
Someone Who Loves Me

Amber lives a life of a reporter for a magazine and finds herself quite troubled when she is pursued by one of her target. The very famous and sinfully handsome Royce Sy. The very alluring Royce Sy whisks her off to a life of temptation and love. And she must seize him or lose him.

ydren_ylgu · History
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7 Chs



8 months later.....

I am late to work again! I rushed inside the tall building and pressed the lift button in a hurry.

Boss would be livid. I hope he is in a good mood today. I got in the lift and tried to cool down my nerves. The lift door opened and I stepped out walking towards my cubicle when.

"Amber! Boss wants to see you." Juliana one of my co-workers informed me with a grimace. "He seems in a bad mood." She warned.

I nodded at her and hurried towards my boss's office, a queasy feeling in my stomach.

I pushed the glass doors and entered the lavishly decorated room. Mr. Henderson my boss was sitting behind his desk. His black eyes gleamed as they landed on me.

"Victor is unwell and on a weeks sick leave." He said. Victor the best reporter at the Goddess Corner Magazine for which I work, had taken ill and was on a sick leave.

"Yes, sir." I replied wondering why he was telling me this.

"And you know that he was going to interview Royce Sy." He says calmly.

"Yes, sir." I nod at him.

"So by default, dear Amber. Now you are going to interview Sy."

"Excuse me, sir. What?" I ask shocked.

"You are one of the best reporters we have here after Victor, you are the only one for this interview. This interview is very important for our magazine! Royce Sy doesn't give personal interviews just like that everyday!" I stared at him blankly.

"Amber! You're going to interview and that's final. I will email you the details and the contents." He ordered and I realized that I was dismissed.

I left the room quietly and rushed to my cubicle. I sat down heavily and tried to get myself in control. I was going to interview Royce Sy.

I was going to interview the Royce Sy! The scandalously mysterious billionaire who has been making news since he was born.

The one who own the biggest and the most exclusive chain of supermarkets and malls in Philippines known as SM. The one who lived a life of lavish parties, shining expensive cars and women, lots of women.

He was also the man who had helped me once long time ago, no, when was it? Only 8 months ago. I wondered if he remembers it.

I shook my head. I have no business in knowing if he remembers helping me or not.

I sighed and decided to call Anna. She picked up quickly.

"Hello Amber!"

"Anna hey! You busy?" I asked her.

"Nay, was just hanging out with Connor." She replied going all sweet voice. She does love Connor Gregson her boyfriend.

"Um, I have an interview with Royce Sy on friday." I say painly and her silence on the other side.

"Amber Fontera!!" She yells.

"Ow! Speak low Anna you are going to make me deaf." I chide her.

"Oh shut up. You are really going to interview the Royce Sy?" She asked.

"No, I am interviewing Connor Gregson. Why would I joke about such a thing! Of course I am interviewing Sy!" I said, quiet annoyed.

"Oh Amber, Royce Sy is so hot." She whispered.

"For God's sake, girl! You have a boyfriend." I said, rolling my eyes. Typical Anna behavior.

"Oh yes I do and he is sitting right beside me at the moment." She replied in a muffled voice, kissing Connor.

"I can hear you guys making out on the phone! You are not helping Anna!" I say rolling my eyes yet again.

"Okay now I am serious. Do you think he will remember that day?" She asked the question I was wondering about.

"I don't think so Anna. But anyways, I am scared and-and nervous." I whispered.

"Oh come on! You are the best reporter in your office! And I know you will rock the interview and who knows you can even rock the man!" She teased.

"Anna!" I was blushing from my cheeks to my toes.

"It's true, Amber. You are a gem and they say he loves beautiful women." She teased again.

"God! I wondered how Connor handles you." I teased right back.

"He doesn't need to. I just have to give him a look and he is all putty in my hands." She joked and we laughed as I heard Connor mumble something in the phone.

"I am serious, Amber. As per the news he has a thing for brunettes and I know a very attractive brunette. I am talking to her right now." She said laughingly.

My heart skipped a beat. He does go out with a lot of brunettes. I was nervous before but now I was literally ready to fly off my seat any minute.

"Okay, bye. I have work to do." I reply annoyed.

"Bye! Lucky girl!" She replied and I disconnected the call.

It's going to be the greatest test of my career until now. I thought twisting in my chair.