
Devianna's cousin


I am all smile when we arrived at the residence of the Atillo’s. I couldn't contain the feeling of excitement and longing as the thought of Devianna’s parents. They've always been the guardian who's always there for me. I really hate to say this, but they're probably way far better than my parents.

I sighed and immediately erased the thought when my mood started to leaden.

"Oh! They're waiting for us!" Devi exclaimed, so I looked at on their terrace and saw Mr and Mrs. Atillo together while watching us nearing. My mouth dropped open.

"Allyssa, dear!"

As soon as I reached them, they immediately went to me for a tight hug. My eyes immediately watered. I missed them so much!

"Hello again, Tita, Tito... It's been a while. I'm sorry for cutting my connections with you. It was tough-"

Tito cut me off with a beam. "No pressure. We understand, hija... What matters most is that, you're here now."

"Thank you. I missed you both,” I said emotionally. They looked at each other and smiled at me before Tita Rosalia reached for me for another hug. Her eyes were already misty too. Meanwhile; Devianna who's leaning on the wall was just smiling while watching us. I smiled at her and mouthed 'Thank you'. She only grinned.

"Mom, Dad, Ally’s not here to be emotional. Can we just continue the chitchat later? I'm sure dinner's ready, and Ally’s probably starving already," Devianna said and pulled me beside her. I laughed with her Parents when she pouted.

"Alright! Come and join us for dinner, Ally. We prepared your favorite macaroni salad, cochinillo, american spare ribs, and calderita." Tita smiled at me. I immediately starved as she mention our meal for tonight.

"By the way, Mom, is Noel already here?" I heard Devi while we're heading to their Dining. Their house is huge. Two storey with modern structure, numerous large rooms and spacious living room. On the right part was their dirty kitchen and dining room while on the left part was the library and the office’s location.

"I saw his car parked outside, so I assumed that he's already here," Devi added. I remained silent though, assuming that Devianna's pertaining to her cousin who's also coming over tonight.

It's weird, but something's awful about the air tonight. And it's definitely not a smell.

"Uh-huh. He's probably on the kitchen right now, helping our housemaids."

"Oh, the brute is really kind," Devi grinned at me. I only shrugged. I know what does that look mean. Very well.

When we reached their dining, they immediately sat on their respective chairs. Tito on the center with Tita and Devi beside her while I am seated on the chair beside Devianna. I glanced at the plate beside Tita’s chair. I concluded that Devi's cousin will sit there. In front of me, of course.

We heard laughters and footsteps coming, so we all looked at the door that will lead to their dirty kitchen. I could already see the figures of the persons coming out of the door when my phone on my pocket vibrated. I sighed quietly and averted my eyes to get my phone only to see the message from my brother.

My hero:

Good evening. I hope you're fine. One of my office mates told me that he's seen you on the airport five years ago. I don't wanted to acknowledge her statement unless I heard the truth from you. So, I'm asking for your confirmation, Allyssa.

You won't be forgiven once I'll know that you came back behind my knowledge.

It's always been little sis for him, but he called me on my name this time. And the words he used were hard. That only means one thing. I bit my lower lip and shut my eyes tightly. Did I... angered him?

"Oh, my goodness, couz! You looked great tonight! Seems like you've really prepared for this, huh?"

I shot up my eyes when I heard Devianna's playful voice. I furrowed my brows and immediately roamed my eyes around only to have the biggest shock of my life when I saw the man standing next to Devi who's eyes was fixed on me.

I felt dizzy that I let go of my phone that fell on my feet, creating a small sound. My eyes widened in a slow motion as my mouth opened for a gasp. My jaw dropped as the sight of him.

"Hello again, Allyssa..." He said coldly, voice without any hint of greetings. I gasped again.

My heart started to hammer as the sight of him near. If earlier was intense, then I could die now for the rapid beating of my heart. Uncontrollable and wild. And this response shocked me because I've never felt something like this before. And I'm sure that it's not because of anything that I felt towards him years ago. The abhorrence, disgust and extreme hatred... but something else that I couldn't figure out, and I fear to discover.

I could feel everyone's eyes was on us now. The silence told me so. I heard Tita cleared her throat, but I never bothered to even glance at her, the same as this man in front of me who's eyes conveys a lot of untold emotions and stories. Soulful and almost sad. But if you look close, you'll definitely figure what's on the deep of it.

"Y-you're... you're..." I wasn't able to finish my sentence when I gasped again.

What is he doing here?!

"You... knew each other?" Tita's word broke the awkward silence on the air.

"Very well," Calvin answered with mild sarcasm without averting his eyes from me. Those electrifying gazes made me wish that the floor would just open and swallow me here. What on earth?

Tito cleared his throat. "Take your seat now, Calvin. This is not the time to settle and talk about whatever mystery's going on between you two."

Calvin quietly take his seat in front of me. Now, I felt more tense because we're so near, and he's just in front of me that I couldn't almost swallow the food I'm eating even if those were my favorites. I even forget to compliment Tita’s skills in the kitchen.

I was bothered with his gaze that was fixed in me the whole time.

The air between me and Calvin is so dark and awkward. I know that all of them felt it. However, Tita and Tito tried to make it light through conversations that were most about me, my life for the past years, how did I cope up with depression because of longing for those important persons that I left here, how's being independent, what struggles and challenges did I encounter and my new experiences in the foreign land. I gladly answered them with honesty and shared both my tough and wonderful experiences, ignoring Calvin's presence and trying so hard to forget that he's here.

I expected a light night for me, not a heavy one.

Meanwhile; Devi who seldom speak is just observing me and her 'cousin'. And I forgot to interrogate her about this. She never told me about her relationship with this mischievous asshole here. I was clueless about it all these time! And to think that I cursed him countless of times in front of her before?!

