

Note: This was my first try in writing (it'll be cringe af) most of the chapters are not edited properly ( maybe one day I'll edit them:).As  English is not my First language they're will be some Grammatical mistakes as well, bear with me. This work is pure Fiction, Every name, character, Place, Business, Event, Locals even Incident is either my Imagination or Used as Fiction manners for entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance with real person or event is purely coincidence. Anyway, if you do give it a shot then generally.                     " THANK YOU!!" folks      ___________________________                                             (Mature Themes | Mature Language) "Being married to an idol and falling head over heels for her is not what I expect from myself ." Fate Adierson 22y/o a simple small town Loving and humble person. Who considerate everyone's feelings and would rather get hurt than see others in suffer fighting with her past "I just want to have a normal life like everyone else.is it too much to ask "! Jennie Hang Kim 27y/o The Heirs and The IDOL with an almost perfect life, Loving Friends, Family, fame, fortune, and a caring boyfriend. Everything was good until Fate Adierson Came into her life and turned everything upside down, changing everything she ever believe. "your mistaken Fate I always get what I WANT!," " The moment when you made the mistake of coming into my life you were MINE'!" ------------------------------------------------------ One night faith intertwines their destiny together,

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27: Meet The Inlaws



8:00 Am

Fates Pov,

"Jerry, did you call me to ask this again?".

Since the day I said I would go to see Kim's family and not spend time with them this Sunday, she has been following me . And today when I almost finished all the work she called me again to make sure I'm going or not.

'Well sorry, I just wanted to make sure you weren't bored today'

I sighed and said "Jerry I won't be bored and if anything happens I'll be back home. Peace now?"

She smiled a little on the other side of the phone ' of course, and one more thing don't call her mother-in-law'

I groan "Fine! Now I need to go to make breakfast "

'Fine text me when you can okay'

"Of course"

I end the call and went toward the kitchen. On the way I find Kaya sitting beside the Dinner table eating his food maybe his Master is awake. I wonder what should I cook maybe the Pancakes she likes last time.

I stop in front of the kitchen discovering the idol on her tiptoes, I wonder what she's trying to get. My eyes trail over her hands where she is doing her best to reach the Flour container 'I shouldn't have put it on the second shelf. I watch her carefully not wanting her to be startled by my presence.

After attempting to reach the container for the third time she finally holds it with her left hand, she tries to get it down with her one hand still on her tiptoes.

She successfully gets the container but when she is about to turn around in a second the container fall over her head she grabs her hand but the flour drop over her.

'Oh God'

"Miss Kim! You okay "I approach her.

She rolls her eyes and ridicule "Do I look okay to Your Adierson!" She angrily taps her foot on the floor "why did you put it so high!"

"Well umm not really, and I'm sorry it was easy for me to get it I almost forgot about your hi...' i stop myself, telling her about her height can trigger the lines. I peek at the flour "I don't think we can eat pancakes now".

" I know right!" She snorts.

I know she's angry but The idol showered in white flour it's kind of funny I can't just start laughing in front of her she will be furious.

She stares at me in suspension "Yaah! Are you laughing "

I shook my head and didn't say anything. I bite my inner cheeks 'dont you dare to laugh Fate she would kill you like the crime documentaries she likes to watch

but I cackled.

'This can't get any worse '

The Idol glared at me "You think it's funny huh! "

Usually, her one glance is enough to intimidate me, however, it's not working now. How can I intimidate by someone who's looking like a white kitten? Afterall it's kinda cute. But still, I can't make her angrier than she already is.

I cough and cleared my throat shaking my head as no. That doesn't seem to make her feel any better. She is still glaring at me.

"Oh really then here.." she lift the container and threw the flour on me "taste your own medicine Now!"

I close my eyes tightly next thing I feel I'm the one covered by flour. Then I heard...gaiety giggle, Her laughter...Her pure laugh ... I guess I didn't know before that someone's smile could sound so delightful. Whenever I watch her smile it always recalls me of a certain person who I used to know. That laugh brings me joyous memories.

