
Solo leveling: The Son of the Shadow Monarch Accidently Went back Time

One day from the far future ,There was a very young boy name Su-ho living with the best and most fearful hunters in Korea Sung jin-woo and Cha hae-in his parents. Suddenly on the current day when his parents were busy on something, a black portal swirling around his room appeared before him. He begun to have curiosity on his eyes staring at the mysterious thing appeared in his room, he crawl slowly near it and when he face it, he touch the portal, starting to be strangely weird. After that, a shadow hand grab the young boy, dragged him unto the portal and found himself inside a Gate. I don't own solo leveling so enjoy.

KingSavior_1st · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

The Gate

2 weeks later, At the hospital of the middle of the night, The woman has awaken from her dream, lifting her back from her bed quickly while putting both hands on her forehead lowly.

"What was that by now?" still trembling

She looked terrified on her eyes with a shake of her body head up to toe. It was her 2nd time of near death experience that the person she face was no ordinary, it was not S-rank healer Min Byung-Gyu who warned her to don't look down from the deep abyss and tell Jin-woo about his powers but instead a mysterious being who lives the eternal darkness of the abyss just spoken to her normally with a dark like aura crawling to her skin like an insect. He said before she woke up.

Flashback:[ You died but not really died]

She can't apprehend her shaking of fear while hugging her stomach with both arms, grabbing each other feeling the intense frightened of despair in her eyes.

She kept panting and panting till later on, after her traumatic experience, she noticed something off about the atmosphere. She look beside her bed and sought Sung jin-woo sleeping on her behalf of her bed while sitting.

"Sung Jin-woo is here again?"

When she saw him, All of her traumatize nightmare were all gone like she was never this scared before, it is because of one person who just saved her from all most dangerous situation able to handle it by himself but instead he ended up sleeping beside her.

She forget her fears and smiled with a little blush of her cheeks looking him sleep just reminded her time with a boy name su-ho who sleeps like a cute baby. she moved her left hand closer to his hair and touch it while patting unto it.

"Thanks for rescuing me, Jin-woo"

Then the man suddenly woke up and lift his neck towards her face. She quickly pulled out her hand, covering it under her bed sheets with intense blush on her cheeks. He said it with a groan.

"Your awake, and here I thought your dead"

"I guess, sorry for all the trouble"

"No need to apologise, I'm just glad your safe that's all it matters"

She remains silent with blushing of her cheeks glowing red. The man notice her face and said.

"Why your face is red, are you sick or something?"

"NO YOUR WRONG! I mean am not sick or anything am just happy that's all ok"

"Really? I guess"

Both remain silent.

"How long I was asleep? Jin-woo"

"2 weeks before the incident occurred"

"Then... What about the casualties, is it worse"

He closed his mouth for a moment with a downcast expression of his face till he slowly spoke to her.

"The hunters who were able to survive were only 10 left"

"Then what about-"

"17 died who were killed by that bastard"

"I see... it was truly a massacre indeed, Am sorry for being a weak woman"

"No your not, If I were to summon out someone stronger than Igris the casualties have been minimized, It was my mistake"

"It's not true, It's just that-"


"If I were a little bit stronger than him everything would be fine but instead I let my comrades die just for my sake"

"Your not weak alright, you were able to protect few who almost died"

"your wrong about that, I already realize that by now"

remain silent.

"Im weak and hopeless, I couldn't defeat a monster who wield the power of a national rank and am just an S-rank, I will never able to win nor live a 3rd chance if your not here with me"

"Hunter Cha"

"Thanks to you, Am able to survive this much extent but I don't know if I were able to survive for another round of stronger monsters such as a giant from japan, ant from jeju nor an ancient knight who has the ability to wipe out a whole town nor country on his own, if there is another stronger mobs out there then..."

"You stop right there, Hunter Cha"


"Your not weak ok, Listen to me. If your weak then how were able to live this long, A normal hunter were already dead a long time ago. Your an S-rank female hunter, your the only one who is stronger than most S-rank in korea so dont' be ashamed of yourself just believe your ability as a hunter don't let the deaths of comrades get ahead of you, I know its hard but I promise you that you don't regret this"

"Hunter Sung"

"Crap... I just let my emotions get the best if me, dammit how embarrassing" in his thoughts.

"Thanks for the encouragement, I appreciate it"

"It was nothing, I just let my emotion gone wild so yeah you're welcome" he blush a little bit of his cute side.

"Your pretty cute, you know that"

"Cute you mean me?"

"Who else? there's nobody around except you, can you tell"

"I guess so, why am cute anyway?"

"Its a girl secret, so it's better to accept it rather than knowing"

He remain silent in confusion.

