
solo leveling: perfectionist

typical fanfic of solo leveling with some spicy powers and of course mc will be somewhat overpowered (I don't own any thing in solo leveling or any other anime shown in this ff except original character. ) [Note > it will be a Au(Alternate universe ) and the story will be different from the canon]

Novice_ · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs


Omni pov ~~~

In a hospital of Seoul a boy is doing exercises with high intensity as he was doing push ups he thouhgt ' the boy who was in my neighbor didn't showed up in even his house for 5 days . Jinha said there was no boy in our neighborhood so the one i saw ghost or what .' As he completed his exercises . He was drenched in sweat .

In the same time in a certain apartment of seoul a body suddenly appears in drenched with sweat his breathing was stable as he saw the view of outside his apartment there was a sense of happiness and satisfaction in his face .

Pov change ANOS'S pov~~

I have completed the training in less than the ste period am i a genius or what . As he was lost in his thoughts he remembered something. He muttered slowly "system "

As he said the word a transparent blue screen appears in his glowing eyes .

[Inventory] [skill] [physique] [floor] .

I mentally clicked on skill and another transparent blue screen showed up .


1. Six eyes> grants the user to minimize the usage of energy and 360° view.

(perfected 100%)

2. limitless> manipulate the space accordingly to user with many derivations. (Perfected 100%)

A.infinity> create a barrier by the principles of convergence. (Perfected)

B. Blue and red> A destructive attack and derivative of limitless (perfected)

C. Teleportation> A space movement derivation of limitless (perfected)

D. Cyan> a custom created derivation of limitless ( perfected)

3. Inner world> personal space of user (perfected)

As i glanced over the skills i felt a unknown happiness and joy . After that i opened


1. Body> a perfect body of universal level.

2. Mind> universal level.

I was brimming with joy as i saw my skills and physique. After some cleaning of house that was drenched in dust and web of spiders i prepared the dinner .

After taking a cold bath i did my dinner in my house as i got to sleep after 5 months .

Well that was torture i trained without sleeping or resting for 5 months because of my body that the entity that calls me child has bestowed upon me i didn't have to dwell on being injured during the training as i recovered in less tha 2 minutes after a intense training.

My body was perfect for hardworker and i was a hardworker . I perfected my skills without dwelling on new powers and ah i has not mastered my domain and many things that gojo had so i am weaker than him now but who knows about future.

As i was pondering about my thoughts my eyes closed and i was draaged without my concern to the abyss of darkness called sleep.

Omni pov ~~~

In morning 10 Am Anos was seen outside his balcony as he was awake just now he saw a coming towards his apartment . After seeing the boy he understands that the plot of this world has begun now . As their eyes meets he jumped from his balcony and landed on the ground after the impacter the ground crashed slightly.

Anos said " yo how are you " after hearing the voice jinwoo saw the boy with packed muscles and a lean physique of 6'11 and a white hair fluttering by the wind jinwoo said

" I am fine " as the situation was akward Anos said " lets go to my house" . Hearing this jinwoo said " no i have to see my sister my house is in near yours let's go to mine " .

Anos shrugged and followed jinwoo silently.

Jinwoo's pov ~~

' i was going to my house as i got near a boy landed in front of me and asked my health i didn't know him but i saw him the day i was going in double dungeon.

That day he was not this powerfull now even i can't determine his strength look like the world is vast there are many powerfull peoples.As i invited him in my house he happily followed me after we reached our house i knocked the door .'

Anos's pov ~~~

After reaching the house jinwoo knocked the door . A faint fo footstep can be heard running towards the door as the door opened a girl was standing on the door .

My eyes were glowing with surprise as i saw her my heart skipped a beat ' tsk the artist has not given her justice she is hundreds time beautiful than shown in manhwa and anime .

She was staring at her brother to see is he injured or not that was their routine as i knew . After some time jinwoo's voice came in my ears "please come in " . I herad him and started walking in slowly .

My heart was fixed on her as i saw her .

Omni pov ~~~

Jinwoo was sitting on the bed and Anos was on the mattress after some time jinah bringed glass of water for us .and sat there in the side of jinwwo .

Jimwoo: by the way whats your name?

Anos : my name is Anos . Whats yours.

' I know his name but for courtesy ' .

Jinwoo : my name is sung jinwoo and my sister's name is sung jinah.

Anos : so are you a hunter ?

Jinwoo: yes i am E rank hunter and what about you .

Anos : I am a orphan and as i am now 18 years i am living here with rental house . But you are stronger than E rank hunter . Are you a false hunter.

Jinwoo: No no i am not a false ranker its just i am stronger than other E rank hunters .

Anos : oh

Pov change jinah's pov ~~~

My brother has bringed some unknown boy maybe he is our neighbor that brother has asked to me in hospital.

He is handsome and charming i cant divert my eyes from him . As they were chatting i wss listening all thing his name was Anos and he is a orphan but he looks strong that what brother has said .

After my brother went to take a shower i and Anos were alone in room . Suddenly he talked to me i was flustered as he aked me

"He jinah nice to meet you " . I was startled but i answered " nice to meet you too "

He said " I'm going to make breakfast so tell jinwoo i will come later". I nodded and he left .


[A/N: well i was trying romance for first time so if you have any ideas so share them with me I'll happily try them. 🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡 CYA~~ ]