
Sold To Him: Full Moon Blood Pack

Sneak Peak: Moonlight spilled through the forest, casting an ethereal glow on Trisha as she stood between the two alluring and dangerous alpha males. Torn but resolute, Trisha took a step back, "I won't let this become a battlefield. I need time to figure out what my heart truly desires." ________________ Blurb: In a world where supernatural beings coexist, Trisha, a spirited young woman with a mysterious past, is sold as a breeder to the Alpha King of England, Christian Armstrong. But later she finds herself torn between two powerful alpha mates, Shadow, a brooding vampire, and Christian. As the fate of their world hangs in the balance, an ancient prophecy resurfaces, revealing that Trisha holds the key to an enigmatic amulet with the power to shape destiny itself. As the love triangle intensifies, dangerous secrets unravel, and loyalties are tested, Trisha must navigate a treacherous journey of self-discovery, sacrifice, and the true meaning of love. In "Sold to Him," is not just a quest for power, but a battle for the heart. _______________ This story is slow paced so please be patient with me as it actually takes big turns from Volume 2. Also This book is taking part in WSA newbies, please support with ps, gifts, privilege chaps, and gts. :') Love you all

She_Myra · Fantasy
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81 Chs

Dragon and the Cave

[Warning Mature Content ahead]

[Note for my reader friends: As promised! here's an advanced chapter with lots of love <3]


The kiss we share becomes passionate from affectionate. He picked me up from where I was sitting, not once pausing the kiss.

I became aware of where this was going. I felt myself blushing, it was different from yesterday. This time he was not coming close to me out of anger, This time it was a gentle need of something I can give him.

When he laid me on the bed, I looked up at him, "Christian," I whispered in hesitation.

He mistook it for lust, "Soon kitten, soon," He promised in a husky voice.

My body trembled, but it wasn't out of fear. His promise was dark, which sent butterflies going wild in my stomach.

He placed a soft kiss on my right shoulder, goosebumps crawled my skin.

He started assaulting my neck with kisses and bites as he massaged my waist with his thumb, I felt my muscles relaxing.

"Do you know how much I've been wanting to touch you, feel you under me ever since I saw you the first time in that meeting room. Your skin is so soft and flawless, I want to leave my marks all over your skin. The idea is tempting as fuck, makes me hard just thinking about it," He said everything in a way that tells you that it's true.

My mind first went numb, then the words registered, how dirty they were. I gasped, "Shh!!! What are you saying, Christian!" I half-shrieked, half-whispered.

He laughed, the sound of his genuine laughter was way too sweat for my human ears. "Kitten, the way you turned red, it's very attractive. You are shy and innocent, I want to make you dirty but only for me," He told me as he slide the strap of my blouse down from my shoulder.

He placed his other hand on my breast, and my breathing went hard, trying to place my attention somewhere else, "Why do you think I am innocent, I can be experienced who knows?" I said just to tease him my voice betrayed me. It was a lie, clear as crystal.

He smirked looking up at me from my chest, my blouse was already half removed, I don't know if I regret not wearing a bra or not.

He grazed his palm from my neck to the U-shape of my blouse, and my breath hitched. "You heard that kitten, the way your breathing increased its pace, the way your heart was beating faster, It indicates how inexperienced you are. I am the one for your first time and I sure will be the last," He said.

I feel myself smiling at his words. He wrapped one of his arms around my waist to hold me up as he slide my blouse above my head before he let me fall back on the bed gently.

Kneeling above me as he looked intently at my chest, licking his lips.

I felt exposed and vulnerable, so I started to hide my breast from my arms.

But he grabbed them, shaking his head, "Don't ever hide yourself from me, Trisha," He told me.

I inhaled deeply before laying still. He smiled before he started to unbutton his shirt, his pace deliberately slow.

When he had completely removed his shirt, I stared at his hard chest and muscles. Even if it made me blush, I was drooling over his abs. From the smug look on his face, he was proud of himself.

He helped me out of my shorts and panty in one swift motion. It made me grin like a toddler.

"What did you find so funny?" He asked his voice showing his amusement as he came down on me, I wrapped my arms around his neck and he caressed my cheeks with both his hands.

"It's really funny that you removed your shirt so slowly when you practically ripped my bottoms," I said with a laugh.

He smiled before he placed his lips on mine. Kissing me hard yet gently, I tried to meet the moments of his lips when I kissed him back.

