
Soaring through Omniverse

This story will be about multiverse travel, where the main character will go to different anime or comics universe to get back all his power.......To know further.. Wait for chapters, I will explain in chapter... !!!Warning!!! In this fanfic some characters will have a different attitude than the canon or the original version so please note this warning before jumping into this. Please don't be offended if your favourite character is being kill or being dark ....for example:- In Harry Potter, Albus Dumbledore was a good man and helped Harry ......but in my fanfic, he may be dark and manipulative man.....same can be said for Harry Potter, maybe......Again I M sorry..if your favourite characters are being twisted or opposite of real like hero in original but villian in this story.... There will be many spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes will happen.... Please help me correct it...if you would... I am writing this fanfic because I am bored like hell!..... !Another warning! This will be harem! Will Also contain R18 chapters.... I will copy some chapters from others story. Also MC will travel to another world.. If my story is your not to liking...you can ignore it....or read other story..... Note: I am not a professional author nor do I claim to be. This novel is what I would do if I was reincarnate in that world with Superman's powers. I don't own the picture, it is just one I found online. If you own it, and want me to remove it just ask and I will. Though I may not be most proficient in English I'll try to satisfy my readers since English is an International language. If you have suggestions about the plot contact me. And I will post two or three chapters everyday except Saturday And Sunday..I need to write about future world by adjusting and it will take time ....so no post on weekend... __ __ __ __ __ __ DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the characters that will appear except for my originals. Thank You!

IWhoMustNotBeName · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Chapter 38

[ Author- My intentions in this chapter is to show, how Rumi and Atulya 'relationship' are developing slowly. Hope I did a good job! And fighting is the best way to develop it further for battle maniacs..2378 words excluding the author's note. ]


A Silhouette of handsome young man can be seen jumping from roof to roof, with his cut-bangs hair blowing from the morning breeze air. Of course, the man is none other than Atulya Uzumaki, he's running towards Rumi's house, for the second day of his internships. While feeling happy that Momo decided to give it a try for her internship with Dragon Hero Ryuko, after hearing about her from Nejire.

To be honest, he hate it when someone preached their agenda onto others..same could be said for this Uwabami as she without even asking why Momo and the girl from Class B, Itsuka Kendo came here, she immediately thought that they must be her fans. She forced them to hold her materials, tell them to follow her like a servant and even going as far to have them perform like her.

Now enough of this disturbing thoughts...

Today he isn't wearing school uniform instead wearing his workout clothes and carrying a lunch bag.

Running along with his normal since he wanted to enjoy this morning vibe. Atulya took his time before arriving at a familiar house that surrounded by huge trees with a forest nearby.

As soon the Uzumaki step near the door, a wild rabbit appeared out of nowhere, aiming a punch directly to his face.

Dodging the punch, Atulya let out a smirk as he glanced at over to see the ever so beautiful Rumi Usagiyama readying her fist again and a grin on her that he recognised from yesterday.

"So, we're getting right into it." Atulya said as he threw his bag and rushed towards her.

"I see you're here, Atulya." Rumi said, extremely excited that he's here.

He noticed how the Rabbit Hero called him by his name for the first time.

That's because Rumi herself believed that he's a man not some brat housing those kind of powers. So he's worthy to get her acknowledgement and being called by his name.

As they keep attacking each other, the two would go on to fight with hand to hand combat al over the area, with a smile on their respective face the whole time.

You can say this is the start of their unique relationship.


[ Few moments Earlier ]

The sun was rising up from the cloud, a certain Rabbit Hero had already awake completely energized for the day. Wearing her hero outfit, Rumi is currently standing in the middle of the forest with weights lying around the area as her light workout hust finished.

Although she have a small gym inside her house, she rarely ever used it and instead would go to the forest since the environment always made her comfortable and give her a sense of peace.

This is also the reason why she chose to live so close to the forest where there are lot of trees and the fact she disliked living in neighborhood general areas or city..

Of course she still lived close to the city since she's a pro hero and needed there if any problems arises. What's the point of hero if she can't be there on time to save others.

As the brown skinned woman started to pack

all the weights in a box, she begin to think about a certain black haired boy, who made her concede defeat yesterday.

