
solo leveling: perfectionist

typical fanfic of solo leveling with some spicy powers and of course mc will be somewhat overpowered (I don't own any thing in solo leveling or any other anime shown in this ff except original character. ) [Note > it will be a Au(Alternate universe ) and the story will be different from the canon]

Novice_ · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

5. dungeon

Omni pov ~~~

They chatted for a while and after that Anos stands and started walking towards his house . After preparing breakfast and eating them . He was feeling fresh by the fragnance of jellys .

After eating Anos can be seen sitting in his bed doing meditation by closing his eyes and breathing the mana in and out .

Anos's pov~~~

I was sitting in my bed after eating and thinking about what to do next . I know i am not the strongest now but i can hold my ground even in front of S rank .

After some serious pondering i came to a conclusion.

I know my body and mind are perfect and i have techniques and i will not get low on mana because of my eyes .

But if i want to survive in monarchs and rulers battle i will have to become more strong and have to increase my mana reserves.

After thinking seriously i came to a conclusion that i will go to dungeons and clear them solo . So first i will go to lower rank and if i can clear them easily them i will go to higher rank .

Omni pov ~~~

As he stretched himself and was eady to go to hunt monsters in dungeons . After some time Aons can be seen existing his house by flying . After reaching outside he started hovering in air and was increasing his speed towards the clouds .

After searching for some time he found a C rank dungeon that has formed just now . Anos was hovering up the gate as the dungeon formed fully he started going in the gate from mid air .

After entering the gate he felt a sensation very familiar to himself .

Anos's pov~~~

As i entered the gate i felt a sensation familiar to me . It was like limitless and infinity's some concept . 'I will think about this situation later. First let's finish this dungeon.

As i scanned my surroundings i was in a cave with rocks craved on them . I sensed the creatures that were in this dungeon . They are with human type body in lower part and horse type body in upper part .

After i got close enough to them they noticed me as i let them .as they saw me some of them ran toward me .

They were swinging their spares and swords

Swish... woosh ... shh..

The voice of cutting through air came in my ears a i swiftly dodged their attacks . After dodging for sometime i understand they were not any threat to me .

I lifted my hand formed a hand sign and said "Reversal : Blue"

Omni pov ~~~

As the voice fell in dungeon silence prevailed and the blood gushed out from monsters torn body the torso of monters twisted with a circular gravitational motion . After some time Anos can be seen sitting on a pile of corpses with light bruises with glowing eyes like stars .

After existing the dungeon Anos started hovering in air and started flying towards his house .

Anos's pov ~~~

As i reached the house i thought of meeting with jinwoo to see what is he doing .

I started walking towards jinwoo's house and after reaching there i knocked the door for some time.

As the " thump " voice of the door opening can be hear from even the main road of our house . I saw a beautiful girl in her teens standing there with a book in hr hand .

As i saw her i said " hello jinha . Is jinwoo home "

Jinah said in a low grumpy voice " no he is not home . Anos come in its time for jinwoo's return .

'It was evening so i thought he should be home looks like he has gone in instant dungeon' . I walked in jinwoo's house behind her . Her figure was mesmerizing and his curvey and pumped ass . I was in another world for some time after meeting her .

After sitting on the bed i stared at her she was reading a book . ' she is really a bookworm ' i thought.

Jinha's pov ~~~

I was reading my book suddenly i heard some one knocking on the door . I clenched my fists if its oppa i will beat him ' he can't even rest he has gone to a dungeon. Man hunters sure have tough'.

I ran toward the door and opened it with a slam . After seeing the person on the door my heart skippped a beating my hair stood and unknown to me my ear started to became red . We talked a little then i invited him in my house .

This is the first time i have invited someone in my house and he is a boy with charming face .

I slapped my cheeks ' what are you thinking jinah he will not like you. You are just average in looks .

Aftrr some time i brewed a cup of coffee and began to walk toward Anos with trembling hands. And as i reached him my mind was going blank to what should i say but i just placed the coffee and ran towards kitchen.

Anos pov ~~~

Jinah was coming towards me with coffee in her jade like hands as she placed the coffee on table she started running towards the kitchen . 'Look like she has forgotted something ' i was in my another world after taking a sip coffee made from her hand . As i was in my own thoughts the main door opened with a slam and a black silhouette was walking in house his eyes were glowing purple and blood lust was overflowing.

As i saw jinwwo coming i had only one thought at that time " I'm fucked up "


[A/N: sorry for the bad news but today only one chapter is coming because in our city god is giving divine punishment with rain and all electricity is off. So there's no charge in my phone thats why i am writting it.

Tension not tomorrow i will upload a bonus chapter 🙂 😀 CYA ]