
Some Random Smut Collection(R18+)

Disclaimer: This Book is Full of erotic fiction aka smutty porn. I do not own or claim ownership of or make any profit off of any of the characters or other elements contained within the Chapters. This book is intended for adult readers only and contains graphic adult content and strong language. If such material offends you then please do not continue. My Smutty Collection ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) __________________________________________________________________________________ Some may be to your taste, but some may not. This is the Animes/Comics/Games version which is fanfic smuts about random anime, comics, and games Check the other version in my profile. It's called "Random Sex Stories(R18+)" For Cultured Individuals, Not Every Chapter is VANILLA and WHOLESOME. This Book has a lot to offer for different kinks and fetishes. If you don't understand what this means, then back off now before it's too late. WARNING!!! ------>>> THERE IS NTR CONTENT, BUT WORRY NOT YOU CAN SKIP THEM IF YOU WANT, THERE ARE ALSO OTHER CONTENTS, ex. yuri, vanilla, big breasts, sexy legs, beautiful girls/ladies, and many more... SO FIND THEM YOURSELVES!!!!!! These are Mostly One-shot Smuts, but there are other stories with parts too. Every One-Shot is stories of its own. Pick your Reliever :D Special Tip: If you're on the website version of Webnovel, you can CTRL+F or Find in Page(If you're on mobile, it's a chrome app feature), and search for your favorite character or series, if you're lazy to search it up yourself. Just a Tip. (Only do it when you are in the Table of Contents section.) This book is R18+ only I will only upload when I feel like it, review and give this book more collections, so more cultured individuals can come here. I don't own the cover of this book. I don't own the stories in this book. Please do point out if there's an error in a chapter, I'll try to fix them. Cover sauce: Tamamo-no-Mae from the Fate/Series This is all Fan-Fiction. !!!Good luck on your journey through this book!!! My pc broke so no new chapters for now, can't do anything about it, I'm not rich. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

EmptyLogic · Anime & Comics
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271 Chs


[A/N: I've read a naruto fanfic on this website, and it ended today (;-;) Goodbye author of that fanfic, i hope to see you around :) ]

((((Btw this chapter will be a long one))))


Kaguya stood tall, having just stepped forth from her prison. Her eyes slowly fluttered in the fading light of the afternoon, her lungs taking in deep breaths of air for the first time in far too long. How long had she been sealed away, only to return now? Now she could truly commence her plans, once forestalled but now ready to reach their inevitable, inexorable conclusion. Her hair, so long and immaculately maintained, with each strand a silky soft and almost shining white, swished about her body as the wind rustled her long kimono, emblazoned with tomoe.


And only one thing stood in her way, or rather one person. Strewn about in the collapsed remnants of what had once been a rather large allied army, with some people unconscious, others barely aware and in great pain, and still more dead at the hands of the mighty Princess, there was one form still standing tall. A young man in orange, with messy unkempt hair. Was this the best the people of this time could offer? Kaguya was unsure how long she had been sealed, but she was certain many, almost countless years had passed.


"Greetings, young one." Kaguya's voice was regal, and full of effortless confidence, completely sure of her power, no matter who this stranger might be. But there was something about him, something she sensed. 


"Um..hi?" He stepped closer, his arms up in a wary stance, seeming a little confused that she hadn't tried to attack him yet. 


Drawing herself up to her full height, with the bearing of a noble lady, Kaguya looked down her nose at the blond boy, who looked like he was barely old enough to shave. Her eyes, twin white orbs bearing the power of the Byakugan, were narrowed in judgment, even as her third eye opened, the Rinne Sharingan yet another sign that Kaguya was truly an extraordinary figure.


"And what might your name be? I sense you are no ordinary boy...you have the power of Hagoromo, my traitorous son, within you. You must be very special." For just a moment, as she mentioned her son, who had helped seal her with his equally treacherous brother, a ripple of anger passed over Kaguya's delicate, angular face. Then it passed and her lips, painted a dark red that stood in stark and pleasing contrast to her pale, porcelain skin, curved upwards in a condescending smirk. Special this boy might have been, but next to Princess Kaguya, that didn't mean much.


"Thanks...I guess." The boy replied, rubbing the back of his neck in slight confusion. This clearly wasn't how he'd been expecting things to go.


"I'm Naruto Uzumaki, bearer of the Nine Tails." He chuckled, even as he took one cautious step closer-they were perhaps five meters apart now, and he had to look up a bit at her. Even without the heeled sandals she wore, and the strange horns on her head, which almost resembled a bunny's ears, this otherworldly woman was significantly taller than him, which added to the strange nature of her appearance.


"Ah, that explains a little. You do seem strong, for one so young. But you may relax, child Uzumaki." Kaguya made a small gesture with her arm extended and hand with an open palm to one side as if to invite and also placate the teenager. He was clearly out of his depth, though he clearly had some impressive qualities-her son's gifted power, the Nine Tails sealed inside him, and strong reserves of chakra.


More to the point, he was actually rather cute. And so an idea came to Kaguya...she had been sealed away for a long time, and since that not only had her desire grew to continue her plans for the world, of conquest and purification, but also desire of a more base nature. She'd have been lying if she said that the slight resemblance to her son that she saw in Naruto wasn't part of why she found him attractive, but then a Princess knew how to keep her secrets.


"I have no intention of fighting with you." She smiled more with her eyes with her mouth, as Kaguya was used to keeping a somber air about her, even when more passionate feelings stirred in her breast.


"Instead I'd like to make a wager with you, for I sense you have a certain amount of potential."


"Potential, eh…? Well, what sort of wager?" Naruto asked, his own uncultured tones in stark contrast to Kaguya's soothing, refined speech.


She took a step closer, kimono barely stirring and concealing her entire body. Kaguya had long ago learned how to walk like the princess she was, instead of flaunting her body like a buxom commoner. Although, were it to come to that, Kaguya had plenty to put on display, which was another reason for her modest clothes. Few were fit to gaze on the almost impossible display of feminine sexuality that was packed onto her tall, slender and yet completely stacked body.

Perhaps this Naruto boy was one of those few.