Although, Rumi may not know but she herself is looking forward to meeting her intern again. May be, it's because she felt familiar vibes from him or because the fight yesterday bought so much joy.. but whatever it is, didn't matter to the white haired woman, since sooner or later she would be getting an adrenaline kick.!

'Either way once he arrives, I'm getting straight into the action..' Rumi thought while carrying the box inside. Once she's done with it, she went to her backward and contemplated on what to do.

'I really hope he doesn't come late and make me wa-' She was thinking but the sound of someone's coming close to her front door interrupted her thoughts.

A huge grin formed on the beautiful woman's face, showing her perfect white teeth. Her eyes gleamed in excitement as she instantly rushed towards the direction of the sound.

It can be said that Rumi's hearing ability is one of the best and simply superhuman, since she is rabbit. So her detecting Atulya's arrival didn't seems strange and pretty easy for her.


"I see you've arrived, Atulya." Rumi said dodging a punch coming from Atulya and counterattack with her own. Unfortunately for her, Atulya easily blocked it with his forearm and didn't move afterwards.

"Jeez, Mirko no hello or simple good morning." Atulya questioned the red eyed woman with a smirk.

Rumi didn't replied only flexed her muscles by putting more power at her arm and overpower his block by send him flying.

'She didn't even respond.' Atulya thought as he flipped in the air effortlessly landed on his two feet. Sliding backward, he finally stopped when his feet landed against a tree.

Seeing that her punch didn't even have any effect on the Uzumaki. Mirmo bend down and rushed towards his direction with her legs raised.

'Luna Arc'.

Atulya ducked and jumped back away from the white haired woman as he knew he wouldn't come out unscathed if that front axel kick landed on him.

"Haha, now you're running away from me." Rumi taunted as her kick made a hole in the tree where Atulya had his back on making the top half of the tree fall off.

'Any other student would've there head crushed by now..' Atulya thought looking at now broken tree, he couldn't help but feel excited that fight would be interesting and stared at the brown skinned woman, who's getting ready for another attack.

But how can he let her get the chance?

Seeing Atulya leap into high in the air and raising his right leg. Rumi's instinct ring yelling at her to move out of the ways, and of course Rumi did that as she always trusted it.

Concentrating his strength and chakra into the heel of his foot, Atulya with great speed swing his right leg down aiming towards Rumi, who fortunately somehow evaded the attack.

A booming sound came out when Atulya's foot landed on the ground. He put enough force to create a large crater while decimating the surrounding area.

Rumi who saw this scene of destruction, but another thought flooded inside her head as she looked around to see just how much damage Atulya attack caused.

"Are you trying to ruin the area around my house? Just look how many beautiful trees you destroyed." Rumi shouted once released how wrecked the area is. Completely forgotten on how she herself just destroyed a tree earlier.

'I should've brought him into the middle of the forest like last time for our fight. Now all of this is going to take long time to get fixed as well as lot of money..' The pro hero thought with a sigh but hearing her intern's next words made her glad that she didn't have to worry about the damages.

"Don't worry, I'll fix the area with my earth element later. So there's no need to get worked up.


If last time her instincts were yelling, now it's screaming at her like a grave danger is about to happen. At first she didn't understand, but when the ground begin to shake, she immediately prepared herself.

"And don't worry about the tress either. If you like them so much then I'll give you better ones..no, I'll reshape the whole area with a forest of my own." Atulya said with a huge grin as he squashed his hands together.

He's feeling complete joy in this battle with beautiful Rumi, just like yesterday.

Knowing the pro hero is able to move around and evade his other techniques. Atulya decided to attack with stronger ones toady.

He only used a destructive attack against half half teenager as it was the best choice to get rid of him since he wasn't using his full. So he's happy for another reason that he could use those abilities to their full extent in all his upcoming fights with Rumi.

He also wanted to see how perfect his techniques are so if the white haired hero counters any of his move then he'd try to improve them better at home to make sure she'd never do it again.

You could say that Rumi is currently a guinea pig for Atulya's powers or may be for whole internship week...If Rumi heard what he's thinking, then probably a hell would broke out.

