
Someone Journey

I'm too lazy to put synopsis so here disclaimer {A/N: the cringness is strong in this one, the hole too, and you know the rules, grammar: OH WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS GUY!!!? -disclaimer: I didn't own anything all of the anime are from their respective owners, and the MC are mine.) and this is wish full fillment didn't expect someone to read this.

Just_A_Creature · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 3 A time skip.

I walking to school since Kiritsugu said that I need to experience a normal 'Human' life as well, so he just put me in some school.

after I heard that I have an soulless face, with no emotion in my eyes, and say "School is Evil" repeatedly, and now he know my weakness, Fucking shit.

I'm in that school for some time before there is this new transfer students that come in to the school, she said her name is Kagane Kotomine.

she has a beautiful face, and beautiful golden blonde hair, red eyes, and a lean muscle, and always wear a white jacket while calling others "Mongrel" first before answer their questions, but she always call me "Faker" only even though I try to let her call me Shirou, but she refuses.

I and her is really close, she always say some strange things like she lives with a priest and she is the king of heaven and earth, I just deduce her as a Chunnibyou.

the reason we really close is that, we like to punch or bully the bully, and I always have strong body, I always train even when I still don't get to know Kiritsugu, when he ask me why I train even though I still don't know of moonlit world, I answer him, I like to punch thing.

then the summer vacation come, and Kagane decide to come my house when she saw Kiritsugu she just smiled while getting closer to me.

"Do the two of you know each other?" I ask them

Kiritsugu shake his head but it seem Kagane has other plans for him, she said "Yeah, my dad and him meet a lot of time." before she started laughing, honestly what in there to laugh?

——— 2 year later ————

now I'm 7 years old, Kagane disappeared around 1 and half years ago, I don't think she got kidnap though because she send some of a letter to me.

okay it not some, she sent one day 3 letter, but it seem my letter never get to her hand since everytime I read the letter, it won't connect with the previous letter, Like how a priest didn't treat her like a king, Or the priest is just trying to use her as a weapon.

I try to sent a reply to her letter but it seem to not get through at all, so I search in internet where the place in the letter was, and Voi la it in a Pacific Ocean, How the heck?

oh and I research my Origin, Sword, and trying to see what the other two origin are but I still don't know what ??? do, but I know what sword can do, I created a sword that I see in internet, want and thou should receive, I got that sword.

Kiritsugu really mad at me that I train in magecraft before I turn 12 but I just give him another vegetables course for 2 month.

and there this strange brown hair girl name Taiga come here ve~~ry often, too often, and dote on me a lot, until I decided to kick her chin.

and I noticed that Kiritsugu condition start to get worsen, so I just decided to ask him.

"You time almost end right?" I ask him with a complicated expression, hey tell me are you not gonna feel sad when your father gonna die?

he just looks a little shock before shaking his head then decided to ask me, "how did you know it? I believe I never tell you once."

"hey, if you body get weaker and weaker a ten year old kid will notice." I answered.

"That ironic, you still 7 year old but you said 10 year old" Kiritsugu said to me with a sad eyes.

"Meh, don't mind the small details, but do you have someone you want to meet? but if you can't meet with them you should leave some messages, I will deliver it to them when I'm grow up." I said to him with a smile knowing that he will try something stupid again.

"you right, I should leave some messages if I can't meet her." he said while having a look of realization.

then he starting to write something in his room around 2-4 hour he come out, before giving the letter to me, I just raise my eyebrows at him.

"You will meet with her anyway, if you meet her then give her this letter, Her name is Illyasviel."

after he said that he rush out of the house, I don't know why but there a tear rundown my face, maybe because I know that it will be the last time we meet?

—— another 2 year. ——

now I'm 9 year old but I didn't get any letter from Kagane anymore I believe she finally found another friend.

after Kiritsugu rush out of the house I never saw him again, I know that he die, but I also train a lot knowing that life is harder than you think.

I even create my own mystic code, although I said my 'own' is not exactly the true, since I created it as exactly as the same Chastiefol of king from seven deadly sins, although it don't have spirit in it, I can still activate it divine from, I call it divine from.

I even tried to create the water of immortality that Ban drink but I don't know what can regenerate the body instantly so I still stuck with an water of youth, it will make you stay 16 forever, and that is torture.

and the loading is 10% now, I really want to know what can it do, so I experiments with it a little, I try to add mana into it, and there was a fucking explosion occur that day, but hey at least it get faster.

—— 2 Year, again ——

"FINALLY!!!!!" I shout out loud with pure joy, as I finally create water of immortality now I really want to go and slap those villain who failed to make them immortal, I only have one question to ask them, "Why don't become Pokemon trainer?"

and I not make this water to drink it instantly, I mean I'm only 11 year old so I will wait for when I'm around 16-21 year old, I mean what could go wrong at that time?