"It is simplicity itself. I have been without male companionship for a very long time, longer than you could possibly imagine. Even when I was alive and married, my appetites were known to be insatiable."


Naruto chuckled at that, nodding along. "Oh yes, I have quite a big appetite myself. I can eat four bowls of ramen in a single sitting!"


Kaguya quirked an eyebrow at him, unaccustomed to being interrupted. She supposed it was part of his rustic charm. This boy was clearly a far cry from her last lover, Tenji, who had been a noble and cunning emperor. 


"Ah, I see...impressive. But that wasn't quite what I meant. If you can satisfy my sexual desires,"


Naruto's eyes widened at that, but he was too surprised to even interrupt. Was this tall, ancient bunny lady really offering to have sex with him? Naruto had never fully been with a woman, but looking at her elegant body, with slight hints of curves that his keen eyes and horny teenage mind picked up on, it was clear he could do worse for his first time.


Kaguya went on, as a silent audience who gazed at her in rapturous quiet was more along the lines of what she was used to.


"Then I will abandon my plans for this world of needless strife and conflict. I will become your wife, and love you with the utmost loyalty till the end of your days, and I will bear you many strong noble children, issue of the highest nobility and breeding."


Naruto had no idea what she meant by 'issue', but he was content to listen for now. He wasn't the brightest, but he knew when a deal sounded too good to be true, and so waited for the other shoe to drop.


"But," Kaguya raised one slender finger, her nail perfectly manicured and looking almost dangerously sharp.


"If you leave me unsatisfied, like many others have in the past-"


The distant past, Naruto thought, but surprisingly had the wisdom to keep to himself.

"Then my plans will continue, though you will be spared either way. Instead, you will serve as my sex toy, forever and perhaps, in time, I might teach how to properly handle a woman of my unique passions." Then there was that same smirk as before, apparently Kaguya was one of those women who thought a large smile was for garish poor people.


Naruto audibly swallowed in the silence following her words, a single drop of sweat running down his forehead. It seemed a very strange offer indeed-Naruto had fought plenty of people in his short lifetime, and none of them had ever tried to challenge him to some sort of perverted sex competition before. But this woman was one of the most beautiful he'd ever seen, if in a slightly strange way, horns and all. Then there was the simple fact that for the moment, it seemed a stranger proposition than just fighting here by himself. He was supposed to have allies, but something was keeping them.


"Um...ok, I guess."


Kaguya's brow furrowed just a fraction, a single thin line in a face otherwise untouched by age, her eyes radiating her displeasure.


"Oh? Is that any way to accept such an appealing offer? Perhaps you're not the right man for this sort of thing after all...you are really more of a boy." Her condescension practically dripped to the dirt between them, which only served to incense Naruto.


He clenched a fist, determination written across his features, wiping at his nose with the back of his hand.


"Alright then, I accept your challenge, Kaguya Otsutsuki! And I will defeat you, which means you'll have to be my wife!" Naruto's tone almost wavered at the end, as he realized he'd never actually seriously considered the concept of marriage in his life, but it was too late to back down now.


Kaguya covered her mouth with one hand, laughing in a rich and deep voice. "Fufufufu. Very well then. I'll even do you the favor of undressing first, and showing you exactly what you stand to win. Consider this a high honor, for none living have seen what you are about to, and even in my time, few were so privileged."


Naruto wasn't about to argue with that, and so merely watched as Kaguya set about getting naked. When she had been a concubine, so many centuries ago, Kaguya had practiced a Jutsu that had allowed her clothes to come off instantly, for a certain pronounced effect. But there was always something to be said for doing things the old-fashioned way. With one graceful hand, Kaguya undid the buttons on her kimono, cleverly hidden behind the decorative tomoe, and stepped out of the garment letting it fall gently to dirt beneath her.


Naruto's eyes widened and his jaw went slightly slack as he beheld Kaguya's body, now almost completely naked. Wearing only a pair of dark purple panties, the first thing he noticed were her absolutely massive breasts. The same pale shade as the rest of her skin, they stood high and proud, completely untouched by things like gravity, age or sagging. Each breast could only be described as perfect, with well-shaped aeroals and a matching set of slightly dark, puffy and hardening nipples, and enough surface area to rival a pair of prize-winning melons. They had to be roughly double the size of Kaguya's head each, large enough to be seen by someone standing behind her, jiggling slightly with every soft breath the noblewoman took.


Kaguya shook her head, her swanlike neck draped by her hair like delicate lacy curtains, her collarbone visible, and it seemed her body was one of elegant lines set off by massive, impossible curves. Her stomach was flat, not an ounce of fat to be seen, and her waist narrow and waspish, tapering inwards before her hips exploded otuwards in an hourglass shape that spoke to the sheer size of her ass. Her thighs were thick but likewise as toned as the rest of her body, legs mouth-wateringly long and smooth, with delicate ankles and shapely calves, and would have drawn the envy of many a professional dancer.


Kaguya took a step towards the awe-struck Naruto, gently tossing her hands through her hair, which had the effect of causing strands to fall in front of her massive breasts, draping across the glorious jugs before falling down to her stomach and across the tight muscles of her obliques. This only emphasized how impossibly far her breasts jut out in front of her, resting against each other and creating a valley of cleavage as deep and breathtaking as the most spectacular canyons in the world. Slowly she placed one hand on her waist, turning her body towards Naruto to show off a hint of her ass as well. Her panties rode up high on her hips, and he saw how thin they were stretched, almost taut in the air from having to be practically flossed between all that ass. Kaguya did a half turn, her body twisting smoothly at the waist as though she were a trained model, showing Naruto the two massive cheeks wobbling even from this slight motion, sticking out behind Kaguya like some massive shelf, before she faced him straight-forward again.

"H...holy shit." Naruto breathed, unable to truly take in what he was seeing. A thousand year old Rabbit Princess brought forth to the present day, first user of chakra there ever was, and the Ten Tails herself, all of that would have been hard enough to believe. But this stacked, breathtakingly beautiful body, a combination of elegance and pants-tightening sensuality that spoke of untold delights...well, that was something else entirely.


