
So Far Away: A Min Yoongi Imagine

~Smeraldo Series- Book 2~ When faced with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to change your life forever, how far would you go to follow your heart? When Emma (quite literally) runs into Yoongi at Kcon, a tumultuous meeting leaves Yoongi entranced by the one woman ever daring enough to insult him. With only one evening together, Emma must decide where her heart stands with Yoongi. With two different lives, two worlds apart, and an unsure future, they both must decide if a life together after only one date is indeed worth fighting for.

YoonminTrash613 · Music & Bands
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10 Chs


"Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seatbelts as we will be taking off shortly. We will be arriving at Incheon International Airport at approximately 4:25 am. Enjoy your flight and thank you for riding Korea Air."

My legs nervously bounce as the plane starts to pull away from the building. It is starting to hit me that in just a matter of hours, I will officially be living in Seoul, a place I have only dreamt of seeing. Warm fingers lace between mine, Yoongi's thumb drawing soothing circles on the back of my hand. I look over and he's looking right at me, smiling, "Getting cold feet?" I shake my head, "My feet are toasty warm." He laughs but then gets serious, "It's okay if you are. This is a big deal. A big change. I understand if you need time to take it all in." I kiss the back of his hand and nod. "Blankets?" The flight attendant asks before she hands us two charcoal gray fleece blankets and continues walking down the aisle. We're only 7 hours into our flight with a long way to go. I take a sip of water as Yoongi covers us with a shared blanket. It's warm underneath the blanket as he puts away the armrest separating us and pulls me closer, his arms around my waist. I snuggle into his chest and kiss him just beneath his jaw. Yoongi places his hand across my cheek and jaw as he turns his head to kiss me. His soft lips brush against mine. Placing his forehead against mine, eyes closed, he whispers "Thank you for believing in me. For waiting for me. I love you." My eyes water. Those were the words I needed to hear at this very moment. My shoulders relax and I feel at ease. As scary as it seems, I know what I am doing is the right thing. This is exactly where I am supposed to be.

The cabin is perfectly quiet. Most passengers seem to be asleep while others watch movies or work on laptops with headphones. Yoongi and I are sharing headphones as his playlist continues on shuffle. Jay Park's "Sex Trip" starts playing and I instantly bite my lip, always falling weak for this song. Clearing my throat, I take a sip of water. I peek at Yoongi and his eyes are closed, licking his lips. I see his Adam's Apple move as he swallows. I snuggle against him, wrapping my arm around his stomach. Peeking back up at him, I find him already looking down at me, eyes dilated and hooded.

~Yoongi's POV~

I'm addicted. Her warmth. Her beauty. Her scent. Her taste. I can't get enough of her. It's hard for me to contain myself when she's so close but with Jay Park's sensual beat and smooth singing, it's too much to take. I look down into her big, round eyes, sparkling in the dim lighting. She bites her lip, her hand on my stomach gripping my shirt. With my hand holding the back of her neck, I pull her closer, kissing her. Emma tugs my shirt tighter as she parts her lips, a sweet pleading whimper escaping her throat. Her hands make their way under my shirt. She trails a finger down my stomach to the band of my jeans. Hooking a finger underneath the waistband of my boxers, she runs her finger across my hip and V line before reaching into my pants. I'm losing control and barely remembering we're in a crowded airplane. Grabbing her wrist, I stop her, pulling her hand out, "Go to the restroom. Leave the door unlocked." Licking her lips, she quietly gets up and walks to the back of the plane. I discreetly look around to make sure no one's watching. Adjusting my pants, I push the blanket off and follow her two minutes later.