I opened my eyes and saw her smiling, her right hand holding the flour container and her other hand on her mouth. Her cheeks were rose petals.

I saw her smile for a while. To irritate her a little bit I said "Miss Kim you shouldn't have done that" My voice was serious but she laughed more. "You're smiling a lot, aren't you?"

I walked over to her and took the container of flour from her left hand. There was still some flour left in it. Miss Kim saw me and I smirked a little and poured the container of flour on her head. I couldn't stop laughing anymore. I took the container out of my hand and put it away.

Miss Kim didn't smile, she just didn't stand still.

'I think I did it too much'

I swallowed "Miss Kim forgive me I was just ...

I didn't get to finish the stop me "Adierson you know What this means" she crouched down and took some flour in her hand and come towards me "this means Farina War!"

'Ah? WHAT?'

She was trying to put the flour on my cheek but I somehow managed to save myself. The whole kitchen is filled with our laughter. I grabbed Miss Kim's hands and she chuckled and leaned over me. I don't know what was under my feet but in a thud, we both fell Thank God I was the first to fall so I feel the pain.

"Oww" I whine glancing at Miss Kim and letting go of her hand so she could get up but she didn't. I frown 'why isn't she getting up?'

she threw her devilish grin 'Huh what is that supposed to mean ?'. I was about to ask her to get up but she straddles me.

"Now you can't go anywhere " she smirks.


"Shhh, Adierson" I shut my mouth under her command.

The idol brought her hands to both sides of my cheeks. I closed my eyes and just felt the touch of her palms index finger her delicate hand. I realize that the flour is on my cheeks now. But strangely her right hand moved a little away from my cheek and came to a stop near my lips "Fate" she called.

I opened my eyes "hmm" I don't know why but no vocal rose through my throat. "Admit you lost," the idol ordered.

"I lost" and I obeyed.

"Good Girl" The idol acclaim.

I blushed my cheeks are probably red right now but thank god for the flour. Miss Kim didn't get up, her index finger was still near my lips. her eyes stare into mine. Whenever she looks at me like that her gaze ignites something in me. My sense gets comple by her, my heart it's breathing hard my breath gets heavier.


We blench at Kaya's call 'Save by the bell'. I gently push The idol as we both get up.

I let out a deep breath that I was holding and clear my vocal folds "Miss Kim y-You should change I j- just clean everything". She nods and runs out of the kitchen.

I finish cleaning the mess and put the Yogurt, some cereals some fruits, and her coffee on the kitchen counter.

"Do we have to eat these?" The idol grumbles as she enters the kitchen.

"Yes, we have to ".

Miss Kim sat down in front of me on the stool. We start eating together. After a few moments, I realize I'm being watched by Miss Kim. I look up and her eyes meet mine " Is something wrong?" I ask.

She hummed "you eat like a child you know that right"

I gazed upon her, and she laughs lightly. Before I could say something she leans over the counter, take out her index finger, and tenderly wipe something.

"There was yogurt on your lips so I just clean them " she put her index finger on her lips and licked the yogurt.

'What the! If she keeps doing this I might end up rupturing myself into flame!'


11:00 Am

"Adierson we are getting late come on!"

"Yes yes, I'm coming!". I put on my white shirt and some black trousers. I open the door and go outside. The idol was waiting inside her car with kaya behind.

The car ride was silent until the idol rumbled "I can't believe we are late because of you!"

'Huh? So it's my fault now. God she just always blames me for everything.'

"Me! What does it have to do with me? " I ask.

She scoffs and glare at me "Oh please give me a break if you could just help me back there we could have gotten out earlier "

"Well, it's not my fault that someone start the farina war in the kitchen today." I remind her

"Oh, really and whose fault was that!" Her tone was harsh. 'Why she isn't looking at the road she's driving for God's sake !'

"It was the owner's fault. obviously" I argue. We are behaving like kids now.

"So you're blaming my Huh!"

"It's not blaming I'm telling the truth" I pointed out to her.

"Suck it with your truth it was you who was laughing first!"