"Oh! Is Su-ho ok?"

"Yeah he's fine, he's with my family home so you don't need to worry"

"Am glad, thanks again for taking care of him while I was gone"

"You don't have to thank me, believe me that kid is something else than my sister"


"Yeah, he may shy and quiet but he is very energetic than any kid I've seen before"

"He always been playing at my house too, no argue about that" she said with a smile.

When he saw her face, he smiled back. The woman immediately look away with a blush of her cheeks and said.

"So anyway, any visitor came?"

"yes, your sister"

"my sister came, well... how is she?"

"she's great... I gotta admit I can't believe that you both have different personality despite the similar appearance"

"yeah, we may similar but we don't have a lot in common. so am grateful for having a caring older sister who looks out for me even though we have different league "

"league? you mean-"

"Yes, she's not an S-rank. she is a A-rank and a former hunter as well"

"I have to ask why did she quite despite her rank is quite good than other hunters"

"She has her reason to quite as a hunter before I was known S-rank last 2 years ago"

"It might be too traumatic for her to carry as a hunter facing stronger monsters, I can relate to that"

"I too related to that"

Another time of silence.

"Did she say something before she left"

"Actually it's about your mom"

"I see... you don't need you to tell me the rest, I already know now"

"Ok then, I think you need some rest before I speak to the doctors tomorrow"

"where are you going?"

"Don't worry I just need to go to the bathroom"

"That's not what I'm talking about"


"Your not leaving me are you?"

"No, am here cuz am gonna watch over you until you got discharge"

"Oh I see, ok then... am just going back to sleep"

"yeah good night"


On the next morning, The doctors said to the man in black cloak that she will be discharge today even though she just woke up recently now.


They explain to him everything about her injuries that were constantly gone in one day on the day she was brought to the hospital unconsciously. Due to be becoming a hunter and also known as S-rank, they though its natural for her to heal quickly than a regular human do because of her awaken hunter abilities.

"Ok, thanks for telling me"

"No problem Hunter Sung we're glad to help"

The man understood and paid them enough amount of money for taking care of the patient who slept their for 2 weeks.


Later on, they left at almost 12 AM, brought to her house by car going to the road without summoning his shadow wyvern.

Broom, Broom, Broom.

The monarch drove through the long road with a woman spending the next hour of reaching their destination. The monarch stomach growled silently without the woman noticing it. He said while continuing driving.

"Wanna go buy lunch before we go to your house"

"Sure, let's go to that restaurant"


They stop by at the restaurant and brought some before going home.

...After they bought lunch...

They reach out her house stopping his vehicle. She opened the door, entered along with him then later on two person went in and stand by seeing two crazy person brawling each other on the middle of the living room while the boy was sitting down watching them as his amusement show.








They continue arguing each other loud mouths like children.

"Am sorry for the trouble"

"No its ok, I was startled when we enter the house, both of them starts fighting each other like kids before we enter. It reminded me and my sister would do, Its funny don't you think?"

"Is that so, I have the same feeling as you do"

chuckled* "I totally agree with you"

They remain silent again while the both of them were still continue fighting without noticing them at their presence. The man decided to stop them before it gets worse.

"I have to stop this"

"yes you may"

the man walk stood in front of them while in a different expression.

"Alright you two I dont know whats goin on here but you both need to stand down this is not your house you know"

They turn their head towards him in surprise while looking at them.



"Sheesh, Do I need to repeat myself"

Both stand properly like back to normal as usual.

"Were sorry for the commotion around here, were just fight over something"

"For what?"

"Beauty and the Beast in live"

"NO! Sports Festival"

"Your wrong!"

"Your wrong also"

"Will you stop arguing and tell me what's goin on"

"The beauty and the beast ok and that is the final answer"


"Beauty and the what now?"

"Oh! come on oppa don't you know that by now, it's been my childhood cartoon until it decided to turn it into real live person. is it that amazing"

"Sorry, I dont know about those things, what's that anyway?"

"Oh whatever forget it, Oppa"

The little sister of Jin-woo walk casually to the kitchen in a gloomy way.

"Why did she go to the kitchen did I do something wrong?"

"No, She didn't cook for lunch"


When the girl was about to begin, the black hair man called out her name in the blew.

"Hey Jin-ha! you don't need to cook"

"What why?"

"We've just bought already when we just pass by to a restaurant"

"REALLY!" she whispered to herself 'yes I don't need to do it'

The woman started to look down over the boy with a sparkle happy eyes on his face. She smiled back while she walk towards the boy and kneel down to his face. she said.

"Hi Su-ho did you miss me?"

the boy nodded repeatedly in a happy way.

