
Solo Leveling: The Monarch Of Storms

A boy wakes up in another world with no knowledge of how he got there. After realizing where he was something crazy appeared in front of him. If you’ve ever read any of my ff you should know how much I don’t care about some complaints unless they extremely stupid. I’m taking this semi seriously, because I could feel like dropping it out the blue and will until I feel like writing again. Enjoy it or not idc. All harems are stupid, dumb, shitty, and pointless, so you’re not getting one. There MIGHT be a love interest, but it’ll most likely be an OC. Don’t care how you feel about it. Also it doesn’t take a genius to know ion own shit other than my OC and this storyline.

God_Of_Hate · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs



Name: Sung Ming-yoo

Title: Storm Gods Incarnation

Rank: National Rank

Level: 97

HP: 120,390

MP: 34,679


Agility: 256(+40)

Vitality: 253

Dexterity: 265(+40)

Endurance: 267

Shop SM: SP: 0 Gold: 437.2bi


Last time you probably couldn't understand the status board so imma put it like this. The numbers in parentheses are added stats because he's wearing items.


After they had a little drinking session Jin-cheul was fine after a few hours and they had to get ready to submit their plans to Koto. Along with that, they had to get the word out to the other S-rank hunters about the Jeju island raid and the fact that they would be cooperating with Japan.

Although that was on the agenda, the first thing that had to do was get Jin-cheul to the re-evaluation center and get updated to S-rank. Go Gong-hee wasn't a dumb man. The reason he was doing this was to show that South Korea is coming up from being the weakest country with hunters.

It was also to get the public rowdy and to boost other S-ranks moral before the raid. They had just pulled into the parking lot and left their vehicles. Of course there were normal hunters there and some scouts that recognized Ming-yoo, but none approached him since they already knew he worked with the association.

They walked down the hall and knocked on the door to their right. It slide open and standing there was the man that re-evaluated Ming-yoo. His eyes widened in shock before he straightened himself out.

"What can I do for you Cheif." He said looking at Jin-cheul.

"I've come to get re-evaluated." He said in his usual calm tone with a stoic expression.

"Has cheif Woo Jin-cheul reawakened?" He asked with his mouth left open.

"Let's get this examination over with. After all we have things to do." Ming-yoo said as they were allowed inside. Jun-cheul went to the black crystal and put his left hand on it.

The magic circle started glowing for a but and we could see the guy getting frantic as he did it again. After the third attempt he looked at Jin-cheul with his mouth agape.

"South Koreas 12 S-rank hunter." He said in a hushed voice. He then shook his head as he walked towards a room and moments later came back with Jin-cheul's new hunters ID.

The man wanted a picture with the both of them since it's not often that two S-ranks are in the same place. After leaving there they had to go get his class and everything else re-evaluated which took thirty minutes at most.

When you awakened as an S-rank hunter you automatically have the ability to use telekinesis, along with that you get class unique skills. For Jin-cheul he had two of them.

Berserk: This boosted his physical capabilities and mana up to 10 times which easily puts him at National rank since he was already S+ rank at base. Along with his combat capability this would put him past that as well.

Shattering Strike: This ability alone had the power to destroy mountains, but when infused with mana or Berserk it can destroy continents easily.

With that knowledge they walked away knowing that if they felt like it, they could easily change how maps of the world would look with one person.

After leaving the evaluation center they had to make calls to other hunters, asking for their cooperation in the Jeju island raid.

They also had to pick them up and drive them out to the association so that they can be briefed on the situation and the plan.

The S-rank hunters included:

Bark Yoonho

Choi Jong-in

Lim Tae-gyu

Ma Dongwook

Cha Hae-in

Sung Jin-woo

And that was it. Of course Jin-cheul and Ming-yoo would be participating. Mainly this was to find out what Jin-cheul could do since he had just re-awakened.


After about an hour they had gotten everyone, but hunter Sung Jin-woo to the association. As of now Sung Ming-yoo is on his way to their house.

His calls weren't going through and he was sure that Jun-woo only got dungeon keys occasionally, so he must have not noticed him calling or is doing something away from his phone.

Ming-yoo parallel parked in front if the apartment complex and got out of his car. He had already knew where they lives when he dropped Jin-ah off. Walking up to the 9th floor he went to the door with a 37 on it and knocked.

From the inside, he could hear music, vacuuming, water, and people singing. He also heard an unfamiliar voice in the house.

Then the door opened and he saw Jin-woo with a smile on his face that changed to surprise when he saw Ming-yoo.

"Who's at the door?" The woman's voice rang out from a different room. She sounded to be in her mid to late 40's.

"A friend. I'll be back in a minute!" He yelled over all the noice. He then closed the door as we stood outside of his apartment.

"What is it?" He asked curiously.

"So in three days we plan on raiding Jeju island. The association is holding a meeting right-" Ming-yoo stopped as Jin-woo put his hand up.