Well, she just laughed it off and sometimes express her thoughts and comments, but I wonder if she did ever told him about it? We're best friends, but they're cousins! And blood is thicker than water, they say!

"How old are you again, Allyssa?" My thoughts broke when Tita spoke. I gave her a small smile.

"I'm already 22, Tita..."

I reached for the juice, but I stiffened when Calvin handed it to me without saying anything. I blinked my eyes twice in shock, not seriously expecting that he will do it. We locked gazes for a fleeting moment before I looked away and cleared my throat.

I heard Devi's chuckle beside me, so I poke her under the table. She glared at me, and I equalled it with a glare, as well. This bitch.

I tried to focus on the conversation as much as possible, but I couldn't help myself from looking back at him again only to caught him staring at me over and over again. I wonder if he even averted his eyes on me?! I faked a cough and immediately looked away.

"You're still young." Tita smiled and added, "However, do you have plans to get married already?"

I laughed and shook my head. Oh, why are we in this conversation, anyway?

"It's beyond my priority right now, Tita. I just arrived, so maybe, I'll still enjoy the freedom that was deprived of me when I was younger." I smiled sadly at the thought. "I will definitely spend time with myself this time. I wouldn't need a man to survive, anyway."

"Another Alexia, I guess?" Devi teased. I only rolled my eyes.

"Well, she found Erwin. Good for her. But romance is not for me. Not until a prince charming that will sweep off my feet arrives." I smiled a bit at that.

Oh, I know a prince charming. My brother, of course. While this man in front of me, he could be a prince charming, but definitely the beast! But wait, Belle is my favorite Disney princess, so that couldn't be!

"Damn fairy tales with their false hopes." Devianna shook her head. I only shrugged.

"No man will make me wish to live forever and spend the rest of my time with him."

I accidentally glanced at Calvin. He's not watching anymore, but his lips were rose up a bit anyway as if he's trying to stifle a smile. I furrowed my brows. What now?

"I hope you won't swallow your words after some time."

I only laughed. "We'll see about that."

"And it would be very very soon, huh?"

I only snorted when Devianna gave me that meaningful look. I know her too well to not realize what does that mean. The witch will be disappointed. Not in this lifetime or in the next. Never in a million years.

After dinner, I stayed in their house for a while and our conversation earlier resumed before I decided to go home. It could be a great night and I would've decided to stay a bit longer or sleep here perhaps, but the air was already ruined because I could smell his scent everywhere. Well, manly and expensive, but I find it disgusting because it's Calvin's. Rational or ridiculous, damn it, but I don't care!

"Tita, Tito... I'm leaving. Thanks for the wonderful dinner. I hope I can do it again with you," I said politely.

It was already nine in the evening and I don't wanna be home late even if I'm not with my parents.

Bad persons especially drunk or addict loiters were every where, so I need to be careful. Especially now that I don't have a car and I'll probably just ride a taxi for my way back home. I won't let Devianna send me home, anyway. It will be tough for her since my Condo is a bit far from here.

"Of course, hija. You can always come here whenever you so desire. The door is always open for you," Tita smiled warmly. I nodded and kissed their cheeks. I also did the same to Devi who just pouted that made me laughed.

"What's with the pout?" I pursed my lips.

"You can sleep here," she said instead, so I laughed again. When would I ever get used with this?

"Sure, next time. Goodnight, everyone." I waved my hands goodbye and started walking away.

"Take care, Ally! Give me a ring when you reached home!"

"Sure. Thank you!" I smiled at them.

I was yawning when I reached the driveway. I was even trying to humm a song to prevent myself from closing my eyes. Goodness! I'm so sleepy! I will definitely jump to bed as soon as I get home.

I was even surprised when I saw Calvin leaning on his car and watching me. My mouth dropped open as my eyes widened a fraction. He's still here!

I took a deep breath and calmed myself first before I continued walking, ignoring his existence. But he called me, so I was forced to look at him. I hate him, let's face it. But I don't wanna be rude.


"Where's your car?"

I crossed my arms and furrowed my brows on him. "Why were you asking?"

"I'm just wondering what will you use for transportation. It's already night, so..." he trailed off and watched me intently for a while. I almost rolled my eyes. Am I so pretty today or did he find my outfit cool that he just couldn't tore off his eyes on me?

"I will use taxi to get home. I'm sure you know that."

"I can give you a ride..." he said calmly, still watching me, probably waiting for my reaction.

My brows furrowed even more. “Why so?”

He shrugged. "I don't want my cousin to freak out if ever something bad might happen to you."

I rolled my eyes. "And how sure I am that I am safe with you?"

"Tss... If you're thinking that I'll do advances to you, then forget it. I'm not interested." He scoffed. My mouth formed an ‘O’ with his direct insult. The brute is really unbelievable. How can he show courtesy and insult someone at the same time? That's absurd and stupid.

"Well, whatever. Suit yourself," I said and bravely walk towards me with head held up high. He raised his brows while watching me nearing him.

I opened the door of the shot gun seat myself and gave him a challenging look before I smirked at him and made myself comfortable on the seat.

"What now? Drive me home then, Mr Driver," I mocked. I only heard his hiss before he turned and sat on the driver's seat.

So, the brute is offering a ride, and I'm in the midst of need. He offered it, anyway, so it's not that painful in the pride. Then might as well grab the opportunity.

He glanced at me for a moment before he started the car engine. I just grunted to show dislike. I heard his sigh.

"I have Spotify. You can listen music, so you won't get bored in the duration of our trip," he said suggestively. I just shrugged.

"No, thank you. I'd rather sleep," I said and faced the window before I lean on the backrest and closed my eyes. He drove away silently.

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