
Softness & Darkness Series

She didn't know what love was after finding out her ex-girlfriend decided to cheat on her with someone else. Harley Rayne had no idea when she came across a blonde hair and blue-eye beauty queen that she would fall fast. Falling in love wasn't part of Addy Keith's plan at all. Until her eyes met a brunette with brown eyes that made her jaw hit the floor. She knew she had to stay away from this woman but that seemed impossible. A new romance for the coming of age, let's see where Addy and Harley end up in this new fun filling story.

LesbianJuliet88 · LGBT+
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22 Chs

Chapter 17


Addy watched Evangeline leave to go get her blood for the time as she finished up her breakfast than headed to the neighbors house. Addy knocked on the door as she became greeted by a lovely woman with dirty blonde hair, green eyes, and wearing a dark blue gown to her gorgeous dark blue heels.

"What is a gorgeous blonde like you doing in this side of the fence?" The woman said drunkenly.

"I am hoping to make a friend, my name is Addy Keith and my friend left to get her some blood for the time being an I hate being alone for such long periods of times." Addy replied whimpering.

"Oh, sweetheart, come on in. My name is Holly Blanch, so who is your friend that you speak of?" Holly responded smiling.

"Evangeline Castillo, she has been taking care of me since my girlfriend or now ex-girlfriend Harley Rayne left for good." Addy explained.

"Wait, you are the future Queen and you don't have very many friends here, oh darling, you are in for a treat meeting everyone around here." Holly replied still swaying with her drink into the living room.

Addy didn't feel like going into more detail but grabbed herself a wine glass and poured some liquor into it. If anything drinking solves all her problems especially with Harley and Celeste and anyone else that got into her way. Two hours later, Addy is plastered from all the drinking and felt like passing out from drinking too much.

"Let's get you to Evangeline, Addy before she wonders where you are." Holly said softly.

"Alright, let's head toward where they get their blood source from." Addy replied slurry.

Leaving out of Holly's place both of them were walking around wobbly but manage to make their way to the sanction to find Evangeline pissed off.

"Addy, what are you doing with Holly?" Evangeline asked.

"Making a friend like I told you, she lives next door and thought she could use a new friend." Addy replied innocently.

"You do realize that we do not get along at all, we hate each other with a passion." Evangeline explained looking at Holly with a pissed off look.

"Sorry but as future Queen, I have to know everyone here with or without Harley." Addy replied gracefully and smiling.

"Addy, you can't be future Queen here without Harley that is the rules whether you two get back together or not is a whole nother deal. You can't go around here without someone." Evangeline responded diligently.

Addy swayed until she felt Holly shove her into Evangeline's arms. Grinning and smiling at Evangeline mad her whole world spin.

"Relax, baby. Holly is protecting me, she knows how much you value a precious innocent blonde hair beauty in your arms." Addy said smiling.

"How much have you had to drink?" Evangeline asked rolling her eyes.

"A few wine coolers." Addy replied.

Addy knew it wasn't wine coolers but it kept Evangeline at bay knowing that it wasn't pure liquor though that is what she needed to relax after everything crashed for the past two and a half days of her life. Addy fell asleep in Evangeline's arms as they were making their way back to the mansion. Before she knew it being upstairs not even a whole hour an argument breaks out downstairs it pissed off her trying to get over her hangover from hanging out with Holly but damn it to hell, Addy needed the sleep. Getting out of bed and making her way downstairs, she found Evangeline and Harley fighting that is when she had enough.

"SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU, can't a woman get a day of rest without someone arguing in front of me." Addy yelled.

Addy looked directly at Harley with a stern mean look in her eyes this oughta be good coming from the woman cheating on her with her very own step-mother. Addy didn't want to hear it but she had no choice it is well overdue after two and a half days of hell.

"What the fuck are you doing here after two weeks, Harley?" Addy said through anger.

"I want to get a key to our loft and get out of this hell hole." Harley replied through gritted teeth.

"To keep pleasing my step-mother, yeah, I get it...she's supposed to be dead, not run around with my future wife." Addy responded holding on to the banister turning her knuckles white.

Addy watch Evangeline walk away from them it disappointed her but she knew Evangeline couldn't fight her battles for her this is what she has to do to keep herself going even if Harley is gone for a while until she gets her facts straight.

"It's not like we were going to get married Addy or at least for another few months until this beheaded ceremony is over with but I am in love with Madison whether we are married or not, she is a wonderful person and I do not wish to see her dead." Harley replied holding firm on her words.

"Two fucking days of claiming rape from her and her lover an now you are head over heels for this bitch. Harley, I knew you had dumb moments but this is the worst. You're stuff has probably been sold, I grabbed what I needed and went to be with my dad until I ran into Evangeline then been here since moping about what has become of us." Addy responded feeling dreaded from every argument they seem to face.

"Turns out it is because Madison fell for me as soon as she laid eyes on me and the only way she could convince me of that was her best friend involved that also has feelings for her but they were only a fling. So, after we fought about beheading, I left with her and have been with her since." Harley replied finally calming down.

