
Solo leveling: The Son of the Shadow Monarch Accidently Went back Time

One day from the far future ,There was a very young boy name Su-ho living with the best and most fearful hunters in Korea Sung jin-woo and Cha hae-in his parents. Suddenly on the current day when his parents were busy on something, a black portal swirling around his room appeared before him. He begun to have curiosity on his eyes staring at the mysterious thing appeared in his room, he crawl slowly near it and when he face it, he touch the portal, starting to be strangely weird. After that, a shadow hand grab the young boy, dragged him unto the portal and found himself inside a Gate. I don't own solo leveling so enjoy.

KingSavior_1st · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Unexpected Guess

Few moments ago, the people who were left behind are guarded by a pack of shadow ants surrounded them. The girl was creep out staring outside the window sweating on her forehead and said.

'I should have told him that I hate insects'

"Quit whining... Don't you know its our own safety" sitting while changing channel of the tv.

She twitch her head at the man sitting on the couch and said.

"Yeah so... "

"So just sit down and watch... you said you don't want to miss it right?" said with a very calm face.

"How are you still calm about this? are you not scared?"

"Why I should be scared I'm a D-rank hunter furthermore I have faith in him, that's why I'm not worried anything as long his existence is here everything will be fine with no harm coming right us"

She remains silent in surprisingly watching his calm face like everything is fine as long he's alive on what he meant to her. She said calmly.

"You know... I like you-"

He heard her voice and turn red, thinking his first confession was coming from a girl who he just met a week ago even though it was all a misunderstanding. He shouted.


"As a friend moron" she said

"Oh, right it was a misunderstanding ok" He continued switching channels looking for a movie were she was waiting for in a gloomy way. "I thought I'm lucky but not so luck after all" his thoughts.

"I kinda understand my oppa, why your so reliable" said with a smile.

"Did he?"

She remain silent in a smirk.

She sat down on the couch beside him with a grin of her face.

"Ok, lets watch now"


They watch a movie together side by side without a notice of his presence vanish away into the darkness.

... Back at the main story...

At the nearby gate where the last conversation continues to where it began.

"Sung Jin-woo... We have no reason to fight ourselves do we" He said it with a evil grin.

"What are you talking about?"

"The truth is the matter is that I'm not here for you, I have other business here to dealt with"

"So your not here for me then who?" he glared at him and ask.

"You want to know who? HAHAHAHA... you don't know anything on what's going on do you, Fascinating"

"What is he talking about... If he is not here for revenge than what is it?" his thoughts while glaring at the Angel statue.

The monarch stayed silent while the architect continued to explain furthermore about his coming.

"Fine but first, I should tell you about the prophecy"


"The rulers have seen the destruction of our world cause by the unbalanced law of nature, space and time throughout the atmosphere continues its falley... if this prophecy continues to exist, we must eliminate it at once" He grin.

"Who is the cause of this destruction?"

"There was a creature who has appeared out of nowhere from 3 weeks ago before anything have ever occurred" Smiling with a grin of his face.

"What creature?"

"Neither do we have known, It is been notified that earth has suddenly gone worse each time for the last two weeks. We were ordered to find it quickly before it's too late"

"Strange...Didn't you betrayed the rulers for working with the sovereign"

"Oh that, it's a long story..." He smirked.

"You were able to get away by just that... You must be lucky bastard"


"Why are you telling me this now, when you didn't tell me the answer I wanted to know back then?"

The angel remain silent with a evil smile.

"WHAHAHAHAHAHA" continued laughter with his cruel smile wide open.

"What's so funny?"

"Your so dense really. that your world is about to end and you ask me why, Hilarious... Fine I should tell you as my last answer"

He stand still listening to him silently waiting.

"Because I need you to be aware that two shadow monarchs are not allowed to live in this balance" change of expression down sided smile.


"Yes you heard me right. there's another one like you has just been appear destroying the balance. All the rulers and sovereign worked for years of supplying this earth with mana had gone to waste because of its appearance "

The monarch widen his eyes in quiver.


"Oh believe me its the truth, The prophecy told us this entity was to be known as shadow monarch... It's really strange isn't, that some creature is somehow related to you"

The Man in the cloak started to have flashbacks hearing the words of clues where he heard before.

"Wait come to think of it I heard this before... Is it from the rumours, it was said from last 3 weeks ago about the mysterious entity was founded inside the gate turns out to be a young boy..." his thoughts.

"Ah... I think you know who it is, did you" he smirked the moment he stare his unfazed face.


"I can see that face of yours...you already confronted the creature, haven't you"

"I don't know what you mean"

"Hand it over and the conflicts will be over soon"

"Are you threatening me" He said in a glare.