"Although it's regretful seeing as I'm three levels from 100, for now I want to spend time with my family." He said with a smile.

"The woman you heard was my mom. I'm sure Jin-ah told you right?"

"No, actually we haven't spoke all day." Ming-yoo informed him.

"My mom was a victim of 'Eternal Slumber' and she's been in a coma for 6 years. The items you got from clearing the dungeon were able to help me in making something to wake her up." He said with a distant look.

"…I see. Then I'll inform the association about you inability to participate. Tell Jin-ah and your mom I said hey." I said as we shook hands.

He opened his door, before turning and speaking to me.

"If you need anything you can ask me." He said with a nod.

"Ah, in that case after the raid is done I'd like to take-" Before Ming-yoo could finish what he wanted to say the door was closed in his face.

'Worth a try.' He thought as he used [Cloud Movement] and went through an open window in the conference room where all the S-rank hunters and the chairman were waiting.

Everyone besides the chairman and chief Cheul were surprised as his body started to materialize. He closed the window and breathed out.

"Something happened and he can't participate in this raid." Ming-yoo said as he took his sunglasses off and took his seat.

"Who can't participate?" Baek yoonho asked.

"Sung Jin-woo." The chairman said.

"What's so important that he can't come hep out his own country? Choi Jong-in asked in a low tone as he sighed.

"Its personal and a violation of his privacy if I told you. If you have questions you can ask him yourself." I said.

"Well then lets start. As you all know this meeting is about the Jeju island raid and how us with the help of Japan's top rank guild are planning to take back Jeju island." Go Gong-hee said.

"Firstly Japans team will be the distraction to lure the ants out of hiding. Once that's done they'll use jammers to irritate the ants so they don't go back into their tunnels. This is where we come in. While they're fighting thousands of ants, we'll be the ones that get inside and handle the queen." He paused making sure they all understood.

"Once the queen is finished off, it's your job to help japan retreat back into the boats and airships. Ming-yoo will be responsible for clearing everything else with the help of Woo Jin-cheul." Ho Gonh-hee said.

Ming-yoo didn't seam to care since he could get his levels from his current dungeon. Go Gong-hee just wanted to show off how strong the new S-ranks are compared to other countries. Jin-cheul was the one who requested that he stay and help in the 'clean up' process of the raid.

"Chairman these hunters may be strong, but you don't possibly think they can finish thousands of left over ants that are all as strong as top rank hunters right?" Cha Hae-in asked with a handkerchief over her nose.

"These hunter's aren't regular S-ranks. They're National rank and hold great power. I do with all my heart trust that if anyone these two can get it done." He said with his grandfather like smile.

"I say for tomorrow we hold a group training session with Japan so we can all get a grasp of each other's abilities." Bark Yoonho said.

"I agree!!" Said Ma dongwook. He was a big guy with a huge build and never stopped smiling since the meeting started.

"I see. Then tomorrow it will be scheduled." Go Gong-hee said. With that everyone was allowed to leave and Ming-yoo was given the rest of the day off.


—His apartment—

Once he got home he changed into some black joggers with a gray l shirt and black jackets. He then opened his system and saw that he almost had all of his skills maxed out. They were all around 95-97 so he estimated with the title effect he should have them all maxed out after this fight.

He then opened the ID tab and went back into the kings mountain dungeon. His body flashed as he disappeared from his room.

-Kings Mountain-

Again he appeared in front of the cave entrance. He took a step in and a message appeared in front of him.

[Welcome to Dead Mans Cove]

He stopped once he was inside as the figure of the monster started to stand up. It's eyes had a green glow as smoke of the same color seemed to come from its eyes and mouth. As it stood up, the figure was about as tall as Ming-yoo, but the feeling it gave off was like something from another world.

While they were looking at each other Ming-yoo could tell that this was a monster with intelligence as it seemed to be sizing him up. The sword that was previously in its lap was now in hand as it stood there. Ming-yoo decided that he wouldn't play either as he took out the spear he last bought.

At that moment they bolted towards each other. The Oni swung its sword at Ming-yoo in a horizontal slash, that was blocked by the spear.

Ming-yoo used the bottom blade and swept it upwards trying to gut the Oni across the chest, but with its sword, the monster threw Ming-yoo away from him.

It then stomped its feet on the ground as it started to crack and open up. In a green sea of flames skeleton warriors came out of the ground and dashed towards him at incredible speeds.

Ming-yoo used [Magic Hand] and swept them away and then used [Lightning Manipulation] to form a ball in his hands and shot it towards the Oni that used this skill.

The Oni, blocked it with the flat side of the sword and was about to run towards Ming-yoo when he saw 10 balls of lightning coming towards him. He ran up the walls of the cave as he was dodging them, while Ming-yoo quickly dealt with the summoned souls.

He then used [Cloud Movement] as the Oni passed through his body. The lightning followed as they all smashed into the Oni's body.