Pushing the restroom door aside, I let myself in. She instantly grips my shirt, pulling me against her. I wrap her hair around my hand and pull her head back. I run my tongue up her neck before sucking her earlobe, gently biting down. She breathlessly giggles as I push her against the wall of the tiny restroom. Reaching my hand into her sweat pants, I thrust two fingers inside her. Clamping my hand over her mouth, Emma moans into my palm. As much as I wish I could indulge in all of the sweet noises she makes, I also would rather not be caught fucking my girlfriend by a stranger, 35,000 feet in the sky. I kiss her neck, my fingers working even faster the more she writhes, chasing her own release. Her juices flow down my hand before she yells into my mouth, nails digging into my shoulders, her body twitches, walls clenching around my fingers as she rides her orgasm. Her body relaxes, a thin sheen of sweat glistening on her body. She licks her lips, making my dick twitch. Spinning her around, her face and hands against the cool, metal walls, I rip her pants down to her knees. Gripping her hips, she pushes against me, grinding against my bulge. A wet mark forms on my pants and I don't know if it's from her or me. I reach one hand under her thin, white shirt and bra, grabbing her breasts. Lightly pinching her nipples, I grab her neck, my body pressed against hers, my mouth to her ear, "Do you want me?" She nods her head, "So fucking badly.. daddy ." I smile to myself, endeared by the pet name, "'Daddy'?" Her eyes flutter open, deep blue eyes, pupils fully dilated with heat, "I'm trying it out. Please, I need you..I want you to fuck me 'til it hurts." I bite down on her shoulder before placing a kiss on the bruising mark, "Mmm, I love it when you're needy. My sweet, dirty baby." Unzipping my jeans, my swollen dick rising up against my belly, a thin, sticky line of pre-cum connects my throbbing dick to the band of my boxers. I rub the tip against her soaking wet pussy. She lets out a whimper, pleading as she pushes her hips against me. She rubs herself against my shaft, leaving me soaked. I push myself inside of her, her tightness throwing me over the edge. I lean my head against her back, biting down to smother my growls. I intertwine our fingers and brace ourselves against the wall. She leans her head against the metal wall, a bead of sweat falling down the side of her face. Our hips meet thrust for thrust, skin against skin. I kiss the nape of her neck, whispering, "You're so wet for me I could drown in you forever." I can hear her breath hitch as she leans her head back against mine.

Emma faces the mirror, fixing her ponytail. My arms around her waist, I rest my chin on her shoulder, watching, perfectly content. She looks at me through the mirror, a smile lighting up her face, "Yoongs, I'm happy." I kiss her, again, "I can't wait to take you home." Once she's ready, I slowly open the restroom door to find 2 stewardesses whispering and snickering. My ears get hot as they smile at me. I start making my way to our seats when I hear someone to my right laugh and say "nice... daddy ". With a simple shrug, my ego just a tiny bit more boosted, I continue to our seats.

~Your POV~

I wake up to the smell of spices and laughter. Yawning, I stretch before burrowing myself even deeper under the soft covers. I look around the room, forgetting where I am for a second. Then it dawns on me that I'm in the BTS dorm. I am organizing my things when I hear a knock on the bedroom door, "Come in." Yoongi comes in with a steaming cup of coffee. He hands me the cup and kisses my forehead, "Did you sleep okay?" I take a sip of the coffee and nod my head, "I was so tired from the flight. I'm pretty sure I fell asleep before my head even hit the pillows." He laughs and pats my head, "Almost ready to come to greet everyone? They're so impatient. Hyung made lunch. Knowing how much you eat, I know you're hungry by now." As if on cue, my stomach rumbles. Laughing, he rubs my belly and sits on the bed, " I'll wait for you so we can go together." I snap my suitcase shut, "Yoongs..am I staying in a separate room from you until we find a place or. . ." He grabs my hand and pulls me over, placing his hands on my hips, "That's up to you. I know you're in a new place and I want you to be comfortable. This is your home now, too. I'd rather us sleep together but if you need your own space, this room is all yours. My manager cleared a day next week for me so we can go look at some places the staff gathered. I wanted to talk to you about something while we're on the subject. We haven't talked about whether we're moving in together or not." He's right. We have been so wrapped up in moving here that neither one of us addressed whether we'll actually live together or not. I ponder for a second, playing with the stubble forming on his chin, "Well, most importantly, we should find somewhere close by to your studio. Maybe somewhere between here and the studio." He smiles and nods, "Ok, so we have a location. About moving in, I think we should wait for me to move in. We just started dating and I want to experience that with you. I don't want to rush too fast and overwhelm you. Let's pick a place together, we'll shop for furniture and anything you want and when you're ready, I'll move in." I nod, grateful that he already understands me without me having to say a word.

"Waaahhh! She's alive!" Seokjin bounds across the dining room and hugs me, my feet briefly lifting off the ground. The other 5 members come over and take turns hugging me. "Sit down, sit down!" Taehyung exclaims, pulling out a seat for me while everyone else takes seats. Jimin hands Taehyung a glass of juice, "Taehyungie, your English is getting much better." Tae smiles back at Jimin across the table before sitting to my left. Yoongi's on my right, already piling food on my plate. Everything looks so delicious, my mouth already salivating, "Did you cook all this, Jin? This is amazing." Jin smiles proudly before nodding, "It's a special occasion and Yoongi mentioned you would be hungry so I made extra. How was your flight?" I look over at Yoongi and blush, "Um.. long.. but enjoyable." Jin looks between us before blushing himself, Jungkook choking on his banana milk. "Namjoon- ah , is noona coming over today?" I looked toward Hoseok, confused until I remembered Namjoon's engagement, "Oh! That's right! Congratulations!!" Namjoon shyly smiles, "Thank you. I guess Yoongi told you. We're not public yet. She should be arriving soon. She wanted to meet you. She's excited to finally have another woman around. You'll have to come by for dinner sometime with Yoongi- hyung ."