Kaguya allowed herself a self-indulgent smile, still with her characteristic sense of arrogance, but colored through with real pleasure as well. To further entice this young boy, who looked like he would already hang on her every word, she lightly hefted her breasts in both hands. Showing off how massive they were and nearly bringing them up level to her chin, Kaguya's long but thin fingers, spread wide on her huge tits seemed tiny in comparison, even as she lightly teased her nipples before letting her heavy breasts fall back almost heavily to her chest.


"I see you are pleased with what you see, Naruto-kun. Truly I would be not just your bride, but the greatest thing you could ever possess...were you only worthy.." Before he could respond, the distance between them, by no means large, was suddenly brought to nothing, as Kaguya had moved so fast Naruto hadn't seen anything, not even the slightest blur.


"But I believe it's your turn. Show me what I'm going to win and claim as my own, before I take the rest of this world as well. Don't by shy, now."


Dimly, Naruto realized Kaguya was talking as though she had already won their little bet, but he was still too impressed and turned on by her nearly naked body to say anything. His hands worked at his own clothes, moving quickly but clumsily in his haste, trying to take his pants and jacket at the same time to the point where he nearly tripped.


"Oh, do be careful Uzumaki." Kaguya tittered, having a great deal of fun. She placed one elegant finger in front of her lips, before cocking her head to one side as she looked down at the small boy-from this close she practically towered over him.


"Let me help you." There was the tiniest glow of chakra around her finger, and then Naruto's clothes were gone, somehow transported several yards away to a flat rock, and folded neatly in the bargain.


But now it was Kaguya's turn to be struck by awe.


"I...I didn't think, how could...such a massive, surely no woman could...I can't believe it." She finished weakly, her voice sounding as regal as ever, but for once like she was not in absolute control of the situation.


Feeling bolstered by her response, even if he was a bit embarrassed to be so suddenly naked in front of a woman, Naruto grinned up at her cheekily.


"Believe it!" He exclaimed, feeling his pulse quicken; this close he could smell Kaguya's unique scent and something about it drove him wild.


As for Kaguya, she was still staring at Naruto's naked body and with her unique eyes, she could see it from every angle, though all she was really looking at was his massive, throbbing, hard as steel, covered in veins, cock.


Naruto had been completely erect only a few seconds after Kaguya had disrobed, and his dick now jutted out almost straight up, standing between their bodies and juuust avoiding touching Kaguya's stomach by the narrowest of margins. It was so tall it practically came up to her breasts, and Kaguya imagined she could work it between her huge jugs by barely bending over. Indeed, she was probably the only woman in the world with tits large enough to actually handle such a cock!


Naruto's cock looked to be over fifty centimeters long, wider than a strong man's bicep, with a dark-purple head and an overall sheen of light sweat to it, slightly dirty though not overly filthy. A massive tube jutted out from the underside, travelling down, down, down the vast length, connected to Naruto's enormous balls, covered in a satchel of wrinkly skin, each orb no doubt producing impossible amounts of sperm, large enough to be cupped by any woman's eagerly grasping hands, seeming to hang with a weight that was almost visible. Naruto's pubes were a dark blonde and curly, travelling up to his belly button, though the rest of his body was untouched by such hair. His muscles were 

Impressive, but Kaguya could barely spare his leanly defined eight pack of abdominals or strong pecs any attention, not when this almost dangerous-looking dick dominated her every thought.


Now it was Naruto's turn to take the initiative, since he was smart enough to see when he had the advantage.


"Well, Otsutsuki-san?" He mocked her with politeness, something he, like most teenagers, had plenty of experience with.


"Surely you're not satisfied just by looking, right?" 


Kaguya stared at him for a moment, eyes challenging, but they both knew she had to act first. After taking the lead so far, and talking a big game, she'd risk showing unacceptable weakness by backing down.


Slowly, Kaguya settled to her knees, looking almost dainty in front of Naruto, this new angle casting a shadow from his cock over her face, almost completely eclipsed since the shaft was so girthy. Her husband Tenji had been (at least she'd thought at the time) a well-endowed man, but Naruto was over twice his size. Down here, the musk of Naruto's cock was enticing, 

and her nostrils flared despite herself, wanting to drink in more of that intoxicating and pungent aroma. 


Kaguya hefted her massive tits up, wrapping them firmly around the top of Naruto's cock, squeezing him tightly. Naruto moaned at that, staring down at her with a bit of the 

Awe he'd had when she first got undressed. Starting to feel a bit more confident again, Kaguya began to rock back and forth, getting her whole body into it. She bounced up and down , thighs working against her calves as she jerked Naruto's fat cock off with her tits. It was so huge and long that it nearly poked her in the bottom of the chin every time she stroked low, bringing her tits to rest against Naruto's pelvis and huge balls, his skin hot against her own pale, milky white-flesh.


"Ah...yes." Naruto whispered above her, clapping one hand over his eyes as he leaned his head back.


Feeling renewed confidence, Kaguya moved a bit faster, wobbling her tits from side to side, then bringing one up while she brought the other one down, working Naruto's cock with expert skill. Even though she'd never quite handled anything like this. 


"Yes, Naruto, I bet you've never felt something so wonderful in all your life, have you?" She whispered, her voice seeming to hang over every syllable, slightly husky and openly seductive. Whether she was playing the all powerful conqueror, the regal queen, or the eager concubine, Kaguya knew how to play her roles well.


But this close, she couldn't deny that this was more about just pleasing this massively endowed teen, magnificent though his cock was. Then again, it was best to dominate this situation right from the start, leave Naruto a pliable little sex tool for her every whim.


So as Kaguya drew her breasts back up the length of his huge cock, feeling the sweat of his cock rub into her plush, amazing tits, Kaguya paused, her face less than an inch away from the tip of this massive, cannon-sized cocktip. His piss slit was wide and huge, with a pearl of precum leaking that smelled almost irresistible. This close, Kaguya opened her mouth wide, slowly craning her jaw open like a great snake, before enveloping Naruto's enormous, fist-sized cocktip in her mouth.