"Really, thank you"

She drag the boy unto her arms, buried to her chest carrying him around like a mom. Jin-woo notice her carry the boy so he wondered about for while since he was also treated as one. he ask to the blonde woman.

"Since we're on this subject, I'm meaning to ask you something"

"What is it?"

"Why did he call me papa"

She remain silent for a few seconds while holding the boy to her chest. Her face turn into full red in embarrassment cuz of the boy called him that just like her when she was first encountered him.

"OH... WHHAAA..T..I.. HE CAL..D..WU..PA...p..a"

"What's the matter"

"DID HE?!"

"Of what?"

"Call you that"

"Yeah, I don't why he called me that but sure I played along with it"


"So anyway where is his parents cuz I was curious why he called me that?"

She looked down to the floor hiding her sad expression that she was the told by his guildmaster about the truth of his parents who went missing inside the gate. So she tried to speak to him but it was difficult to say to him so she tried her best to say it.

( Actually this woman misunderstood about Su-ho parents, the truth is... your his mom N/A)

"Well the truth is-"

When she was about to speak about the truth, Both person scream out through the window looked patrified on what they saw. They shouted to the black hair man standing in front of Cha hae-in.


"OPPA! Take a look here now!"

"What is it now. we can talk later"


When the man and blonde woman walk towards the window along with the both of them who called them out to witness something chaotic outside her house.


"What is it?"

When he saw it in first glance, The monarch was shocked in terrified through the window along with them who also witness something.

what they saw was two gates appeared in both sides on the middle of the road people panic and ran towards train station to evacuate.

The hunters assist the people among the crowd to follow their instruction in order to get away from the gates. The people who were inside at her house we're confuse on what's going about the gate.

"What the hell is going on"

"No way"

"Oppa, why there is two gates appeared, isn't it impossible"

"I dont know myself either but am sure this is not some coincidence "

"yeah no doubt about it, this is no way two gates apeared at the same time and place. this is ridiculous"

While their were looking the view of nearby gates on the window. the news tv has shown in television about the strange phenomena of gates has appeared of nowhere to report every civilian in the city or town.

{Hello my name is Park Ji-in on news live, we have been sighted that both gates apeared on the middle of the road in both sides. The Hunters explained this... that is not a coincidence that both gate appeared on the same place and at the same time. The hunter association also said that these both gates seem to be A-class but... it is also said that these gates are almost have the same rate as the S-class, if these gate are said to be true then who will stop this disaster, will the top guilds of korea handle it or the one man army will do it. We must pray that these gates must be stop somehow}

Continue news talk noise*

"I think I should go down their"

"I'm coming along"


"I should go as well"

"No you don't, stay here with my sister and Su-ho. your top priority now is to keep them safe at all cost"


"No buts Jin-ho. don't worry about defending alone, I will summon few most trusted shadows to guard with you alright"

"Fine if you say so. be careful out there"

"No need, because I was about to clean these mess anyway before it started to break"

..... At the same time of korea.

Two monarchs are flying to the sky with their own feet, standing on the midst of trouble.

They were astounded by the two gates appeared at the same time not only that, they have the same level as well.

They were curious about it that some gate has just appeared near the monarch gate location were they planning to reveal for the identity of the unknown shadow monarch.

"Oh, what a coincidence, another gate has just appeared"

"Indeed. but something off about that"

"what do you mean"

"I can't explain anything but due to our curiosity of our target. somehow the rulers notice it by now that the balance of between life and death is one sided heavy. if this unknown shadow monarch you speak off is breaking the laws of nature and the balance of this world then this creature must be eliminated at once"

"Really? so in other words the rulers want to know as well before they kill it"

"I guess so but this is getting interesting"

"What do you mean, Yogumont?"

"What were about to witness here is getting amusing"

"You do say, it is indeed good to watch the humans die in the midst of massacre between gates of rulers and sovereign"

"I agree with you, Monarch of Frost"

"By the way where is Monarch of Beast?"

"I don't know, he said he has other things to do after he finished summoning the gate "

"Did he now"

"I doubt he was utterly busy for a moment"

"Too bad, he didn't get the chance to witness it with us"

"hahahaha don't worry about him let's just enjoy the show"

"Agreed, might as well enjoy the fun"

Back to the ground were the shadow monarch and the blonde woman ran towards the other gate were the chairman and the rest of the division standing by along with the top guilds white tiger guild, Hunters guild and the reapers guild has shown.

"Oh, Hunter Sung, what a coincidence meeting you here. I was about to call you but your here anyway"

"What about you, shouldn't you stayed at the association while the division will do the rest"

"Ah that, I decided to come anyway"


"You can say it is a habit of mine"


"Yes, is there a problem"

"No actually"

"Anyway when will the hunters start the raid" the woman ask.

