
Think about them before taking any decision

When we have the guts to love and accept/propose the person, we

should equally have the guts to take the proposal to our parents and inform them regarding the same and marry the same person with our parents permission. You can wait, till they accept because their blessings are most important for us, they are one who brought up us..We are now, just because of them. If we be a good/honest….daughter/son of theirs and be true to them that love of yours will itself will unite you with your love and it can even make your parents to even accept your love. So my conclusion is if you love someone do say to your parents.....but I'm not responsible of the beatings given by them in return :D... As they say, if you want the rainbow you need to

put up with a little rain........ I know you all won't

hide it from your parents.. But still do say

and think about them before taking any decision :)