We're sitting around the living room catching up over the last three years when a young girl enters the room. She's gorgeous with long brown hair thrown in a loose bun, an oversized Kumamon hoodie, frayed jean shorts, and converse. Namjoon jumps when he sees her, "Oh, you're home! Yaman-In, this is my beautiful fiancee." Confused by the nickname, I tilt my head at Namjoon, "Yaman-In?" His fiancee approaches me, her hand outstretched, a simple diamond ring on her finger, "Yaman-In means savage in Korean. I've heard the story about the time you met at Kcon and it's kind of been your nickname ever since. It's so nice to finally meet you! I'm Mia. Actually, if I'm being honest, I hope I get to see firsthand how you earned that nickname. Yoongi told me about you but it took him so long to finally get the balls to get you that I was starting to think you were made up." Everyone laughs, even Yoongs with his bright red ears. Her smile is bright and she has a certain warmth about her. I can see why Namjoon loves her.

Mia walks to Namjoon and sits on his lap, throwing her arms around his neck as he embraces her. I sit down next to Yoongi and he grabs my hand, smiling his perfect gummy smile, "So, how did you two meet?" Namjoon looks at his fiancee, while his fingers play with her ring, "I spilled coffee on her... after running into her and almost knocking her over the night before." I burst out laughing, "Seriously?" Namjoon laughs, his dimples prominent on his cheeks, "It's the only time being clumsy worked out for me. I bought her a coffee, we spent some time talking on a bench and I just knew I needed to see her again. Luckily, our schedules weren't crazy that week because Mia and Jenn were begging to hang out with us every day. " Mia laughed as she continued to run her fingers through his hair, "Excuse me? Who was the first one to text who? Sure as hell wasn't me and I definitely don't hear you complaining about those last couple of nights." Everyone laughs as Namjoon's face turns bright red. Jimin slaps Hoseok, still laughing, "Remember those scratches he had? Looked like a got mauled. You both should be thankful Jenn came up with the idea to surprise you." Taehyung opens a new beer, smiling as they recall obviously pleasant memories, "Oh, yeah! Remember the pictures she kept secretly taking of Joon and Mia? That was a smart idea. Didn't Jin- hyung have a crush on Jenn?" "No, I don't know what you're talking about," Seokjin responds. I fondly watch as they all joke around, teasing each other and laughing, all except Jungkook.Yoongi, red-faced with alcohol, points towards Seokjin, "Yeah, right. You were crushing on her hard! We all saw how you looked at her." Seokjin just shrugs, taking a drink from his beer, "Yeah, well, I was drunk and lonely and she was cute. Besides, she liked someone else, anyway." The love between Mia and Namjoon is obvious as she rests her head so comfortably on his shoulder, the biggest smile on his face as he continues to play with her ring. "She did? On one of you?" Namjoon asks. Seokjin simply waves his hand, "With this face? Nah, it must've been someone from back home." More laughter breaks out as Hoseok throws a pillow at Seokjin, but what really caught my eye was how Jimin and Jungkook looked at each other, sharing an unspoken thought as Mia watched them curiously.