"No of course not, I'm just negotiating that's all you get to know"

He remain silent with intense glare looking at the angel.

"Sorry I don't know who is this creature you speak off"

"Really too bad, I should search it... By wiping out the entire city into smithereens!"


"Like it ever happen"

The monarch swiftly dash on a blink of an eye heading towards the statue and attack him with his kamish short sword.


The angel defend himself from his short daggers with his metal blade.

"You got yourself a new weapon, very good I have high expectations from you now"

"Shut up bastard!"

They clash with sharp blades, colliding in metal sparks fighting in the middle of the city. The monarch maneuver against the stone angel, slashed his chest went down to the ground.

"Oh, is that it?"

"He's hard to crack" his thoughts

"My turn"

The angel bash in and grabbed his face slammed down unto the street ground sliding along the floor.

The chairman sense a familiar presence coming from the other gate beginning to have a dungeon break. He felt a slightest cut from his throat like a reaper has returned in the surface.

"This presence I known this before"

The red hair man ran heading to the chairman.


"Hunter Choi! you sense it too" he respond.

"I did it's the same presence as the double dungeon"

"How come its back, I though it's already cleared long ago by Hunter Sung"

"I have no Idea but somehow Hunter Sung is currently fighting the monsters already"


Another employee shown up in announce shouted at them.

"Sir, we need to call reinforcement right away"

"There is no need for that"


"You don't get it do you" the man in glasses said.

He remain silent.

"Hunter Sung is already their along with his summons blocking the dungeon break, It might be a nuisance for us to join in while this gate is left out" The chairman said.

"I agree, This gate is our top priority now if the monster came early than we expect, it will be a disaster plus why does Hunter Sung need reinforcement when he had over hundred or thousands summons from the rear, He is already strong among the ranks of S-ranks" The ultimate soldier continued the conversion.

"Sorry my mistake, It was wrong for me to call for more reinforcement when it was no need for assistance please forgive me"

"No need for forgiveness just hope that something worse won't happen"

"Ok sir"

The ultimate soldier twist his head sideways looking for someone.

"Where did she go? I can still sense her presence but I don't see her everywhere" his thoughts.

The ultimate soldier turn his at the chairman and ask.

"By the way where is Hunter Cha?" He ask the chairman.

"I thought she's with you since she was with you for a minute ago" Chairman replied.

"Strange why did she leave when our priority is here"

The guildmaster of the reapers guild approach the man in glasses standing still.

"Yo guys, got a problem their" waving at him and said.

"No, but did you see Hunter Cha anywhere?"

"Oh, she ran their"

He pointed out the ruin city surrounded by shadow soldiers and hunters fighting off the statues. The red hair man shock and opened his mouth left out hanging. He shouted.

"Why did she go their?!"

"I don't know maybe she's going to assist Hunter Sung"

"Are you sure!"

"I just said maybe did I?"

"Oh, god why did she went their. did she know hunter Sung is fighting for our sake"

"I think she said something before she left"

"What did she say?"

"Well... She said she sense something wrong then she ran off"

"I really don't understand at all"

"Hahaha don't worry about it I'm sure she's helping out"

He remain silent and turn his head at the ruin city.

"Hunter Cha, what are you doing now?" his thoughts while looking worried.

....At the same time...


The angel drag the monarch straight down to the ground sliding through the abandoned building, crash landed.

"Kha!" Spitting blood from his mouth.

'How the hell is this possible, back then he was not this strong before he died but somehow he got stronger despite my current level is 129' his thoughts

The angel stood up smiling below the shadow monarch in cruelty.

"You have gotten stronger Jin-woo, very good" he grin.

"How the hell you get this strong"

"Oh you want to know... Unlike my other fake body this body is a lot stronger to hold my powers in check without further notice"

"No wonder you got this change"

"Hahahaha have I told you before my calculation is always correct and more perspective than I have done ever before"

The angel pointed his blades at his face, gazing at the monarch lying on the ground painfully with a creepy smile on his face.

"Where is the creature?"

The monarch stood up slowly holding his kamish shortsword rougher, gotten paranoid at his presence.

"Tch! your annoying"

He dash instantly with a slash on his face, the angel block his unexpected strike and continue to clash along with it non stop fighting over the ruined city.

Klang, kling, kling

The monarch grabbed a metal pole from the ground using his ruler's authority. The angel notice and sought a very large metal pole dragging into his hand.

"What's this?!"

Rulers Authority

"Are you kidding me... That toy won't work on me"

The metal pole broke into pieces when was stab at the back.


"Your tricks won't work against me the creator of the system"

"Your mistaken, your the former creator from I have already devour the system a long time ago"


Monarch slid appear to his back and punch his face creakingly crack while he flew going to the broken wall.


