
So Perfectly Inlove

Author: AngelOfGod
Contemporary Romance
Ongoing · 189.2K Views
  • 62 Chs
  • 4.7
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  • NO.200+

What is So Perfectly Inlove

Read ‘So Perfectly Inlove’ Online for Free, written by the author AngelOfGod, This book is a Contemporary Romance Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: “Selfish brat!” Mommy was about to slap me when someone held her wrist. I swallowed hard and looked up to see who could ...


“Selfish brat!” Mommy was about to slap me when someone held her wrist. I swallowed hard and looked up to see who could it be only to gasp when I found out it was Calvin! He looked furious, like a dragon ready to spit fire. His forehead was wrinkled and his lips were on a grim line. His jaw was clenched repeatedly, and his eyes were like that of the sky's wrath. His dark aura told me that his anger is uncontrollable. “Try to lay your hands on her, and you'll taste the real hell," he said coldly. He spoke as if he was so sure of his words. It sent shivers down my spine. “Who the hell are you, and who gave you the rights to trespass without our permission?!” Mommy turned to Calvin angrily. While I could just stare at him in pure shock and wonder at the same time. How the hell did he get here? Calvin let go of her hands blustery and turned to me. I gasped when he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him that I could almost feel the heat of his body because of his burning anger. Everyone's mouth formed an ‘O’, and Mommy's anger earlier has been replaced with shock. "I'm Calvin Mendocino," he said powerfully. His head was held up high and he showed no fear even if he is in the territory of an enemy. He glanced at me. And for a moment, his expression softened. Though his aura remained dark, it felt strange that I'm more than glad that he's here. “I am and your only daughter's husband,” he declared fiercely, eyes still fixed on me. My jaw dropped as my head spun. Everything was starting to blur. And before I knew it, his words were the last thing I heard before my vision blacked out. “Allyssa!"

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Table of Contents
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Volume 1 :1


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I like the book so far. the synopsis is quite captivating, and the plot pulls at my heart strings. Also I love the depiction of a beautiful friendship, so all in all i find this to be a great find. To me, it's a keeper!


Reveal spoiler


Chapter 1 to 4 down... This novel is good. story development.👌 good character design.👌 will surely be back for more review... well done author👍🏾


Reveal spoiler


I said before, would surely be back for more reviews. I'm craving for more. The story was so far so good. One of those stories that would make you question yourself if you fell in love with the right man. A man like Calvin. 🖤🖤


Unexpectedly amazing The synopsis hits differently , and the background information pretty cool I loved it!!!! I felt that I am living with the characters that I am inside the book , not to mention how the story development is going PRETTY smooth good job author keep it u


So far so great! I look forward to where the author takes the story next. The characters are developed well and the plot is very engaging. Good job Author!


a really beautiful love story. I do hope for allyssa and Calvin to be together until the end. nice synopsis. highly recommended the book.[img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]


Beautiful story! I really love the plotline of this story...it is beautifully crafted...well described characters..it's just simple and sweet story that everyone should enjoy reading it...well I'm gonna keep reading I'm hooked...great work


what a beautiful well crafted novel. the characters are interesting, and the dialogues are doing their part, that is sewing intrigue and drama into the book! i love it! truly a great book you are guaranteed to enjoy!


I really love this book. The synopsis captivated me, and I just had to read it. There's a lot to this book and I discovered, and I'm still discovering. So lovely.


I'm so excited! What would happen next? Omoo. I'm sure they would not only face one antagonist but many! But I am also sure that they can pass all the problems because they are strong :>


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