"So, fucked up, beyond fucked up, Harley. That woman hates me and made sure to steal you from me that way I would have no one to love. I can't believe she made you fall for that shit. Now my dad is unhappy and you are in love with a woman he didn't deserve to begin with. This is unbelievable." Addy responded still holding tightly onto the banister.

"I am sorry but I must go, nice to see that you have found someone other than me for once. Have a great life. I am off to Paris." Harley replied not batting an eye as she left.

Addy couldn't comprehend the slightest what Harley saw in Madison over her besides a woman that took over who she loved and cared for even if it was for a short time. Addy felt the urge to go after Harley though she decided it is best to let Harley go and be with Madison. Making her way downstairs to the kitchen to see Evangeline cooking up a whole meal along with alcohol drinks though she isn't quite done with her hangover but for Evangeline dealing with Harley, she did owe her a good chunk of appreciation.

"You don't have to drink that alcohol though I have made you a meal to fill that empty tummy of yours." Evangeline said smiling.

"I am still sleepy and ready to hide but I will eat before laying back down again. I am still at a loss for words as to what Harley sees in Madison." Addy replied rubbing her temples.

"That you didn't put out and she did, is my guess. Their is no love between them like their is with you two that bond is still strong and I am not going to get in the middle of you two. I am highly attracted to you by far but Harley definitely is your soulmate." Evangeline replied.

"Figures, everyone knows what is best for me and I still can't get Harley to understand that beheading people for crimes isn't a bad thing." Addy responded.

"Addy, you two must compromise or else this place will fall apart. You two are due for marriage within two months at most. In this case, you should have gone after her, instead of letting her go to someone who is taking advantage of her." Evangeline explained.

Addy sighed, shaking her head, then making her way to the table, and finally laid her head down on the table as her long blonde hair fell in front of her as she cried her eyes out. Addy felt Evangeline rub her back letting her cry until she cleared up.

"I am missing her, badly. Why did she choose this? I wasn't ready to settle into making love just because of her sister." Addy said wiping her tears.

"You keep comparing them two, Addy, didn't you ever think that would hurt Harley's feelings being compared to her twin sister?" Evangeline asked.

"No, not exactly but wouldn't you be scared too if you were in love with a twin sister finding out one is cruel compared to the other and you dated the bad one before being in love with the right one?" Addy replied while nervously twisting her fingers together.

"That doesn't give you a right to judge people like that though. Addy, you might be Queen of this Coven but first you need to learn to not compare people. Life lesson for you, comparing people gets hearts broken and ruins lives of others involves. I would suggest you to leave once you are done, I thought their would be more to you than hiding feelings for Harley but turns out you are just hateful and disrespectful to those that cared." Evangeline responded then left the table and out of the mansion.

Addy took a big gulp knowing that she completely ruined a friendship and also the love of her life for stupidity reasons. Addy got up from the table than went outside to find Evangeline. To Addy's surprise Evangeline was on her porch looking out to the land.

"Didn't I tell you to leave?" Evangeline said sternly.

"I know, but I want you to know that I am always here if you need me. See you around, Eva." Addy replied then went back inside as she felt an arm on her shoulder.

"Addy, what is that you wanted to say. You stalled back there." Evangeline responded.

Addy didn't turn around as she just sighed and released her shoulder from Evangeline then left without another word knowing that Evangeline would chase her down to find out the answers that needed to be said between them. Addy likes Evangeline and she would replace the mess between her and Harley. Addy looked back at the mansion where she spent three days with a gorgeous Vampire that stole her heart in the whole process. Though as of now, she has nothing else in this world except to try and get back to her dad's place with hopes that he would like some nice home cooking of Fajitas or some Fried Rice to fill their bellies after being days away from each other.

"Addy, hold up." Evangeline said behind Addy.

"For what?" Addy instinctively replied.

"I didn't mean to push you away, you need to see that Harley and you are meant for each other. Celeste can't always control that option of how you feel towards Harley." Evangeline explained.

"Harley is gone, I can't bring her back to me. Madison has stolen her from me because of my comparison ordeals which you are correct on." Addy replied turning around to look at Evangeline.

"Addy you deserve so much better than someone who took someone else from you, I know that makes sense but that is the best I can describe it." Evangeline responded looking down at Addy's beautiful blue eyes.

"Evangeline, that I do but neither one of you are going to rescue me from what I feel like doing to myself. I am ready to just call everything quits and go back to New York to be with someone else or go to Texas and find someone there. Anywhere but here, sounds like a solid plan to me." Addy replied looking up at Evangeline.

Addy felt Evangeline hug her tightly without asking or anything than backed away.

"I am sorry but you mustn't go. Come back with me and we will start over properly. Do not leave because of a mess. We can make everything go correctly. Addy, for me?" Evangeline pleaded.

