

  Author's POV

  After Eric finished watching the video, he yelled out angrily and smashed his phone on the wall.

  He was really hurt.

  A tear rolled down his eyes, he clenched his fist tightly and start hitting the wall hard while thinking about how Anna kissed CJ.

  He continue to hit his hand on the wall until it started bleeding.

  He got out and went straightaway to his car, he emerged in looking dismay, he started the engine and started driving to his apartment.

  Manager Don gave him new car and new apartment as a gift and he don't even know why but he accepted it.

  He continue to drive as blood was dripping down his fist but he didn't care.

  "Anna will never do anything to hurt me" he thought.

  She promised to always stand by him, she told him that he was the only guy in her heart.

  "I think CJ is the one forcing her to do it probably to just use her to prove everyone that he is not gay".