
Trust and mutual respect

"You want a guy who you are comfortable with. Someone who would understand you. One you can open up to. The guy should know how to give space but at the same be there when you need him.

Someone who would respect your independence. Someone who would let you win your own wars but be there if you need his support. Someone who is not intimidated by you; who could calm you down when needed. Someone who wouldn't look down upon you or judge you. He should never underestimate you just because you are woman. Someone who would treat your family as his own. Someone you can laugh with, cry with, share your life with. There, I guess I've summed it up." "You forgot the most important thing Sam." "what?" "Trust and mutual respect. Those are what matters most in any relationship." "Ratsel." He asked as something struck

him suddenly. "How about love? Is that not important in a relationship?" Smiling serenely, she turned to him. "Doesn't all this scream of love Sam?"