
Someone Journey

I'm too lazy to put synopsis so here disclaimer {A/N: the cringness is strong in this one, the hole too, and you know the rules, grammar: OH WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS GUY!!!? -disclaimer: I didn't own anything all of the anime are from their respective owners, and the MC are mine.) and this is wish full fillment didn't expect someone to read this.

Just_A_Creature · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 4 My Servant? (and EMIYA existence crisis)

{Fucking shit, I hate you guy I almost make 2000 word chapter. well here the word count

1883 word.

"and I feel a little generous today Mongrel." said Kagane while pointing a sword from Golden Gate at Author, while Author move his hand in I'm surrender position, while thought, I'm not simp if you guys have a gun point at your head, you need your life to write for another day.


—— 6 year later ——

now I'm in my high school, although I hate school but school is the only thing Kiritsugu ever force me to go, so I'm a little attached to it, and I'm 17 Year old this year.

the class is still boring, so I will give you my research of my origin and element, and I tell you one of my element, Nature, is bullshit, it can control nature, now imagine me standing on top of the Tsunami while typhoon is surrounding me, and lightning go around and hit everything in 10km radius.

that how insane it is, but then, I also know one of my origin that is ???, it is destruction, I don't know what and how much can it do, I know that my emotions is still under my control, and it seem Origin can't affect my emotions.

and I try to research Avalon too, but it refuse to come out, I don't know why but it really hate to follow my command.

well, another thing is that, I pretty much create another Mystic Code, it was a power of Noctis from Final Fantasy XV, it just makes your body like a game, and you can teleport to where your weapon are with some of lightning effect, I make it as a Robe.

I really want to ask myself at that time, why lightning?

because now it bite me and if my body is not strong enough then I probably got paralyze everytime I use that.

and Chastiefol got modify by me a little, now in it Neutral from, it is a pillow, and I tell you it too fucking soft, you can become sloth if you touch it once.

I also train with my Magic, Heaven Feel too, but the only thing I can do till now is control my soul, I can make a spiritual weapons with a little bit of my soul, but a little bit of my memories will also gone, I even try to control animals soul, but no progress in it.

—— *Ding* *Dong Ding* ——

it a lunchtime and I walk down the stair with some sandwiches in my hand, maybe in this life I eat the dish that I know from my past life too much, now my taste bud is better than average human.

now I'm in where I should be, somewhere no one can find me, Principle Room, don't ask why I'm brave enough to enter it.

I look around me and see that no one is around here, so I open my most treasured thing, Chastiefol, it an all-rounder weapons, it can even become a bag for you.

now it time for me to take my sandwich out of the bag.

I slowly took my sandwich out, then I bring it closer to my face, then I take a bi--

"Senpai, are you there?"

*cough!! cough!!* I choke out my sandwich a little because of the sudden sound behind me.

"Ahh!! Senpai you really here!! can you please help me clean the Archery Club? I'm sorry."

I look up and saw, my little sister figure, Sakura, I don't know why but it seem she really attached to me, too attached, if she saw me with a girl that she don't know, she will try to use excuse, 'can Senpai help me in archery?'

"well, sure I don't mind, but do you think your club members will allow outsider like me? I mean the last time I go in, they make a mess out of it." I said while remembering the last time I'm go there, they try to invite me in to the Archery Club, it not that I hate it, but it too troublesome, because if I become a member of Archery Club, then.... there bound to be a new training montage, and mine schedule is already full, what? you don't believe me? here my schedule.

[Shirou Emiya Schedule

6:00-11:30 learning in morning.

12:00-12:59 Hide from fan girl.

13:00-16:30 learning in evening.(Sleeping)

17:00-17:59 Running.

18:00-22:00 Research Origin and Element.

22:00-22:59 take a break.

23:00-2:50 training the body.

3:00-5:99 SLEEPING.]

although I won't call it perfect, but at least I can live with it for now.

then Sakura said that I should come in at the Club room in the evening to help, I mean I can change my schedule sometimes.

I gone back to my class, and the girls in my class will always ask, where have I been? I always tell them, where you all can't find me.

then time passed like a lie, I'm going to the Archery Club, and Voila I see something strange there, Sakura trying to aim bulls eye but fail, I believe she better than this when I'm with her though.

"Sakura, why are you starting to get worse than before?" I ask her.

"Yelp!!" she shout out.

she look startle however is this some kind of miracle?

she hit bull eye, and when startle too, you know what it mean like, SHITTY DAMN LUCK!! luck, it was never fair, if it want, it can bring us bad luck in instantly.

and this girl, if she this good, why did she didn't become a Head of Archery Club!!? I call this BS!!! I want to meet with life manager!!