All at once the taste seemed to burn at her taste buds, feeling that precum rub against the inside of her mouth. Her tongue moved on its own, circling against the underside of the heavy prick, drawing gasps from Naruto. He couldn't believe that Princess Kaguya was actually sucking his cock in broad daylight, where anyone could see like some common whore! Kaguya's mouth was like a hot, wet slick vise gripping Naruto, sucking tightly on just the tip of his cock and an inch or two beyond that-which was already quite a lot and more than most women could handle.

Kaguya made sure to keep her pillowy jugs wrapped tight around the rest of Naruto's cock as she began to bob her head up and down on his dick, her cheeks hollowed out as she kept a firm suction on that tasty, hard cock. Her eyes were half-lidded with lust as she took a little more in slowly at first, and then a bit faster. She made exaggerated swallowing motions with her throat, milking Naruto's cock even as a slight bulge appeared in the top of her neck. This stud of a boy's cock was pushing into the back of her throat, and beyond, almost as if he were fucking her entire head!

She made sure to moan and groan as she sucked and schluurped at the shaft her eyelashes fluttering as Kaguya put her all into sucking that cock, a task as challenging as any of the many great deeds she'd accomplished in life. Unlike certain occassions in the past, her rather vocal efforts contained no play-acting on her part, sucking on Naruto's cock made her pussy drip openly, and her face was flushed a slight red with arousal.

She was squeezing her tits so tightly around his dick, wanting to keep him wrapped in her velvety embrace, that the skin of her breasts actually puffed out around her grip, little fingermarks evident as she passionately deepthroated this teenager's jaw-achingly heavy truncheon. One hand eventually left her breasts, but kept them wrapped tight with her forearm, to fondle Naruto's massive, pendulous balls. They were so hot, the skin leathery yet somewhat soft in Kaguya's hand, and she let out another deep, lewd moan at the thought of all that sperm just churning in those stallion-like testicles.

Eventually, Kaguya reached her limit, finding it almost impossible to proceed any further down the almost spire-like length of Naruto's truly monumental cock. Her eyes had closed at some point and now fully opened, pulling back a bit to admire her handiwork, seeing a trail of smudged lipstick rings up and down Naruto's dick.

Still, there was a good portion, about half of the tree trunk like shaft, still untouched by Kaguya's sultry blowjob. She tried to project an air of pride on her face as she looked up at Naruto, but his own expression was one of honest surprise and confusion.

"Aren't...you going to suck the whole thing?" Naruto asked, truly curious.

Kaguya tried not to sputter in response, and instead simply huffed a bit, with several rock-hard inches of cock still stuffed into her mouth. Before she could answer, Naruto seemed to come to a conclusion himself, and Kaguya realized with a start that he was at least partly toying with her. But with that much cock lodged down her throat, she had come too far to back down.

"Mmmpf...mppgll! Glccch!" Kaguya gagged as Naruto took the initiative for the first time. His hands grabbed her horns, squeezing tight and Kaguya squeaked in response like a frightened little mouse. No one had ever touched her like that, and this impertinent little brat was using her horns like handlebars to better fuck her mouth!

"Glaacgh glaagh, gluuurk!" Kaguya was soon being made to swallow more cock than even she could handle, at least not at these speeds. Naruto's hips pumped aggressively as his cock began to push farther and farther into her gullet. He was really giving it to her now, skull-fucking the ancient beauty for all he was worth. She had known he was physically strong, but she'd never expected to be on the recieving end of a nasty face-fuck like this.

"Oh that's it, Kaguya, now you're doing a good job. I think you just needed a little help huh?" Naruto teased her, thrusting hard enough to shake her entire head, rattling her brain around inside her skull like a loose marble. Kaguya tried to glare up at him, but it was hard when her eyes were misting up with tears. Her understated yet regal makeup was soon running down her face, streaking dark tracks of mascara down her cheeks.

"Glaag, glaagh, glaachk!"

Her slender neck soon ballooned out to more than twice its size as Naruto's cock jammed further and further inside her throat. Soon the distinctive bell-shape of his dick tip could be seen between her immaculate collar bones, and then travelled still further down.

Oh god, its like his cock is fucking my tits from the inside! How could some simpleton have a dick so perfectly...monstrous! It feels so hard inside my mouth, its like trying to swallow something made of pure diamond~

Kaguya's hands slapped against Naruto's cock, but he simply took that as inspiration to fuck her face that much faster. Drool bubbled up in the corner of her lips as she struggled to endure the brutal assault, swallowing over fifteen inches of dick and with several more still to go. Sick, warbling cries filled the area, as nasty sloppy spittle and Naruto's pre-come poured forth from her lips, the red lipstick now smudged and ruined, onto the top of her shelf like titties. Nearby, those ninja who had fallen to Kaguya's hands but still yet lived might have considered the injuries inflicted on them a fair price to pay to watch this cruel tyrant get treated like a piece of cock-sucking trash.

Still, even Naruto found it difficult to force the last few inches inside, but he wouldn't let that deter him for long. Kaguya's expression had changed from one of lust, to shocked anger, and now was simply pleading with him, begging him to slow down and take it easy on her.

"You know, for such an old crone-even if you don't look your age-I thought you'd be better at this. But I've got an idea." Naruto said brightly, as though he'd solved a simple yet vexing school problem.

"Mmmph?!" Kaguya's hands pushed at Naruto's thighs now, and the heel of her sandals dug narrow little troughs into the dirt (despite her height, her feet were rather dainty and petite) as she tried to force herself off this cock. Absurdly, the thing that was actually upsetting her now had nothing to do with getting her tonsils nearly fucked into her belly, but instead with Naruto making fun of her age. But it was useless, and all her moaning, choking, and gagging struggles did was turn Naruto on more.

Seeing as this was a contest, and knowing full well how dangerous Kaguya was, her smokeshow of a body aside, Naruto was feeling a bit more justified in behavior he might otherwise have thought too cruel. So while he still held onto one of Kaguya's horns, bending over at the waist so her face was buried in his crotch and the bottom of his washboard abs, his other hand found her cute little nose. Running with phlegm from the effort of trying to breathe, Naruto pinched it shut tightly, cutting off Kaguya's already tightly limited air supply.

