
Softness & Darkness Series

She didn't know what love was after finding out her ex-girlfriend decided to cheat on her with someone else. Harley Rayne had no idea when she came across a blonde hair and blue-eye beauty queen that she would fall fast. Falling in love wasn't part of Addy Keith's plan at all. Until her eyes met a brunette with brown eyes that made her jaw hit the floor. She knew she had to stay away from this woman but that seemed impossible. A new romance for the coming of age, let's see where Addy and Harley end up in this new fun filling story.

LesbianJuliet88 · LGBT+
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22 Chs

Chapter 18


Tensions rose between Addy and Harley over what to do with Elizabeth and Madison since they violated laws into raping a fellow high member of the Coven. Harley couldn't understand why Addy disagreed on not beheading people, it doesn't solve any crimes for anyone, and she knew because her sister is a fault one. After separating from their fight. Harley went walking around to give Addy time to settle before talking to her again that is when Madison caught her eyes once more. Harley mouthed fuck then turned back around.

"Harley, is that you?" Madison asked.

Harley rolled her eyes, not even a whole day and this woman still is following her around. Harley had intentions of staying away from her completely without batting an eye especially since she threatened her to stay away from Addy. Harley took a deep breath looking Madison in the face.

"Hey Madison, what can I do for you?" Harley said with a Queen like smile.

Harley watched her move inches closer with placing a finger under her chin smoothly replying,

"Only the best for this hot woman."

Harley wanted to puke, she had no interest in Madison, and desperately wanted Addy to be by her side but she didn't see her around. Harley swiped at Madison removing her finger from her face about ready to trace her cheek. She wouldn't cheat on Addy with some fucked up woman who couldn't keep her hands to herself.

"I am not interested in you, Madison, I have a loving woman and I am destined to marry her." Harley responded.

"Really? If that is the case than I couldn't imagine your sister wanting to take the crown from you and the future Mrs. Though what would I know I am just a step-mother with a loving daughter that needs proper guidance into this world." Madison replied.

"My sister is out to help us get the proper education for the position unlike some people." Harley responding feeling herself become anger.

"I know what is best for my Harley and little Addison. That is to keep you within arms length and seeing your sister take crown with Evangeline Castillo like it's supposed to be many years ago. You will be my future, not Addison." Madison replied smiling.

"I am not your Harley, get that out of your fucking head. My heart belongs to Addy. You are just another jealous bitch because you're step-daughter found happiness with someone like me." Harley responded as she attempted to walk away.

Harley felt Madison grab her wrist than whispered in her ear to where no one can hear what she had to say.

"You are coming with me to Paris in three days until then I am heading off to see Elizabeth since they plan on beheading her when I have you in Paris with me. Better start getting ready for a long hall, sweetheart."

Harley snatched her wrist then walked away as fast as possible. She couldn't imagine herself living in Paris not without Addy, they belong together as one no matter the arguments they have. Harley knew getting in a mess with Madison would piss Addy off and leave her without doubt of them ever being together, she couldn't imagine pissing Addy off until they no longer spoke. She needed to find her as soon as possible to forewarn her what Madison is up too. Though she began making her way to Addy's dad when she saw another woman with her, making moves on her woman, it was all she could just watch them interact. Harley couldn't hear anything they said until she saw the older woman kiss her lips than looked in her direction. All she could think is fuck their is another woman in their path of a happy ending.

"That is Evangeline, seems she has thoughts of taking Addy like I do you. So, let's do this." Madison whispered behind her.

"No, no, I love Addy too much. She won't be in love with that woman. It is too soon for her to fall back in love again after a little fight we had." Harley whispered back.

Harley went to leave behind the bush to chase after Addy but Madison had stopped her.

"Don't. It is best for you to stay right here. Evangeline will take good care of her while being married to Celeste once you and Addy call off the wedding." Madison whispered.

"No, no, NO! Addy will do what is right. She loves me to much too fuck up what she has with me. We belong together." Harley replied out loud not caring who listens.

Before she could get anymore words out Harley felt Madison's lips on hers and she shoved Madison away. Second time, Madison did it again as Harley shoved harder.

"Stop!" Harley said.

Unfortunately that third kiss Harley gave into Madison just to get it the hell over with. All her mind could do is think of Addy's lips not this woman's. It made her have a tear crept down her cheek with sadness being forced into a relationship that she didn't want with Madison. Harley felt Madison finally release herself as she opened her eyes to see Madison smiling.

"That is much better. Now let's go to my place and get you ready for our new romance." Madison said with authority.

Harley sighed following Madison feeling less doubt about herself as she looked behind her with hopes Addy saw this fucked up mess and save her because this time, she needed escaping, she didn't want to go to Paris in a few days and she wanted to win Addy's heart all over again. It hurt her heart so bad not knowing what else could happen. Harley trudged behind Madison feeling this walk taking forever to get to Madison's place, she would try to walk a different direction but Madison would tug her wrist to keep guiding her in the way she needed to go instead of heading back to the apartment.

