"Ok I'm up for ideas come on guys give me something," Says the emperor with the face of one who tries to stay clem but afraid still shining in his face, And who can blem if thinking about who the one commanding the army who invited to his country, The only ones in the room is am and the three Baips sibs.
"We can make our civilians refugees and late to the army stay and fight", Says the sister
"Mai, You want to make all of our civilians refugees? , We anyway don't have any food for the refugees we get from Maj" Says the middle brother with sad in his eyes
"You right Maro but if Malach Yasqut is here we need to take this as an option we are lucky they do not attack us now but is sad of the left sevens generals can't come and give to us their very own ideas"
"Wait the hero," said the emperor with hope on his face the Baips sibs look at am not like the great emperor he is but as a little sad pappy who tries to escape from death. "The hero right now is in the Holy Kingdom of Jau right now and the arcanists there don't know how to create portals like ours and if they have they need an arcanist who visit here before"
The face of the emperor looks like that of someone who loses hope over his notion but replaces it with the face of his generals knew "Plan B" Shock was in the room "Is time to wipe them out of our country"
Era entered inside the thorn room there site the Demon lord Sadar Uuma Shed and in his side was Shat Ziz holding a box in the shape and size of the devil suff Era take with her "Good to see you again Era I hope you didn't destroy too much from the land"
She fast to kneel when she was in fort to am "Don't worry MY LORD the humans stay in they place and start to grow food the dwarfs are here and start to a blacksmith"
"Late me see them"
"Yes" Shat was a bit unhappy looking with this "wait MY LORD I know you don't care about the fact she took with here the devil stuff, But still"
"Still what?" He was silent "Well then if you don't have what to say I will go to see them"
They walk until they come inside a big stone and what Sadar sew was make am want to cry and even to die if he were in a human body but this wasn't the cast with his demon's body was stop am from showing any emotions
The dwarfs work under the guard of Imps and by looking in the dwarfs' shadows by the skill he has called "Look At Unknown" he sews shadow demons ready to kill them if they stop working and do their creation and dwarfs already look to being on the dead zone because all the wounds and scars they have in their body he understands from this Era didn't heal them after the conquest "If the humans in the Re-tary kingdom are in some position?"
("What I can do now?") He tries to think how to heal them and keep everyone under his roll without fear of them living and trying to replace am because 500 ago the demon's lord was also called the bloody lord because he was a vampire and got a rumble against his very own people because the main six items of select am as the course race demon lord start to disappear this only happened anther 2 times in the past when this happened this means the demon lord starts to be kind-hearted in the bloody lord case he drinks the dead drops of blood and doesn't kill any at all
"Heal them now this will be sad if great blacksmiths like the dwarfs will dead to us" with this Era started to create a green magic circle "Heal" she cast the most basic healing spell but as a high-tier spell the dwarfs wound and scars disappear and with one look at Shat they start to work again in stand and try to fight again for they freedom ("From the second time the items start to disappear was before 1500 years ago and from this I know of thinking do not effect at all but what I do affect the main items now how I trick them?") "Go and heal the humans who grow our food this will be sad if they die now we need the food for the ones who need eating and drinking for surviving and late to the humans only 15% from what they grow"
And with this Era teleport away, "MY LORD" And with this the two se a trained goblin raiding on wolf coming to them fast as they could "MY LORD" when he comes close to them he sews all the scars he and the wolf as the scars not going to heal again just because the trainer knew if this happened this will rumble the scars were actually am royalty crose and if you try to destroy them on your own you be a dead man when he came to them he sews a few trainers coming inside where the dwarfs were he couldn't look
When the trainers come to the dwarfs they stop their work and start to punch and kick them in time they also start destroying their souls by raping them and step by step they get off by force the dwarfs close and do them unimaginable things in the end after destroyed they souls the trainers start to do them some scars the goblin and wolf was
They took swords and whips with a red gem on the edge of the handle after this they took of flesh and blood of the dwarfs and heal them, again and again, a time of falt like to dwarfs like forever, and after the trainers were done the dwarfs come back to work with trauma on they face and trainers just go away with a smile on the face happy for what they do
