
Solo Leveling: The Monarch Of Storms

A boy wakes up in another world with no knowledge of how he got there. After realizing where he was something crazy appeared in front of him. If you’ve ever read any of my ff you should know how much I don’t care about some complaints unless they extremely stupid. I’m taking this semi seriously, because I could feel like dropping it out the blue and will until I feel like writing again. Enjoy it or not idc. All harems are stupid, dumb, shitty, and pointless, so you’re not getting one. There MIGHT be a love interest, but it’ll most likely be an OC. Don’t care how you feel about it. Also it doesn’t take a genius to know ion own shit other than my OC and this storyline.

God_Of_Hate · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Tbh fuck titles

(First POV)

—Evaluation Center—

"We need permission from the higher ups to use better equipment to get a read on your power. Come back in three days for your re-evaluation." He said to me.

I nodded at him as he opened the door and escorted me out. Some people tried to ask about my rank, but even though it may or may not get made public, I don't want all that fame and attention that come with the power.

'I wonder if I can ask to keep this from the public? I should since I just want some privacy. I'll ask in three days when they have better equipment.' I thought as I walked out if the building.

Afterwards, I vanished from the parking lot and got more food.

'I been hungry as hell lately.' I thought while chewing on a burger. I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket and once I took it out I saw that it was Jin-ah calling.

'Right, I was supposed to call after coming back.' I thought.


{I'm here. I was just eating.}

{did you just get back?}

{Yeah, I was going to get re-evaluated. What you been up to?}

{Mainly just school. I got a scholarship to a prestigious college this week. I'm debating if I should graduate early and go to this college or finish school and then graduate.}

{I think it's really about where you want to be in life. Why are you trying so hard in school?}

{Umm…originally it was because my family was in a tight situation and my brother was a hunter, but that wasn't going well. I decided to get top marks in school so that I would stay out of the way.}

Her tone seem to get lower while talking about this, so I moved along with the conversation.

{So there was no real goal behind your motivation to do good in school. How about this, you finish highschool and wait to go to college until you know what you want to do. If the scholarship doesn't stand your brother might not mind paying and on the extremely low chance he does I wouldn't mind paying.}

{Really, but isn't that a lot?}

{Not for me.}

{So did you go to collage or what?}

{Nah, I dropped out to be a hunter, but I pretty much knew everything I needed to live. Let's be honest, most of anything taught will be useless. I haven't used a quadratic equation since I dropped out.}

{Speaking of my brother, where you able to talk to him?}

{We had a meeting planned some time today.}

{Oh, alright then. I can call later later right?}

{Yeah, I'll be pretty free for the next few days if you want to meet up.}

{Alright, thank you for the advice.}

{No problem.}

Afterwards we hung up the phone and just as I was about to go I felt someone walking towards me.

"Manager Cheul, what can I do for you?" I asked.

"…I'd like some of your time." He said. He was wearing a suite with sunglasses along with his usual calm domineer.

"Sure." I said as he showed me to his car. We drove in silence all the way to the hospital. It was a huge building with a green health cross on it.

Getting out of the car, we made our way inside and up a few frights of stairs till we were on a hallway that was completely silent. Further down the hallway and around the corner to the right, I felt to energies.

One was Sung Jin-woo's and just as I expected he was stronger than last time and was around my level. This got me even more curious about his dungeons, because mine was powered by THE God, so what was his powered by?

My eyes glowed red in the darkness as we continued to walk. The other was someone I didn't know, but he was also National rank. We turned the corner and to be honest to anyone else this would have been weird. Three men sitting in total darkness and the first thing you see when they looked at you, were glowing eyes.

One was slightly purple and blue, one was gold, and one was red. I sat down in a seat next to Jin-woo as we shook hands.

"I take it you know each other?" The old man asked with a kind smile.

"Sort of." I said as he nodded.

"Well that's good. Now let's get to business. I'm Go Gun-hee. Nice to meet you?" He said with his hand out. After shaking his hand we got to business.

"First I'd like to congratulate you both on becoming S-rank hunters." He said.

"What about the re-examination?" Jin-woo asked.

"To be honest that's meaningless. Even if you took it again we wouldn't be able to tell between an S-rank, SS-rank, or SSS-rank hunter." He said.

"So what's the point?" I asked.