The angel landed unto the wall. he slowly standing up his both feet with a smile.

"Bastard I really hate that"

The monarch precipitate running towards the angel standing in front of him.

"So do I"

He strike again, down and across from his right should aiming for the angel face. However the angel see through him and block each strike aiming where he wanted to cut down.

Kling, Klang

The angel was aware about his current situation by looking at his weapons each hands slowly cracked each strike he takes to take hit. The angel took a glance the enemy short sword with curiosity.

"What kind of weapon is that?!... Its hard and sharp, my weapons can't able to penetrate that shortsword of yours no matter what I do"

"I thought you already figured it out"


They continued to strike each other till the the angel realized that the Monarch was holding was no normal weapon.

"I see nevermind... That's Kamish tooth isn't, from 8 years ago no wonder its hard to crack" his mood change.

"It's too late to realise that because its over" he smirk.

The monarch slit the angels two weapons into half and cut way through his stone body.


...At the same time on the other location...

The hunters were struggling to fight back against many giant statue resistant physical and magic attacks.

"How the hell this statue is harder than Naga"

"Everything we do, our attacks doesn't affect them"


"Yeah I know those statue are stiff to kill, it's just like that snake said this is the same statue from the double dungeon"


"That's why none of our attacks doesn't affect them but somehow-"

The gaze of the hunters staring at the shadow soldiers who kept regenerating despite getting slashed by the statue, but the generals of the shadow monarch handle them with no problem constantly destroying each statue one at the time.

"KHHEEEEEEEEK!!"Slashing through multiple statue chest






The strongest summons kept on killing each statue one at the time defending the rear. The hunters gaze at them in shock.

"Those summons over their are from a different level"

"Despite being summons were just inferior"

"Totally agree with you"

"They don't have any problems at all, killing the statues with no struggle"

"So those are his Generals"

"Pardon sir?"

"Forget it, kept blocking the monsters"


The monarch defeated the architect, stomping his foot across his stone chest with immense power flowing through the surface looking serious.

"Bastard you think you've won but you wrong"

"It's already over the moment you lose to me the 2nd time"

The angel stare at monarch in disappointed but then he finally sense another presence of darkness somewhere near to their location.

"Hah nevertheless, I have found my target"

"Target?... Who?"

"You really don't know, did you... Look over their" he grin.

The angel raise his finger pointed out the location. The S-rank hunter turn his head and look his pointed location and sought it.

"This cannot be right"

The mysterious entity who cause the balance to break is standing in front of the shadow monarch between broken walls wearing a hoodie on hold his Teddy bear.


"Papa" he replied.

"So you really did confronted the creature"

"Bastard! are you fooling with me!"

"Did I... I truly don't have time to play with you since I found my target"

The angel used rulers authority controlling the gigantic wall beside the boy trying to kill him by falling towards at the young boy's location. The monarch widen his terrified eyes witnessing the conflict occurs. He shouted.

"Su-ho get out over there now!"

"Too late" he grin with a cruel smile of his face, closing his palms into fist.


The wall fell landed already to the ground with a crash flowing of dust everywhere to the area reaching at the Monarch's eye.


The Monarch begun to rage within his eyes in bright purple overflowing into his skin screaming to the horizon.


"HAHAHAHA!! MY JOB IS COMPLETE-" he was about to continue to say after he hit his face.

The monarch punch his face continually raging pounding it multiple times none stop breaking his stone fake body or face like an rampage at the single enemy. He started to scream nonsense in anger.



The Monarch continues to pound the angel none stop without stopping his angry growl from the feeling of resentful at someone's death, who is important to him. He did not stop his fist, thwacking the angel till a single voice occurred.


He stop against the statue and turn his head to the left corner with hope in his heart. Hearing the voice of a woman at the same direction as the first one as well.

"It's alright now, I got you"

Both being's look in surprise seeing the person saving a young boy.

"WHAT!" The angel said in Furious tone.

"Hunter Cha"

The Female hunter was lying on the ground holding the boy on her palms with a broken leg bleeding out.

"Your that woman from before... YOU HUMAN BASTARD DO YOU NOT KNOW WHO YOUR DEALING WITH!! " The angel said.

The monarch pound his face once, strong enough to flatten his face like a pumpkin, cracking half of the stone surface head has been reveal its true face.

"Shut up and be quite"

The monarch vanish the angel sight using his quicksilver to precipitate in front of the injured woman holding the boy.

"Hunter Cha are you alright?"