Addy looked down at her feet shuffling them around in the spot she stood at within arms length of Evangeline and she still didn't dare to respond on her feelings. Addy knew making a decision to be back with Evangeline could either give her love and appreciation or expected to be lectured on how to love someone. She couldn't decide on anything that would make everything go smoothly between them and her heart ached for something, anything out of this whole mess. Addy sighed standing there eyeing Evangeline to see if she meant to be serious. Before she could get a word out her lips were placed upon Evangeline's and she felt every one of her senses go beyond what she ever expected out of someone so beautiful. The kiss was over before she knew it and felt tingle to her lips as she stumbles to find words while touching her lips with her finger tips unsure of what to do. Addy knew she either had to react or return with her own kiss but that made her feel very vulnerable to someone she hasn't admitted any feelings too. Addy wanted to admit how she felt but at the same time contradiction became her enemy.

"Addy, I like you and..." Evangeline couldn't finish what she was going to say since Addy had her lips over hers and it took Evangeline's breath away.

Addy knew kissing Evangeline in return would make everything go much smoother between them. Addy felt herself being lifted and then brought back down to the ground, sharing a second kiss with Evangeline felt like her whole world is on fire. Addy ended the kiss with a smile.

"Evangeline, I like you too and yes, I will go back to your place." Addy replied smiling from ear to ear.

Addy saw Evangeline smile then lifted her bridal style leading her back to the mansion.

"You love carrying me bridal style though their is other ways to carrying me or let me walk." Addy said smiling.

"Carrying you bridal style is so much easier for a vampire to move in a fast pace to get to a location." Evangeline replied.

Addy giggled hearing that it is so much easier for her to be carried not anyone in particular just her. Addy looked at Evangeline as they finally arrived at the mansion once again and that is when Evangeline cleared her throat, placing Addy back on the ground as she turned around to see what Evangeline is staring at.

"Addy, what in god's name are you doing?" Celeste asked.

"Same as the last time you came here being around Evangeline. Harley already is probably on her way to Paris with Madison." Addy replied rolling her eyes.

"So, how much longer is this wedding is going to be held off for?" Celeste asked again.

"Beyond me, Harley didn't care either way as long as she had Madison and made it seem like I am with Evangeline even though I just met her three days ago." Addy responded holding Evangeline's hand in hers.

"You two are supposed to be happy together as a couple but now it is all sorts of messed up and how am I supposed to explain to Queen Bethany that the two new Queen's are out with other flings and not together." Celeste replied placing her arms across her chest and tapping her foot impatiently.

"I have already spoken to her." Evangeline spoke up.

"And?" Celeste asked.

"You and I are next in line for being Queen's if Addy and Harley don't get their relationship fixed by next fall. If they declined to do so than we are next in line to be married. We wouldn't be allowed to marry anyone else. Oh yes, you and Carmella were at the time to be Queen's but since she died it was made impossible." Evangeline explained.

"For fuck sakes, so I can't be married to Abby now? We were in the works of it no later than next year or the year after." Celeste complained like a little child.

"Evangeline, is this true?" Addy asked.

"Unfortunately, it is. Bethany knew how bad Celeste wanted to be Queen of this Coven since her teen years but since Carmella passed on that opportunity shot out the door since you and Harley were meant to lead instead. Future predictions can change in time with our leaders. So, my question to you is, did you and Harley really want to be Queen or is this a wild goose chase for everyone?" Evangeline asked and Celeste gave a look that she knew the answer already.

"We did, do, yes, but with the pressure everyone saying we are meant to be has destroyed us as of what we were before even making this way down here. I wasn't going to marry Raven once she found out I had happiness elsewhere which is/was Harley." Addy replied with tears streaming down her face.

"Why the fuck didn't you stop her from leaving than if you still love her?" Celeste demanded.

"If you let someone go, they will always come back. Harley isn't going to be happy with Madison when her heart still lies with me. You have had to let me go because of my feelings for your sister. So, fair is fair in the world of love." Addy explained wiping her tears as they still fell.

Addy looked between the two women than walked inside to the mansion leading her way to the living room to cry some more over how much everything has fallen apart on her. Addy could hear between sobs of Celeste and Evangeline shout whispering about how this all could of been resolved or their approachable marriage since she knew her and Harley weren't going to be back together by next year. After about ten minutes, Addy felt Evangeline gently grab her hand than kissing it.

"I won't marry Celeste if you don't want me too. I will stay here for you while your heart breaks for Harley. If you need someone to be loving and supporting, I am right here." Evangeline whispered.

"You love a woman whose already in love with someone else?" Addy asked in a whisper through her tears welling up again.

"Addy, I don't need to make love to a woman to know how value her heart is to someone else. You are special, even though I can't make you my woman, I have a place in my heart for you." Evangeline whispered back looking at Addy intensely.

Addy felt a shiver down her spine as she looked at Evangeline biting her lip to decide what her move could be with this gorgeous woman that has taken a leap of her heart. Addy looked down at her hands wringing them together trying not to be ashamed of her feelings within replacement of Harley though it is all she could do to stay stable with what she has gone through.