"Senpai, please. don't do that again you almost give me a hearth attack."

yah this girl isn't right in the head, and she pretty much.... insane? I mean I see those red aura around her but, I still don't want to decide her as Enemy.

"Thank you for your help senpai!! if you want I can help you out with your dinner!!" She said while looking away from me, with a shade of pink on her face.

"*Chuckle* sure, let go this Saturday okay?" I said while walking away, indicate that I don't take No as an answer, then I start to walk to my house, Emiya Residents.

— 2 HOUR later. —


I forgot my Chastiefol, so I come back to school to find it however.

I look in front of me I see someone that looks almost like me with white hair and tan skin, fighting with a guy with blue hair red eyes that wield spear.

"HEY!! if you gonna Role play Cosplay then go to other places this is school!!" I shout out at them, I mean why they didn't role play in their house or something.

the blue hair guy look at me before he rushing at me like trying to kill me. wait, kill me?

I have a smile on my face before I rush at him and punch him in the face while taking his spear and throw it back at him, but he catch it.

but the person that look like me that my classmates Rin call is 'Archer?' I mean she shout out loud, rushing to the Blue hair guy however before we can kill him he just disappear with a great line.

"Yahh~~ I really have a bad luck didn't I? see you soon, Archer and Anonymous master, and beautiful young lady"

then he dissolve in to a particle of light I just look at it before I feel that, they are 'Soul' I mean, they feel like one.

"Oh, the high and Mighty Rin, and are you her girlfriend? but how come you look a little like me? nah I'm handsome than you." I said to the 'Archer' pretty sure that his name.

"Shirou Emiya, Who are you really?" Rin ask me with a frown, I don't know why she mad, but I will test with the water first.

"Me? I'm your average Joe who you can find around all across the world" I tell Rin and Archer.

this guy name Archer is too Silent, I believe previously he still shout 'Clad bolge' in everytime he shooting.

then I pretend to look at my non-existence watch while running away from them.


I shout while running to the opposite of my house direction, don't get me wrong, I'm not lost, just do this to confuse them.

now I'm back in my house, and this will be the day where I enter Kiritsugu workshop, he said that at least listen to him this time, I want you to enter my workshop when you're 17 year old.

I look at the magic circle in front of me and I have this strange urge to do this.

"Satan, who has been in deep slumber, I have come and woke you up, now rise SATAN!! just kidding, honestly how can I be that cring"

however it seem the world refuse to heard my word and the magic circle start to glowing a bright light, there are two Silhouette that I see, and the ground, Nature and everything itself as if singing a song of welcome for the silhouette that in front of me.

there is one girl with Blonde hair, a green eyes, wearing a strange dress as if she is a knight in her right hand there are a strange wind that compress itself like a sword.

"I ask of you. Are you my Master?" she ask me,

the second one have the appearance of a sixteen-year-old androgynous person with long, beautiful hair that shimmers with a light-green color, yet his/her hand are too masculine to be a girl, yet too beautiful to be a guy.

"Lancer Servant, Enkidu. I have started up at your call. I wish that you use me as merciless as you see fit, master." he/she said.

—— Illyasviel side. ——

she start the summon ritual and now the result of her summon coming out, and look at her, instead of a huge bulk man that should be the norm of Berserker class, a boy around her age, with yellow blond hair and a strange claw mark at his right eye that seem to want a black purple ball at his temple, and his purple blank eyes look at Illyasviel for a while then he said.

"Servant class Berserker, Meliodas, come at your service, Shi shi shi."

{A/N: before you ask, yes it THAT Meliodas.}

—— Side story EMIYA existence crisis. ——


after fight with Lancer.

I see that is my past, but why did he look more handsome than me, and how can he fight with Lancer even though he should know only basic of basic of basic of magecraft? then why did I come back in time? why? now I have a feeling that guy would get Arthoria and Rin too. is he really my past? I will lose if I fight him, and from the look of it he didn't even look that serious when he break Lancer spear. (Just Shirou be alive already put him into existence crisis.)

"You actually a Satan!!" this is the message that got ignored by EMIYA existence crisis.

{A/N: *cough* what gender Enkidu should be?and if you wonder why Sakura have red aura that mean she has killing intent, IN THIS TIMELINE THE MATOU FAMILY ALREADY NO MORE(and I believe you know who did it) ha!}

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