
Solo In Marvel

Dies then reborn with a wish of having the Solo Leveling System.

Cold_Phantom19 · Movies
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2 Chs

[1] Solo

We al have the day we die, mine was something that was expected since stage four lung cancer was something that I couldn't be saved from it was a blessing to die. Now looking at my current hands which were the size of a child's again I smiled, though looking at the dirty alley around me it wasn't much of a welcome spot for someone who was being reborn.

When I went through the memories of the kid who use to own this body then I am truly sorry for his fate, cast out alone into the world with nothing but himself to make a living. I was now six years old, other than the cuts on my hands and ribs showing on my body I didn't have much on me.

Next to my hole filled shoe is a blood red key along with a new set of clothes other than that the whole alley was smelly and disgusting, sighing I bent over and picked up the key. When my hand came into contact with the key words sprouted in front of me.

[Dungeon Key- Rank SSS- Use on any door to instantly turn the place into a dungeon. Dungeon starts at E rank and goes until SSS. Can only be used by user.]

That settles it my life turned into the Sung Jin Woo's from Solo Leveling, well it was what I wished for after all so it made sense that this would happen. Although I didn't know what world it was since it was randomly picked I did know that it would be something supernatural since the wish was approved by the being.

After setting the key to the side I put on the new clothes that were on the ground inside the pocket was a bundle of money it seemed to be around $2,500 for a kid this was a lot. From the surroundings it seemed that I was in the ghetto somewhere but where I didn't know, coming out the alley I saw some people walking around but since it was night there weren't many.

Walking around after awhile I learned that I was currently in my home state of Texas, specifically Dallas now that I knew where I was I was waiting until the morning to see what changes there are in the world.

The Next Day...

Well sleeping on a park bench was a new experience but I can say that it was something that I have never tried before, it is way better then laying in a hospital bed. At the moment the park was empty looking around I noticed a clock that was a little away but with my enhanced body I could see it, it was currently 10 am so it was time to hit a library.

Last night I managed to find one so that is where I headed, the only downside is when I got there that it required a library card to use the computer being a kid sucked. Sighing I decided to look through some history books to see if they could tell me anything about the history of this world maybe something would stand out.

After flipping through five books I finally came across something that was of value, looking at the picture though I frowned this was awesome but at the same time it sucked. The man was Steve Rogers aka Captain America, this was good and bad for me.

Good, because it meant that I knew the world and where a lot of events would take place but I didn't know everyone's background so it was harder to imagine. Bad, because this also meant there was a chance that it was combined with X-Men or others which would suck since I knew nothing of them well beside what little I read in my past life.

This was something that was going to give me a headache but now that I had the world settled then it was easier for me to think of the plans for my life from now on from plans to romance. Let's be honest everyone has thought of someone in this world that they have wanted to date or marry and I am no different.

Well for now though I needed to settle some things then move to New York because that is where all major events happened or when the crew really gets together. First though I needed to go see a man about some information or rather about obtaining some things I needed at the moment.

[Alright this will have the X-Men but it will follow the MCU movies meaning I won't focus on the heavily but I will make y MC meet them when the time comes. As for time line it is currently 1989 the year is 1995 so my MC will be 19 by the time iron man starts.]

It didn't take long for me to find the guy I was looking for, from my past life he was an online friend who I knew was a great hacker and also supplier to the night life people. The guys name was Damon Wolf he was amazing at getting things no matter the item, when I made it to his hideout it looked like the one in my past life but less advanced.

Well calling it a hideout was much it was just his parents house at the moment but he was a genius teenager so he ended up completely redoing their house when the technology was there. After reaching his house I could see that it was absent of cars meaning his parents weren't there but I knew he was a shut in so he would be here no matter what.

Going to the door I knocked three times and waited for him to show, this was a complete gamble but I was hoping that he was here in this life to and this was just a parallel type world. After five minutes the door opened partially and a teen with glasses stuck his head out at me but frowned seeing that a kid was bother in him.

"What do you want kid? We don't want any boy scout cookies." He said looking at me with a scowl.

"Sorry for the disturbance, my name is Beau Banks and I would like you help and with it I will give you information." This was the other kids name that he came up with and I kept it since it was in honor of the poor boy who starved to death.