"Harley, you need to stay with me sweetie, it is fine that you want to go back to your apartment. You will get those things later; right now though you need to be with me." Madison said.

"I want Addy is all. I don't wish to be with you, please let me leave and go get her." Harley begged.

Harley watch Madison laugh and they just kept walking though Madison is a Vampire it seemed easier they would be walking instead.

"You need to go to Evangeline's and tell Addy that it is over between you two that their is no relationship anymore. You are leaving to Paris by tomorrow with me and we will live happily ever after compared to these folks." Madison demanded.

Harley hated this demand like a bitch with strings attached since arriving at her place it is what has led to this awful fake relationship. Harley desperately missed Addy and it drove her nuts that she is being forced to call it quits by no later than tomorrow but it isn't what she wanted and she sure as hell didn't love Madison.

"Harley, talk, what is on your mind? We are supposed to be communicating as a pair not one sided here." Madison demanded again.

"Nothing, Madison, nothing at all." Harley replied sighing.

"If this is about Addison, I will slap the fuck out of you until you are over that selfish bitch. You don't deserve her. You have the perfect woman." Madison responding.

Harley took a swallow knowing Madison would keep abusing her until she did as commanded of her and that means being a threat to Addy who didn't deserve it no matter what she thought. Harley has bruises from speaking up about Addy and her love for her, it didn't make no difference her body felt so painful but at this point protecting Addy is her only choice. Harley got herself some fresh clothes, a hot shower, and then made her way to Evangeline's by foot that ended up taking several hours. She didn't want to be there on bad terms.

Finally arriving at Evangeline's she saw the woman left her door open and slowly walked in as she made her way to the kitchen.

"Who the fuck are you? And why are you in my home?" Evangeline demanded out of Harley.

"I am Harley Rayne, can I please speak to Addy?" Harley asked politely.

"You! You are the one who hurt her for three days. That woman loves you, you know that she has been crying her eyes out for you." Evangeline replied with venom.

"I can explain to you one on one but please let me talk to her." Harley begged pleading.

"She is asleep upstairs, I wouldn't dare be waking her if I were you." Evangeline replied as her knuckles turned white.

Harley saw Addy on the steps as she yelled.

"SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU, can't a woman get a day of rest without someone arguing in front of me." Addy yelled.

Harley could tell that Addy wasn't happy when it came to her approach of the subject especially claiming a false love.

"What the fuck are you doing here after two weeks, Harley?" Addy said through anger.

"I want to get a key to our loft and get out of this hell hole." Harley replied through gritted teeth.

"To keep pleasing my step-mother, yeah, I get it...she's supposed to be dead, not run around with my future wife." Addy responded holding on to the banister turning her knuckles white.

As fear built up in Harley she knew damn well that she had to get out of their before it became worse even though her gut hated leaving without Addy.

"It's not like we were going to get married Addy or at least for another few months until this beheaded ceremony is over with but I am in love with Madison whether we are married or not, she is a wonderful person and I do not wish to see her dead." Harley replied holding firm on her words.

"Two fucking days of claiming rape from her and her lover an now you are head over heels for this bitch. Harley, I knew you had dumb moments but this is the worst. You're stuff has probably been sold, I grabbed what I needed and went to be with my dad until I ran into Evangeline then been here since moping about what has become of us." Addy responded feeling dreaded from every argument they seem to face.

"Turns out it is because Madison fell for me as soon as she laid eyes on me and the only way she could convince me of that was her best friend involved that also has feelings for her but they were only a fling. So, after we fought about beheading, I left with her and have been with her since." Harley replied finally calming down.

"So, fucked up, beyond fucked up, Harley. That woman hates me and made sure to steal you from me that way I would have no one to love. I can't believe she made you fall for that shit. Now my dad is unhappy and you are in love with a woman he didn't deserve to begin with. This is unbelievable." Addy responded still holding tightly onto the banister.

"I am sorry but I must go, nice to see that you have found someone other than me for once. Have a great life. I am off to Paris." Harley replied not batting an eye as she left.

Harley felt her heart break when she left Evangeline's without Addy but she had to lie to protect the only person she truly loved since the beginning and now it is falling apart at the seams without no control of where it could go. She knew seeing Addy would change everything but not so soon. Harley had to fight tears as she made the long way back to Madison's the last place she wanted to be. That is when she caught Celeste on her way to who knows where.

"Sis, what is going on?" Celeste asked to Harley.

"What do you mean?" Harley asked.

"You and Addy. What is going on?" Celeste asked again.

