
Sokar`s world

My world was peaceful everything was going perfectly fine. . . Until one day I started dreaming about its ending . . FEW YEARS AGO People from strange origin started to submerge into our world. Those who were good helped us to grow more in the society years passed and now the govt of various countries started trusting them and provided with the full support we named them "celestials" A blessing to humanity . . They offered Supernatural Powers and Long lives to the general public They introduced various way to unlock the potential of our bodies and gain these powers. . Now the society was build up pretty much like novels where the only power mattered BUT! one day we all received a strange voice about requirement for the world upgrade as Celestials informed us the advantages of world upgrades everyone was celebrating the world upgrades. BUT the celestials we considered as blessing to humanity turned into the CURSE People became aware that the new world was savage. and soon the world was destroyed various countries and nations fell .. . and only one hope was left that may seem myth to many the artifact that can change pathways of time and space to create a variable in the timeline...

Zeemo · Action
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5 Chs

THE attack in the night

on a dark mountain a lone man was walking through the forest towards the peak the mountain that was filled with miasma the more higher one goes the more numbing effect of the miasma increases and at the end one will loose all his senses

loosing all senses mean you will loose directions along with the ability to think simply will become a living dead and body will start rotting where you will die the worst

"I hate this place more than anything arghhhhh"

"here goes the last one.... I hope I can reach in time" Taking out an injection William injected a purple serum in his own thighs and grunted with the after effect of the serum

William passed through the forest having a hard time finding his way he was loosing his senses because of the miasma in the forest and the serum was developed by Wizz specially after knowing the situation of the miasmic fog

having used the last serum William increased his pace but due to loosing a whole arm the balance of his body was off that is why he was not able run at his full speed being a captain of the whole squad he was able to somehow manage his pace


suddenly William stopped and dodged to the side bending his head to the left stopping along he took out his blade and slashed through the air cutting multiple projectiles seemed to be poison darts

William took a fighting stance but wasn't able to find the attacker he was sensing the presence all around him with having multiple auras from all sides


William jumped upwards taking his blade in a vertical position and spun in the air cutting an attacker in the air above his head


the body fell from the air seemed to be cut in have precisely


from the side a attacker was running towards him slashing his blade

landing on the surface William turned his body turning a whole 360 degrees while dodging the attacker's blade side ways


planting his blade in the heart of the attacker from behind

thud another body fell from the mercy of William's blade

rustle~ rustle~

another attacker came running towards him while William took out the blade from the dead body and again slashed from downwards to upwards cutting another attacker splitting the body in half


"wow.. captain it would have been a shame if you died from this level of attack"

walked out a figure having a black assassin suit holding duel blades on his belt and having black simmering eyes and small stature of a body

William waved his blade in a motion to clean out all the blood and started gathering a hue like energy around his whole body

"at least say hi Cap"

the assassin took out his duel blades and he too created a red hue around his body and attacked William


William hitted the ground with his foot and jumped in the air creating a heavy impact on the ground smashed downwards


the wave of impact affected the assassin and dulled his speed

swish~ swish~swish~

while William acted fast and slashed his blade continuously towards the assassin's body giving his small cuts all over his body precisely cutting the muscle tendons


blocking some cuts the assassin managed to injure william the daggers were covered by the red energy and with each slash it burnt the skin and muscles

creech~ swish~~~

William who was looking like a burnt corpse somehow managed to achieve the win

making the attacker vulnerable to his blade with each cut the assassin was loosing his mobility and after a series of infinite cuts William stopped his blade attacks

"so it was true... you surpassed the supreme leader a long time ago"

the assassin was lying on the ground being not able to move he was vulnerable


"why the hell did you betrayed.. MIKE!!!!"

