
Soldier Zero

A Soldier dies and appears in front of our favorite Godking Shura who sends him as recompensation to a Marvel Universe with some powers and his favorite symbiont who he modified a little. Don't own anything except for the OC that will walk around.

Deathseeker · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

Nick Fury

Jack enters the house through Peter's window and says, "Pete do you feel this?" "What do you mean?" asks Peter and Jack asks, "Did someone came home?" "No everything is quiet. Dad and Mom are in bed thinking that we are still studying," says Peter and Jack says, "I'm feeling like something is off. When I returned before I felt like someone was following me but I left and now I feel it again."

"You think someone is in this house without us knowing," says Peter and Jack says, "Do you have the bug finder that I gave you three days ago?" "Yes, right here. It came into good use against a bastard that planted on me. I put it on an air rat," says Peter and Jack says, "Just because one dove was in the way between your web and the building doesn't mean you can call them Air Rats."

Jack activates it and says, "Your room is clean. I will go down keep your sense up if something happens I want you ready." "Yes," says Peter, who puts his spandex on while Jack walks into the kitchen and finds 15 bugs planted everywhere. Peter enters behind him and Jack makes hand signs to signalize that the kitchen is full of them and not to talk.

Jack takes them all out and crushes them while thinking, 'Everything would be easier if I could use the chains here.' [You mean those Black and White chains?] asks Venom and Jack says, [Reading my mind again.] [I'm bored that's all,] says Venom as Jack sends Peter back to his room per hand signal and he changes into his armor and moves to his room.

On his way down, he already finds ten more and arriving in his room suddenly someone begins to clap his hands the bug finder disappears from Jack's hands as he takes both shotguns into his hands and says, "Hands up." "Or what," says a black bald man that was sitting in his chair and Jack asks, "Who are you and what do you want?" "That would be my question. How about we talk like civilized people," says the man as he drops his gun on the floor.

Jack puts his shotgun back into the holsters and says, "You are?" "How about we start with you Mr. Parker or should I call you Mr. Striker. You appeared out of nowhere and bought many shares from two big companies and some little shares from others like Apple and Samsung. Where does all that money come from?" asks the man and Jack says, "Let's say a deity gave me the money." 'He won't believe me anyway so why not say the truth.'

"You think I'm dumb boy," says the man and Jack says, "Isn't everything paid already?" "It is and that's what made me suspicious. How can someone like you that lives in such a house have so much money without robbing or even hacking a bank. Nothing, not even a trace and every banknote are legal," says the man as he stands up and continues, "Either you are that good that even one of our best hackers Daisy Johnson couldn't find an illegal trace to it or it really is legal."

"Like said before a deity gave me the money," says Jack and the man says, "You think that is funny? If you lose your money the whole world could collapse in itself because money could be worth nothing. Ever thought of that?" "Yes, but that doesn't give you the right to enter our house and interrogate me like a criminal," says Jack and the man says, "You know very well that you broke the law once or twice. I'm not here to put you in prison since that would be impossible even with all our men."

"What are you here for then?" asks Jack and the man says, "My name is Nick Fury and I'm here to recruit you and your cousin to become Avengers. I work for S.H.I.E.L.D. Also known as the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division. I'm the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and founder of the Avengers Initiative."

"Not interested," says Jack and Fury asks, "Why?" "I'm retired from being a hero. You can ask my brother he will most likely help you," says Jack and Fury says, "Well, if you aren't going to help, I must ask a little thief to enter the Avengers instead of you." "You wouldn't dare," says Jack and Fury says, "I would. I'm doing this for the best of our world and she will join too. If you join you can protect her."

"And why should she join you?" asks Jack angry and Fury says, "Her father will be there too. He joined S.H.I.E.L.D. when he got caught stealing information from us. Instead of locking him up we recruited him. He is officially dead. But you will find out that he was active all over the globe stealing information for us. Isn't that what your girlfriend is doing too."

"Fine, but under one condition," says Jack and Fury asks, "Which is?" "Finders keep it. That is one condition. The second I will join your Avengers just don't expect me to play the hero if it isn't world-threatening. And the last condition is that you leave her and my cousin alone if it isn't world-threatening. And first, consult with me," says Jack and Fury asks, "What do you mean Finders keep it?"

"Let's say I find something I like. I will keep it," says Jack and Fury shouts, "NEVER!" "Why are you afraid I'm going to take something you want. You know I could go Rogue and destroy the financial system making a new crisis appear out of nowhere by making money worthless," says Jack and Fury says, "Are you threatening me."

