
Solo Leveling In MHA

The day Izuku tried saved Katsuki changed his life. Even after All Might told him he couldn't be a hero, Izuku rushed into a villain fight to save Katsuki. Just before the sludge villain could get a hit in Izuku gets a message. !ALARM! [You have completed all the necessary requirements of the secret quest 'Courage of the Weak'] Follow Izuku as he levels himself up to become a stronger person and a better hero than All Might

AARYAN_PATHAK · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 8: Assassin

Izuku was on his daily run when he feeling someone's eyes on him. He was in the middle of the woods. No one should be out here but him. He keeps up with his pace. 'I have three months till U.A. Haven't been back in a dungeon in a while.' Izuku rolls his neck and slows down once he was in the middle of a clearing. The presence of someone strong was still there. Izuku stretches out slowly while keeping his eyes on the tree line. 'someone's out there.'

"Okay, this looks like a good spot" Izuku pulls out a wooden key. Izuku holds it out and opens a large portal. 'let's see if he follows.' Izuku walks inside, disappearing from the Assassin's sight.

The Assassin jumps from his perch walking towards the portal. A ghost of a smile appears on his face. 'is he a warper…' The Assassin waits outside the gate for a while before finally letting his curiosity get the best of him. He walks through the gate and walks right into a dark cave. 'now, this is why everyone's scent disappeared at the construction site. This makes sense now.' The Assassin follows the cave to an open area with dead bodies all around, except these were goblins. 'This is seriously cool.' The Assassin lowers himself looking at the dead goblins. He sees the light down the middle cave. He walks down the line, still staying invisible. He stops in the middle of an area seeing Izuku waiting for him.

"Why are you following me?" Izuku was staring at the Assassin.

'Can he see me?' The Assassin moves left, and Izuku's green eyes follow each step.

"Okay, fine. I know you have been following me for a few weeks now. Why?" Izuku's blade was behind his back hidden from the Assassins view. 'it's not invisibility' Izuku thought, 'it's like he's trying to erase his presence.'

 "Man, you're interesting" A calm tone sounds off before the man shows himself. He was in a black suit while spinning a knife in his hands. His lips turn up slightly into a small grin. "I tracked you all the way down from the construction site. Of course, I had to check out the girl first, but she doesn't have the same aura you have."Both men stand across from each other. "So, where are we?" The man in the suit asks, looking around.

"We are in a creating of my quirk," Izuku answers since he has a feeling one of them was not leaving today. "It's a goblin dungeon. Typically, they are easy, low strength. Still, if you get surrounded, you can die easily," Izuku points at the mangled bodies. "now, why have you tracked me all the way here?"

"Someone hired me to find someone you might have killed." Izuku stiffens. "Oh, relax, I'm not a hero. Just a paid murder. So murderer to murderer, what happened?"

"It was in self-defense," Izuku answers lowly. "They tried to kill me since they wanted to grab something theses dungeons have. Three times they tired," Izuku states as if it was a warning. The man grins more.

"So interesting, too bad, I got paid to kill you. I think we would have gotten along well" The man pulls a second knife from his back. "My schedule fell apart as soon as you made this portal. You know curiosity got the best of me."

"Well, you know what they say" Both pull their blades up as they lowered themselves, ready to fight. "Curiosity Killed the Cat."

"Satisfaction brought it back" The assassin darts forward, throwing one of his blades as Izuku making Izuku need to dodge before he comes down with a strike. Izuku blocks the attack with his before gripping the Assassin's wrist and throwing him across the cave. "Wow, pretty fast," Izuku stares at him with indifference, all while holding his dagger in front of him. 'What kind of strength are you hiding.'

"I wonder," The Assassin points his blade at Izuku and smile more. "what happens if I kill you in here? Do we both disappear? Kinda like at the construction site? Or will the gate remain open forever?"

"What's your name?" Izuku asks, 'kinda tired of calling him an assassin.'

"Well, since one of us will die today, I see no issue in saying, My name is Masao" Masao bows in mockery. "Izuku Midoriya," Izuku rushes forward, driving the dagger into Masao's stomach but stops as Masao seems to split into two people. The one in front of Izuku vanishes. "Damn, your fast kid."

'not fast enough apparently,' Izuku glares to the side before attacking again. The blades met with a loud clang, as the metal of the blades meets.

"Now, here's a question… why are you hiding your strength? I have seen you dodge around that blond and his little gang. I know for a fact that you could tear them apart" Masao's eyes widen as his grin got more extensive. "why not terrify them?" Masao grabs the first knife he threw, duel wielding them. "Let me teach you something that I had to learn from experience."

"Since we are asking questions, why are you doing this? Why kill?" Izuku questions overseeing the movements of Masao. Izuku's eyes burned blue while staring down Masao's psychotic sights.

