

  Anna's POV

  "Anna...Anna.." I heard a familiar voice as I was being poked on my shoulder.

  "Mina wake up, I have finally gotten the right location".

  I slowly opened my eyes and looked at Eric who was staring at me.

  We've been circulating around the town asking for my mom's new restaurant and house.

  We were told that they've move away from our old restaurant, I was surprised, according to what people are saying, they said my mom has relocate to another house and also she has a new restaurant which is one of the best in town.

  How come??

  "Look over there" Eric said while pointing out of the car, I slightly turned and I was shocked to see so many people rushing inside a restaurant, the restaurant was well decorated and the exterior look beautiful, it was not that big nor small.. Just perfect.

  "I think we're in the wrong place" I manage to say.

  "C'mon Anna let's go inside" Eric said as he opened the door and emerged outside.