An explosion rang out as lightning struck everywhere. Ming-yoo could feel that the monster was still alive as he used [Empower] and ran towards the huge dust cloud. As he punched where he sensed the monster was, the only thing he felt was air.

The dust was blown away and Ming-yoo saw the monster was now on the other side if the cave. It's body had some blood leaking from it, but nothing serious.

Seeing this they ran at each other again. The Oni slashed at Ming-yoo who leaned back a bit as the blade passed his face. He then shot a right hook that smashed into the Oni's face. He stumbled a bit, but Ming-yoo used that opportunity and swiped his legs making him fall. Mid-fall Ming-yoo kicked him in the ribs. It's body was flung into the cave walls as a huge crater was made.

The monsters body was completely still and it dropped its weapon, but Ming-yoo wouldn't stop until he got a notification that he defeated the monster. He used [Dash] and [Empower] as he bolted at the monster, but once he got there and punched, all he hit was the wall as it was blasted open, creating a hole.

The hairs on his neck stood up as he rolled to the right. The Oni used a power enhanced fist to punch at Ming-yoo, but as he saw that he dodged, he suddenly vanished and appeared in front of Ming-yoo who had hit up from his roll.

His guard was put up as the punch collided with his forearms. His eyes widened as he coughed up blood and his body was blasted into the cave walls. He clinched his teeth as the monster was already on him and was sending punch after punch at his chest.

With one final punch Ming-yoo was sent out of the cave through a hole that formed. As he was falling from the mountain he felt pain in his chest that was slowly fading, but he couldn't take a breath without his chest feeling like someone was ripping it open.

His body slammed into the ground as his eyes were bloodshot and blood was everywhere. The worst part was the wasn't unconscious, so he could feel every bone in his body being shattered from the fall damage. He could also feel it healing, but was overruled by the pain.


The Oni went back to get its weapon as he bowed at the hole that Ming-yoo was sent out of. He then walked back to the center of the cave and and sat with the sword in his lap.

At the moment he was about to put his head down he felt a tremendous energy running up the mountain. It was the force of heaven itself was about to come and end him.

Instantly he got and readied his blade. Before he could comprehend what happened he heard the cave wall to his left get obliterated and a massive force was felt on his face.

Pain ran through his neck as his head was almost twisted to the other side. His body spiraled into the wall as Ming-yoo had used put a great deal of mana into [Empower].

Before the monster could get up Ming-yoo had a ball of lightning in the middle of his hands as they were raised above his head. He smashed the ball into the monsters chest.


The entire left side of the mountain was completely obliterated as the monsters torso looked like it was completely stripped down to the meat. Ming-yoo was about to punch again as the monster released its full aura and punched him in the stomach. Ming-yoo winced a bit and the monster punched him in the chest.

He was sent flying, but used [Air Manipulation] to stop himself. He landed on the ground as his eyes seemed to be buzzing with red lightning. As they stood there, they came to an agreement.

One wouldn't die without going all out. The Oni's torso was already healing and so they decided to finish this in one final attack that they put everything into.

As they stood there looking at each other, they decided to not waste time as the Oni released an aura of death. He saw the aura wrap around the sword as the Oni raised it above its head.

Ming-yoo used Empower, while covering his body in lightning and wind, while he used Electric Edge on his spear. It mixed with the wind attribute as He also used Dominance to drop the Oni's stats by 50%.

The effect was canceled since the opponent was too strong, but as both of them started charging their final attack their auras collided as the mountain shook.

Then they vanished.

As soon as both of them were in the middle Ming-yoo swung his spear diagonally so that he could possibly block the attack and cut the Oni in two. The Oni swung its blade at Ming-yoo's neck and not it was only matter of who's attack was faster.

As both attacks got closer and closer there was a spark of light and in an instant a huge explosion blasted not only the midsection of the mountain to nothing, but the top as well as the monsters that was with it.

The explosion completely destroyed the top half of the mountain as Ming-yoo and the Oni were caught in it. As the explosion stopped and the huge dust cloud was starting to be removed there was one figure laying on the part of the mountain that wasn't destroyed.

It was the naked figure of Ming-yoo. His passive ability [Rapid Regeneration] had evolved into [Maximum Regeneration]. In turn it completely healed his body that was almost completely burned into nothingness.

As he was passed out messages started to be heared from the system.

[Congratulation on completion of the quest.]

[Requirements fulfilled: Complete the dungeon in two Months.

Have over 20% of HP]

[Time Left: Two weeks.]


Random Ability

+20 SP

One Spirit Summon]

[ID dungeon has been cleared]

As the messages went off Ming-yoo was kicked out the ID and was in his room laid out on his bed. After a moment, his body jolted forward as he looked at himself.

"I'm alive." He said in disbelief.

[Congregations. Host has met all requirement for system evolution. Would Host like to begin the process?]