"Oh… that's a scary face; you have Izuku. Lighten up, it is not like I'm doing this for fun. The person you killed in your last little dungeon had an older brother. Now I cannot just refuse the poor man." Masao explains teasingly.

The silence falls over the dungeon as the two men wait to attack.

The assassin moves first, with more speed than before, but Izuku meets Masao's dagger with his. Sparks are sent off to the side as they glare at each other. "It's pitiful that you will die alongside these goblins" Izuku pushes against the assasin's dagger as he talked.

"Then, you're damn pitiful as well," Izuku growls darkly.

"What?" Masao was still in the air as the blades clash.

"Because you will die soon." The men kick off each other before attacking each other faster as time goes on.

"Who would have thought I would meet someone my level!" Masao laughs chaotically.

'Our speed is about the same. I need to trip him up,' Izuku thought as they bounce off the walls of the cave, trying to get an angle on each other. Izuku's footing slips some, and Masao used it as an opportunity to attack.

Izuku felt every slice and cut Masao inflicted on him as he crosses his arms to protect his vitals. Izuku slides backward before panting. "You're pretty durable, eh?" Masao frowns slightly, seeing his target still standing.

"Sorry, but can you lower your killing intent, please?" Izuku had a hand on his thigh as he was staring at the floor.

[An Emergency Quest Has Been Activated.]

"My quirk is sensitive to killing intent" Izuku lifts his head as Masao saw a darker blue burn from the boy's eyes. "It activated on its own again."

[Emergency Quest: Extermination]

There are 'Players' Who have KILLING INTENT Towards you in close proximity.

Slay them and ensure your safety.

IF this quest is not completed, Your HEART will STOP.

Number Of Players To Kill: 1

Number Of Players Killed: 0

Izuku spins his blade in his hand before catching it and digging his foot into the ground. "I'm coming."

The Assassin felt the air change around him, and his usual grin falls from his face. 'I'm holding the advantage… what the hell is he thinking?'

"Sadly, thanks to my quirk. It's now giving me a reason to kill you" Izuku's knuckles turn white from his grip on the handle.

Izuku and Masao lunge forwards, using speed to get closer as the blades strike each other. They ignore the ringing in their ears as the clash of the blades together. "You seem like an assassin to me," Masao grins, enjoying a real fight. "I have more experience."

"Yeah, I'm certainly learning a lot from you." Izuku was still frowning as he strikes again. "Including the fact that talkative guys in battle are generally useless."

[Skill: Sprint Activated]

-Movement speed will increase by 30%

-1 Mana will be consumed every minute.

He watches as Izuku kicked off the floor, disappearing in a blur only to be in front of him. Masao brought up his daggers to block the attack, but his defense broke as soon as Izuku hit it. Izuku lands behind Masao spinning, and Masao felt a cut across his face before his body locked up, and dark veins appear on his face. He grits his teeth and grunts in pain.

[Effect: Paralysis Has Activated.]

[Effect: Bleed Has Activated.]

'poison?!?' Masao tries to move but couldn't. "I see. It's your dagger", Masao glares at Izuku, who looked uninterested.

[The enemy's resistance was too high. The effect was canceled.]

"Not bad," Izuku states. 'the effect won't last since he such a strong opponent.'

"Allow me to show you something fun as well." Masao used his quirk and seems to vanish like before.

Izuku was quickly on guard as he listens and watches. He pulls his blade up, protecting his left side as the daggers meet again.

"You actually blocked the attack despite me using my quirk" The Assassin laughs freely. "Your sense is pretty great!" The Assassin laughs more. "My quirk is Stealth. I erase My shape, smell, sound, and even aura. Only I have this quirk. That being said, no one else knows that I have this quirk because no one has ever survived after seeing my quirk!" A blade rips through Izuku's Achilles' heel, making him kneel. "Your tendons are severed." Masao reappears in front of Izuku. "It would heal quickly if you were directly healed, but only necessary healing quirks would never work over distance.

Masao starts to disappear again. "Can you even withstand my attacks with that frail body of yours? You won't be able to reach the speeds you used to have at least. How many minutes until your wounds heal? Your leg…"

"You." Izuku was still kneeling, "Talk too much."

"Status Recovery." Izuku's body lights up with green and golden lights. His wounds stitch back together, only leaving tears in his clothing.

'HE HEALED INSTANTLY!?' Masao stares with wide eyes. 'what the hell is his quirk?'

"Relying on this alone definitely has its limitations… I gotta think of other solutions as well…" Izuku chastises himself.

'a trick?' The Villain watches from above. 'or perhaps fake confidence?' Masao moves. 'He's dangerous.'

Izuku looks upwards, feeling his heart steal itself. 'again, one of my emotions died' "Even anger itself is a waste on the likes of you." Masao attacks from behind. Ready to kill Izuku.