I didn't find it fair that he was still wearing his jeans when I was completely naked in front of him.

I muster up the courage and brought my hands to his stomach, I fiddled to open the button of his jeans. He grinned at my lips but didn't say anything.

When his zip was open, his erection sprang out of his jeans causing me to yelp.

He frowned as he looked down at me, "What happened?" He asked me.

I looked at him with wide eyes, "You-you are—It is...huge!" I exclaimed.

He laughed, I felt foolish because he was laughing at me. I slapped his arm as I scold him, "Why are you laughing? It's—your dragon is huge! it won't fit in my cave!" I whined, it was a concern for someone as inexperienced as me.

He laughed even harder after listening to me, "You didn't call my dick a dragon and your pussy a cave just now! Oh, you did!" He said between his laughter.

I reddened like a tomato, "You're making fun of me, I don't want to talk to you. You know what, I am going!" I scold him before I tried to get off the bed.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me back, "Okay Okay! I am sorry, I won't do it again!" He told me.

I frowned, "Promise?'' I asked.

He nodded, "Promise!"

I relaxed slightly, "Okay! So back to the topic, Your thing won't fit inside me," I complained to him.

He looked like he was barely controlling his laughter, "You're so cute!" He said.

"You promised you won't make fun of me, but you are doing it again!" I whined.

He composed himself, "Okay Okay, so the thing is, you don't have to worry about my 'dragon' not fitting inside your 'cave'," He told me using my terms to tease me.

I shrugged, "How do you know that?" I asked.

He looked at me with mischief, "Your body was made for me, to adjust itself for me," He told me.

Before I can question more about it, he took his hand to graze his thumb over my core, I jerked up from the bed from the ticklish feeling of it.

He holds me down as he started to rub his thumb over it, I was a sweating mess within minutes.

He didn't stop there, without a warning, he slide one of his fingers inside me. "Christian!" I whispered his name.

"Just like that kitten! I want you to yell my name only," He delivered those dirty words at me, it made me more excited.

He suddenly removed his finger when I was on edge, I protested "Hey!"

He smirked before he started to remove his jeans and boxers. When he was completely naked in front of me, then I saw I was wrong. He wasn't huge. He was huge huge!

I was having second thoughts if I am ready for THIS or not.

Only he didn't give me time to think when he was on top of me again.

When his manhood grazed my entrance, I tensed visibly.

"Hey! Kitten, relax! look at me," He consoled me.

I gulped before looking at him. He started to place many many kisses on my face, neck and shoulders. After a while, I relaxed.

"Are you okay now?" He asked me gently. For an alpha and a beast, He was humanly patient with me. It warmed me from the inside.

I nodded, although I was still really nervous. But his efforts have calmed me to an extent.

He nods then he pushed his tip inside me, and my wall stretched a little. Then he withdrew it, I heaved a sigh.

His fist was clenched, I can understand he was barely controlling himself. So I mustered up the courage to tolerate the pain.

This time when he pushed inside me and my walls stretched painfully, I didn't scream only wrapping my arms around his torso.

He hesitated before he pushed all the way inside me breaking my hymen. I swallowed the scream threatening to come out but it hurts like a bitch.

"It's okay Kitten! look at me only." He demanded.

I looked at him, he didn't move, just caressing the back of my head and neck. the muscles started to calm until the pain was barely present.

I sucked a breath, "It's fine now you can move," I whispered to him.

Christian looked like he was not convinced so I pushed my head to kiss him.

It was just a peck to show him I was okay.

That was all he had needed before he started to move, and eventually started thrusting inside me.

The pain was still there but it was now overshadowed by pleasure. With each thrust, He hits a G-spot that I didn't know exist.

He continued to ram inside me for a while until both of us were breathing hard and were a sweating mess.

I feel myself coming closer to the edge, he was staring into my eyes which only build a strong wave of pleasure.

"Christian, I-I!" I tried to tell him what was happening to me.

Because it was not pleasure only, it was something more that was beating inside me like a second heart. The feeling was strange like intimacy for me.

He seems to understand what happening to me. He placed a kiss on my forehead, "It's okay kitten let yourself lose."

I did, and within minutes, I climbed high with a scream. I saw stars as my pleasure raked out of me.

When I was done coming, Christian thrust one last time before he released his cum inside me.

Putting his forehead on mine as we both came down from the high. Something strange happened that I didn't believe.

I heard his voice inside my head.

"Are you okay kitten?"