Without oxygen, unable to see anything but Naruto's body, feeling his swinging balls slap against her chin, his pubes scratching her delicate regal features, Kaguya knew she was in over her head. But her body betrayed her twice, first by opening her mouth just that little bit wider to let Naruto fuck her throat fully, and then by getting so turned on she nearly had an orgasm. Kaguya's thick thighs rubbed together as Naruto bottomed out inside her grasping gullet, balls smushed up against her face.


His cock is...too powerful! And that smell is driving me insane! Tenji would have come in third of the time. Just...what is this boy?!

It was the last thought Kaguya could string together for a while, as Naruto began to gasp and groan above her. Fucking this haughty woman's face, feeling every inch of his cock wrapped up in her throat, even able to feel her breasts spread outward around the dick bulge he'd formed in her upper chest, it was all too much. Kaguya's tongue was helplessly licking at his sweaty balls, giving in to her base instincts and simply wanting him to come as soon as possible, partly to get this over with and partly because the mighty Rabbit Goddess still wanted the huge load she knew was waiting for her-probably more than ever.

"Fuck that feels so good, Kaguya! I'm gonna fucking come!" Naruto kept a death grip on her horn as he came, letting go of her nostrils and giving Kaguya just enough air to stay conscious. For the moment at least, as his balls began to churn and his cock grew even slightly larger than before, the weighty tubes that carried his jizz bulging out like thick pipes.

Spllrch! Splllrch! Spllrcch!

Kaguya could barely even gag anymore, her mouth stretched wider than she imagined possible, as jizz began to blast directly into her stomach. It filled her up like an empty water balloon, and though it was completely unnecessary at this point, her neck still worked to swallow, causing her to grip Naruto tightly and making him grunt like an animal above her. In his lust-addled delirium, Naruto actually smacked the mighty woman on the back of the head a few times like a drunk trying to get the last stubborn droplets out of a bottle of sake.

Kaguya was anchored on his dick as firmly as if she'd been locked in place, and her eyes rolled back in her head at the shame, and worse still, delight, she felt at being used as some hung stud's living jizz trough.

With a nasty, wet spewing sound, jizz blasted out of her nostrils in twin jets, coating Naruto's pubic hairs and dripping down to his balls even as more frothed up past her lips. Kaguya felt like she might have puked, but even as more sperm was force-fed to her, something in wanted to hold on to every drop.

Slowly, Naruto pulled out as his orgasm continued, his cock covered in spittle, backed-up jizz, and Kaguya's lipstick, until only the tip remained in her mouth. Kaguya's eyes widened as she caught a full-bore taste of the salty, chewy stuff now, and she actually gargled on Naruto's come like a dirty little whore. She only swallowed as much as she did to make room for the next half-dozen shots Naruto had to offer, and then the countless more after that. He was dumping a load so large inside of her it felt like someone was filling her guts up with liquid cement.

Eventually, Naruto pulled his cock out, jerking the massive shaft furiously. Several thick ropes of jizz shot out, covering Kaguya's face, off-white hot jets of spunk that made her gasp and shudder. Kaguya actually lifted her tits up out of some base instinct, and Naruto made sure to direct his spasming, shuddering cock at them, pumping out enough spunk to actually cover every square inch of the enormous tits, like a burst sewage pipe spraying some poor individual unfortunate enough to be standing close.

"Hah, huh...ah shit that felt good Kaguya. Not bad, but I guess I still have more work to do. After all, while I feel really fucking good, you're probably not satisfied yet."

Looking at her now, dripping with jizz, her eyes glassy, and her stomach bloated and full as though she'd just drank an entire bowl of soup and then the bowl as well, 'satisfied' didn't seem like the right word. 'Exhausted' might have been closer, as Kaguya's head rolled around on her skull.

"Muh...more?" Kaguya whispered, and she was unsure if she really meant it. Still, she couldn't give up, though that might have been just because she'd been throat-fucked so hard she no longer actually remembered their wager, or that she had the option of quitting.

"Uh...yes, more. I'm ready whenever you are, young Naruto." Kaguya was trying to compose herself into a mask of composure, but it was difficult when her tits and face were covered in jizz and there were stray pubic hairs sticking to her plump, smeared lips.

"That's great!" Naruto said, and he lightly pushed Kaguya by the shoulders, causing her to sprawl ungracefully to the dirt.

"Ah! Don't you know that's no way to treat a lady you...dirty boy?" Kaguya asked, trying to prop herself up on her elbows. Her legs were still shaky from the lack of oxygen while getting her throat pounded, so she could do little to resist as Naruto strode towards her. He looked a lot taller now, and Kaguya hissed a bit in surprise and apprehension to see how hard his cock was, seemingly undiminished in the least as he grabbed her by the thighs.

"OH, I'm sorry, Kaguya." Naruto said in a tone of false apology.

"Maybe this will be better." He climbed on top of her, hoisting her long legs up into the air, and Kaguya suddenly felt quite vulnerable. She tried to dismiss those feelings as Naruto roughly grabbed her panties, pulling them up her legs as though clumsily unwrapping a birthday present.

"You're all dirty now, so let me clean you up." He sounded overly helpful as he proceeded to use Kaguya's purple panties, already soaked by her own arousal, to wipe up her chest, soaking up all the nasty sperm he'd shot all over her.

"Ah...what, what are you doing, Naruto?!" Kaguya said, her haughty demeanor in danger of slipping away completely. But Naruto had no interest in answering with words.

Since the tall stacked bunny bitch had seemed to like the taste of his come so much, gulping down enough to leave her stomach slightly bloated, Naruto decided she might want some more. So when he was done cleaning up her tits, leaving them only sheened lightly in sweat and looking as pristine and mouth-watering as before, he had an idea.

He was fully on top of her now, and began to push his giant cock at the soaking wet entrance to her pussy.

I...should ask him to be gentle, to go slow and give my body time to adjust. Kaguya's mouth kept opening and closing, too afraid to say the words. She couldn't ask for him to easy on her, that would be like admitting that she was worried by his huge size, and she refused to give this little brat the satisfaction.

