinch her as she pulled my hair playfully and we started a pillow fight.

"Oh and what are you going to

wear." She mumbled while attacking me with her pillow.

The night I dreamed about a sexy male body and sensual lips. Belonging to one and only one person.

Royce Sy.