"I need to talk to you in private, let's go to your office down by the water." Harley replied.

Harley watch Celeste pause and then agreed as they took a nice walk together in silence. Harley knew at least one person would hear her out and that would be Celeste, the only twin sister she has and the one that could possibly help get her out of this mess with Madison before she lost Addy to Evangeline. They reached the office still in complete silence when neither could say a word.

Harley and Celeste just looked at each other in silence it has been so long since they have actually talked about anything but this time it involves Madison and her love Addy. She knew this would be so difficult coming from someone else other than her own girlfriend that belongs to her.

"Harley, I do not like this situation any better than you but what is going on?" Celeste asked finally.

"When you left us for discussion of what to do about Madison and Elizabeth, our whole hearts went separate and I didn't agree to beheading as she did. Since that day we have gone our own way and fell apart. I love her and miss her like crazy. Now, I don't know what is going to happen. I do not love Madison actually I am fucking hating her since she doesn't allow me to do anything and if I bring up Addy, she beats me senseless. Addy still compares us, she has it in her mind that I will hurt her like you did her. This all became a big mess mostly because you were attracted to her first back in New York and now, I have no girlfriend, I am caught in with a bitch that needs her tits cut off. I am so fucking done with this whole Coven bullshit. I am done, Celeste, I am done." Harley replied through every ounce of anger and tears.

"You two love each other so much, and do belong together but once opinions are spoken it is shot out the door. What the fuck is it going to take you two to wake up and see the truth?" Celeste responded.

"See what truth? She is head over heels for Evangeline. And, I am stuck with a dumb bitch who wants to move to Paris for gosh knows what reason is behind it. Hell, I told Addy that I loved Madison when I don't. Technically, I have no idea where Addy got it'd been two weeks when it's only been a few days." Harley explained.

"How long have you been in the dark, sis? You have been gone two weeks if you were supposed to leave for Paris within that time frame than it would have happened. I have been trying to find you since Addy wouldn't. No one knew where you went or how long you would be gone for." Celeste replied looking at Harley with raised eyebrows.

"Madison must of drugged me or abused me so much I have lost so much time. Celeste, is Addy even in love with Evangeline or are they just friends?" Harley responded with pleading eyes.

"Addy claims she isn't in love with her but it's been two weeks for all we know they could be by now." Celeste replied.

"I lost my future wife to a Vampire! Can anything else get worse from here? This is unbelievable, so when I witnessed them kissing in front of her dad's that means they were already dating? Fucking hell!" Harley screamed into the air.

Harley knew Celeste had no answers for what is happening but it seems Madison made it clear that Celeste and Evangeline will be ruling soon over her and Addy. Granted, they didn't want the spot of being Queen's but her blue eye beauty queen is about to belong to another woman and Addy doesn't even see the hell she has gone through since their fight. Harley got up from her seat in the office with Celeste behind her.

"I know you want Addy back and so do I but at this point sis, it is time to find a new lover and definitely not Madison." Celeste said calmly.

"And who is going to replace Addy? No one can replace her, EVER, she may have a new girlfriend but I am still her soulmate until I am six feet in the ground." Harley replied pounding the window with her fist.

"No one will ever replace her it is just a set back until everything comes together again. True love never dies but your heart needs to find a settlement on a temporary love with someone new and exciting." Celeste responded with a wink.

"Don't say you Celeste, it won't make her jealous, and you have a future wife." Harley replied.

"Unfortunately, she left with someone else as well. Abby went with a guy and is planning to have kids. She ended the engagement two weeks ago. I am alone too." Celeste responded holding back tears.

"I am sorry, Celeste, I didn't think Abby would leave you when you were so in love with her." Harley replied placing her hands to her side then making her way to the couch.

"She wasn't whom my heart wanted but she made me happy, I love Addy as much as you." Celeste responding heading to the same couch as Harley.

"We can't share the same love interest, sis. It is wrong and you know Addy belongs to me." Harley replied wringing her hands together in her lap.

Harley got up from the couch to leave as she saw Celeste smiling from ear to ear at her. Last time they got this close it led to something very filling until she fell in love with Addy. Their mother Reba never knew what they shared in closeness inside their own home and Harley never forgot either. Harley took a big gulp then bolted out of the office, she wasn't going to do this at least not right now. Harley started down the road when she heard Celeste holler.

"See you soon, Harley!"

Harley wanted out that is all she could think of doing before her sister decided to put her hands to where they shouldn't be. It is the last thought to have her sister play as a lover to make Addy jealous though it seemed to be the only solution she had but she knew finding a new lover would be better as a wise decision. Harley just kept on walking until her eyes caught sight of Addy and Evangeline sharing kisses that made her want to punch Evangeline, it made her sick to her stomach on seeing Addy being in love with someone else while she has to fight for what is right for herself.