Still, she regretted that as Naruto slammed his cock forward, burying nearly half of his length inside her spread cunt in one go.

"Ah-woooah! Mpfb?!" Kaguya yelled at first, but her cries were cut off as Naruto seized the opportunity her open mouth presented and stuffed her now horribly soiled panties right into her mouth. Clogging up her airway once more, and freeing his hands to explore her sensual body.




Even as her dripping pussy was ravaged, Naruto lowered his head to her chest, proceeding to maul her fat tits like some starving ferocious beast. His hands groped all over the huge firm breasts, squeezing tight enough to leave obvious handprints, while Kaguya moaned at the rough but not unwelcome treatment, cheeks hollowed around her panties. Naruto's mouth sucked on her heaving jugs like a starving child, slurping openly at her nipples and even biting lightly, making Kaguya squirm, her legs high in the air and trembling as he began to fuck her rotten.


In this position, Naruto had all the leverage and he took advantage of it. KAguya was almost unbearably tight, her pussy seeming to suck and squeeze at his giant dick as though it had a mind of its own. She practically screamed around the panties in her mouth, but Naruto just pushed them deeper in her mouth, until only a scrap of dark purple cloth could be seen outside her lips. Kaguya's eyes radiated fury at being treated so roughly, but that soon faded away as Naruto manhandled her body.


He's treating me like a weak helpless little slut! And his cock is so fucking huge that he's going to reshape my entire pussy-I'll never be the same after this.


"Fuck, you're so tight Kaguya! Take it all, you old evil bitch!" Naruto felt in control of the situation now, and his muscles were tense as he slammed deeper and deeper inside her pussy, his cock pushing past any meager resistance her body could offer.


"Mmmph, mpph, MMMMFH!!" Kaguya's legs suddenly snapped around Naruto's waist as his body slammed into her's. There was a constant chorus of thudding impacts as his balls bounced off her pussy, and Naruto felt something unspeakably tight and hot wrap around his cocktip as his dick pushed fully into Kaguya. Speared balls-deep on a dick longer than her forearm, Kaguya had an open, shameful orgasm. Her back arched up off the dirt and her hands kept clenching and unclenching, her eyes rolling back in her skull. Her pussy squirted around Nartuo's dick like a blocked hose as he rutted inside of her, deep dicking the Rabbit Goddess into her first and strongest orgasm in centuries.


Struggling to breathe, Kaguya felt slight relief as Naruto paused for a moment, pulling her panties out of her mouth before tossing them aside. The fabrics they were made from were probably worth more than his entire outfit, and now they were so much trash...which was how Kaguya was starting to feel. Utterly broken down and made filthy by this willful hung boy.


"Hah...huh...so big." Kaguya gasped. She tried to mold her face into an elegant expression. But after her orgasm had been embarrassingly loud and exhausting, it was clear Naruto wasn't buying it. They both knew what she was deep down.


"Wow, who knew sex with an old woman could feel so good?" Naruto joked, even as he slowly pulled out of Kaguya's pussy. Her labia were spread open incredibly wide, and Naruto watched her pussy desperately and futilely try to close. 


He grabbed by the waist again, pulling her body up until her body was sticking up into the air, leaving Kaguya's hair spread out like a luxurious rug beneath her body. She looked up at him, propped up on her upper back. Kaguya had never experienced anything like this, even as Naruto pulled her legs so far apart by the ankles she thought something might give way in her hips. His cock was poised to come down like an executioner's axe, and the little bastard even had the gall to spit on her open pussy, sending the stuff trickling down her open cunt.


"Guess I have a lot more work to do to leave you satisfied." Naruto said, while Kaguya stared back at him. Finally, just as he began to push into her in this humiliating, brutal piledriver position, she found her voice and spoke the words that sealed her fate.


"Do...do your worst, you filthy little peasant." She managed, like countless nobles before and after her, to make the word sound like a slur.


Naruto's eyes narrowed, and he hwakked back in his mouth, before spitting again. This time, a nasty glob of the foamy saliva landed right in Kaguya's face, clogging shut one of her nostrils. She gasped at the rudeness of this shocking display, right before Naruto's grip on her ankles tightened with a creaking sound and then he drove right down into her gasping, greedy little pussy.


"Fuck you Kaguya,"




"You nasty old,"




"Bunny bitch whore!"




In this position, Naruto was breaking her open, his cock sliding in and out of dripping gash and breakneck speed. With all the pressure he was putting on her body, that might prove literal too. Already sensitive from her orgasm, Kaguya soon had another as she watched Naruto bottom out inside her again. She could clearly see the bulge he made in her body, and her frothy pussy juices splurted out of her again and again as he thrust deeply inside her in high pressure jets.


"Gonna...core you out, you slut! You're gonna be my wife forever, Kaguya, so get used to it!" Naruto said, biting his lower lip in pleasure. His body was hitting her plush ass hard enough to make the entire fat surface jiggle and ripple in almost hypnotic waves. Kaguya just moaned and gasped, unable to believe how good it felt to get used in this way. Her pussy was spread open and stretched beyond belief, and even her sacred womb was nothing more than a speed bag for Naruto's cock to punch into again and again and again.


His body blurred as sweat poured off of both of them, mating like animals. His thrusts were so powerful that he had soon dug a slight crater in the dirt beneath Kaguya, as he fucked her well into the ground. She was done for, and they both knew it, and Kaguya was soon openly groping at her own chest, practically yowling with pleasure. She wasn't trying to turn him on anymore with seductress displays and acts, she just wanted to enjoy getting fucked as much as possible.


"Here it comes, Kaguya! This one might not count since we're not married yet, but get ready to bear my children! Gonna knock you up bitch, take every last drop!"


"Ahhh….no, you can't breed me. You're not worthy, no, no no!" Kaguya's head shook weakly from side to side before Naruto slammed into her one last time, their bodies anchored together as he hauled her up by the legs. Her body was nothing more than his fuckpuppet now, and his balls began to contract again, forcing out another mammoth load deep inside her most vulnerable areas.


Spllrt, sppllrt spllrt!


