
SOLANGELO!!!!! (reopened!!)

I just finished rereading the Heroes of Olympus series and decided to write a three days in the infirmary fanfic with a twist. Instead of the war with Gaea already being over Will had immediately brought Nico to the infirmary. Reyna's quest did succeed but Gaea hasn't woken yet as they arrived early. The seven are still gone but the first of August (I think that's the right month) rapidly approaches. Also before this fanfic Nico has never met Will (I know contradicts to basically the whole Riordanverse sue me) but Will already knew Nico from watching him. The cover is not mine.

Genderfluidcat37 · Book&Literature
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14 Chs


As they were bringing Jason forward I caught movement in the corner of my eye. Nico had shifted so his arm covered his face from my view. I pushed his arm back lightly and uncovered his face. Tears were welling up in his eyes as he tried to blink them back.

"Are you ok?" I whispered

He simply shook his head no in response

"Do you want a hug?"

He paused for a moment before nodding. I pulled him into me and let him cry into my shoulder. I glanced down and his whole body was shaking with tears. His hair was messy and his clothes were rumpled. Slowly he glanced up as Chiron's voice boomed over the crowd.

"Does anyone want to come up and speak?"

Piper stood from the other side of Nico and headed towards the front.

"None of us have known Jason for very long but he belonged here with us. Sure Hera planted him as a part of her plan, but he told me he wanted to stay here during our last night on the Argo II. He was an amazing person and will be remembered as a great hero. Thank you."

 Piper sat back down and Leo jumped to his feet, hyper as always.

"Jason was my best friend, honestly my only friend other than Piper. He was amazing and also stopped me from flirting with his immortal hunter sister more than once. He was Roman but he was also Greek and just plain mortal too. He also laughed at all my jokes because no one else would. For that, I am forever in his debt." Leo saluted and jumped down off the stage.

"Anyone else?" Chiron yelled

Nico slowly pulled away from me and headed forward. He stepped onto the stage and the campfire gave him a godly glow. He was like an angel even through the tears and messy look.

"Jason was the first person to ever make me feel welcome other than my two sisters. Ever since I was claimed everyone around me has acted like I had some kind of disease. Even on the Argo II only Hazel would talk to me. I'm sure she told everyone to be nice but the only one to listen was Jason. We got sent off alone and he made an effort to actually talk to me rather than just get the job done. When I was forced to reveal one of my darkest secrets to him he swore on the river Styx never to tell anyone. He looked past the fact that my father ruled the underworld and I could summon the dead. He was my greatest friend."

Nico stepped down and took his seat next to me.

"I noticed you didn't say he was your only friend." I whispered

"Course not Solace. You're my only friend now." He whispered back and I could see the sadness in his eyes.