'Suck? What? To who?'

"I was laughing because it was funny. Just cause of that you don't need to start the farina war." I explained

"it started in the first place because someone had to put the flour container too high and don't forget to mention that I beat you in that war !" She glances at the road.

"The only thing I can say from my point of view is that it's not my fault that someone is Tiny to get down the flour container ." before I could stop myself the words already left.

"Tiny! You dare to say that to me Adierson!"

I can't help but tease her "But it is the truth your tiny"

Her cheeks were slightly shade of pink"You.. take your words back!! "

I sighed this thing won't go anywhere if we keep doing this so I just gave up "Okay Fine ..fine you beat me and it was all my fault your not tiny can we please agree to go peacefully now "


"Even you were angry but you can't negate that it was funny," I said

She gave me her gummy smile **Hahaha** " well it was, having you under me helpless was kinda funny though!"

'but I don't think it was funny

*Ahmm " so is there anything I should know about your parents?"

"Come again?"

I look at her "you know what they like or not?"

The idol chukled."Adierson, relax you don't need to be so tense it's not the first time you're visiting someone's parents?"

'it is the first time I never visited anyone's parents except the Lee family '

I draft my eyes off her and stare outside the window. Surprisingly I sense her hand over mine "take it easy Fate I will be by your side " she strokes my hand "if they ask something that you can't answer I will stop them". Her words were roseate.

"Why?" I ask.

She takes her hands off and smiles smugly "cause your my one-night divorce wife"

"Oh right silly me"

"And one more thing Don't spill the beans in front of my parents especially my Dad he can deduct Lies" she grim and softly mumbled.

"I won't Miss Kim," I assured her.

After driving for a while an upmarket neighborhood arrived at a jaw-dropping scenery. A sight that I wasn't prepared for.

Before I stood a vast, towering Mansion made of light stone and intricate, carved features. Elevated arched windows and centuries of history are perfectly restored. It t was opulence at its imperial centralization in acres of lush, green gardens. A guard was permitting entry by the cast iron gates that surrounded the vicinity alongside several expensive cars.

Miss Kim stopped the car and said "Don't move". She got out of the car and came towards me and stopped. She opens the door and put her hand over my head " Be careful". I nod and got out.

Miss Kim pick up Kaya we went toward the house. This place screams one thing Luxury. I ring the doorbell and wait beside Miss Kim. 'Calm down Fate everything will be fine.

A moment later a woman open the door Miss Kim gave her a warm smile"Hello Miss Maria" she put Kaya down, and we enter the house.

I take a glimpse at the room where we were. A large chandelier hanging from the room looks quite ancient. The efficient antiques and grand family portraits showcasing the Hang Kim Family legacy, enhance the look of the house. Glass windows on which the curtains have now been removed so the sun rays can pass inside. There was a big middle-room table and a couch and a few comfortable seats.

"Fate?" Miss Kim called.

I look at her she motions me to follow. Kaya and I follow the idol.

We came to the backyard of the house where a gentle lady was sitting on a chair reading a book. "Mom" Miss Kim called. The gentle lady placed the book on a nearby table and came towards us with a smile, "You're finally here Honey"

Miss Kim smiled and said, "sorry we're a little late".

"No, no, you've come to the right time." she looked at me "and you are?"

"Hello my name is Fate Adierson it's nice to meet you, Mrs. Kim," I said Bowing.

Miss Kim chukled "Mom she is Fate my PA "

"Oh Fate Dear you don't have to be so formal your not at work"


Mrs. Kim was about to say something but Miss Maria entered "Madame Master is looking for you"

She smiles "okay Maria". As miss Maria leaves Mrs. Kim glances at me " Fate come ".

I look at Miss Kim who was walking beside me quietly.

We step inside an office room where a Man wearing Black Tailor made suit sits up and greets Mrs. Kim.

"Hello, Dad" Miss Kim said with a smile but the smile wasn't genuine as she gave her mother. It was forceful.