"No, no no, fuh...fuck YESS!!" Kaguya cried, something giving way inside her body. OF course Naruto was worthy of mating with her, with a cock like that. At this point, it was only a question of whether or not she was worth being bred by that giant fucking cock.


With her Byakugan, she could actually see what was happening in intense, X-ray detail. Naruto's cock, every amazing, impossibly, terrifying inch of it was lodged inside of her like a flag planted in the ground. His piss-slit grew wide and was the width of a man's finger as it began to churn out shot after shot of lumpy, thick jizz, almost burning hot inside her. Her cervix clung to him like a hungry mouth, milking his dick for all she was worth as her womb had been irreparably altered to better serve as his fuck-sock. 


The sheer volume of jizz filled her up in moments, and there was much more where that came from. Kaguya watched as her body was filled, ovaries practically drowned in Naruto's ball-batter, before it rushed back up her pussy, stretched longer than she would have thought possibly, as Naruto's load burst back out of her cunt.


"Hu-waaghh! I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm fucking coming!!" Kaguya's tongue stuck out her eyes rolled up in her head-though that didn't stop her from seeing everything. Her shameless ahegao expression, Nartuo's triumphant smirk as he stood atop her, body corded with muscles. Her stomach bloated out again as her womb filled with gallons of spunk, and when he was finally done, many minutes later, she looked like she was already pregnant with twins.


Indeed, given how potent and virile Naruto had to be, she probably was already pregnant. Twins was most likely an understatement.


Naruto pulled out of her, and let her lower half drop to the ground. Kaguya's body spasmed as though an electric shock were running through her. The aftermath of her orgasm made her mouth move and feet clench tightly, and she was almost hopeful that she might pass out. But Naruto wasn't finished yet.


"Here, get up Kaguya. Can't you even stand up? I thought you were supposed to be some all powerful Goddess, but you're just a brain-dead little slut aren't you?" 


Kaguya had no response to that, but when Naruto reached down and grabbed two fistfuls of her hair, yanking her upwards, she did her best to clamber up to her feet. Somehow in all the brutal fucking, one of her sandals had flown off, and she took weak, unsteady steps as Naruto marched her a few yards away. She could see the hole he'd dug into the ground with her body, and she leaked his jizz with every step, even as her body desperately tried to hold onto it all, out of some base primal need to be as bred as possible by this superior male.


"Puh...please, I need a break. I'll, I'll give up, I promise, I'll be a good little wife for you, just let me rest-hah!"


Naruto shoved her against a tree, and Kaguya felt like she might fall as he spread her legs wide, standing awkwardly with one bare foot. Her arms clung to the rough surface of the bark for dear life, as she felt Naruto's cock prodding against her ass cheeks, actually denting the skin a bit as his cock pushed into all that plump assmeat.


At first, Naruto had just wanted to fuck her pussy standing up, but now, looking at all that ass...He smacked her fat ass once, twice, and then over and over again. He loved the way it rippled, and Kaguya moaned. She was grateful he couldn't see her face as her tongue hung out of her mouth while she was spanked like a disobedient child. Naruto was having the time of his life beating the absolute shit out of her fat ass, watching the waves shake and her giant booty swing and shake of its own accord.


Smack smack smack!


Kaguya shook her ass for him without even realizing, clinging to the tree like a stripper on a pole. Her asscheeks slapped against each other over and over in a dizzying avalanche of ass. Naruto's dick prodded against her insistently, and he took one last moment to deliver another harsh slap directly to her puffy pussy mound.


"Hahh!" Kaguya gasped, having an orgasm from the rough treatment, and barely able to hold herself up any longer.


"Since you're going to be my wife, that means you have to obey me in all things." Naruto said, grinding his dick against her body, smearing it against her leaking and jizz-packed pussy.


"And I have just the wifely task for you to perform."


Without giving her time to consider what that meant, Naruto grabbed two meaty handfuls of Kaguya's hips, before slamming his cock forward right into her unprotected virgin asshole. Were they any two other people, it might not have worked, but Naruto had already proven there was no obstacle his cock couldn't punch through, and Kaguya's body could take punishment that her mind clearly could not.


"Ahhhh!!! Fuck, you're ripping my ass apart! Please, Naruto, m-mercy!" She cried, tears leaking down her face, her beautiful hair a mess.


"Oh, shut the fuck up, Kaguya! Get wrecked you thousand year old cunt!"




Kaguya's body could no longer support her as Naruto destroyed her shitpipe, his cock tunneling up deep inside her guts, rearranging her insides. Her arms slipped from the tree, and she nearly fell, except for Naruto catching her. She drooled openly, barely able to speak except to gasp, babble, and occasionally shriek as Naruto would hit some pleasurable spot deep inside her ass. Naruto pushed her back up against the tree, and she tried to hold on, but it was no use.


She was too weak, and Naruto was far too strong. Her hands were slick with sweat and trembling, and she was clearly going to fall at some point. And while Naruto liked the idea of fucking her like a bent over, impaled little bunny bitch, he didn't want to be supporting this cunt when he could have more fun slapping and groping her fat, heaving ass. It was like looking at an exaggerated teardrop shape, the way it ballooned out of her body, his cock slamming into her so hard her entire body shook and shuddered.


"Hold still, would you Kaguya? Here, like this, I'll give you a hand." Naruto sounded like a put-upon parent as he grabbed her horns, pointing them at the tree.




Kaguya was pinned in place by her own horns, shoved in about halfway to the tree. As Naruto continued to slamfuck into her, they slowly went deeper and deeper. Kaguya was impaled both ways, stuck between a rock and hard place as Naruto vented years of teenage sexuality and what felt like the righteous anger of all those Kaguya had hurt, channeled directly into her spasming, tiny asshole.


"Ah...fucking shit! You're...killing me, Naruto!" Kaguya's arms hung limp at her sides, as she was treated like nothing more than a hot piece of fuckmeat. There was a final impact as her horns were hilted completely into the tree, and Kaguya screamed gain, her ass and pussy coming at the same time, body shaking and trembling like a paper-thin leaf.


