
Soaring through Omniverse

This story will be about multiverse travel, where the main character will go to different anime or comics universe to get back all his power.......To know further.. Wait for chapters, I will explain in chapter... !!!Warning!!! In this fanfic some characters will have a different attitude than the canon or the original version so please note this warning before jumping into this. Please don't be offended if your favourite character is being kill or being dark ....for example:- In Harry Potter, Albus Dumbledore was a good man and helped Harry ......but in my fanfic, he may be dark and manipulative man.....same can be said for Harry Potter, maybe......Again I M sorry..if your favourite characters are being twisted or opposite of real like hero in original but villian in this story.... There will be many spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes will happen.... Please help me correct it...if you would... I am writing this fanfic because I am bored like hell!..... !Another warning! This will be harem! Will Also contain R18 chapters.... I will copy some chapters from others story. Also MC will travel to another world.. If my story is your not to liking...you can ignore it....or read other story..... Note: I am not a professional author nor do I claim to be. This novel is what I would do if I was reincarnate in that world with Superman's powers. I don't own the picture, it is just one I found online. If you own it, and want me to remove it just ask and I will. Though I may not be most proficient in English I'll try to satisfy my readers since English is an International language. If you have suggestions about the plot contact me. And I will post two or three chapters everyday except Saturday And Sunday..I need to write about future world by adjusting and it will take time ....so no post on weekend... __ __ __ __ __ __ DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the characters that will appear except for my originals. Thank You!

IWhoMustNotBeName · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Chapter 29

'Oh....it's her.' Atulya thought with a grin. And not even a minute later, that same person appeared there.

"What is this? Atulya Uzumaki and one of UA's big three Nejire Hado? I didn't think you'd cheat on your girlfriend Atulya." Midnight said with a 'shocked' expression on her face a she put her hands on her cheeks.

She have just arrived at the school since she is a teacher and was going to her classroom to make sure everything is ready, but imagine her surprise when she catches Atulya Uzumaki 'cheating' on his girlfriend Momo Yaoyorozu.

It is pretty well known amongst the first year that these two are in a relationship and since Midnight herself is their teacher. She also knows about it as well, to be honest she didn't care one bit.

She also didn't find it surprising Atulya is here with another girl. After all, she has seen it happen many times and has naturally thought that any High School couple won't last longer anyway.

So it isn't much of a shock to her that such a handsome and popular boy like Atulya would 'cheat' on his girlfriend and find another girl for himself to play with.

Only thing that truly shocked her is the specific girl he's 'cheating' with.

Nejire Hado, one of UA's very own Big 3. The teacher had heard about her personality and how much of a good student she is. So to see her being mushy with a boy is quite surprising for her.

Nejire separated herself from Atulya and turned to him with a 'shocked' and 'heartbroken' expression on her face.

"A-Atulya? You never say anything about having another girlfriend. So you're just playing with me all this time. Am I joke to you?" She said to the boy as tears threatening to fall from her pretty eyes.

"Nejire, listen to me!." Atulya said as he tried to pull her but she slapped away his hand.

"No! It is the third time this happened. Every time you were caught you always say that you won't do it anymore.

"I thought y-you loved me..." Nejire said in a low voice as her crystal tears finally comes out..

'Why is this girl such a good actor? Even I am failing to keep my act.' Atulya thought as he looked at Nejire's performance.

Midnight herself just stood there awkwardly, unsure of what to do. Even if she didn't really care for such teenage drama, seeing the usual happy and curious student breaking down in tears and heartbroken. It hurt her and made feel bad for the girl.

But she instantly became confused when Nejire all of a sudden stopped crying.

Atulya let out a chuckle under his breath, followed by Nejire. Seconds later, the girl is fully laughing while Atulya let out a small smile once he saw his girlfriend's facial expression.

Even he knew that Nejire was just playing around and acting, he didn't like to see the heartbroken look on her face.

"What's going on? Why are you laughing?" Midnight questioned confusedly. This scene is just too strange to her. Yes even to her.

Once Nejire stopped laughing, she let out a smile and rest her head on Atulya's chest. Not caring that someone is watching them. Looking over to Midnight, she spoke up.

"Atulya isn't cheating on Momo. He's actually with me as well." Nejire simply said, surprising the pro hero.

Getting out of her shock, Midnight looked at the black haired boy who has his arm around his girlfriend.

"Ara, who knew you'd have two beauties. Are you perhaps going for a harem? Maybe I should be careful around you from now on. I don't want to fall into the hand of such a 'beast'." She said with a 'blush' on smooth white cheeks.

'i wonder how good he is to actually make two beautiful girl fall for him and share him as well.' She thought to herself, genuinely curious.

"Hmm, I don't know, you might be too old for him. Or not?" Nejire casually said with a thinking expression on her face.

"Tch... what did you said brat?" Midnight said clearly getting angry. She's pretty sensitive about her age after all.

Ignoring her words, Nejire continued talking. "Although, Nemuri Uzumaki doesn't sounds too bad and have a nice ring to it, right?" Nejire said with a playful tone and wink.

'Was that an intended pun?' Atulya thought as he glanced at the girl.