Miss Kim's father looks at us " Your Late ". His voice was bitter, okay so The Dada didn't seem to be friendly. His eyes examine me " Your New PA?". I nod. He smirks and asks "It must be hard to manage all the work alone isn't it afterall your boss doesn't like a mistake ?"

I smile "No Sir, I do my best and my boss makes sure I don't do any mistakes". The answer was true but that doesn't seem to be linked to Mr. Kim.

He looks Amuse " Oh, truly then mind telling me how you manage to prepare for the conference afterall tomorrow is a really important day"

'Eh, well That's an out-of-syllabus question I didn't prepare for this one '

I peek at Miss Kim who sighs in disbelief "Mom I'm starving can we eat lunch?"

"Of course, Honey " Mrs. Kim grins and holds Mr. Kim's hand "no more work talk".

" Okay," he nods.

The couple walks in front of us as we attend to them behind. We entered the dining room Miss Kim pulled the chair for me I sat there and she sat next to me. This is the first time in so many days that we have sat down to eat together. I saw on the table beforehand that all the food was well arranged. Among all the food that was served on my plate was steak 'Steak'.

I remember I remember how asinine I was with steak. All those memories are now fluttering together like flood waters.

["Fate, eat this," he said, bringing the plate to my mouth. The smell of raw meat came to my nose. Musty smell. "No," I said, turning my face away. He did not like my answer.

"If you don't eat, I'll shove it to your throat, so eat!" he is angry but I do not want to do it. Maybe he'll let me go if I don't say anything. I closed my eyes I can never see him again. Am I scratching my hand? why can't feel it?.]

"Fate?" Someone is calling. "Hey?" They gently touched my hand. "Are you alright?" Miss Kim said.

I opened my eyes and Miss Kim was looking at me in astonishment. I nodded. "okay". Her gentle touch helps my nerves to calm down.

"Fate, is everything alright?" Mrs. Kim asks.

"Y..-Yes, Mam,"

"Mom, can we have something else?"

Mrs. Kim softly smile "yes Honey you can "

Miss Kim put the sushi roll on our plate and we started eating quietly like this for a while, Mrs. Kim said, "You two look like a newlywed couple." The role of sushi got stuck in my throat when I was about to swallow it. **Cough** **cough**

"We are not!" we both said in unison, and she laughed.

The lunch went well. Miss Kim's mother and father gave me delightful hospitality, and the integration thing I was being over dramatic about it. Miss Kim, kept her word she make sure that she answer all the work-related questions. Miss Kim's father well I don't think he is fond of me but her mother was happy so... It's great.

Anyways, as Miss Kim's father said he wants to talk to her so she has to go, and before that, she asks me "Adierson, you sure you will be okay?".

" of course, Miss Kim don't fuss," I said with a smile which she returns "I will see you later okay".

" Okay"

After Miss Kim left, her mother told me, "Fate, come let me show you around ."

"With pleasure Mam."

The house is really beautiful, just like reading a fictional storybook. The house has a separate room for everything, even for guests. Miss Kim's mother wanted us to spend the night today here, but I reminded her that tomorrow is a big day, so we can't buy some other time for sure. Heading out of the corridor we stop in front of the corner room

"And this is Jennie's favorite place " she opens the door. I watch in awe, books, so many books 'Jesus I can just spend my whole day in here. I step inside and look around but something grabs my attention. I tried to peek at it but couldn't figure it out so I step forward to the picture that was hidden behind it.

I lightly moved the screen with my hand and as soon as I moved I saw her my eyebrows furrowed ... Is it true or a dream. It is an oil painting in front of me in which a girl is sitting on a chair with her legs folded and a white lily in her right hand. A satisfied smile on her face. The smile I see in my dreams.

The whole moment hit me like a brick in the wall.' Destiney' how could it be, how did her picture come here? Who brought it? And why is it kept so carefully here? My head is spinning with questions.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Mrs. Kim stood beside me and said.

I gulped and asked "A..who is this?"

I was never ready for what she said with a smile. "It's your boss Jennie's picture when Jennie was celebrating her 15th birthday a famous painter came from Russia just to draw this and ..."