"An hour or so, both gate has just appeared before us for a minute ago but other hunters from different guilds are not here yet so we must wait for a an hour in order for us to fight equally prepare both gates before the dungeon break is about to come"

"Then can I handle the other left gate"

"Sure, if that's your request then I no need to refuse that such important request of yours. Your indeed strong anyway"

"Indeed, your here as well Hunter sung"

"Oh, Choi jong-in your here too"

"Why else this gate said to be A-class but almost S-class. lone guild is not enough to carry this burden so were helping out" he smiled.

"Yeah our guild as well. this gates will be finish in no time before it begins. right now Hunter Baek yoon-ho and the others are staying on the other gate... since your here you might as well join out with them just to make it 2 on 2 on each sides"

"You got a point their Hunter Lim Tae-gyu, I think it's best that you need assist the White Tigers guild, Hunter Sung"

"Alright I'll be off but first, Hunter Cha before I go"

"Yes what is it?"

He grabs his stuff from his dimensional space storage from his left hand and after that he gave it to her.

"What are these?"

"Your equipment"

"What! I have no rights to receive these and I have mine already at-"

"This is just an earnest offer from me, the truth is that I wanted to give you these at the right time but I think this is the perfect time to use it"

"Thanks, again for looking out for me"

"sure no proble-"

"But I can't' have it right now"


"Cuz I need to prove myself that am not weak as a hunter"

He widen his eyes in realising looking straight at her face with a serious vibe on her part. Then he begun to smile at her and accept her words of honesty.

"Is that so, fine then"

"Sorry about that. I think I can handle this alone without these so can you give me these for another time"


The other gate from the opposite station of Sung Jin-woo begun to change its course. the intense flowing of mana came out from the gate with strong wind causing the glass to break into smaller fragments.

the hunters cover their faces from the intense mana flow.

the hunters from the white tiger guild prepare themselves to fight at the stand of the overflowing gate.

"What the hell!"

"What is goin on!"

"This is not supposed to happen this quick"

"This is ridiculous"

"Sir! what should we do"

"Does the civilian evacuate already" the guild master from the white tigers guild said.

"Yes, they already at the evacuation zone"

"Good, prepare to fight"


The other gate were the monarch station by with the chairman.

The air flew stronger by each time It strike, the chairman shouted at the black hair man while holding his cool glasses.

"Hunter Sung! This is ridiculously to quick for the dungeon break to begin"

"Chairman! I should go ahead, I need to stop this gate before anything happens"


"Come back safe, Jin-woo"

The man vanish in thin air without a trace of sound like a ninja.


"Hunter Cha, we'll fight their as well"

"No need guild master because Hunter Sung has just arrived their"



Few minutes later, The wind of howling has came to stop but the monster from the inside are rushing, trying to go outside from the gate until they stood the ground stepping each foot one at the time.

Kush, Kush* steps the ground noise*

The big monsters from the gate begun to exit the realm holding their heavy weapons hanging around their palm walking slowly bit by bit until the monarch slash through its neck in one slash with his twin kamish shortsword before it came out.


He look at the monster beside him felling down to the ground with a splash.


He looked down in quiver. the monster he just killed was a moving statue from the double dungeon controlled by one being as his puppets then suddenly the screaming growl through the gate was heard from the outside. The monster shouted clearer than ever he heard before.


He glared at the gate while he realised with his own too feet that the intense anger has risen unto his palm holding his Daggers ready to assault. He said.

"You better be kidding me"

He turn his face towards the gate while he widened his eyes in amphaze that the voice he heard was the same from back then at that time in the double dungeon.

The monsters exited the other side with a smile on his stone face, walking stood the earth ground in fresh air screaming at the person in front of him.

The monster was a large stone statue of a hooded angel with six wings, eight arms, red eyes, and a cruel smile. The man knew it coming about his return but he never expect this coming through the surface of the human world where he stood to.


"Why are you here... ARCHITECT!"

[Isn't that rude to meet an old friend who just gone for a long time]

"Silence! what is your audacity for you to return here on the surface of humanity's ground"

[I have a Mission, given from the highest beings to grant thee thy order to clean up this dirt] he smirk with a cruel smile.

"What did you mean 'clean'?" he glare.

"To put it simply, I have to take out one trash out from here on this ground but for your terms... "

The statue turn his face into the creepiest face with an evil smile while raising his six arms holding each weapon on each hand prepared to strike the Monarch. he said before he starts.




NEXT CHAPTER [The Unexpected Guess]