
So, second life?

Where, when and why Heyo, welcome to another novel. As you can tell I have basically zero attention span. Well hope you enjoy ;)’ If you’re new please check out my other novels, “Trials of Shessefe”, “my new life as a shapeshifter” and “reincarnation to the past?”

Vicar_Amelia · Fantasy
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2 Chs

So, alive again?

I felt a slight nudge as I came back into consciousness.

"So how long have I been asleep for?"

"If we were being technical you didn't sleep at all but if we are talking about you alone than you've been asleep for exactly 3 years, 5 months, 23 days, 7 hours, 31 minutes and 17 seconds."


"Your other self took over there and you slept the whole time. Apparently she tried to wake you up but you wouldn't budge until now."

"Oh, well as long as nothing too important happened."

"Unfortunately something important did happen and your world is way more different than you remember."

"Haa~, of course."

"So what's happened?"

"Well a portal to another universe was opened and beasts of the most vile of types invaded. It caught the inhabitants off guard and millions died. The country you called japan is now under their control and nobody was left alive. Close to two percent of the world's population are now dead. The second portal was opened in what you would call Europe. The beasts were quickly taken care of at the expense of hundreds of thousands of lives."

My mind wondered to the assassin.

"If you're thinking of your little lady friend there is no need to worry as she is just fine. Though I'm sure America is next on the beasts hit list."

I just stared blankly into the void that was dark but somehow still managed to be bright.

"Well normally I'd just erase your memories and put you back into the reincarnation cycle but you've been good company, the next portal will most likely be opened within another day so I thought I'd pull a few strings. I'll reincarnate you as one of those monsters and you can sneak off when no one's looking. I'll let you keep your memories and I'll do the best I can to reincarnate you as one of the stronger ones so you have the best chances of survival. And I'll give you the ability to take a human form. Before you leave I should tell you that there have been a few changes to humanity itself in order to combat these beasts but seeing as you aren't all that stupid, you'll adapt pretty quickly."


When I regained consciousness I was standing in the middle of a battle field facing six people dramatically posed looking ready for battle. I glared at them all and they seemed to shrink back. All but one, she stared right back at me with purple, gem like eyes.

"Fufu fuhahahahahahahaha"

"D-did it j-just laugh!?" Asked a brown haired boy who couldn't be anymore than 15 years old.

"Who would have thought we would meet so soon~!"

The woman seemed confused at my statement.

"How cruel~, to not even remember the one you killed with such kindness in your eyes, the one who you so tenderly took her sacred first, second and third kiss only to kill just seconds later. The one who you saved from a life of misery."

Her eyes seemed to light up.

"But it cant be. T-there is no way! I stabbed her in the heart! By the time the ambulance got there she was minutes dead!"

"D-do you know this creature!?" Asked the brown haired boy.

"Why wouldn't she? For she is my one and only bride!"

"W-who ever said that!?" She said


With that word everything went silent. The world around seemed to have stopped entirely. Not one thing dared to make a noise as the interaction went on until, "Shrell, are you betraying us!?"

Everyone's heads turned to the large beast that looked most similar to a crocodile.

"Betray? Who are you to question me you bug."

"BUG!? I am that one to eat such creatures!"

"And it is truly appalling."

When I was reincarnated I was given the the bodies previous hosts memories; though fuzzy I could tell she could not stand the crocodile like creature. My current body is what you could only describe as a dragon. I was a charcoal color with four legs and two massive wings. I had an unkempt mane that wrapped from my jaw to the back of my head. The teeth within my mouth were at least a foot in length. My pupils were a striking amber with a long slit down the middle like a snake.

"You have done so yourself too!"

"I did it for survival and you do it for the sake of doing it."

"Y-you vile being! To not only mock me but betray the goddess of our world for a mere RAT!"

I felt something crack inside me.

"Who are you calling a RAT!? You're the hairless RODENT!"

The crocodile like creature seemed to shrink back for a second before stepping forward.

"Are you challenging me you piece of shit!?"

"What if I am?"

"Then you shall fall here." I said menacingly

And so the fight began. I immediately tried using my flames but for something with such a big body it could move extremely fast and dodged out of the way. Though it seemed to forget I could move my head and simply moved just feet away from my fires current directory. With just a simple movement it's front right leg was a burnt pile of flesh.

"AAAAAARGH" it yelled out in pain, it's previously smug face turned to that of pain.

"You aren't the sharpest tool in the shed, are you?" I said before charging it.

In seconds I was upon it and I brought my foot down to crush its skull. Just as I thought the fight was over, I felt a sharp pain on my left back leg. Tissue tore as my leg was being torn off.

"What the hell!" I shouted in anger

When I looked back I saw the same crocodile like beast unharmed chewing on my leg.

"You are seriously pissing me off you know that?" I saw as I try to swing my tail as best I could in retaliation.

Meanwhile my leg seems to be growing back at a visible rate.

'Well that explains why he can move.' I thought


Note: so it's been a while since I first put this up. This originally just started out as an idea I wanted to put out there, I didn't really have a specific plan for this and I still don't. But the other day I got a comment that motivated me to write this second chapter so I wanna thank you for that! Currently I have absolutely no idea how this is going to play out as I'm trying to get back on top of my main novel, "trials of Shessefe". The future of this novel is shaky at best but I'm going to try to put out a chapter every so often. I hope you enjoyed and as always, stay safe, stay healthy and have a good whatever time of day it is for you.