'Wood Style: Deep Forest Emergence'

( For this, he'd use names of the abilities since he gotten this power but after this world there will be no need to scream the names of unimportant abilities. He can will it. )

The surrounding areas rumbled as the trees burst out of the ground and head towards the wide eyed Rumi, but her lust for battle intensified as she is already coming up with various ideas to avoid this.

She used her superior agility to slip between the gaps of huge trees and would destroy any wood that comes her way with her superhuman strength. Of course she can't destroy all of these trees.

As the dust filled the surrounding, when the attack stopped, and with a simple wave from Atulya, all of it disperse. He is able to sense that Rumi is close by. Removing the most of the wood in the area, he saw Rumi standing there with a huge grin on her face. One of metal plates is destroyed and bleeding. As well as, the lower part of her outfit is also destroyed showing her stomach.

Laughing out Atulya appeared in front of Mirko and asked a question that made her mad.

"Can you still dance? Or are you going to concede just like yesterday?"

Hearing the last part his sentence made Rumi remember her defeat yesterday. How it made her humiliated. Even if it was a friendly fight, she didn't like the feeling of losing. So Atulya's words directly poked her nerve, she decided to finish the battle now.

Rumi jumped and saw how unconcerned he looked when seeing her close in, but pro hero thought that she could use this for her advantage.

Landing on top of shoulders, Rumi wrapped her legs around his head and gripped tightly.

'Luna Tijeras'

This move of Mirko allows to cleanly rip her opponents head of their shoulders with the use of her superhuman strength. Of course she isn't going to kill him, but to knock him unconscious.

Feeling of her soft and muscular thighs around his head, Atulya thought he could've enjoyed it for longer, but he knew that any more than this would make him hard to concentrate.

Gripping her two wrapped feets around his chest, Atulya used his own superhuman strength to separate her legs and slammed her down.

With cracks under her, Mirko looked at Atulya with surprise but didn't let it stop her from pulling the young man down with her.

Now with him completely on the top, Rumi wrapped her legs around his waist and tried to squeeze him harder but the feeling of Atulya's hand around her neck stop her.

"I didn't know that we'd be so close this soon." Atulya said with a low voice as their face are closer in this position. He could feel her breath and vice versa.

"Shur up brat!" Rumi said as she continued to try and get the upper hand, but cannot successful.

"Oh? So it's back being to brat and here I thought we're actually forming a relationship." Atulya jokes as he himself is struggling.

No he's not struggling from her lock, but keeping himself from getting a boner.

How could he not? The Uzumaki can feel her breasts pressing against his chest and Rumi having her legs around his waist. It definitely didn't help at all.

Keep in mind that Rumi is basically has on a leotard, and with how much she is moving. She is dangerously close to feeling Atulya's hard on to rub against her clothed pussy. If he didn't restrain his boner then...

'Ah..Fuck it!' Atulya thought since Rumi is not letting him go so he finally decided to use his finishing move. With Rumi struggling, which caused her breasts up and down.

Rumi didn't care about anything at all and only focused on making him admit defeat, then it happened.

She suddenly felt something long and thick pressing up against her special place, she blanked out when she figured what is it and unconsciously loosen her legs.

Atulya instantly got off and knocked her out before she could speak. 'We just literally met, but jeez this is awkward.'

He thought to himself with a sigh.

He didn't mind what just occurred, but he just met with her yesterday. What if she thought of him as some creepy pervert and send him away...Then his boredom will return and couldn't fight. No, I can't let it happen, definitely not.

'Lets hope that she's not mad or pissed off at me when she wakes up.' Atulya said as he begin to fix the surrounding damages.


"I hate him Sensei, I want him dead..." A light blue haired man child said to the person who's talking to him through his laptop.

"Are the Nomus ready for the attack?" He questioned while scratching his neck.

He just finished negotiating with the Hero Killer, and hated that man to his bone. To him, he is the most annoying psychopath and those ideology of his. Tomura wanted nothing more than to destroy his pride and his dignity.

What the hell man? What about You? You were throwing tantrums like a fucking crybaby when your canon fooders were destroyed along with your beloved Nomu by a single student..Is it because he ruined your dramatic entrance with your badass words?..Yes, that must be it..There's no way Man child would know about any culture like a normal child, because he's a child between two man...right, am I right?

This is not surprising as the man child have deep hatred for anyone who crossed his path or ruined his plans.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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