
Solum Silere // Fred Weasley

When Krystal reappears at Hogwarts at the beginning of her third year after mysteriously vanishing only a few months into her 1st year, everyone is questioning where she disappeared to. Krystal was behind in her studies and was being accused of running away and having something to do with Sirius Blacks' escape from Azkaban, but despite all the accusations and questions about her disappearance making the weight on her shoulders heavier, she stays silent, and if she ever tried to reveal the truth, the only thing she could do is wish she never made it back. (Fred Weasley x Oc) A Harry Potter FanFiction Credit to J.K Rowling I do not own any of the characters in this book except for Krystal or any possible Oc’s. and some parts in the story are gonna kind of follow the Original Harry Potter series storyline( which I also do not own) But y’all already know that lol (All rights reserved) Please do not repost anywhere please, I already have this story being published on Wattpad too, Thank you

PardonOt7 · Movies
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15 Chs

Pumpkin Juice Ѽ₊˚.༄ ೃ -

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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Chapter 3 ˚ ༘♡ ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ

Third Person POV

Molly went on to make dinner, she called George and Fred to help set the table. 

it was 8:00 pm. its been 7 hours since Hagrid left and everything went on quite normally, everyone trying to keep their voices down so they don't wake the girl in the guest room.

"who is she?" 

"i don't know Fred, but we'll find out when she wakes up dear." Molly answered 

"what happened to her?"

"Hagrid found her outside of an orphanage bleeding,  but we don't know how George." Molly said.

"Where is she from?"  

"I'm not sure Ginny, but Hagrid told me he found her outside of an orphanage" Molly answered. 

"is she going to Hogwarts?"

"I think she might, Hagrid said there was a messenger owl standing next to her with the school letter." Molly told them,  "She looks about your age Ron, so I think this might be her first year, just like you." 

"now enough with the questions, go on and finish your chores, dinner will be ready soon." Molly finished as they all left the kitchen to do their chores.

"Fred." Molly called the red haired boy before he left the room. 

he stopped and turned around. 

"could you please go change the cloth on-"

"Ok sure." Fred said quickly, already knowing what his mom was gonna ask him to do. He wanted to talk to her and see if she was ok, because when he walked down those stairs and saw her, that was the first time in his life he had ever seen someone in that much pain. He also heard everything from upstairs, they all did, so he decided he wanted to try do something to help make her feel better. 

"thank you dear." Molly said smiling at Fred. 

"oh and take this with you, and try not to wake her up." Molly said as she handed Fred a bottle of pumpkin juice.  "she might wake up soon though"

Fred nodded his head and took the bottle. He grabbed another cloth, and wet it with cold water. He ran up the stairs and into the room that Krystal was in. 

He slowly opened the door trying not to make any noise. After placing the pumpkin juice on the side table, he took the other cloth off her head, and placed the cold one on her forehead causing her to flinch slightly. 

Don't wake up, don't wake up, don't wake up 

Fred thought, not realizing that he was holding his breath.

He slowly tiptoed to the door when he heard a weak voice say "hey."

he turned around and saw the girl looking at him straight in the eyes as he looked into hers.

Her eyes were a beautiful blue colour, they were hypnotizing to look into, they lured you in, he could tell that she was special.

Her eyes didn't look like the eyes of a child, they didn't have the innocent look in them but not in the sense that she looked old or anything like that, but he could see in her eyes that shes been through things, she had stories to tell though she was still young. he saw sadness.

He would usually prank someone right about now, but he wanted to cheer her up. He maybe cruel with the targets of his pranks, but not that cruel. 

Maybe after she gets better. He thought not knowing he would make a new friend.

 he walked back over to her and figured he would just see how she was since he's was there all ready. 

"sorry for waking you." Fred said with an apologetic look in his eyes.

"It's ok," Krystal said smiling weakly, "I was getting tired of sleeping anyways."

"so," Fred started, "how are you feeling?" 

"Better." Krystal said while nodding slightly.

