
First Date

"What are you going to do?" asks Susan thinking that Jack wants to sexual harass here when Jack puts the jacket down and unties his tie and says, "Graves status." "I'm fine and working. Stability of 90% you will need to balance my new home after Johnny is done," says Graves and Jack says, "I should be able to do that after he is done with you."

"What is going on here?" asks Susan and Jack says, "That here is not some hoverboard its name is Graves. He will be a gift to a friend of mine once it's complete. Graves need to be perfect. Now that we are talking how are the other two functions I installed are they functional or did Johnny break them by tuning you?"

"Everything is working fine. He didn't touch much of my body. The fusion protocol will work as programmed without a problem for now. I don't know how much he wants to work on me. The transformers protocol will be able to work once you install the arc reactor you promised me you would install," says Graves and Jack says, "Don't worry once you are complete I will install it and even more. And see this as a temporary home until I build you a new one."

"What is going on and what is the fusion and transformers protocol?" asks Susan and Jack says, "I build Grave with four protocols. Why do you think he is that easy to take apart? I made it on purpose so he can fuse with his user and transform itself into a small human. But for the transformers protocol, we need more power to operate." "I'm connected to the electricity if you want I can show it to her," says Graves and Jack says, "You would use too much energy it will be suspicious. Now Susan no word to anybody about this conversation. Alright?"

"Yes, no word to anybody. I'm just happy you didn't try anything funny," says Susan and Jack says, "*cough* I would never do such a thing. Who do you think I'm?" "Sorry about that," says Susan and Jack puts the jacket on again as well as the tie and says, "Graves you know your order." "Yes, no talking to strangers," says Graves and Jack says, "Good, see you in two days."

Susan and Jack leave the room and Susan asks, "Is Graves a VI?" "No, it's an AI. It can feel. Graves just doesn't know it. Didn't the conversation feel like talking to a person instead of a machine?" says Jack and Susan says, "Yes, it felt a little bit like that. But isn't it dangerous?" "Not really Graves was made to help one person and obey that person. He won't betray that person," says Jack and Susan asks, "And that person is?"

"Ever heard of the Man in Black that fought against gangsters here in New York. It's for him," says Jack as he reaches the lift and says, "I will see you soon Susan. And don't tell anyone." The lift door closes as he said that and he looks at the clock and sees that it was almost time for his date with Felicia.

Jack arrives at the theater in normal clothes and sees Felicia already waiting there. "Did you wait long?" asks Jack and Felicia says, "Not really I just arrived. We should enter before the movie begins." "What no kiss for me?" asks Jack and Felicia says, "You have to earn it."

They enter and watch a movie that Felicia choose. It was 'The Tourist'. 'Who would have thought I would see this movie for once from start to finish. I think that's the second movie in both lifetimes that I could complete. I was lucky to have seen the scene with the new element back then or I wouldn't get that much out of Tony,' thinks Jack as he puts his arm around Felicia who leans against him.

They leave the theater and Jack says, "Can we now officially say we are dating. You know that I didn't fail my finals." "You know what to do," says Felicia and Jack kisses her. She enjoys the kiss and they begin to use tongues until Felicia says, "That's enough for now."

"How about we go shopping?" says Jack and Felicia says, "And who pays?" "Me," says Jack and Felicia begins to laugh and says, "Very funny." "Not joking with you. Since we are dating I don't want any secrets between us and will tell you something important," says Jack as he enters an alley with Felicia and she says, "What can be that important that we needed to enter here?"

"Ever heard of the Man in Black?" asks Jack and Felicia says, "Yes, I heard he was a hero that fought against criminals trying to keep the streets clean." "Yes," says Jack as he summons his armor and continues, "I'm the Man in Black, also known as Black Soldier or Soldier Zero." He returns to normal and says, "But that's not all. Did you hear of James Striker?"

"Yes, the rich person that owns Stark Industries and has 40% of Oscorp in his hands. I heard of him," says Felicia not that shocked since she could count one and one together. She found out that Spider-Man was Peter after a little talk with him in the hideout. And with Peter telling her that Soldier was training him for months means that they are quite closed.

"I'm that person too," says Jack shocking her. "That you are Soldier Zero was acceptable but that you are some billionaire is something else," says Felicia and Jack says, "You aren't shocked when did you find out." "So you know I was the Black Cat," says Felicia trying to misdirect Jack, who says, "Since when." "Since you and Peter helped me with the Kingpin's men," says Felicia and Jack says, "I need to tell him to be more careful."