"Yes, and trust me I would take those three conditions before my friend comes out to play," says Jack and Venom says, [Really I can come out.] [I'm bluffing. Can't have you break the ceiling of my room,] says Jack and Venom says, [Too bad. He looks so appealing to me.]

"I can agree on the last two but not on the first," says Fury and Jack says, "Why not of what are you afraid." "You already have a weapon that can destroy us all and you could get another one in hand that's what I'm afraid of," says Fury and Jack says, "Fine, how about this then. I show you the item I want and you tell me what I can keep and whatnot. Just don't be stingy about it."

"And how can I trust that you won't just run away with the things you get to keep," says Fury and Jack says, "I'm a family man. I would never leave them behind so be sure that I won't run. Just a question how did you find out?" "Tony Stark has a big mouth when he is trying to solve some problem and someone is interrupting him. He talked faster than you think so he could be alone again. But I think it was revenge for being the owner of his company," says Fury and Jack says, "I'm going to kill that bastard."

"I hope you won't," says Fury and Jack says, "Oh trust me I won't. I still need him. But I will install fear in him that he will never double-cross me again. Now back to the deal are you fine with it?" "Parts of it. Just don't make me regret it," says Fury and Jack says, "You know I will take all the bugs out once you leave and one question how did you enter?"

"Not everyone is a buff man Jack I came through your little window over there. Any woman can pass through that window or man that has a normal body like me," says Fury and Jack says, "Alright alright, everyone knows I'm buff now. How about you leave?" "Here is your phone. I will contact you in an emergency as you wanted. Tell your cousin about it and here is everything you need to know," says Fury leaving a phone and the Avengers Initiative documents to read.

Fury then picks his weapon up and walks the stairs up and Jack asks, "I thought you would leave through the window?" "I almost broke my neck coming inside through that window I take my chance with the door since your parents are sleeping," says Fury as he leaves the house and Jack thinks, 'I need to find the bugs in the kitchen again.'

Jack begins to find and destroy the bugs in his room and the bug inside the phone as well as inside the document and Jack thinks, 'That were almost thirty bugs in my room alone that bastard. Making me lose sleep.' Jack goes back up and finds another ten and in the kitchen even more than before and destroys them while says, "I'm going to kill that man for making me lose my sleep."

Jack goes back down into his room and lies in his bed and began to think, 'What came first again. I almost didn't watch the movies only parts of it. It will be hard. I should maybe try to get the chains ready before the Avengers get assembled. And try to bring my other mutations out too. But first I should tell Felicia about who I am. *sighs* Tomorrow will be a long day.'

The next day Jack reads the documents seeing everyone that was chosen to be an Avenger and their responsibilities. Then he passes the document to Peter in his room while explaining to him what happened last night. Then he calls Felicia on the phone and says, "Do you have time today?" "Yes, but why should we go out. Don't you have somewhere to go," says Felicia and Jack says, "Still angry because of yesterday. How about I make up for it today?"

"I hope you mean it," says Felicia and Jack says, "I also need to show you something." "Now you got my interest. Let's meet at the movie theater we went to last time, " says Felicia and Jack says, "I will be there at 2 p.m." "Good see you there," says Felicia as she hangs up and Peter asks, "So a real date this time? Will you tell her?" "Yes," says Jack and Peter says, "Good luck hope she doesn't run away from you."

"You should ask MJ out. You never know what could happen," says Jack and Peter says, "You really think so." "Yes, just don't be too aggressive as I'm with Felicia and everything should be alright," says Jack as he leaves and Peter says, "Where are you going?" "Baxter Building until the date. I want to know how Johnny is doing with my hoverboard," says Jack as he walks out and Uncle Ben asks, "Where you going?"

"On a date," says Jack and Uncle Ben says, "Wait!" He takes out a Grant and gives it to Jack and says, "Take it. Last time she got you by surprise but this time you should pay for everything. Just don't tell your Mom I gave you the money." "Thanks, Dad," says Jack and Uncle Ben says, "Now go and have fun. Try to bring her home so we can meet her."

Jack then leaves and changes into a suit and enter the Baxter Building. He meets Susan who says, "Ah James, nice to see you. Are here because of the hoverboard Johnny was working on the whole night." "Yes, I finished it yesterday and wanted Johnny to tune it a bit without changing the framework," says Jack and Susan says, "He worked the whole night on it."

"Did he finish it?" asks Jack and Susan says, "Not yet he said he would need two more days to bring everything out of it." "Good to know can I see the hoverboard?" asks Jack and Susan says, "Of course follow me?" They enter into Johnny's tune garage and Jack says, "What is going to happen now is our little secret alright Susan."

Hope you like it.

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