'W-what the hell, Nemuri Uzumaki? I mean she's not wrong, it does sound right...

.....Wait, what the hell I'm thinking?! He's just a boy and a student as well. A 6 feet tall, attractive and powerful teenager with an incredible body.' The hero thought to herself.

Hearing his girlfriend's words, Atulya sighed and said.

"Nejire, You know Uzumaki sounds good with any name. Bob, Harry, Jun, Chou...etc, any name who could think of and it'll sound good with Uzumaki after it."

Before Nejire could reply, another 'Atulya' appeared with Momo in a small bolt of lightning.

Midnight looked surprised at this unique teleportation move of Atulya's. Of course she isn't shocked about the clone since the boy used it during sports festival, but she never saw him using this new ability.

Although, she did recalled some rumour of Atulya being able to teleport by using lighting.

[ Moments Earlier ]

As soon Momo entered Nezu's office, she saw that nobody else is inside. It's just the mouse man sitting behind his desk with a smile.

"Thank You for bringing her here, you may go now." Nezu said to teacher that Momo didn't know. Sitting down on a chair that was infront of principal's desk, Momo looked at him and waited to hear what he has to say.

"Good Morning Momo Yaoyorozu, deputy representative of Class 1A. I must applaud you on your splendid performance during this year sports festival. I'm sure many Heroes would want you as their intern." Nezu said to the black haired girl. He really meant what he said. He likes when his students are doing successful and learning in this school.

"Thank You principal." Momo replied with a nod, without saying anything else.

"I am sorry to disrupt your time this early in the morning, but I had something very important to discuss with you and had some questions I wanted to ask."

Seeing that Momo is waiting to explain, the mouse continued off by saying,

"You see, with your boyfriend Atulya, his performance a couple of days ago left a deep impression on everyone. Regular citizens, students, the staffs here at UA and even pro heroes.

But there are certain types of peoples have their eyes on him as well." Nezu said.

"Villians.." Momo assumed. Seeing the principal nod his head, she can conclude what she said is indeed correct...

"Yes villians as well. There could be possibly someone out there that feel threatened and want to eliminate your boyfriend."

"Showing the power of his quirk really caused such a problem?" Momo questioned in 'worry'.

"Unfortunately, it has. Speaking of his quirk, do you know what is it?"

'Way to be subtle....' Momo thought inside as the remaining respect she had for the principal turned into disgust as she never thought he would go so far to suspect and find information about a student who did nothing, incase he's helping them...but she need to act now like she's truly confused.

"What makes you think that I would know?"

"Well you see, I've found that out of all his classmates you're the only person who knows what exactly his quirk is and how it's works?

You may be confused on why his quirk has anything to do with his situation, but to protect him we need to have a deep understanding of his abilities and how they work. With such power, Atulya could possibly hurt himself and those around him.

We can't have people thinking him as a threat,

can we? Of course I have tried asking him but it seems he truly didn't realise how grave the situation is. So I hope you can co-operate." Nezu said to the girl. Seeing how 'worried' she is getting he really thought he's getting somewhere.. without knowing what she's truly feeling inside.

The principal himself brought along Momo with the intention of getting a great amount of information on Atulya's quirk. Of course informing her on how much 'trouble' he could get himself to raise her worries and possibly make it easier for the girl to reveals everything.

Any girl would truly want nothing but best for their significant other, even if it meant giving valuable information. Being the principal would help in this matter since Momo will think that he's asking to help for her boyfriend. Nezu truly thought like this and it is sort of true, but he made a mistake of underestimating just how strong the relationship is between Momo and Atulya.

Made the mistake of thinking that it is just two teenager in love.

Even the smartest people could make such stupid mistakes. Nezu will soon learn that and make sure it never happens again.

'Is he really think I'm stupid? Atulya was right when he once said, that no matter what or who you help they will definitely doubt you whether with bad or good intentions..And this mouse is really trying to make me snitch on my own boyfriend? How despicable? Just you wait and see..' Momo angrily roaring inside her mind.

"If the situation is this serious and it's for Atulya's own good then I have no problem in telling you." Momo said said to the mouse, causing him to lean forward to make sure he won't miss a single details.

"I may not know the ins and outs of his quirk, but I do know what his most ability is and what he's capable of. I hope that's enough."

"Yes that's more than enough Momo." Nezu said as he took out a notepad and a pen so he can review everything she said later.

"With his most powerful ability, he's able to summon a big and long one eyed powerful dragon capable of some serious damage." Momo said with a 'serious' expression on her face.

Nezu begin to write everything she said while thinking 'Big and long dragon? And did she say summon? Like an actual living dragon..?

Before he could say anything, he heard the girl laughing to herself.

"I think you're done here Momo. It seems like I and principal Nezu have to discuss something." A voice said out of nowhere startling the mouse.

'When did he got here?' The mouse thought to himself.

Clone Atulya created another clone which took Momo and disappeared with a small bolt of lightning..

"Principal Nezu..."

That ability of his is Shunshin..And it's only for small distance teleportation... Currently Atulya can carry more 2 or 3 people.

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