
Solar Sovereign (TDG)

Prepare to be enthralled by a breathtaking journey as you step into the mesmerizing world of "Tales of Demons and Gods." In this captivating fanfiction, follow the extraordinary tale of Tian Yi, a reincarnated wanderer who defies fate itself. Meet Tian Yi, a traveler of worlds, blessed with a second chance in life, gifted by the very gods themselves. Transcending time and space, he awakens in the fabled realm, five years ahead of the main cast. Armed with a heart brimming with wanderlust and an insatiable thirst for the unknown, he yearns to explore the vast wonders that this mysterious world holds. Yet, his reincarnation bestows him with an astounding power that blazes like the scorching sun. Guided by the divine hand of destiny, Tian Yi harnesses the might of the sun to conjure awe-inspiring abilities. The sun-drenched aura surrounding him heralds the arrival of a force not seen in ages—a force that will reshape the very fabric of this realm. Embracing his newfound destiny, Tian Yi forms an unbreakable bond with a majestic Sun Dragon, his loyal demon spirit. With its fiery wings and radiant scales, the Sun Dragon becomes a testament to Tian Yi's indomitable will and a beacon of hope in times of darkness. As he crosses paths with the iconic characters you know and love, Tian Yi's presence weaves a tapestry of profound connections, forging alliances that will forever alter the course of history. Yet, lurking beneath the surface, sinister forces conspire to unravel the world's balance, plunging it into turmoil. Follow Tian Yi's epic odyssey as he delves into ancient ruins, explores treacherous realms, and faces daunting trials to unlock the true extent of his powers. His unyielding spirit draws friends and foes alike, each captivated by the enigma of this enigmatic traveler. ps. I don't own anything besides the fanfictions words themselves. The cover art was downloaded from google. If the creator wants it removed i am happy to comply.

Machete_007 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Intimidation of The Weak

After the conversation with the king Tian was treated like a royal guest. Although the world itself was on the weaker side it didn't have to face an endless amount of beast tide. Because of this they had the time they invested in many lifestyle facilities such as food. After eating literally shit for six months in the Nether realm Tian immersed himself in the cooking of this world.

"Alina pass me that steak." Tian who already eat 5 steaks told his trusty maid to pass another. Alina passed on the steak as her master instructed. She had a curious face thinking about his master. After hearing the conversation between him and the king she had many questions for him. But she didn't know if it would be appropriate.

"I think you should ask what is in your mind Alina."

After composing her self Alina asked "Master what did the King implied when he said your from the outside world?"

"Well I am not from here. The world you live in is nothing but a sub world of the main world called the tiny world. For some reasons I came here to run an arrend. The world where I come from, human population is scarce and they face an endless beast tide every hundred years. There it's the survival of the fittest. We also cultivate our power with cultivation techniques. Strength wise the humans of my world are far stronger and most of them are fighting for the preservation of humanity. I come from a settlement called Glory City. We have been protecting our walls for a thousand years from beast tides" Tian said with a sense of pride.

Letting his words sink in Alina stayed quiet for some time. Suddenly thinking about something she panicked. If her master returns she would be left out here? She didn't want that, she has no where to go, her master is her everything now. Although at first it was just fascination as time went on Alina had completely dedicated herself in serving Tian Yi. If he left her here she would.....

As she was worrying she felt a warm hand on her head she looked up and saw the warm red eyes that brought her out from the dark world "You don't have to worry about that I plan to take you with me to the outside world. After all you're my exclusive maid." Tian said reassuring Alinia.

"Thank you master, I will not disappoint you." saying Alina gave Tian a deep bow. She had nobody after her parents had died. So she had fully committed herself in serving Tian.

"Let's talk about other things." Tian continued as he was drinking a glass of orange juice. "How is your progress in the cultivation technique I taught you?"

"Reporting to master, I am already half way through 1 star bronze rank. I believe I will reach two stars in a day or two."Alina said about her progress so far.

Hearing this Tian was contemplating many things. After he found her and had her well fed he tested her soul with an unused soul stone. It was a cyan soul realm with a big tree in the middle. The tree had many floating lights around it. Although Tian didn't exactly know what this meant he was sure that her soul was nature aligned. So he gave her one of the cultivation techniques he found in the Holy Orchard institutes library. The results were very good, she cultivated for less than two weeks and she was already a two star fighter. When he gets back to the main world he will search for a suitable demon spirit for her. Her talent is too good to waste.

After living like a king for a week the king finally informed him that they would set out for the council. Its headquarters was located on an island far into the sea. The king actually used a teleportation formation for their travel. "The formation can only transfer two people at a time, me and my guard will go first. You can come after." saying this the king quickly entered the formation.