"Oh and what could you possible tell me kid that I couldn't find from anyone else." he said opening the door a little more he wasn't as cautious since I gave my name plus I was just a little kid in the first place.

"Let's talk in your computer room where this will be a lot more secure we don't want prying ears to listen in on us." I said with a friendly smile.

He was hesitant but led me inside after awhile, when we got to his room that was his base of operations he went around the room checking everything for bugs before sitting across from me. "Well then kid what is it you are going to tell me that is so important."

"First before anything else let's make a deal. I will tell you some big information that I know of but you have to promise me three things."

"Alright what is it you want?" he asked after thinking it over for a moment.

"Firstly there is a agency called SHIELD who know doubt know about your side 'job' so you should watch out for that," I then told him everything I knew about SHIELD and what I knew about their information making him shocked but he kept quiet, "Second you soon someone named James Miller will come and ask you for help with something, whatever you do deny him or you will end up having to go into hiding."

James Miller was someone from their past who made Damon go dark for months because of some job they pulled I didn't know the details but it made Damon scared from then on. I noticed that Damon's face tensed for a moment he probably already met the guy and seeing as he was a good judge of character he was staring to believe my words.

"Third and final this isn't something to worry about by make sure you always keep this in mind, it shouldn't be that hard with you photographic memory. Supernatural beings will come sometime around 2008, they might be here now but it wont be until then that they come out."

It might not be the best thing to tell him but I couldn't help myself in my past life he was the only person to visit me in the last year of my life, my family had already forgotten me. Damon let my words sink in and I knew he believed me he was paranoid enough to listen to these words and take them to heart, there was no reason for him to not believe.

"Alright since you are telling me all this then there must be something that you need from me what is it exactly?" he said after coming back from his thoughts.

"Well that is simple really you are a tech wiz not as great as Tony Stark but he isn't heading in my field so he won't be much help, plus how could a kid meet him. So here is what I want I give you tech ideas and you start a company selling them as I give them to you. Second I need a new id and social security card since I am orphaned and don't have any of that. Lastly I need your shower I reek." Chuckling at the last part I sniff myself.

"Yeah you do reek, alright I will help you we will split the company profits fifty-fifty since I am putting up the starting funds though to make what you want." Damon turned to his computer and started making plans though he was a tech wiz he wasn't good with ideas on where to start making new ones.

"Great, I am going to use your show can you bring me some clothes in awhile and also make me some food I haven't eaten in two days. Here is the money." After setting down twenty I walked away finding the bathroom was easy so it I hopped in the shower right away.

Fifty Minutes Later...

It was just after one and while I was relaxing on the couch in Damon's computer room while he worked on the specs from the new computer and phone idea I gave him a screen popped up. Looking at it I frowned but couldn't deny that this was something useful, it was the work out from Solo Leveling there was also the penalty to it too.

Without a word I started with the push ups, even with my malnourished body I pushed through until I finally did the hundred, from there I did the squats. By the time I was done with the indoor work outs my body was sweaty and I was going to need another shower.

"Hey I have to go do something but can I come back afterwards?" I asked Damon while slipping on my only pair of shoes, I was wearing some of his clothes while mine was being washed.

"Yeah sure but use the door that leads to the basement when you get back so that my parents don't see you, from there come back here you can sleep here until you are ready to leave." Though his voice sounded emotionless this was his way of showing care towards someone, from what I knew he only cared about his parents and his work though.

"Thanks man." I said before running out of the house to do the 10k it was tough but seeing as I only had thirty minutes left I pushed through I didn't want to end up in hell. The punishment was no doubt like the novel and comic I didn't want to end up being in a situation that I knew I wouldn't survive, that made me work harder.

After twenty-nine minutes and fifty-three seconds I was on the ground face first panting, above me the screen showed the completed list of workouts that I needed to do. When I was well enough I went back to Damon's house, though he wasn't in the computer room there was a meal of steak an potatoes waiting along with my clothes.

I needed to wait until tomorrow to shower again so I slept in the clothes I worked out in so that I wouldn't need to wash them again tomorrow. I fell asleep thinking about what I would need to do for my future.