"Yes, maybe little"

"Why are you here, you should be with the others by now raiding the other gate but instead your here being reckless. You know... you gotten be killed if you interrupt my fight"

"Sorry I just have a feeling that something is not right, so I must rush in before anything happens"

He sigh* "I don't even understand what you speaking about"

"Hahaha I don't blame you for I'm talking nonsense here"

The boy stare worried shown into his face looking at the blonde woman holding him.


The male hunter widen his eyes surprisingly gaze the boy's phrase at the woman.

"So your the one I was wondering about, calling us like that is kinda weird you know"

"I guess... I will tell you the truth later"


He stood up his knees staring at the different direction heading the angel location and said.

"Can you stand?"

"Barely, but I can manage it"

The man in cloak pull out his healing potion from his dimensional storage and grab it unto his palm.


He throw out his potion at the injured female hunter. The woman looked confuse on what she's holding.

"Drink it"


The woman drank the potion to her throat emptying it. Her wound and her broken leg were all healed for seconds. The Monarch glared at the angel and said.

"You better get Su-ho and you out of here... I have other things to dwelt with"


"No you don't!" The architect shouted.

The angel shouted in angry tone while his expression shown his face gazing towards the escaping target.


The statue who came out from the gate are turning their backs at the hunters and the shadow army, glown red into their eyes searching the single enemy target.

"Their running away?"

"What the hell!"

"What is going on here?"

"Sir, do you know something wrong our current situation "

"No, but I got a bad feeling about this"

The guildmaster of the white tiger's guild use his beast form looking to confirm something for the reasons why the statue acting strange till suddenly he caught on his eye witnessing a hundred statue walk through the burning ruins of the city chasing both S-rank hunter standing before the angel statue. He shouted.

"Follow those statue Immediately!!"



The Monarch glared intensely while he shouted on the air.


The Female S-rank sprint swiftly going to the opposite direction away from the angel the moment she heard his loud voice.

The angel looking exasperated at the woman running away from the field. He scream desperately mad to the air shouted with an echo.


He remain silent while hiding his expression.


The monarch smirked at the angel.


The architect begun to widen his stone eyes and realize.

"What did I say earlier" the monarch said.

The ground turn black expanding the field of the ruin city were he set foot. The angel notice the ground covered in black approaching under his feet.

"Its Over"

Monarch's Domain

The shadow ground sprout out like thorns of spears stab every statue who are near him nor they set foot the Abyssal floor continuously eliminated.


The angel was also caught by his skill trying to escape till he broke free from the spears, approach instantly ahead the Monarch while raising his remaining weapon.


The angel strike each hand attacking faster, trying to hit him multiple times, the monarch dodge his every attack with the intent to kill.

"I don't have an explanation for you nor every rulers and sovereign but I have a reason to let him live"

He intently at full tilt approach his back, striking with his daggers to cut each arms and wings while slowly killing him.

Clatter* sound.

The monarch slice each part of his stone body till he sought at his neck attached with some kind of pink gem holding it.

"No wonder your still alive. You were captured by the rulers and being used as a damn slave"


"You talk too much"

He cut through his head slowly falling apart.

"You'll regret this... I swear it" he spoke low tone.

The monarch looked down upon the broken head in glowing purple eyes.

"I have no regrets Architect, for I am the only hunter who can protect this world"

"Protect? silly you are indeed, the prophecy is still alive and the world you tried to protect will fall soon"

The Monarch smash with his bare shoes trumpling twice and said seriously.

"It won't happen, just like I said before"

Then the architect pass away from his fake body into a stone corpse smashed by the monarch himself.

... At the Female hunter location...

The female hunter ran a mile away going in the direction of the evacuation area where the her house is located.

"I hope he's alright" looking worried.

The female hunter twist her head looking at her surroundings for clues if the statue's are chasing her.

"Despite the current situation it looks like it's over.. for now from we have another gate to settle with but first I have to put him somewhere safe... how did he got here anyway? Am curious..." her thoughts.

The woman continued running her way till a sniff of smell came to her senses in distress. She encountered an ambush swang down the street floor with a heavy hammer.


She swiftly dodge to the left and slide through the street floor holding a child on her chest.


The monster slowly raise the hammer to its shoulder with a smile of disgust shown in its face. The woman panic while gripping her sword rougher and realize.

"Impossible! I though we have enough time to raid before it begun"

The monster roar to the horizon echoed through the distance of afar city calling for assistance, however it sounded most like a bull's roar or a man's harsh voice.


The woman stance ready to fight the beast in front of her.

"Dammit! Can I do this while protecting him"

The beast stop his roar till it growl lower from its throat while preparing its heavy hammer to strike in.


"I guess I have to fight, my way through do I" She said, looking serious of her eyes and stance calmly.


The beast raise its hammer approaching the female hunter with a battle cry of its loud mouth trying to kill its first target.


To be continued...