"it..it's nothing personal captain..... I need...needed to save my brother and the supreme leader promised he will treat him if I gave him the codex"

mike who betrayed his own team was laying on the ground loosing all his blood bit by bit

Hearing this all William who was having a hard time controlling his emotions killing his own teammate he who gave his all protecting the humanity wasn't able to understand his own teammate's problem

he had failed a as a captain having high views of the world neglecting the suffering of his closed one's he truly failed as a captain

"don't worry cap's.....I don't blame you ... make sure to save my brother .. please" with having his last words mike died

having the sorrow in his eyes William lost a dear friend and continued to step forward the but having severe burnt injuries William's vitality was decreasing with each step

William's wasted a lot of time in the fight the effect of serum was also wearing off he tried to find the serum on the dead bodies but having a high mana blood he couldn't use them that's why he suppressed his level of power with the help of Wizz

the serum lost it's effect William fainted due to exhaustion and miasmic numbing effect




"William Reon Darkborn it was quite fun seeing your swordplay" A etheral voice echoed from all directions

William was feeling unrest he tried touching all over and surprisingly he saw his both hands have been recovered and was feeling quite pleasant

"don't get happy too early boy... you are already dead" like a cold bucket of water William came to realization that he wasn't standing on the mountain or ground he was floating in a different kind of place seemed to be a different dimension

"then where am I and who are you"

"why should I answer you"

the voice seemed to be angry at something and wasn't ready to say anything to help William seeing his current predicament he couldn't came with anything

"tch tch .. humans are pathetic " the voices echoed again but this time William kept on sleeping and didn't said anything

"I gave them so many chances but know what each time they make the same mistake"

William silently listened to all this and waited for his turn to speak

"William Reon Darkborn if you want I can help you"

"well.. I'm dead so how can I save anyone now"

"Become the vessel of my power and you can do it"

William couldn't comprehend what's the meaning behind those words were and the ethereal voice seemed to be unknown but William was ready to take any chances to fulfill his dream to save his planet from this outer beings

"what do I have to do Sir!"

"I'm the guardian soul of the codex I can send you back to the time where you will be able to change the fate of this planet but... "

the voice came to a stop seemed to be conflicted

"but what Sir!"

"The problem is that you are dead and your body have severe injuries so sending you back in time with that body is a waste"

the ethereal voice echoed again in the space explained that William died by injuries and miasmic fog inside the forest and his condition was irreversible

"then why am I here talking with you"

"Your soul, I stripped it off from your body before dying so you survived and isn't truly dead"

"then why did you let the commander die there" William felt that it might be a possibility but why the codex couldn't save the commander if this was possible

"I would have done the same for that Raven boy but he handed over the codex to you due to some reason he trusted you " hearing the guardian's remark about the commander's sacrifice William's thought were drifting about the sacrifices he made during his lifestyle all in all he was ready to sacrifice anything to change his fate

"Boy loosing your body is actually quite beneficial to your current situation sending your soul back in timeline even before the celestials invaded so you can guide the earth's energy and revive it to give an equal chance to humans"

"is that possible? .. but what can I do in the soul form without having a body I can't do anything"

" Don't worry boy I have it all set before with your body we weren't able travel back too much but souls are free from restrictions I can send you back to someone's body who recently died you can take over his body, having a new identity will let you freely move without gaining the attention of certain beings "

"if it is possible, I'm ready to do anything "

William was determined to take the responsibility of it and knowing the possible threats he can use his current knowledge to win over the earth from these so called celestials

"get ready boy don't share your knowledge with anyone don't trust anyone and be aware of snakes" the voice echoed again and the space started vibrating visible grain of golden sand started appearing in the air and creating a vortex like structure William floated towards the vortex and started disappearing

the dimension started cracking and was visible webs of void started appearing in the space the dimension seemed to be collapsing with the pressure of the vortex

"Boy remember well the first thing you have to do is to revive the consciousness of the earth before their invasion of those filthy creature then only you have the chance to win" the ethereal voices seemed to be vanishing and slowly becoming weaker with the dimension on the verge of collapse

"how do I revive the consciousness ?? " William who was disappearing bit by bit in the vortex couldn't understand what the voice was trying to say

"I already made the arrangement you just have to follow along....don't trust anyone!!"

the dimension severely filled with void breaks became unstable

William slowly disappeared in the golden sands leaving the Brocken space and withered artifact on the ground....