On the battlefield, There are bodies of bigs rats and humans soldiers and the city of Maj becomes step by step the huge ruined ancient kingdom the emperor also fights and use a lot of different skills between them was "Slash" for a normal fighter this could help been to kill one monster in one or two hits but the emperor was strong like his generals and toss rats was week ignoring they can make you sick so with one slash he can kill twenty to thirteen in one hit of this very impressive for human
And also use anthers like "Light" of make is attack speed 100% faster and "Golden Sword" this is the sconed most stronger skill he has with this all is the armor's become a golden color and eyes start to shine with golden and every normal stat he as and triple it and also his skills get two different buffs the first every skill he owns becomes 50% stronger and the second buff give his skills the option to be shared with ones he sees as an alias and they also get some power and the first buff he has what give to them an advantage against the big rats and by that the enemies lose more lives them then
"This is bad this is really really bad," Tells to emself the emperor when killing every big rat he sees on his way and he has any right to think that way because every soldier he has on this battlefield is only a rookie and they only have basic skills even F class adventurers can defeat one vs teen fight and them even with the number different his soldier will lose to the adventurer
"My emperor the main ship of the enemy coming close"
And with this, We come back to the past two weeks before the enemy start to attack the emperor "This a joke the demon's lord just said this DOn't YoU DaRE tO TAkE Me AS FoOl" said the emperor with disbelieved on his face "But this true the emperor Jerk Niff Flop Eloron the Demon lord Sadar Uuma Shed tell by his own words to show mercy to one who knows our power or the ones who manage to survive"
"And what happened to the ones who stay alive after your conquest?"
"I can't tell what I don't know but Regina she is the one who is in charge, I'm only here for support"
"You are just the support great so what now you are leaving?" said the emperor with hope in his eyes "Not yet, I still need to stay here for invasion of will happened two weeks for now" there was silence and fear in the emperor's eyes "If this makes you happy I the one who makes sure to this two weeks will happen and also convince Regina to attack you with waves"
"To keep it simple every day we will send to you stronger and larger numbers of enemies to fight until you lose, But if you win all the waves we have for you we will leave you alone we have enough for 2 weeks of waves so be ready"
("And right now this is only the first wave") said the emperor when he killed the last of the rats "Quick check the bodies of both our and of the enemy's and tell me how many each side lose" And with this archer who stands at the top of the tower who made out of rooks and strew jump out and run and do the emperor's orders
"You go and cell for a back up no matter who it will be more soldiers anther one form the teen generals and even an adventurer will do" and with this, A soldier with covered blood sword start to run and do resounding to the emperor's orders as well
And with huge head come from the sky all that they sew was a head of a younger naive girl with skin so white to pallor with blond hair color and red eyes "Listened to me trash good job surviving the first wave wow" The magic casters there knew what this spell was a 7 tier spell called "Holo connection" this one of the weakest combat 7 tier spell but when you want to send a message to big crow this was very effective "Now only 13 to go hahaha good luck I guess"
With this, The head disappears "Where the Baip sibs?" and with this soldier, Sign to am to the right way with tears in is Jerk run with a bad feeling in his stomach and after this, He sews why every and each was from the soldier he passed was sad and crying the three Baip sibs was dead or close to dead the reason why they did not start to help because they have the known cruse celled "The tear of the fallen" they will be a goner in one week no magic caster or healer can heal them and the only two living cultures who can heal them are far away now
The first was the spirit Refa known for being the best healer in this world who can heal any wounds and cours in the last then one second but he lives in the ghost land four months' journey away from where they are
And the second is the hero who gets the stronger healing power from his unique items and skills he was gifted with tossing items on am
"What we should do know emperor?" Ask am one of the soldiers behind try to stay strong Jerk say only one smell thing but actually bigger from what he sounds like
"Late to Baip sibs be with ours greats healer and called a request for the adventurer's guild every each one we have on our emperor to go and bring to us Rafe from the ghost land quick as they could last a week and the anthers will try to bring the hero NOW!!!"