"Well, it's to buy us time. It's to buy time for us to meet S-rank hunters before anyone else. As you already know the hunters association doesn't have as many talented hunters such as Chief Woo Jin-cheul." He explained.

"Most people are swayed by fame and fortune . Which is why we do this to get some time with talented hunters."

'So that's all the re-examination is?' I thought.

"Let's get straight to the point. Since we're not an enterprise, we can't offer you a lot of money, but…"

'I knew it it.'

"But we can help you go down a different path." He said.

""What do you mean."" Me and Jin-woo said at the same time.

"We can help you flourish on a different path." He repeated.

"The world currently isn't controlled by the government, but rather the hunters that protect the people from monsters and above them is the hunters association. We can help you stand shoulder to should with us." He explained.

'So we would have the same social status as them or the government. So we would have authority over a lot of stuff. It doesn't seem bad, but…'

"Why are you offering this to us?" I asked.

"Do you know the top 5 guilds? The balance in this country is barely hanging together by those five guilds."

"If either of you were to join one of them, the balance would topple and the country will be thrown into chaos. Mainly by the people." He added.

"So the hunters association was created to keep the hunters in check?" Jin-woo asked for confirmation.

"What if I wasn't planning on joining a guild?" I asked to their surprise.

"How would you go in dungeons. Even for S-ranks you still need the proper amount of people."

"I remember hearing about how laws can't really hold down S-rank hunters, so what if I ignored that and went in anyways?"

"Is raiding really worth breaking the law?" He asked with a chuckle.

"Nah, it was just something to think about." I said as leaned back in my seat.

'It's not a bad proposal. The National Embassy, Government, Association, and the media can be influenced by Go Gung-hee. He's pretty amazing, not to mention his skills.' I thought as I looked at him.

"I'll accept." I said. His eyes widened as he smiled brightly. It was like the sun just appeared in the room out of nowhere.

"Thank you for accepting this proposal!!" He said happily as he shook my hand. I smiled wryly as his whole demeanor seemed to change.

He sighed as he looked at Jin-woo who seemed a bit confused, but hid it extremely well.

"Mr. Sung?" He asked.

"*Sigh* I'll have to decline." He said. It was understandable. Dungeons that were left for the association are E and D-rank dungeons, meaning he probably won't be able to level up.

'So his system doesn't give him a list of Dungeons?' I thought.

"I believe the place I need to be is inside a dungeon." He added. With a sigh Go Gung-hee stood up as he shook Jin-woos hand.

"I see, well thank you for considering. Ming-yoo, be at the association by 3pm to receive your suite, shades, badge, and papers." He said as he and Woo Jin-cheul left.

"Should we have that meeting before the sun goes down?" I asked.

"If you can keep up." He said lowly as we both dashed out of a window.

(Third POV)

As the two men ran through the streets of Souel, they decided to go somewhere isolated. Their destination was the mountains to the north.

Even without going full speed they were able to get there in five minutes.

"Well, let's get down to business." Jin-woo said.

"Well I'll ask you directly. You "level up" to get stronger right?" Ming-yoo asked. Jin-woo didn't seem fazed by this, but there was a silence.

"I can assume you do as well right?" He asked.

"Yes. Now that that's cleared up I'd like to form a proposal. How about we work together to get as strong as possible?"

"How would we do that?"

"Well first we need to see if we can go into each others dungeons. If we can how about we swap dungeons periodically? That way we would advance at a constant rate instead of having these moments where we can't progress at all."

"That seems reasonable, but I'll have to decline. I'm currently looking for a specific item in my dungeon. Plus it's the only dungeon I currently have." He said with a sigh.

"What if I just gave you all the items I find?"

"Then I guess we have a deal, but first I'd like to know why you're pushing this so much." Jin-woo said as his eyes shines.

"I don't know what it is, but I feel like something huge is coming. There's no reason I shouldn't want to help my friends brother. I also-"



"What'd you say about a friend?"

"Your sister…we're friends?" Ming-yoo said in an uncertain manner.

"Hmmm." Jin-woo didn't say anything as he put on a thoughtful expression.

"I see. Well if that's all, I'll be going. I have a few things to do." He said and used [Sprint] to vanish from his spot.

"What happened?" Ming-yoo asked while scratching his head. He hunched his shoulders as he used [Dash] do get home.