I didn't hear the rest, she said it was Miss Kim's picture when she was 15 which means...



['Thank you ..hmm your name ?'

'Fate '

'Fate ?'

'You ?'

'I'm Destiny ']

She is Destiny...

Jennie Hang Kim Is Destiney!! Like a mantra, words swept into my head.

She was real! All these dreams were real I knew it wasn't because of the pills it happened it always happens we meet in the park she is the one who gave me the box,

but Did she remember me?

"Fate?" Mrs. Kim called, her voice drove me from my thoughts. 'God! It's too much now I can't be here I need to go NOW!'

"I need to go, I forgot I have to help my friend with something!". I promulgate and leave the room. I can hear Mrs. Kim worried voice but I ran.


"So you just ran how mature of you!" Jerry said and take a drink from her lemon tea.

I can't believe too I ran, I don't know why? It's not like I did something bad but. When I came to know she is Destiny I just feel uneasy to be there. Even if I have to face her when I reach Kim House.

"You should suggest to me what to do now, not nudging me"

She sighed "do you think she remembers you?"

"Not really,"

"Do you want her too?".

Do I want her? I don't know.

" I don't think so"

"Do you want to tell her about your childhood encounter ?"


"Then why did you run!" she stood up and sit beside me "look Fate if she doesn't memorize you, you shouldn't feel bad. Chin up. Look at the bright side after so many years you came to discover that all those things were real, she is real. it wasn't your made-up friend, it exists."

I smile"your right. I was overwhelmed by all the things. Thanks ."

"Oh come on your making me feel like an outsider now you idiot!" She smacked my arm.


"You're the idiot!" I whine. She laughs "well I'm your best friend so..."

'shes still the idiot one'


7:00 PM,

I open the door carefully. "Adierson where have you been? I told you to wait didn't I?".

The idol's voice calls from the kitchen, and she came into the living room with. a smile emerging on my lips. She shrugged" seriously, why are you smiling?".

"I'm glad to be here" I answer honestly.

She sighs in frustration and scowls "come on Mom send Tom Yum Goong for you".

" Okay! Let me just freshen up first".

At the dinner table, I saw Miss Kim serving the food on the plate. I sat and she settled in front of me." hmm" I moan as the soup comes upon my taste buds.

"Jesus! Adierson, eat like a human"The idol repine

I swallowed the food and smiled "I can't help it Miss Kim it's delicious Thank you for the meal"

"Why did you leave without telling me anything? Adierson" she asked.

How about telling her that I found out she is my first childhood girl crush the person who essentially told me we would be married? Now when I think about it it feels like a dream after so many years we meet to get married and got divorced. And my liking will probably enhance after discerning the truth. but I have to control we are not kids anymore, we are different, and we belong to a different world.

'Come on Fate, don't think about so many outrageous now let's just be in the moment!'

I clear my thoughts" Jerry was asking for help with something so I had to go"

She hums "did you help her?"

I smile "I did"

"My Mom likes you," she said

I look at her and smirk "oh really".

The idol shrugs " hmm but my Dad, he maybe keeps his eye on you".

"Should I be worried?" I ask.

"Don't worry about it "

I'm not worried about it there are so many things I have to be worried about.

"Whatever you say My Majesty"

She laughs lightly.

Now I can say proudly why her laugh reminds me of a certain person, why her touch always steadies me.


she is My



Third-person pov,

"The sketch suits the room, dont you think?" The girl asks the old woman.

"Of course, It's looking beautiful" The girl smirked as she look at the ancient temple sketch in front of her that she buy giving extra payment.

"Excuse, Dame" A young man in his 20s called out to his Boss.

The girl turns around "did you get all the arrangements done, Aderos?"

The Man Aderos smiled "I did Dame," he reach to take a pile of files from his bag "here is all the information you wanted"

The girl sneered and take the file, whirling the pages she smile as she saw a familiar name.

'I can't wait to meet you after all these years...Fate, hopefully, you don't forget me'