
Solum Silere // Fred Weasley

When Krystal reappears at Hogwarts at the beginning of her third year after mysteriously vanishing only a few months into her 1st year, everyone is questioning where she disappeared to. Krystal was behind in her studies and was being accused of running away and having something to do with Sirius Blacks' escape from Azkaban, but despite all the accusations and questions about her disappearance making the weight on her shoulders heavier, she stays silent, and if she ever tried to reveal the truth, the only thing she could do is wish she never made it back. (Fred Weasley x Oc) A Harry Potter FanFiction Credit to J.K Rowling I do not own any of the characters in this book except for Krystal or any possible Oc’s. and some parts in the story are gonna kind of follow the Original Harry Potter series storyline( which I also do not own) But y’all already know that lol (All rights reserved) Please do not repost anywhere please, I already have this story being published on Wattpad too, Thank you

PardonOt7 · Movies
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Chapter 8 ˚ ༘♡ ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ

Trigger Warning, this chapter contains: Anxiety, panic attacks

Krystal's POV

Molly showed me where the bathroom was and told me that she would get me dry clothes since the ones I had been wearing were now not only old and worn out but also soaked in ice-cold water, sending shivers down my spine.

I'm not gonna lie, I would've laughed if I weren't in my current situation, but I couldn't, it physically hurt.

after using the bathroom and washing my hands, I stood in front of the mirror and looked at myself.

I looked scary, I was way too skinny, and the bags under my eyes were a dark shade of blue. I didn't know who I was looking at, that's when I realized, I haven't looked at myself in the mirror in a long time.

is that what I look like?

I'm surprised that this mirror hasn't broken yet.

I'm so ugly.

I have nowhere to go.

I'm gonna have to go back to that place.

I don't wanna go back.

I began to spiral into what felt like a tornado of unanswered questions, each question like a random object coming my way and crashing into me.

My eyes welled up in tears, and I started to feel nauseous. I quickly turned around and sat on the bathroom floor with my head in the toilet bowl and my hands gripping tightly at the sides, the food I had just eaten all coming back out.

There was a burning, acidic feeling stuck in my throat as it started closing up with every passing second. All the questions I kept asking myself devoured me and pushed me into a bottomless abyss of uncertainty and fear.

 I didn't know what I was gonna do.

I didn't know where I was gonna go.

Oh but I did.

 I was gonna go back home.


That word doesn't have a true meaning to me. I will never find a real home. I'll be stuck in that hell hole until I'm old enough for them to kick me out, Agatha has already tried multiple times, but now she'll have a valid reason. That's how it's always gonna be.

I tried to push those thoughts out of my mind, but they came flooding into my mind, a wave of self-hatred and hopelessness strong enough to knock down buildings. I gave up and welcomed those bad thoughts back into my head once again. I started panicking even more, unable to control it, I pushed myself up against the wall and pulled my knees up to my chest, each of my trembling hands going to one side of my head gripping tightly at my wet hair, trying to breathe as sobs escaped my dry lips.

I could hear only the oxygen I was trying to provide for my depleted lungs struggling to go through my throat and my desperate cries. The doorknob began to rattle and there was someone loudly pounding their fist on the door calling my name.

My breaths became louder as my hands came to my neck, and warm tears spilled down my cheeks leaving lines of warmth against my cold skin.

The door burst open as my head snapped toward the door now looking at a worried Fred. I was looking straight into his brown eyes as my panic attack got worse. Tears kept flowing, and more sobs escaped with my desperate attempts to breathe.

Fred hastily came to where I was sitting, sat down next to me, and started rubbing my back.

3rd Person

"Hey, you're ok," Fred whispered softly, unsure of how to comfort her. He kept on rubbing her back soothingly. It didn't seem to work, and that made sense, he's never done this before. But he wasn't gonna go anywhere until he made sure she was ok.

Krystal lifted her head and looked at the ceiling, squeezing her eyes shut so tightly that she could see patterns, and trying to stop herself from blocking the air that was keeping her alive.

"Look at me," Fred said calmly, yet he was internally panicking, it was like a fire alarm was going off inside of him. She kept looking at the ceiling, afraid that bringing her head back down would make it harder to breathe.

"I-I can't breathe." she sobbed, making an effort to inhale but failing.  

"Krystal, look at me" he called for her softly, almost on the verge of tears, but he successfully held them back.

Krystal looked in his direction, her eyes begging for help, telling him the words she couldn't say.

"Just focus on my breaths, and try and do the same." Fred took a deep breath in, one hand still on Krystals back while the other one was holding hers.

Krystal tried to copy, and follow Fred's actions, but her thoughts had trapped her in a prison, one she was supposed to have the key to, but at this point, it was like the key was hanging just within her reach but there was quicksand ready to drown her in despair and doubt, all that came out were strained cries.

He took another deep breath, his eyes never leaving hers. She tried as hard as she could to force her terrifying thoughts out of her head this time. it was HER mind, HER thoughts, she could no longer hold them back, but she had to.

She attempted to take a deep breath in, it slowly started to work. Her heart was beating at a normal pace, and she had exchanged the doubt for air.

"Sorry." Krystal choked out.

she was looking down at Freds' hand that was still holding hers, she felt embarrassed, and angry at her self, she never allowed anyone to see that side of her. her weak side. Her scared side.

She didn't wanna see it, but whenever she tells herself that she'll be ok, it sneaks up on her and surrounds her, giving her nowhere to run and hide.

"Why are you sorry?" Fred asked as he pulled her into a hug, "you did nothing wrong."

Krystal leaned into the hug that Fred embraced her in, her head resting against his chest, listening to his heartbeat as it calmed her down, tightly clutching onto his sweater with her small, shaking hands, too scared to let go, afraid that she would get lost in such a small place. A muffled sniffle could be heard from her every few seconds, her tears seeping through the fabric of his sweater.

Already feeling lost, she felt calm in being held in someone's arms. It was nice. her vulnerability and crying did not end up with her getting yelled at or abused, the way it did in the orphanage.

Is this what home feels like?




Fred was sitting on the bathroom floor next to Krystal, his arms wrapped around her like shields trying to protect her from any danger that could come her way, only to remember that the danger she felt coming for her was from inside, like an impostor poisoning all the happy memories in her mind, and turning them into evil whispers telling her that she'll never be safe. He stayed there, stroking her hair and telling her she was ok, unaware of the fact that Molly had witnessed the whole thing.

Molly felt worried for Krystal, but she couldn't help but feel proud of her son.

She wore a sad smile on her face as she walked over to them and put her hand on Krystals' shoulder and told her that she should go lie down.

Fred helped Krystal stand up as he led her back to her room, and left so she could change.

After she changed and laid back in bed, Fred and George went back into the room to apologize for the prank to explain that that was meant for the next person to walk into the room, and not for her, followed by Ron and Ginny who introduced themselves. she also found out from Molly that she was gonna be staying at the Burrow for the next 2 months until she starts her first year at Hogwarts.

Things can only get better from here... right? Krystal thought as she drifted into a silent, dreamless sleep.


A/N-Y'all...I love Fred he's so sweet💜🥺

so this is how they start to become closer, Fred is the first person to not only see that side of her, but he helped her get through it💜

♡Hope you liked this chapter♡

♥︎Stay Safe♥︎