Fred and Krystal just sat there in silence, but it wasn't awkward or anything, she didn't feel alone, that made her happy, and Fred had already finished his chores so they were both just there. Krystal enjoyed the company, even if she didn't know him, the woman who she assumed was him mother did just save her life, along with the tall man, so she knew she was safe in this house. 

"what's your name?" Fred asked breaking the silence after about 5 mins. 

"Krystal." she answered clearing her throat after from a weird itch and what felt like sharp knifes cutting her throat from the inside. she really wanted to ask for water, but she didn't wanna be a burden. she didn't even know these people and they saved her life and gave her a place to rest. they're so kind, shes a stranger to them too, but they still did all that.

" you want something to drink?" he asked, reading her mind and remembering the pumpkin juice his mom sent up with him for her.

 "yes please." she said with a small smile. 

"pumpkin juice sound good?" Fred asked, handing her the bottle that was on the nightstand. 

"Sure, I've never tried pumpkin juice before."

"really?" Fred looked at her wide eyed,"well I'm sure you'll like it, its really good." 

Krystal twisted the lid off of the bottle and took a sip of the juice.

she took a minuet to see how she feels about the juice. 

Fred sat, waiting to see what she thinks.

her lips curved upwards. 

"wow, this is really good." she said smiling brightly, amazed by the new flavor of pumpkin juice, she started to forget about the pain she was feeling. She took another sip. 

"I knew you'd like it." Fred said with a grin on his face. 

Krystal looked at him as he smiled. He has a nice smile. Krystal thought. analyzing his face, she noticed a small scar on his left eyebrow. 

Hm... I wonder how he got that? 

They continued to talk about random stuff like their birthdays, he would make some jokes, she would laugh, then instantly regret it because it hurt her stomach. she told him how she got hurt, it didn't phase her as much since she pretty much saw it coming from Amelia, she also talked a bit about Agatha and how much she hated her, barely scratching the surface of how horribly Agatha treated her, but those were the only bad things she talked about, she didn't really feel like turning the conversation into a depressing one. 

she told him about how she used to prank everyone in the orphanage, he told her that him and his brother George also liked to prank people. They were both very similar, they were excited to know that they had a shared an interest in practical jokes, simple ones and complicated ones. She told him about the whole thing with the owl, and how she suddenly felt something stinging behind her ear when she walked towards the owl, the electricity and the burned letter, and the tornado like wind.

Krystal was happy at that moment because she felt like she made a new friend. He told her about Hogwarts and how there is the muggle world and the wizard world.  She was a bit shocked at first, but she believed it, and they continued to talk. Fred was telling her all the hilarious pranks he and George had pulled on the professors at Hogwarts in their 1st and 2nd year. They had grown pretty close in the sense that they knew a lot about each other now. 

He knew more about her than anyone else in her entire life, which makes sense since she didn't really know that a lot of people, but still.  

20 minuets had passed and as Krystal took the last sip of pumpkin juice, she realized she didn't know his name yet. 

"I never got to ask," Krystal said as she placed the bottle in her lap after closing it, getting Fred's attention, "whats your name?" 

"oh right, i completely forgot," Fred said mentally face palming at the fact that he could forget to tell her something as important as his name"my name is-" 

"Fred!" Molly's voice called from downstairs as if on cue, "dinners ready dear!"  

Krystal giggled a little and said, "it was nice talking to you Fred."

"likewise." Fred replied. 

"I'll see you later."he said as he got up

"Just one more question," Fred said a bit nervously, "if my mother asks what we talked about, which she probably will, is it ok if I tell her what you told me, or would you rather tell her yourself?"

"It's ok if you tell her." Krystal said already starting to trust Fred more than a person could on the first day of meeting someone, let alone in the first 20 something minuets. He understood that some the things she told him could be things she might not be ready to talk about to everyone, or that they might be things she would wanna tell them by herself.  

with that, he walked out but not before looking at her with a smile on his face and waving goodbye for now. She waved back as the door closed. 

she smiled to herself

This day didn't turn out so bad after all. 

Krystal thought as she went back to sleep. 


I'm actually so excited to be writing this book!!! (≧∀≦)

Stay Safe ♡