Naruto leaned over and muffled Kaguya with one hand, continuing to spear deep into her guts. He was grunting and groaning as he fucked her, legs spread in a power stance, all the better to destroy her virgin ass once and for all. To think she was supposed to be some terrible Princess, and here she was getting her stomach rearranged by dick. Naruto's cock made an obvious bulge in her already bloated body, all while Kaguya moaned against his hand, yelling and screaming in muffled pleasure, her brain broken by the sensation. He fucked her sinfully tight ass with deep powerful thrusts, trying to go as fast as powerful as her body trembled beneath him, packing as much strength into his thrusts as he had into anything in his life, his body a blur as he impacted her ass like a punching bag.


Kaguya lost track of time, or how many times she orgasmed as Naruto fucked her against the tree, only aware of the burning, soul-searing pleasure coming from her ass. Like the wanton slut she was, she tilted her head a bit, and greedily sucked on Naruto's fingers. He fishhooked her brutally, using both hands as she stared down at the dirt, feeling her body shake. With some thrusts, her feet actually lifted off the ground, and her body was bent into a painful-looking bow shape, too much for a normal woman to handle, but it was fine for the world's sluttiest woman.


After what had to have been a few hours, at least, there was another cracking sound as Naruto continued to plow away at Kaguya's ass. By now her giant bunny booty a mess of hand-prints, shining red in contrast to the otherworldly paleness of the rest of her body. 



The tree actually split down the middle as Naruto continued to plow away at her, and Kaguya was moaning in delirious pleasure. He barely noticed as the tree fell to the ground, and in any event he'd thought of a new way to support Kaguya.


"Come here, you big bitch! Gonna fill you up again, make you nothing more than a three-whole whore!"


"Gu-wahh?" Kaguya gasped, aware of what was happening but not really understanding. Her mind was broken, and she was unsure if she could ever think properly again. Not that it mattered, if Naruto could keep making her feel like this.




Naruto's feet dug into the ground as he pulled her backwards, and soon he was fucking right up into her asshole, tenting her body out with every thrust. Naruto was holding Kaguya aloft like exactly what she was-a defeated enemy, displayed like a trophy and lodged onto his cock. His hands came up behind her neck, holding her in a brutal full nelson position, standing tall as he fucked her hard enough to make her spine wobble and shake. His arms were hooked inside her knees, and Kaguya's long lithe legs shook in the air, helpless and limp like a piece of meat hanging off a hook.


Kaguya was in danger of getting whiplash as Naruto fucked her in this new position, but it didn't' seem to bother her. She was nothing but his concubine now, just as she had been long ago before gaining any mystic powers. Good for nothing but to get her holes destroyed by the biggest cock ever. Kaguya had known this would be the day she got everything she wanted, and she was right but just not in the way she'd been expecting me.


"Fuh...fucking ruined!" She gasped, looking down as Naruto's cock slammed deep inside of her again and again. She looked utterly pathetic, body bloated by sperm, face a mess, and her formerly luxurious hair sticking to her body, matted with sweat and stuck between them.


"Grrg...here it comes, you bitch! Enjoy your husband's sperm, you fucking witch!" Naruto hissed in her hair, taking great pleasure in contorting her body in this way. One of the few things Kaguya relied on besides her sheer power was her height, and Naruto had taken that away from her, leaving her a folded up, brutally fucked bitch. His hands shifted, and one palm stayed on the back of her neck while she bounced on his cock, openly fucking him back. She was coming like crazy again, and that meant her asshole was constantly squeezing and constricting his dick, practically sucking him like some vacuum-like living thing. Kaguya wasn't so high and mighty now, but that didn't mean she still wasn't great at what she did-even if all she did was get well and truly fucked.


Naruto's other arm wrapped around her neck, and Kaguya let out a strangled little noise of shock as Naruto barred her throat with the back of his forearm. She turned red in this chokehold, helpless to do anything but get fucked. Kaguya thought she would pass out, but Naruto was careful to give her just enough air to stay awake. He wanted her to watch this.


With a final series of brutal, hip-breaking thrusts, Naruto hilted himself inside her ass. His balls ground into her fat ass as Naruto bit Kaguya's graceful, swanlike neck. Marking his territory in every way possible as his cock began to spew out another load of jizz directly into Kaguya's shitpipe. 


Spllrt! Spllrch! Spllrch!


Her stomach bloated more than ever before, but it was clear there was only so much sperm that even Kaguya could hold. She felt like she might burst, even as Naruto worked his dick inside her more, slamming away at her insides like a hammer on an anvil. Finally, with a choked wet sound like a drunk about to spill their guts, Kaguya's mouth opened and jizz exploded out of her mouth like a fountain. It actually hung in the air for a minute before crashing back down. Naruto was grunting in her ear, telling what a worthless fuckpig she was, how ass-fucking and getting bred was all she was good, but Kaguya was scarcely aware, though she agreed. More spunk even squirted out of her nose, as her body had been filled to overflowing from all ends. She finally passed out, having the strongest orgasm of her life as her brain finally, blissfully shut down in pleasure.


Naruto eventually pulled out of her ass, letting her drop to the floor. He leaned down, smiling in victory at Kaguya's unseeing white eyes, her face a mask of sperm that occasionally bubbled up at her nose to prove she was still, barely, breathing.


"Looks like I win, huh, Kaguya? I've got to cleaned up now, but I tell you what, I think you'll make an excellent bride. Look, you even folded my clothes!" He grabbed a fistful of her hair, using it to wipe his cock off like it was nothing more than a cheap wank-rag, before throwing it back in her face. Kaguya sucked on the jizz-soaked strands openly, as Naruto got dressed.


Admiring his handiwork for a moment, Naruto leaned down, plucking Kaguya from the ground like a flower. He tossed the tall woman over his shoulder and went walking to find any remnants of the allied army. There was a lot of work to help with, and besides that, Naruto was confident people would want to meet his new bride. She looked like nothing more than what she was-a princess, beautiful and defeated, used to slake the lusts of her opponent, and blessed with a life of sexual pleasure forever and ever.


Had she been awake, Kaguya would have considered herself the luckiest bride in the world, and only then did she realize the world wasn't such a bad place after all.


The End…

[ More Chapter Ahead :) ]