"It seems the king has planned some surprises for us. Alina stayed close to me." saying so Tian hugged Alina with his right hand and proceeded to the formation. Alina who was now in short circuit mode just went along with it.

With a bright flash Tian went through the space tunnel. As he was going through it he saw how the space was bending itself so that they could travel. This gave him much inspiration on how to use his space laws more effectively. He was thinking how he could implement this to his arsenal when another bright flash of light woke him up from his thinking. As soon as he arrived Tian felt heavy spiritual pressure on him. He quickly unleashed his own peak legend rank pressure to counter it. After making sure Alina was alright he saw where he was. There were actually more than 70 legend rank and 6 demigod rank experts around him who were suppressing him together."So this is the mortal who invaded our world?" Tian heard a female vice and looked towards it. The speaker was an elf.

"It seems so. His soul fluctuations are very different. I would love to study him." This time the human standing beside her spoke.

"You can do that after I beat him to a pulp!" A beastman who had a lion's head spoke as he was punching his fists together.

"You guys talk too much let's just hammer him and get things over with" The dwarf spoke in an impatient tone.

"What I believe is we should always give the mortals a fair trial. After all we gods are merciful." A lizard looking humanoid spoke with a haughty tone.

"Mortal or not we should not let such a variable roam free in our world, he will disrupt the peace we built so far." A blue haired woman with a trident spoke last.

"So are you guys like a budget group of gods or something? You guys lack something like, you know strength?" Tian said while he was leisurely sat down the ground while supporting his chin with his hand.

After hearing his words the 6 demigods stopped talking for a second until the human spoke up."It seems he received too much of a shock."

"It seems so lets just get.....agh." Just as the beastman was about to say something a fist sent him flying towards the horizon.

"It seems this god persona has got to you guys head. let me fix that." said Tian who was now standing between the 5 demigod realm experts.

"When did he!?" the dwarf couldn't finish his words as he felt a peak legend realm aura crushing on them with full force.

"Every one attack him together although his in the legend realm his soul force can still intimidate us." The human demigod expert who was retreating said so.

Tian didn't let him though, with a thought he materialized four light swords and sent them towards his way. The human didn't react fast enough and his both hands and legs were pierced. As this was transpiring Tian felt an attack from his behind. He quickly took out his sword from his storage ring and defended against the incoming trident. "Ting" fending off the trident he gave a power full kick to the blue hared beauty. The dwarf who finished charging his hammer attacked with it. Just as he was about to defend against it a group of thick roots came out of the ground and ensnared him.

The dwarf who saw this just smirked and brought his charged hammer on Tian at full force. Tian who was trapped between the vines let out roar as his eyes began to glow golden. Golden flames materialized all over Tian burning the roots to ashes. He punched the dwarf in the face while he avoided the hammer attack, sending him towards the elf. As he was doing this he sensed a high concentration of soul energy to his right. He turned around to face a breath attack from the lizard man."Face the ultimate attack of the dragon god mortal!"

"That's nothing but an imitation. let me show you what a breath attack looks like." saying this Tian let out a giant breath attack which was three times bigger than the lizard man just launched towards him. The golden beam of death just obliterated everything in its path and even evaporated the parts of the sea that it went through.

The whole exchange didn't take even two breaths of time. They were on a tropical island which now was nothing but a waste of land. Alina was hiding behind a giant rock. Tian already gave her some guardian stones inscribed with protection formation so she was safe for the time being. He suddenly felt a shift in spiritual power in the air. He looked up and saw the 70 plus legend rank empowering a huge formation.

"Fire the god slayer NOW!" the elf who was carrying a charred body yelled and an concentrated beam of light descended upon the island. It was the same size as the whole island.

"For wannabe gods you guys have some half decent methods. Now let's see the fruits of my labor for the past year." Tian sheathed his sword and held it in a drowning position while bending down a bit. for the past year he has dedicated himself in practicing the sword and it had some outcomes. This was one of his special moves, it concentrates his latent soul energy and space time law energy in his sword until he unleashes it at full force. Although simple it had deviating effects.

"Single sword series: Quick draw"

Tian released his attack at the last moment, As if a golden dragon was rising through the beam it shattered the formation of more than 70 legend rank experts. All the Experts suffered backlashes, most of them were vomiting blood. After the destruction of the formation the dragon vanished leaving behind Tian in front of the demigod experts who were now dumbfounded. Tian was standing on the air with his sword on his shoulder while many of the legend rank experts were falling from the sky.

With a grin that sent chills upon his foes Tian said "That was a good warm up, let's dance some more!"