It's after midnight but I'm wide awake, not quite used to the time change yet. I walk through the quiet loft, the sound of music faintly coming from Namjoon's room. I make my way to the kitchen for a glass of milk. "Jet lag?" I turn around to find Mia sitting on the couch with a glass of wine. She hops up and comes over, taking a seat at the breakfast bar. I sit next to her with my milk, "Yeah. It's so weird. I've never really traveled before and now I'm living halfway across the world." She smiles and nods, "I totally get it, trust me. The first time I ever left home was when I won a trip here for a week. That's when I met Joonie. It takes time to get used to. You'll have your good days... and you'll have your bad. One thing I do know, though, is that moving here for someone I love was the best decision I could've ever made. I gained a new life, new friends, and a whole new family. The guys and even the staff are sweet and so welcoming. We're all here for you." I smile at her kind words, "Thanks. I'll get used to everything. It's different but worth it. Was it hard leaving your best friend behind?" Mia walks to the freezer and pulls out a tub of cookie dough ice cream and two large spoons before sitting down again, handing me a spoon, "Ridiculously hard. We practically grew up together so starting a new life across the world was hard. Moving to South Korea was something both of us only dreamt of doing. I tried getting her to move with me but her life changed shortly after we flew back home from our trip. After that, she just had a greater responsibility that she felt obligated to stay home for. I still hope she will change her mind soon. Maybe you can help me convince her when she comes for our wedding." "How about with Namjoon? Just like Yoongi and I, it seems like you and Joon didn't have much time together before you decided to be together. Did that change at all after moving here?" I ask, curious to know more about the only other woman that knows exactly what I am going through at this moment. Mia licks the remnants of ice cream from her spoon, "I've only been here about two years but in all that time, I only fall more in love with him. If there's one thing you should know about our boys, it's that they are inhumanely kind, loyal, and humble. At times when Joonie and I struggled to find a rhythm together as a new, multicultural couple, the rest of them were here to help both of us through it. They never once let us fail because even when we fought, they understood that being together was far more important to us than some petty argument. Each and every one of those seven men are pure-hearted. You know, Yoongi always focused on work just for you. He'd lock himself in his studio for hours on end, sometimes all night just to work all day with no sleep. He told me about you but he wanted to stay in the background of your life until the time was right. He looks down on himself. I think he just wanted to feel worthy of having you. You left quite an impression on him when you met." I think back to that fateful day we met at Kcon, "The feeling is mutual. I've never met anyone that can infuriate me so fast but make me feel loved and special two seconds later. I would've waited forever for him. I love him." She smiles and nods her head, "Good because he deserves it. He seems cold and careless but Yoongi is one of the most sensitive and caring people I know. He has a fragile heart but he won't hesitate to put others first, even if it means getting hurt himself. Take good care of him." I scoop some ice cream and nod "yes". I'm finally starting to feel like I'm home, right where I belong.

"NO! What are you doing ?!"

"Ouch, my foot!"

"Tilt it! No, the other way!"


"This isn't fucking Friends , Joon-ah!"

"Watch your fing- nevermind."

I've been living in Seoul for two months and I'm finally able to move into my apartment. I blow a lock of hair out of my face as I watch Yoongi and Taehyung fight their way through the door with the couch. I hear a bang and broken glass from the hallway. I already know who. "Sorry" is called out from the hall. I chuckle to myself, "It's okay, Joon! It's one less thing to unpack." Namjoon emerges from the hall and heads straight to the broom closet, a sheepish grin on his blushing face. "Ouch, my toe!" I turn to find Taehyung holding his foot, the couch finally through the door. Yoongi rolls his eyes, "I told you to stop taking off your damn shoes everywhere you go. This isn't even your house." I run to examine Taehyung's foot and scold Yoongi, "Oh, shut up, Yoongs! You act like you never get yourself hurt and besides, Tae's welcome here whenever the hell he wants so he can be barefoot as much as he wants." I stick my tongue out at him as I stand back up, "It's a little red but you're fine. I'll move the couch so you can sit. Take a break." I ruffle Taehyung's hair and start pulling the massive couch into place. Yoongi grabs the other end, "Yah, Taehyungie, just because she said you're welcome, you better not start coming here all the time." Taehyung plops down on the couch and props his feet up, flicking his hair. Seokjin shows up out of nowhere and smacks him in the back of the head, "Behave." Hoseok walks in with a large box while Jungkook follows with two. I see Namjoon turn the corner with a large lamp. I start running over to him but Jimin beats me to it, "I'll take this, hyung . Why don't you bring up the pillows instead?"

We sit around the coffee table drinking beer and watching Running Man . We finally got all of my furniture situated and even had time to unpack and organize my boxes. Jungkook plops himself on the couch, his head on Jimin's lap while Taehyung yawns and leans his head on Jimin's shoulder. Mia's asleep under Namjoon's arm, a half-full bottle of beer in his hand. Hoseok laughs at a joke Seokjin made while Yoongi sits on the floor between my legs, his head laying back on my lap. He hums as I run my fingers through his hair. "Yaman-in, I can't believe you're already moving out. I'm going to miss you. You're the only one besides Jin- hyung that can shut Yoongi-hyung up." I laugh at Jimin's words, "If he ever annoys you, call me and I'll shut him up for you." Yoongi lifts his head, glaring at Jimin, "Yah, do you really have to talk about me like I'm not here?" Laughing, I lean down and kiss Yoongi's forehead, "Jimin- ssi , you're all more than welcome here whenever you want. Please think of this as your home, too. I'm going to miss you guys like crazy."