
SOLANGELO!!!!! (reopened!!)

I just finished rereading the Heroes of Olympus series and decided to write a three days in the infirmary fanfic with a twist. Instead of the war with Gaea already being over Will had immediately brought Nico to the infirmary. Reyna's quest did succeed but Gaea hasn't woken yet as they arrived early. The seven are still gone but the first of August (I think that's the right month) rapidly approaches. Also before this fanfic Nico has never met Will (I know contradicts to basically the whole Riordanverse sue me) but Will already knew Nico from watching him. The cover is not mine.

Genderfluidcat37 · Book&Literature
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14 Chs


The days after Jason's funeral were a daze. I would wake up to Will shaking me awake. He'd force me to eat breakfast and talk to me for a while before he left for the infirmary. Once he left I'd fall back asleep until he woke me again for lunch. Then he'd leave, I'd go back to sleep, and he would return later for dinner. After I ate Will would talk a little more and head to one of the spare bunks. He was sleeping in my cabin as an extra precaution but I hardly recognized that as strange in my half-conscious state. Every day it would repeat. Will waking me, breakfast, sleep. Will waking me, lunch, sleep. Will waking me, dinner, sleep. It went over and over until the days blended together and I could no longer tell each meal from the next. Will was shocked when one morning he came in and I had managed to get out of bed and take a shower before he arrived.

"Nico you're up!" he said

I shrugged and crawled back into bed. "I figured this was the least I could do for you." My voice was horse from underuse "I probably smelled horrible and you've been taking care of me this whole time."

"You've definitely smelled better but of course, I stuck around. It's my job as both your friend and your doctor. Now would you mind moving beds for a little while? I want to clean your sheets."

I sighed and dragged myself back to my feet and over to the nearest bed. I collapsed on top and Will brought me my breakfast.

"Eat at least half of everything." He said, "I'm going to change your sheets while you do."

He'd never trusted me to eat by myself before. Honestly, he probably had good reason but I decided to do what he said not for my sake but for his. He was still being nice to me after all this. Most people would've just given up by now but he stayed. I watched as he stripped my bed and took the sheets away to wash. Then he brought in hideous neon yellow sheets and started to place them on my bed.

"Do they have to be bright yellow?" I complained

"Sorry, this is all my cabin had. You can obviously see why nobody wants to use them. I'm pretty sure they've been sitting in our closet for the last 2 years."

"Why would you even have them in the first place?"

"I don't know. Maybe someone bought them as a joke. Anyway, this is what you get till your sheets are clean. It'll just be till the end of the day."

I sighed and didn't respond. Soon, he'd finished putting the sheets on and I'd finished my required amount of my meal. He took the tray from me as he left.

"I'll be back later with lunch." He said, as always, and walked out the door.

The moment he left I headed to my bed, collapsed on top, and fell asleep.

I'm really sorry it took me so long to write this. My school took back our laptops for the summer and I had nothing else to write on. Luckily for you, I got my laptop back today and I'm finally able to write again! I'll try to publish the next chapter tomorrow but thanks so much for reading!


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