"You should he didn't even hide his voice like you did when we first met," says Felicia and Jack says, "I know that you were the kitten the moment I saw you. You really should wear a wig so people wouldn't recognize you that fast. Also, that with James Striker is the absolute truth."

"So you are the richest man on this earth. How did you make that possible?" says Felicia and Jack gives her the black card while saying, "With this and a fake ID I let someone make for me. The card is useless in someones else hands. I and Peter tried. He couldn't get money out of the cashier."

"Why give it to me then," says Felicia and Jack says, "So you can see that I trust you completely." [Well not completely or you would have shown me too,] says Venom and Jack says, [It is already hard enough to with the James Striker thing. If I show you now she would just say bye and leave.] [Oh, it seems you are learning. Yeah, she would most likely leave,] says Venom and Jack says, [So you wanted to make me fall into a hole.]

"Jack you there?" asks Felicia and Jack says, "I'm here." "Why are you always so absent-minded sometimes. Do you still hide something?" asks Felicia and Jack says, "Just a little one but that can wait until you are calm again. Don't want you to run away from me." [Little secret.*laughs* You mean your biggest except for your chains,] says Venom and Jack say, [Shut it now.]

"You can tell me I am calm," says Felicia and Jack says, "You sure about this?" "Just tell me already," says Felicia grabbing Jack's collar and Jack says, "*sighs* Alright, but don't freak out alright." Felicia let go and Venom begins to come out and says, "Hello, Black Cat or shall I call you Felicia like my host." Felicia backs away a bit while saying, "What are you?"

"I'm Venom. I share this body with Jack. But I think we broke you right now," says Venom and Felicia says angry, "No one broke me." "Oh, a nice will. I like that. But is that all you have or do I have to fear that you will break his heart now," says Venom and Jack says, "Shut it." "Oh come on I'm just helping you here," says Venom and Felicia asks, "Are you two always talking when Jack is absent-minded?"

"Yes, it was my suggestion to kiss you on your first date," says Venom and Jack says, "Did you really have to tell her?" "What he was helping you?" asks Felicia and Jack says, "A little but not with the exams." "Yeah, I'm not good at that. I'm only useful for fighting," says Venom and Felicia says, "So this big guy is part of you." "Yes, I'm part of him. He still can't use half of his powers so watch out for him," says Venom as he enters Jack again, who says, "Now you know everything and you still didn't run away. I will take that as we are still together."

"Who says that. I just didn't run because that monster could have eaten me," says Felicia sarcastic and Jack gives her a hug and kisses her while saying, "I thought you would leave me after all this." "I can't leave a person that helped and saved me alone after all. Even more so when he cares that much about me," says Felicia and Jack says, "Now how about we continue shopping and I bring you home afterward."

"So, why haven't you bought a car yet?" asks Felicia and Jack says, "How should I explain to my parents from where the car came from? My dad isn't someone that likes to rely on others. If I were to tell a lie he would go and bring the car back. That's why I haven't bought a car yet. Just waiting to leave the house. To buy a house and a car for me and Pete."

"And I?" asks Felicia and Jack says, "What don't you want to live with me?" "I didn't mean the house but the car," says Felicia and Jack says, "The one you like the most." They leave the alley interlocking arms as they walk down the street to continue their date. After buying some clothes that she selected for him and buying some clothes for herself they finish their date by walking her back home when Jack's phone begins to ring.

He takes it out and sees it's Stark and hung up and Felicia says, "Isn't it important." "It's Stark. I don't want to know or I have to return from being retired to active duty and I only do that for people close to me like you and my family," says Jack as they continue walking the street down when the phone begins to ring again. "Take it we are almost at my home anyway," says Felicia and Jack says, "Fine."

He picks up the phone and says, "What do you want Stark?" "I need to talk to you about something," says Tony, who was at his home. "Is it about what you told Fury?" asks Jack and Tony says, "Sorry about that. He got me when I was working on the new Arc Reactor that I finished. That's why I called you. You asked for four of them right." "Yes, did you build all four that fast?" asks Jack and Tony says, "Yes, since Pepper is leading the company I don't need to worry about that and could concentrate what was in hand right now."

"I will meet you later," says Jack and hung up the phone and says, "It seems I will have to begin and build phase 2." "Phase 2?" asks Felicia and Jack says, "Aren't you bored of your grappling hook? How about I build you a hoverboard that suits you?" They arrive in front of the building Felicia lives in and Jack kisses her and says, "See you later then."

Hope you like it.

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