Izuku just swings backward, making Masao lean back, so he didn't get hit. 'he saw through my stealth again!?' the Villain jumps backward from his target. "There's no hesitation when you aim for my neck… you really are a killer like me" Masao was pissed off as he has waisted so much time on this one target. "I'm done playing with you, Midoriya, therefore I'm unleashing my full power." The Assassin sprints forward, each step getting faster as he vanishes. Attack after attack, Izuku deflects the blades until Masao was in front of him, and he rushed forwards ready to end the fight. Izuku's head was down, his green hair blocking his eyesight. "I'm finishing this here," Masao stats while rushing forward.

Izuku looks up straight into Masao's eyes as his eyes burn ice blue, and shadows overtook Izuku's body.

[Skill: BLOODLUST Was Activated.]

Masao froze in place. Looking down, he saw he was sunk in what looks like a hefty pond of shadows. "What is th…" He looks back up only to come face to face with a monster. 'WHAT!? WHAT IS THIS?'

The shadows surround Masao intent on choking the life out of him as two blue eyes were staring into his eyes. He felt his senses maxed out before a single painful wound in his chest. He looks down, seeing a blue blade being pushed through his skin and deep into his chest.

"Y… you what!" Masao spits out blood while staring at Izuku, glaring down at him with shadows hugging his shoulders. Masao saw the blue in his eyes get darker.

Soon the shadows dispersed, leaving Masao and Izuku. Masao was sitting against the wall with Izuku's dagger stuck in his chest. "I'll die because I lost… only natural" Masao's blood pours from his chest wound and mouth. "just answer me one question… what are you?"

Izuku looks down as he stands over his Assassin. "I'm not sure."

"Let me give you one last piece of advice, one killer to another" He chokes on his own blood. "A blabbermouth may be useless… but having a lot of secrets isn't that great either." As soon as the last word comes from his mouth, he ceases. "KUK!"

[Effect: Paralysis was Activated]

[Effect: Bleed was Activated]

"You won't be able to hide your skills much longer, Midoriya…" Masao's head lulls forwards dropping blood onto the hilt of the dagger. "you will get stronger."

"How stronger do you think?" The green-haired teen asked. Masao looks upward.

"Your shadow… is connected to darkness…" Masao's head falls forward again, losing his strength. "You will become as strong as your shadow's depth in the dark."

Quest Complete

You have completed

[Emergency Quest: Kill The Enemies!]

! Alarm

[Skill: Sprint]

Has leveled up.

! Alarm

[Skill: Vital Stike Lv. 1]

Has been learned.

! Alarm

[Skill: Advanced Dagger Arts Lv. 1]

Has been learned.

Izuku sighs and ignores the warnings for now. He needed to kill the boss so the portal would close. He bends down, ripping the blade from Masao's chest.

! Alarm

-you have received [Rune: Stealth.]

[Rune: Stealth]

Type: Rune

A skill can be obtained by breaking the Rune.

'I obtained his quirk after killing him?' Izuku grabs the Rune looking at the soft blue lights emitting from it. Izuku put it away for now as he walks back to the left cave. He saw wooden doors at the end. 'boss room.'

Izuku walks out of the portal just as it hardens and breaks apart. He sits down in the grass where he started the dungeon before laying back. He pulled the Rune out and broke it.


Stealth          Lv. 1

200 Mana

-Your appearance and all traces of you will be hidden instantly.

-10 Mana will be consumed every second.

'damn, that's going to consume a lot of mana. I wasn't planning on increasing my intelligence stat, but I might need to if I want to use that skill.' Izuku stares at the screens in front of his face.


Advance Dagger Arts    Lv. 1

Dagger Only

-Because you've used a dagger for an extended period of time, you can now use daggers more proficiently.

-When a dagger is used, the attacks with it gain 33% additional damage.


Vital Stike       Lv. 1

70 Mana

Dagger Only

-You have learned to attack efficiently. You now deal critical damage as you attack your foe's vital areas.

'all these seem good' Izuku closed the screens looking at the blue sky. The sun was slowly falling out of the sky as it gave soft hues of light. He starts to close his eyes when a small alarm goes off next to his head.

! Alarm

[You leveled up]

! Alarm

The [Player] has reached the required level.

Izuku sat up, rereading the message. 'required level?'

Quest Alarm

A [Job Change Quest Has Arrived]

Quest Alert

Will you accept the quest?

Accept      Refuse

'A job change?' Izuku questions before remembering his status sheet.


Name: Midoriya Izuku               Level: 40

Job: None                       Fatigue: 0

Title: Wolf Slayer                           

Hp: 7229                               

Mp: 638                                

Strength: 98        Vitality: 60

Agility:98      Intelligence: 52

Sense: 82